A few
days ago, some new Scottish Government figures were released. They
revealed a rising number of homophobic, Islamophobic and racist attacks
being carried out in Scotland.
For those who believe that Scotland is a tolerant and multicultural
society, free of the tensions which inflict themselves upon towns and
cities across England, this makes uncomfortable reading. The One Nation,
Many Cultures campaign launched several years ago is clearly not
resonating as intended.
Or is it? In fact, further examination shows that the statistics paint
something of a false picture. No less than 75 per cent of the charges
resulted from a demonstration organised by the far right Scottish
Defence League, so the figures have been skewed by a single event.
There is, however, no room for complacency here. We are not so hugely
different or distant from England that the intolerance we have seen down
south in recent weeks cannot spill into Scotland. Indeed, organisations
like the SDL will do everything they can to encourage that.
This is fully recognised by the Scottish Government, which is determined
to cut off racism at the roots. Roseanna Cunningham, the Community
Safety Minister, has made it clear that prejudice will not be tolerated
in Scotland.

Glasgow Central Mosque
That is, of course, as it
should be. All support from government is to be applauded and helps to
set the terms of the debate. But intolerance cannot be eradicated
through legislation and diktat. It is hearts and minds, and not
statutes, that have to be changed.
Any prejudice is, of course, to be utterly deplored. There is work to be
done. But we are lucky here in Scotland in that minority communities
have tended over time to integrate and be accepted. Even Orange marches
these days tend to be more derided than accepted.
As a Scottish Asian, I feel completely comfortable - and why shouldn't
I? After all, this is my country as much as anyone else's. It is this
historical tolerance which allows me that sense of ownership.
I'm proudly and robustly one of Jock Tamson's Bairns - so much so, in
fact, that I'm standing for the SNP in next year's European Parliament
elections. I won't win or lose because of my background - it will happen
on the basis of the policies of my party and the trust the voters place
in me.
All of us share far more in common than we do things that separate us.
Our value systems about caring for one another, creating a fairer
society, building equality and opportunity for everyone, compassion and
caring, are shared. Religion and background simply don't come into it.
Islam has suffered a pretty bad press of late. Those who criticise it
don't fully understand that it is a religion of peace, underpinned by a
respect for other religions and for human life and dignity. Compassion
and tolerance are at its heart.
That said, it hasn't always been very quick to explain its own culture
and contribution. It needs to take more practical steps to do this. I
want to see mosques opening up even more than they already do, not just
opening its doors but enthusiastically and proactively welcoming in all
comers and explaining and sharing their beliefs and convictions.
That is partly why I am so actively encouraging other Asian women to
reach for the sky, to fulfil their dreams and ambitions, to build their
confidence and ambition, through the charity I founded and now chair,
the Scottish Asian Women's Association.
So let's all encourage one another towards positive achievement and
essential human values. Let's never fall into the trap of getting sucked
into racist abuse and hatred.
Jock Tamson's Bairns are better than that.Find
out more about Tasmina: www.tasmina.eu