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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
A Hobo's Life for Honey?

        Honey was tired of living in the same old cave, in the same old forest. She wanted to go somewhere new and different, so she packed some honeycomb, nuts, and berries in a handkerchief and tied it onto a stick. She headed towards the tall pine tree on top of the other mountain.

        She hadn't gone far when it began to rain. Thunder boomed and lightning flashed across the sky, drenching her and turning her fur into a soggy, limp, mess. But she kept on walking.

        The rain stopped after a while, but with every step Honey took, she sank into the mud deeper. Soon it was so thickly caked on her feet that she couldn't walk. She sat down and tried to pull the mud off, but ended up falling backwards and rolling down a steep hill. She landed in a stream with a splash!

        Honey stood, shook the water off and continued. "This is horrible.  Why did I leave home?" She came to the edge of a cliff and looked over the edge. "Whoa! I'm high up. I wonder what's down there." Because it had rained so much, the ground gave away and she fell over the edge, rolling down like a tumbleweed. She landed with a thud in a sticker bush. "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!" It took her an hour to pull them all out.

        She hobbled along the valley, glancing now and then at the top of the cliff. "That was not fun! I could have been killed." Boulders lay scattered about, blocking her way. She had to climb over them. A particularly huge boulder lay across the whole valley. "How will I ever get over that?" She took a deep breath and climbed up to the top. "Now, how do I get  down the other side?" Just then a gust of wind blew, knocking her off. She rolled and bounced off the boulder and landed at the bottom, on top of a patch of dandelions. She lay there for a few moments. "Well, at least I didn't land on stickers."

        From under her tummy she heard a buzzing noise. Dozens of big black bumblebees had been gathering nectar from the dandelions and started stinging her. "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!"  Honey jumped up and ran, swatting the attacking bees, and threw herself into a pond. She had to hold her breath and wait until they left.

        "Enough! Enough!" she cried. She grabbed her backpack and looked inside. Everything was smashed to mush. The honeycomb had oozed honey all over everything else, making a sticky mess. She tossed it into the bushes. "I'm going home!" she said loudly, and walked back up the hill, through the woods and across the meadow until she came to her cave.

"Home, sweet home," she said. She curled up into a ball and fell asleep.

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