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Clan MacKenzie Society in the Americas - Canadian Chapter
Membership Application

I wish to join the Clan MacKenzie Society in the Americas, and enclose my dues for one year of $20. My details are:



Province & Postal Code:

If you have the data available please send a brief family tree showing your connection with the name of MacKenzie. A full and detailed family tree will be recorded in the Clan MacKenzie Computer "ROOTS III" Data Base.

If you would like to record the name of your spouse and children please do so here:





Print this page off and mail it with $20 dues to:

Clan MacKenzie Society
c/o Alan McKenzie
580 Rebecca Street
Ont. L6K 3N9

Should you wish to contact us to discuss membership
phone Alan McKenzie on 905-842-2106

Return to Clan MacKenzie of Canada Page


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