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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Hashid’s Room

Hashid lived in the desert, in a house made of dried mud. It was square, had a flat roof, and small slits in the walls for windows. It was several stories high. Hashid’s room was on the top floor. He loved having his room be at the top of the house. He could look out of his window and see the whole city. When he heard the morning call to prayer crying out from the minaret, he’d run to the window and look. He could see the man standing in the balcony of the minaret. Soon after, all the men in the village would walk towards the mosque for Morning Prayer. Sometimes Hashid went with his father, but not usually to the early morning prayer. Most of the time he was still sleeping.

He could look down on the bazaar and loved going there with his mother. It was always busy. From his room the people looked like ants crawling through a maze. There were so many colorful things in the bazaar, such as fabric, leather goods, carpets, and scarves.

Hashid could see the school where his older brother and sister went every day to learn to read, write, and count. He couldn’t wait until he was old enough to go there and learn about the world.

Hashid loved it when it rained. In the desert it didn’t rain very often, but when it did, he would stick his arms out the window and catch the raindrops in his hands. If it was still daytime, he’d run down the stairs and go outside and splash in the mud. His mother didn’t like it when he did that. The mud was red and it stained his white robe. He loved the way the mud squished between his toes.

If Hashid looked far enough he could see the farmlands, green and fertile. He often went with his mother to the farms to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. His favorite was watermelon, but he loved beans and eggplant too. Sometimes the farmers would let him pick his own oranges from the trees. He had a lot of fun doing that.

At night, Hashid would curl up on the pile of pillows on the floor. He didn’t sleep in a bed. He didn’t have to use a blanket because it never got cold, but his mother kept a sheepskin nearby incase he needed it. He could see all the stars in the sky through his windows. Hashid was happy with his life in the desert.

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