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I spent some time at the Odom Genealogical Library in Moultrie, Georgia, USA and found a vast resource of information. Among this I found a large volume on the Buie family and photocopied a couple of chapters from it and now have transcribed this for the site....

Null thar an Aiseig

Theid mi null gu tir mo rúin,
Theid mi null thar an aiseig,
Theid mi null gu tir mo ruin,
S’mor mo shunnd a’ tilleadh dhachaidh.

Theid ml null ann thar a chaoil
Far a’ bheil mo dhaoin a fanachd,
Gheibh mi faillt bho’m mhathair chaoin,
‘Nuair bu mhaoth mi ‘s i rinn m’altrum.

Chi mi ‘m bàta fo a siuil
A tighinn dluth do na chala,
Chi mi m’athair aig an stiùir,
Cha bhi curam orm bho’n chas—shruth.

As a’ bheinn gun toir mi fiadh,
Gheibh mi iasg as an abhainn,
Le mo ghunna mar is miann
Gheibh mi liath—chearc is lacha.

Bidh mo chridhe leum le mùirn,
‘S mor mo shunnd is chan airsneul,
Chan ‘eil coimeas tir mo ruin
Ann an dùthaich eil’ air thalamh.

Nell Shaw

Crossing to Jura

I shall sail across the Sound,
I shall sail across the ferry,
To my native Isle I’m bound,
Braving wind and wave and skerry.

Soon I’ll cross to Jura isle
Where my dearest ones are dwelling,
Mother waits to welcome me,
Mine’s a joy beyond all telling.

Sailing swiftly toward the lea
Strong brown hand upon the tiller,
Now my father’s form I see,
Wind and tide can hold no terror.

Flesh of deer will hill provide,
Fresh-run salmon shall the river,
Shy grey-hen and mallard wild
To my gun will fall as ever.

Calm delight my heart shall warm
Light my step to Lussa—given,
Gaelic speech my ear shall charm,
Dearest island under Heaven.

Translation by Donald Budge

Chapter I

At the dawn of history, the western islands of what is now Scotland were populated by a group of Aryan people known as the Celts. They were a nomadic race who had originated in Asia. Also known as Gaels, they had trekked slowly across India and Asia Minor and once were so numerous at one location that one area was called "Galatia". These people slowly but deliberately spread northward over Europe and finally reached the northern shores of what is now France. This hearty race soon established themselves in northwest Ireland.

In Ireland, these tough Celts were known as "Scots". Their language was a composite of basic utterances acquired over centuries of migrations through strange lands and was called "Gaelic" meaning "Stranger". The clothing was primitive and consisted of the hides of animals wrapped around the loins and draped over the shoulders. This mode of crude dress was "Celtic" or "kilted". By necessity, they were required to live together in small groups or families for distribution of work and procurement of food. Each group controlled a certain portion of land; thus the clan society originated. Another peculiarity was their music which was centered around a device composed of a sheepskin bag which emitted a background drone through hollow pipes while the musician played a tune through a mouth instrument; the entire apparatus was called a "bagpipe".

In the Sixth Century, three Celtic princes, also brothers, from Ireland, descendents of a celebrated leader Carbre—Riada, invaded the nearby islands to the northeast and portions of the adjacent mainland known then as Caledonia. Carving out empires for themselves, the princes formed the kingdom of Dairida, so—named in honor of their ancestor. These Dalriadic Scots intermingled with the preexisting peoples known as the Picts, a prehistoric tribe from across the North Sea. About this time, the Scots and Picts were converted from their primeval religions to Christianity by missionaries from Ireland.

One of the princes, Angus, claimed as part of his realm a wild rocky island a few miles off the coast. The island, 30 miles long and eight miles wide, was constricted at the center by a narrow isthmus, and had three mountains on the southwest portion. The highest peak was 2600 feet in elevation and these "Paps" were visible from the sea at great distances. On the island’s northern straits was a gigantic open—sea whirlpool composed of boiling, treacherous waters. The eastern coastline was generally calm, but the wind—swept western shores featured raised beaches and numerous caves. Surely Angus must have longed for the green of Ireland as he stood on the foreboding quartzite terrain.

The island was known to the Dairiads as "Hinba"; however, years later the Norse would give it the name "Jura" from "dyr Oe" meaning "deer island", since the place was inhabited by hundreds of red deer. Another source states that Jura was named after the Danish brothers Dih and Rah who killed each other and were buried there.

In 608 A.D., the kingship of Dairlada fell to Eochaid or Eugene IV, a blond—haired Scot. Because of this physical feature, he also wore the name "Buidhe" from the Gaelic word meaning the color yellow. This nickname was also designated to persons of sallow complexion. Buidhe is pronounced in Gaelic "boo—ee" and was sometimes shortened, when written, to "Buie". Eochaid Buidhe led his Scots against the Saxons and successfully defended the kingdom until his death in 621. Although none of his descendents continued the name "Buidhe", Eochaid is the first person in history known and documented to have used it.

After a period of time, the Scots and Picts merged to form one nation known as Scotland. However, the western islands were soon threatened by the Norsemen who initally robbed and plundered the inhabitants. Later, these northerners settled on the islands, including Jura, and intermarried with the Scots. The Norse contributed to the people of the islands their striking blond hair, blue eyes and their seamanship abilities.

Out of this Norse—Celtic race came Somerled. His name was Norse, but his father’s, Glue Brighde, was Gaelic. Somerled conquered much of the western lands and was an arch—foe of Malcolm IV, King of Scotland. The daughter of the Norse King of Man became Somerled’s wife, and after his death in 1164, one son, Dugald, controlled Jura. However, another son, Reginald, was favored and Reginald’s son Donald was the progenitor of the great Clan Donald. After visiting Norway, Donald was granted sovereignty over "the Isles". There followed many generations of wars which eventuated in the expulsion of Norse influence in Scotland in 1266, and in 1354 Clan Donald was granted vast lands on the mainland and the islands. Their leader was known as Lord of the Isles.

