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The Electric Scotland Questionnaire

This questionnaire was run during July 1999 and these are the results from the 1015 submissions.



Results taken from 1015 Questionnaire's taken over a 4 week period
(All results are given in percentages)

How old are you?

under 16 - 1
16-19 - 4
20-24 - 4
25-34 - 18
35-44 - 27
45-54 - 24
55-64 - 16
over 65 - 6

Are you male or female?

male - 50
female - 50

What is your marital status?

single (never married) - 62
single (divorced) - 18

single (widowed) - 11
married - 7
co-habiting  - 3

What is your nationality? USA - 63
Canada - 16
UK - 13
Australia - 4

What is your ethnic origin? Scottish - 91

In which country do you live? USA - 65
Canada - 18
Australia - 6
Scotland - 4
England - 3
New Zealand - 1
South Africa - 1

Which major city do you live in, or nearest to? Only the 10 most frequently chosen cities are shown.

Toronto - 9
Chicago - 6
New York - 4
Vancouver - 4
Boston - 4
Richmond - 3
Los Angeles - 3
Seattle - 3
San Francisco - 3
Dallas - 3

What is your employment status? Employed by someone else - 57
Self-employed - 14
Retired - 12
Full-time student - 7
Looking after home - 6
Unemployed - 2
Not eligible for employment - 1

If currently employed, in which industry sector does your occupation fall? Other - 22
Accounting - 21
Education - 6
Manufacturing - 6
IT - 6
Public/Civil Service - 5
Medicine - 4
Retail - 4
Law - 2
Financial Services - 2
Construction - 2
Consultancy - 2
Transport - 2
Marketing - 2
Hotel & Catering - 2
Scientific Research - 2
Advertising - 2
Military - 2
Civil Engineering - 1
Internet - 1
Theatre/Film/TV/radio - 1
Real Estate - 1
Travel & Leisure - 1
Energy - 1
Farming - 1
Publishing - 1

If currently employed, at what level is your position? Other - 39
President/Chairman - 27
Middle Manager - 9
Administrative Assistant - 8
Junior Manager - 5
Senior Manager/Divisional Manager - 5
Executive Director/Partner - 3
Senior Executive/Senior Associate - 2
Trainee/Apprentice - 1

Do you own or rent your main home? own - 67
rent - 29

How many automobiles do you own? One - 39
Two - 38
More than two - 15
None - 7

Are you registered disabled? yes - 7
no - 91

At what age did you finish, or are you expecting to finish, your full-time education? 16 or under - 7
17-19 - 24
20 or over - 64

What is your own approximate gross annual earned income in US Dollars from work activities? over $150,000 - 2
$100,000 to $149,999 - 3
$70,000 to $99,999 - 8
$50,000 to $69,999 - 15
$30,000 to $49,999 - 27
$20,000 to $29,999 - 16
$15,000 to $19,999 - 5
under $15,000 - 12
No answer - 12


What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time? Respondents were invited to tick as many boxes as they wished, and the percentages show the number of times out of a maximum of 100 that each item was selected.

Internet - 77
Reading - 75
Music - 58
Watching TV - 51
Crafts/hobbies - 47
Family outings - 41
Gardening - 38
Cinema - 38
Social Activities - 36
Museums - 30
Watching sports - 27
Shopping - 24
Theatre - 24
Keep fit/Gym - 24
Swimming - 22
Playing sports - 20
PC games - 18
Studying - 17
Skiing - 8
Sailing - 7
Jogging - 6

Where do you tend to spend your holidays? Respondents were invited to tick as many boxes as they wished, and the percentages show the number of times out of a maximum of 100 that each item was selected.

At home - 46
In your home country - 42
In your home state/province - 29
In Scotland - 19
In another country - 16
In a neighbouring country - 8
In the UK outside Scotland - 3

Are you a smoker? yes - 25
no - 74

Do you ever drink alcohol? yes - 75
no - 23

On average, how often do you eat out every month? More than four times - 40
Four times - 15
Three times - 13
Twice - 16
Once - 12
Never - 3

Where do you mostly buy your groceries? Supermarket - 82
Grocery store - 15
Specialist stores - 2
Internet - 0


Roughly how often have you visited Electric Scotland during the last month? This is my first time - 53
Three to five times - 16
Two times - 13
More than 25 times - 7
Six to ten times - 6
Eleven to 25 times - 5

How did you first hear about Electric Scotland? Link from another Web page - 47
Search engine - 38
Word of mouth - 13

If you heard about Electric Scotland via a Search Engine, which one was it? 53% of all respondents answered this question. Of those respondents, the following percentages chose each search engine.

Yahoo - 32
Infoseek - 16
Excite - 12
AolNetfinder - 10
AltaVista - 10
Webcrawler - 9
Lycos - 8
Hotbot - 3

What motivates you to visit Electric Scotland? Respondents were invited to tick as many boxes as they wished, and the percentages show the number of times out of a maximum of 100 that each item was selected.

Interest in Scottish heritage - 85
Interest in Scottish history - 74
Clan information - 62
Clan Web-boards - 35
Research - 35
Live chat - 15
Main Web-board - 14
Tourism/holiday planning - 3

Have you used the Electric Scotland Web Board? yes - 32
no - 62

What areas of Electric Scotland do you visit most? Respondents were invited to tick as many boxes as they wished, and the percentages show the number of times out of a maximum of 100 that each item was selected.

Scottish clans - 72
Business - 48
Magazine - 45
News service - 24
Links - 17
Heritage - 12
History - 12
Tourism - 11
Web Board - 10
Kids' page - 9
Search engine - 9
Shopping mall - 8
Robert Burns - 7
Postcard service - 4
Haggis stories - 2

How do you rank the following aspects of Electric Scotland? Excellent Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Poor
(Around 11% did not complete this part)
  Ease of navigation





  Quality of content










  Sense of community





Please feel free to add any other comments you wish to make here?

Over a quarter of respondents added their comments and we include below a small random selection of them.

"As this is my very first time at this web site I cannot give you very much of an opinion yet but I will certainly look around some more. I hope I can find you again as I am also a new computer owner and am still finding my way about."

"Enjoy this site very much...."

"Ever since I've discovered Electric Scotland I have found so much out about my heritage and other heritage that I didn't even know existed."

"Great find. I'll be looking in from now quite often. Good to see some of my homeland again."

"Hi, I kind of stumbled in here a couple of years ago and have been on the mailing list ever since. I enjoy this site. I have learned a little more about Scotland and a portion of my roots through the ES site."

"I am a Mackay, and our family emigrated to South Africa many generations ago and to be able to see a family tree with dates about when our branch left Scotland etc would be interesting."

"I enjoy having one stop shopping this site offers for various needs. I would recommend this site to friends and family."

"I ran across this site soon after I got my computer. I have met so many nice and caring people here. It is great."

"Looking for history on family in Stirling Scotland before 1859."

"Please continue with the good work in this web-site for Scots all round the World."

"Staying in Airth it has been wonderful to find out more about the Castle, etc."

"Thank you for providing this service."

"This has been the easiest way I have found to learn about Scotland and its history. Planning my vacation will be much easier now!"

"This is my first visit but I plan to come back. I have relatives in Scotland that I would like to find and find out information about my family heritage."

And these are the results of our questionnare



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