The 'Wheel' and general area to the wouth
west. The Edinburgh to Glasgow line is shown and, if enlarged, there is
a two carriage train to be seen !

The aquaduct and tunnel (below Antonine
wall), with the extension of the Union Canal coming in from the left.

The wheel. Considering the photo was taken
on a Sunday about 13:40, there are very few visitors to be seen. I think
this is my best on of the 'Wheel'.

The Two Bridges, with South Queensferry at
the lower right.

Torryburn on the Fife coast. Reflections
rather spoiled the photo, but I have copied a section and it is the next

No people to be seen, but houses, gardens
and cars ! If you enlarge, then look at the section of the River Forth,
you will see detail of the underlying bedrock!.