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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Rainbow Bear

A long time ago in a land far away lived a bar named Isis. Her fur was as white as snow. Some days Isis didn't like having white fur. She found it too boring. While she sat on a tree stump, she saw all the birds and animals run by.

Peter peacock had blue and green feathers and a tail that spread out wide. Peter had a lot of color and was not dull and boring, like Isis.

Polly parrot had purple feathers with red and green wings and a yellow tail. Polly had an orange beak and was not dull and boring.

Zack zebra had black and white stripes. Lucy leopard had spots. They were not dull and boring at all.

"All the other animals have color. Why am I so boring and dull and white?" Isis hung her head down and cried.

As she sat pouting a gray cloud floated above her in the sky. Rain fell on her and soon her fur got wet. When the rain stopped, a rainbow went from one side of the sky to the other. Isis smiled. "I have an idea." She ran through the rainbow. When she came out the other side, her fur had turned red, yellow, pink, green, purple, orange and blue. "I'm not dull and boring any more. I've got a lot of color, like Peter, Polly, Zack and Lucy."

From that day on the other animals called her Rainbow Bear and she was never sad again.

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