Pinky, the bunny, loved Easter. Every year he painted
eggs for all the animals in the meadow. He got out his cans of paint and
sat down among the flowers. One by one he painted the eggs. He put them
down on the grass to dry. Once he had a few, he called all the animals
in the meadow. “Come here, animals. I'm the Easter bunny and I've
brought you some eggs.”
One by one the animals came to visit. Mr. and Mrs.
Bluebird brought their baby, Indigo. Pinky gave the baby bird a red egg.
“Thank you, Pinky. Happy Easter.” Indigo nibbled his chocolate egg.
Rocky, the raccoon came to visit with his mom and
dad. Pinky gave him a blue egg. Rocky nibbled on it and said, “Thank
you, Pinky.”
Mona mouse came to visit. She didn't want to eat her
egg right then, she wanted to save it to eat at night, so she carried it
home. “Thank you, Pinky.”
Pinky painted eggs all day long and gave them all
away. When he got tired, he gathered all his paints and paintbrushes and
was about to leave when he heard, “Happy Easter, Pinky.” He turned
around and saw all the animals of the meadow. Each of them helped carry
a huge foil-wrapped chocolate egg for him. “You do nice things for us,
so we did something nice for you.”
Pinky wiped the tears away. Nobody ever had done that
for him before. This was the happiest Easter he'd every had.