Lochaber, Fort William, Ben Nevis & the Caledonian
Canal. Lands where Clan MacDonald roamed.

Dunnotter Castle, near Stonehaven. Built by the Keiths one of
the most powerful Celtic families. |

Dunnotter Castle, near Stonehaven. Built by the Keiths one of
the most powerful Celtic families. |

Loch Ardinning with the campsies and Ben Lomand in the
background. The lands of the Clan Graham. |

Dunstaffnage Castle, near Oban, looking towards Benderloch &
the Connel Bridge. |

Loch Lomond looking north. |

A 180 degree photograph of the Forth Bridges.The Forth Railway
Bridge is a World Heritage site. |

Loch Katrine, with the SS Sir Walter Scott steaming up the Loch. |

Paps of Glencoe, looking up Loch Leven. |

Glen Etive, looking over Loch Etive towards Glen Coe. |