We are a long way from
being ready but I do believe the end is in sight. This week we went to
Russell food equipment to order dishes glasses and other bits and
pieces Mark Briton has been looking after us for many years, we
decided on plain white china as it was the least painful decision.

The new floor is complete
ready for sanding and is already attracting positive comments.

The place is really
looking clean and bright and here is a then and now comparison...

The bakery prep area is
ready for tiling...

The washrooms are all
newly drywalled and we are thinking of adding fixtures...

Our sign letters have been
cut out of special wood ready to be finished...

The new heating and air
conditioning is still not up and running but is close and equipment
companies are itching to deliver, we get our telephone tomorrow, the
credit debit machine is ready, our daughter Sarra is designing menu
covers, labels and a logo. I think we have thought of everything.
Shit! I forgot to apply
for the Operating license.
Cheers, Frank and June