We drew a line in the
dust and decided to push for an October 12th opening, only about a
month behind schedule. All the trades are cooperating as best they can
with Dave putting forth a heroic effort, between doing his woodwork
and trying to keep me away from a paint brush he has been working
round the clock, I think I'll have to give him a free box of chips
when we open.
We brought in our
friend Andrew Allan to do the gas piping work, he has forgotten more
than most people know about these things so it gives us confidence
that we wont blow up.

Andy trying to remember some of the things he forgot

Dave stuck me out the back ally to paint
the letters for the sign he
figured, he figured I couldn't make too much of a mess. I fixed him, I
paint on his truck.

Heinz tried to hide in the ceiling but we could still see him.

The guys from Safety First. Note the hats they take their name

The sign goes up note big Rick bottom left appreciate a good laugh.

Yours truly. "You're gonna have to take this paint brush from my cold
dead hand"

The queue for jobs.
Frank and June