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2006 AGM
Held 25th February 2006 at Bow & Arrow Pub in Toronto

On Saturday the Scottish Studies Foundation and the Scottish Studies Society held their AGM at the Bow & Arrow Pub in Toronto where new Directors were appointed to the Scottish Studies Foundation Board and Nola Crewe was appointed as the new President of the Scottish Studies Society.  David Hunter too on the Presidency of the Scottish Studies Foundation for a further year.

This meeting also saw the retirement of Alan MacKenzie who has been on the board for many years and has done much sterling work for both the Foundation and Society. He has however agreed to keep in touch and will continue to do what he can for the Scottish Studies.

Here are a few pictures from the event...

At the AGM David Hunter revealed that of the two pledges the Foundation had made (1) A $750,000 pledge toward raising a permanent chair of Scottish Studies at the University of Guelph and (2) A further pledge of $250,000 toward the chair which have us the right to call it the Scottish Studies Foundation Chair.  The first pledge has now been paid in full and the first $50,000 has been paid towards the second $250,000.  We have another 8 years to raise the balance of $200,000.

In addition, the Foundation have raised further sums to help purchase rare books and manuscripts for the McLaughlin Library at the University of Guelph as well as donating further funds to provide a PC to the Scottish Studies office and also to help provide staffing of the office. Other donations were made to help produce a Scottish music CD,  bring back the Burns Club of Toronto and to the Ed Stewart Foundation at the University of Guelph. Other information on the Foundation and Society activity can be viewed on the Foundation web site.

The hard working Directors were treated to a  pub lunch after the AGM which was appreciated by all in attendance.

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