The wind and the sand were a little hard on Xylia

Broughty Ferry Castle

The beach in front of the Castle – seagulls at low tide

It was a windy day for Phoenix folk

Still windy

Broughty Ferry Castle

Looking toward the Castle and Dundee and over to the Kingdom of Fife

Down the street from the Train Station. Joy and I saw the gates go down
and, like in our childhoods, we ran up to the gates to wave to the train.
We had forgotten that not only do the Puffing Billies not stop there
anymore, but that diesel trains just whiz by. We had a good laugh at
ourselves acting like bairns and being disappointed we couldn’t wave to
the passengers in the train. But we had our sandwiches, tea, and ice cream
at Visocchi’s to console ourselves – and we also enjoyed watching the
heads turn as my beautiful Adriana walked through the café. Made us almost
wish we were eighteen again, too.

A family feeding swans near the Castle at the Rocky Beach

Little girls and mummies and granddads and crumbs and seabirds are still
part of Ferry life.