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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
The Pink Tie

Randy, the chameleon, lived outside under a bush. Since all the leaves were green, and since Randy never left the bushes, he had no idea that he could change colors.

One day Mr. Lamont left his back window open.

Randy was running through the grass when he spotted it. "What's this? An open window? I wonder what's inside Mr. Lamont's croft." Without giving it another thought, Randy ran up the side of the house and in through the open window. He darted through the house, looking in each room. He didn't notice that his skin turned different colors, depending on where he was. When he went into Mr. Lamont's bedroom, he saw a coat hanger with ten different ties on it. "Well, will you look at that. He's got tartan ties, ties with circles and stripes and even a tie that is pink with orange and blue squares on it."

The chameleon ran over to the ties and jumped on the pink one. Just then he turned and looked at a mirror. He saw his skin turning pink with orange and blue squares. "Blimey!" He screeched and jumped to one of tartan ties. "Yikes! I'm tartan!" He let out a loud shriek and stuck out his curly tongue. When he leaped to the tie with cirlces and stripes on it, his skin turned the same design. "Och, I don't like this at all."

Randy dropped to the ground and ran back into the kitchen and out the window. When he reached his bush he panted and clung to the green leaves. "I will never go inside that house again. It's haunted!"

A fly flew past and Randy caught it with his long, sticky tongue. "Yummy! It's good to be back home."

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