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Scottish/Celtic Music
The Real McKenzies

The Real McKenzies are a Vancouver, British Columbia-based Celtic punk band. Donning the traditional Highland garb of kilts and sporrans, the group proudly displays it's Scottish heritage. Songs (or masterpieces, as the group calls them) include Scots Wha Ha'e, Mainland, To The Battle, and Ceilidh. In addition, interpretations of traditional Scottish folk songs round out their extensive repertoire. These include... My Bonnie (Lies O'er The Ocean), Loch Lomond (High Road), O'er The Sea To Skye, and Wild Mountain Thyme.

Formed in the year of our Lord 1992, for reasons, which to this day defy explanation, The Real McKenzies have played over 2500 shows. Constant, rigorous touring and an innate sense of always being in the wrong place at the wrong time, has led to a near punch-up with Christian Slater in Hollywood, a "close encounter" with an un-known flying aircraft near an Arizona air-force base, disrobing female fans in Texas, three dislocated knees, one broken nose, one hundred and twelve stitches, three nights in jail, a ten-inch spike through the foot, and a guest-appearance in a commercial for Kokanee beer!

The Real McKenzies

Visit there web site here
Where you can listen to some full tracks of their music.

Purchase their music online here!

Listen to a couple of full tracks here in MP3 format.



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