“Jonah, where
did you get those green balls from?” Darby picked one up and examined
“I found them in
the woods. They were lying around the bottom of a huge tree. They’re
pretty cool, aren’t they?” Jonah held one near his eye. “They sparkle. I
think they’re magical.”
“Magical glass
balls? Why would someone leave them lying around in the woods for anyone
to find?” Darby scoffed.
“I don’t know.
Maybe I should make a wish and see what happens. What do you think?”
Jonah rubbed one of the balls with his fingers.
“Wait. What are
you going to wish for?” Darby’s eyes twinkled with excitement. “Make it
a good wish.”
“I will. I wish
I was in Scotland.” Jonah closed his eyes. He didn’t feel anything so he
peeked out one of his eyes. “Did it work? Am I in Scotland?”
“No and that was
a stupid wish. Why didn’t you wish for a bag of gold, or a big house, or
a year’s supply of food?” Darby folded his arms across his chest.
“It didn’t work,
so why worry about it.”
“What if it had?
You’d have ended up in Scotland. It’s freezing cold there and all it
does is rain.” Darby shook his head. “Scotland. Bah!”
“I love
Scotland. There are thistles and bluebells and heather. It’s pretty. If
I lived there I’d have my very own castle and I’d wear a kilt.” Jonah
grinned at the thought.
“Let’s go back
to the tree where you found them. Maybe there’s some sort of clue as to
what the green balls are for. You lead the way, Jonah.” Darby followed
his friend deep into the woods.
“Here it is.
This is the tree.”
“It looks sort
of scary. I’ve never seen so many leaves before. It’s not a haunted
tree, is it?” Darby stepped back. Both glanced at the tree. A pair of
eyes opened on the trunk. “Jonah, do you see what I see? The tree is
Jonah watched as
the eyes opened wider and a mouth appeared. He gasped. “Who are you?”
The tree smiled.
“My name is Green Man. I see you’ve gathered some of my berries.”
Jonah looked at
the balls in his hands. “These are berries?”
“What did you
think they were?” The tree laughed.
“Magic glass
balls,” Darby blurted. “We thought we could make a wish.”
Jonah saw all
the acorns around the green man’s face. “You sure have a lot of acorns.”

“I do. I’m
always looking for more. Come closer, both of you, and I’ll tell you a
secret.” The tree whispered as they stepped closer. Neither saw a twig
moving behind them. It touched them on the shoulder and POOF! They
turned into acorns. Green Man put them right above his eyes and laughed.
“Magic glass balls. Ha!” He closed his eyes and stood silent as a small
boy and his sister came closer to gather the berries.