Street art, two crickets doing something interesting, on the way from
Broughton to Princes Street,
the Royal Mile and Edinburgh Castle

Where John and I had our
Honeymoon dinner, November 1965 – still standing, that’s a good sign.

A street corner of the Royal

St. Giles Cathedral and the

View of the Entrance and Parade Ground, Edinburgh
Castle, and a Celtic Cross war memorial

Nathan on
guard at the Castle, at the parade ground and with the One o’ Clock Gun

Nathan on the Ramparts

The graveyard for
regimental mascots and dogs

Sometimes we just dawdle and
sometimes we get impatient waiting

The fireplace of James Ist
in the Royal Apartments

Edinburgh Castle War Memorial
to those who fell 1914-18 –
the Royal Naval stained glass window with details to submariners.

My girls waiting for me in the

Edinburgh Skyline looking
towards Leith from Waverly Bridge

Waverly Station Entrance and
Edinburgh Skyline

War Memorial, 1914-1918, North

Some “plunkers”,
some probably sincere students, taking an afternoon off school to march
down Princes Street (this was taken from the National Archives and
Scottish Records Office) to protest pending war in Iraq – for such a
solemn purpose the kids I observed all seemed remarkably happy.

Music for the marchers

A young woman at the National
Archives with a sign proclaiming she was
“one American against the war”.

The view up from Princes Street
from the National Archives while the road was closed for the marchers |