Andrew's mom
went to run a few errands and left him home by himself for an hour.
Andrew knew the rules when he stayed home alone. He had to stay in the
house and sit at the table in the kitchen to draw, paint, or play with
clay. One of the things his mom forgot to tell him was that he couldn't
eat the chocolate cake she'd just made.
After his mom
left, Andrew went into the kitchen and played with his clay. His gaze
kept going towards the cake. “Mom didn't say I couldn't eat the cake.
Mom didn't say I couldn't eat anything.” So Andrew made himself a six
layer sandwich, piled high with lettuce, cheese, raspberry jam, peanut
butter, onions and chocolate syrup. When he finished eating that, he ate
four muffins, a slice of pumpkin pie, two pieces of lemon meringue pie
with chocolate ice cream and cut himself a huge piece of the chocolate
When he finished
eating everything, he saw all the cake crumbs and bread crusts on the
table. He cleaned them up and played with his clay again. His tummy
started to rumble and he didn't feel very good. When he saw his
reflection in the toaster, he noticed his face was green.
A few minutes
later his mom came home. She saw the missing piece of cake and then all
the missing pie slices and muffins. A jam-covered knife lay in the sink.
“Andrew, did you have something to eat?”
Andrew looked up
at his mom. “I don't feel well, Mom. I feel sick.”
His mom made him
go to bed. All night long Andrew was sick. He groaned and moaned and
thought about the cake and the six layer sandwich, which only made him
feel more sick.
When morning
came Andrew felt better. “I feel okay, Mom, but I never want to eat food
again. Never!”
His mom smiled.
She knew he'd forget about it by supper time, and he did.