with tulips and daffodils and warm, sunny days, spring brings with it baby
animals. Betty and Bobby bunny had their first baby, Ben. Baby Ben loved
to eat carrots and watch the chicks and the bluebirds.
When he
was able to sit they took him to the meadow. Betty carried a basket of
apples to feed to the new pony and Bobby held a bowl of seed for the
chicks. Mrs. Goose showed up with a sack of birdseed on her back. She was
on her way to feed the baby bluebirds and robins.
Baby Ben
played with his carrot and watched all the animals run around.
Mrs. Duck
came by with her ducklings and Mr. Sheep brought his new lamb to play with
Baby Ben.
Betty and
Bobby bunny sat under the branches of a willow tree and listened to the
robins sing, happy to see Baby Ben and all his new friends and most of
all, happy that it was spring. |