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Children's Stories
by Margo Fallis
Stories for Younger Children
Fast Cars

Fast Cars

Zack lived on a busy street.  A lot of cars sped by. Zack’s mum told him never to go in the street. She said if he did, a car may hit him and hurt him. Zack’s mum told him this every day. “Don’t go in the street, Zack!”

One day Zack’s mum had to go to the store. She left Zack home with his big sister, Treena. Treena went to her room and put on her music. It was loud. She did not look out for Zack. She did not ask Zack to come to her room. Zack didn’t know what to do. He was bored.

Zack went into his back yard and saw the big oak tree. “I think I will go into the tree and sit on the branch. Maybe I will see a bird nest with eggs in it.” Zack sat on the branch but he did not see a bird’s nest. There were no birds at all in the tree. Zack was bored.

Zack went into his front yard and sat on the grass. He saw a lot of cars in the street. They were moving fast. How many cars did he see? “I see one car. I see two cars. I see three, four, five, six cars.” There were a lot of cars. Zack wanted to go into the street and see the cars, but he did not go. “Mum said I cannot go in the street so I will sit on the curb and watch them go by.” Zack sat on the curb. He saw a yellow car. He saw a blue car. He saw red, green, orange and pink cars. “Wow! What a lot of cars there are in the street. They are fast cars.”

“Zack, where are you?” It was his sister, Treena. “Zack, where are you?” She went into the back yard. Zack was not there. I hope he didn’t go into the street. It’s busy and there are a lot of cars!” She ran into the front yard. “Zack! Come back away from the street!”

Zack saw Treena. He stood up. “I’m coming. I saw a lot of cars. They were fast cars. I saw a green car and a red car and a yellow car too.”

Treena was mad. “Zack, Mum said not to go in the street. Why did you?”

“I didn’t go in the street. I sat on the curb and watched the cars,” Zack said.

“You can come into my room and we can listen to my music,” Treena said. “We’ll get some buns and milk and soda pop and ice cream too.”

Zack felt glad. He went with Treena. They sat and ate buns and ice cream and drank milk and soda pop. Zack sang songs with Treena. When Mum came home, she was happy to see Zack and Treena in her room. Treena did not tell her mum that Zack sat on the curb near the street!

“I will never sit on the curb and I will not go in the street,” Zack said and licked his ice cream.

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