are things about gene...... I will tell you about Gene that know one has
ever heard before... mainly because....I just didn't feel like giving
info to people who would just use it for there own glory... and
make gene out to be some monster or something... sue van heck wrote a
book..... about a book... which was written
by someone who read a book... you see gene's immediate family
consisted of Louise Craddock... mama... Hezikieah.. Jackson Craddock...daddy.....
Evelyn.... my other sister.... Tina.... Evelyn and Gene were born pretty much
close together and another sister and myself were born along time
later.......mama... and daddy have passed away. Evelyn has
passed away.... my other sister is very ill..... so that leaves me with all this info ... that was gotten
first hand .... being there right in the middle of it ...
a true account that has never been told.... and someday I will tell it
all.... I was there when gene was in the navy.... I was there when gene
had the motorcycle accident... I was there when gene wrote be bop a lula.....
and I was there when ..... and I was there when..... and I was there
when...... to make my point I was there when gene's life unfolded....
and I was there in the ambulance on the way to the hospital
where gene died.... gene's last words have never been known......
because I would never tell before.........
any way that answers one of your questions.... about why I want to keep
gene's memory alive..... there so many things that happened behind
the scene's that would be a book in themselves.... isn't it funny how so
many books have been written about gene ... and to this day... nobody
has gotten it right..."
"Gene was not born in the swamps of
Virgina.. but Mama was at home in Princess Anne County in Virginia when
Gene was born... Gene was much older than I but we still started singing
together at a very young age... Mama would tell me that when I was
born... Gene would come over to my crib... and put me to sleep by
singing Rock and Roll songs to me... every time I would hear his guitar
playing and him singing I would always stop crying and listen... even as
a baby... "
"gene affected my life by always
being there for me.... as I was always there for him..... being that
gene and I were the only one's in the music business ....we shared a
common ground that the rest of the family... didn't share with him.....
gene and I would tell each other things that only he
and I could grasp ....you see ... a lot
of people think that stars ...or people in the music business.... are
just attention seekers at heart.....which may be true ...but there is so
much.. more to gene when he was on stage......... when he was on
stage... and the crowd roaring ...hanging on his every note and song ...
there was a ' certain high' that came along with that ..... almost
a feeling of invincability a feeling that all these thousands of
people ...... have clommed together as one ...mighty friend and
confidant .... sharing and partaking .....in every heartbeat .... every
pain and sorrow....and emotion that you are delivering to them from your
innermost being ...... in song... gene relished that feeling .... which
made him even more emotional on stage ....... which his fans
recognized him as a man ...suffering and agonizing in
pain.... and
sorrow ... delivering that emotion to them freely in song and
performance.... which in turn made his fans feel this
'certain high' as they were watching him perform .... and hearing the
very crackeling of his very heart and soul burning in raw sincerity.....
they ( his fans ) experienced a swelling within themselves ... of
a almost panic like desperation... to heal or at least relieve the
pain somehow........ with yells... and screams ...... jumping up and
down.......shouting ...... applause...after applause ...after
applause.... trying with desperation to let him know... that they too...
can feel his agony and will ...willingly... forever... be some one.. he
can always turn to for ... condolance and a helping hand ..... gene
would some times do things on stage that would cause him a lot of
pain... he knew he would pay greatly for it afterwards..... after
the crowds were gone ... the lights were turned off..... the stage
... became empty and black ... a deep ..dark sense of abandonment
would sweep over his entire mind and the pulsating... ferver of a
rush would sink into his soul .... living and
breathing for ... the next opportunity to be with his beloved
fans...... to do ... whatever it took to please them... to love them
to... satisfy himself ...on the taste of their ever devoted

John Lennon, Paul McCartney & Gene Vincent (Piper's brother)
"gene's most popular sons were of
course ... be bop a lula..... also bluejean bop and lotta lovin...
people say that Elvis's mother heard be bop a lula on the radio
and thought it was Elvis .... well the truth is ... it was' wear my
ring' that she thought it was elvis singing it and called
him to congratulate him on his new hit .... that my dear is an exclusive
..... I met Brenda Lee ...as a child .. as she and gene had a
secret thing going but was squelshed..... by
their inability to get together often enough.. so they broke up.....also
Frankie Avalon... John Ashley.... Little Richard... so many I can't
recall at the moment....I don't have any released recordings of me .. I am not signed with any label as yet ...
I know I need to get into
the recording studio... but you must understand ... that I have
been through much unfaithfulness from some of the people that have
worked for me ...so far ... that is why I am leary of signing with
any one untill I can meet some ... flat out good people ... I know for
sure they are out there some where it's just a matter of time"
"YES..... gene loved Scotland.....
he had a fascination for Scotland..... especially when he found out
we had Scottish descendant's there... as I said before I don't have any
information that I could give to find any family there ...... I wish I could..... gene always said if there was ever a more
peaceful and
sareen country he never knew it he said the people there were the
best and kindest
people in the world....people with a heart....... people that
...not only knew but lived loyalty......that was very
important to gene... a person that was loyal.... he would say ... loyal
friends are hard to find"