This week we went
Milvan Steel to visit our custom made fish and chip hoppers, a good
thing as they had the tops on backwards.

After a quick stop at
the bank to shore up our account we went to see the newly installed
exhaust hoods and you guest it they were positioned about 18 inches
out of place and have to be moved.

Chris the painter had a
haircut that obviously went wrong.

Dave is doing a great
job of the new floor it is Ash with Cherry inlay, the boards were
custom milled and some are 9 inches wide. Dave really loves wood here
is a picture of him kissing the new floor. By the way that's his most
photogenic side.

I've been working on
the menu this week trying to decide which sandwiches to include. We
intend to have our own slow roasted gammon, a fish sandwich of some
sort, a chip buttie, Ayrshire bacon on a bun etc. I have also come up
with a name for a sandwich " The Saturday Sannie" and would love some
suggestions of what it should be.
Frank and June