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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Lost Your Marbles?

Lost Your Marbles?Tears ran down Rodney’s cheeks. "Nobody likes me," he cried. He pulled his knees closer to his chest and rocked back and forth. "I’m going to stay in this tree all day long. I know nobody will miss me."

Rodney thought about what had happened earlier that day. He’d been sitting under the tree, enjoying the shade and playing with his marbles. He loved his marbles. He had many different types, such as agates, alleys, commies, bumboozers, and crystals. Some were blue, some were red, and some were cat-eyes. He liked to hold each one up and look at it in the sunlight.

Billy and Willy had come walking by. "Look at Rodney playing with his bag of marbles." They teased him and made fun of him. Willy reached down and picked up a handful of Rodney’s favorite cat-eyes. "Lose your marbles, Rodney?"

Rodney jumped up. "Give them back. Those are my cat-eyes." While Rodney chased Willy around the tree, Billy grabbed the rest of his marbles and ran away. Willy ran away too, leaving Rodney at the tree with no more marbles.

Rodney had climbed to the top of the tree and sat on a branch. He was still sitting there hours later. "They took my marbles. Why does everybody tease me?"

"Rodney?" a voice called. Rodney looked down. Willy and Billy were there and so was their mum. "Rodney, Willy and Billy have something for you," she called.

Rodney climbed down the tree. "Sorry that we stole your marbles. Here," Billy said, putting the bag in Rodney’s hand. "They’re all there."

"Willy? Don’t you have something to say to Rodney?" his mum asked.

Willy scowled and then said, "Rodney, Billy and I want you to come to our birthday party tomorrow."

"That’s right, Rodney. The twins really want you to come. I’d leave your bag of marbles at home though, just in case they get lost," Willy and Billy’s mum said.

After they left Rodney began to smile. He’d been invited to a birthday party. He knew just the thing to give Willy and Billy. The next day at the party when they opened their gifts, both were surprised to see a bag or marbles for each of them. "Thank you, Rodney," Willy said.

"Thanks, Rodney," Billy said. "Will you tell us about these marbles?"

Rodney was happy. Billy and Willy were excited to learn what a cat-eye and agate was. They never teased Rodney again. Instead, they brought their marbles and came to sit with him under the tree.

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