Socio—economic order in the Highlands of early Scotland revolved around the clan system. The mountainous geography divided the people naturally into small autonomous communities. These sequestered populations were headed by a chief whose role was law—giver, judge, and military leader. His subjects were granted land or assigned jobs in return for their loyalty and allegiance to the tribal chieftain Some of these followers could claim blood relationship to the chief; others were related by marriage, but many were not related and were allied to him for protection. Also, the people were expected to respond to the clan leader’s call and follow him into battle against any adversary or enemy. The clans were sometimes connected to each other by alliances which on occasion were quite complex, and the poor serfs were sometimes required to fight for the feudal masters to fulfil the latter’ political obligations. To help distinguish which clan each member belonged, the groups adopted a particular tartan composed of stripes of different hues which was worn in the kilted fashion of the ancient Celts. Every clan had their own pipe tunes, arrnorial bearings, slogans and war cries. Different branches or subdivisions of a clan, whether descended from a common ancestor or simply allied to the chief, were known as septs.

Traditionally, surnames were introduced into Scotland in the last half of the Eleventh Century by King Malcolm III. Many adopted the name of an ancestor and simply added the Gaelic "mac" which meant "son of". For example, the descendents of Donald used the surname "McDonald". The heirs of Donald’s son Alasdair adopted the name "McAlister". The children of a man named Robert might be called "Robertson. Others took names which described their occupations. The son of the parson became "McPherson". The hereditary wolf hunters of a clan were known as "McHeanich", anglicized to "Shaw", meaning "son of the wolf". The local clerk’s boy became "McChleirich" which was shortened to "Chleirich" and finally anglicized to "Clark". Many people adopted the name of their particular locality or an outstanding geographical feature. Thus, those who lived by a large hill or knob might have taken the name "Knox". Since their chief was the Earl of Crawford, some of the Lindseys used the surname "Crawford". The people living in the district of Gowrie became McGorrys or McRorys. And finally, there were some who used as surnair which described a physical characteristic or oddity. The children of a grizzled man were called "Mcllriah" from the Gaelic meaning "gray" later anglicized to "Darroch". The son of the black—haired lad was known as "Mcllledhuibh" or the short form of "Black" in English. The prefix "ille" or "gille" was used commonly and was synonymous with "junior".

On the mainland of Scotland from a very early time when surnames were first used, some persons in various locations and in different periods of time adopted the surname "Buidhe" because of their blond hair or fair features. Buidhe was the pure Gaelic form. In some areas of the Highlands, the name was anglicized to "Buie" and in the Lowlands close to the English border the name was "Bowie" to better accommodate the English phonetics. Other spellings included Bowey, Bouie, Boy, Buy, Bouwie, Buoy, Boie, Bouy, Boye, Bui, Bhuie. Occasionally, patronymic forms in various combinations appeared such as McGillibuidhe, Mcllbowie, or McGhillebule. Some anglicized versions of these patronyms were Mcllvuy, McEvoy, and McVeagh. The name was not only used for persons; also, localities utilizing the descriptive color of yellow incorporated also the Gaelic "buidhe". Hence, the yellow—tinged inlet lake on the Isle of Mull was named "Lochbuie". Similar place names dotted the map of Scotland including Ballochbuie, Killbuie, and Slachbuie. In recent times the McKinnons, struck by the golden yellow color of their sweet liqueur combination of whiskey and honey, dubbed their product "Drambuie", or golden drink, which is known worldwide.

Electric Scotland Note:

We got an email in which was said...

You mention about the origins of the drink ‘Drambuie’.  This was actually created and named by a different individual and NOT a McKinnon.  This has been recently documented on a Scottish television production, paying tribute to the work of a Scottish suffragette – who’s father James Ross was the man who created and named Drambuie.  It is also documented elsewhere on the web (such as Wikipedia etc) with more details.  Ross created Drambuie in the late 1800s and he also patented it under this name in London in the 1890s.  It was then bottled and shipped by Ross as Drambuie, and across the Atlantic (this much is known), for a good few years before his untimely death.  Ross’s family then sold the Drambuie recipe and the business to a McKinnon family of Edinburgh, who still now own the brand.

This McKinnon family are of no relation to any of those involved with the history of the drink, from the Bonny Prince Charlie episode or during the life of James Ross.  The ‘family’ story was created in the 1980s to boost sales – and it achieved this, but not without a lot of opposition from the north-west of Scotland where its history is well known and respected, from its true origins in Broadford, Isle of Skye.  There followed a legal case and the owners of Drambuie had to withdraw parts of this story.  However, in the wider interest of Drambuie, Ross’s descendants allowed some of it to be reinstated, but without direct reference to the McKinnon’s involvement in its creation.  There is now a ‘Ross suite’ in the Broadford Hotel, in tribute to James Ross!

The name is, as you say, thought to be from ‘golden drink’ or ‘yellow drink’.  Although some people have also mentioned that it could even stem from the Gaelic for ‘a drink that satisfies’; I have a feeling that what you have said is more likely...

And so we provide this email as a reference note.

History records some of the early individuals and groups who used the name "Buidhe". Occasionally the name or one of its forms was adopted; in most instances, the name was eventually discarded. Eochaid Buidhe of the Seventh Century has been mentioned. About 806 A.D. the Viking Bui the Big, thought to be a descendent of the god Odin, lived in the Hebrides. His name was probably derived, however, from another meaning in the Norse language. Some historians contend that the ancient clan Ogilvuy of the eastern Highlands originally wrote their name "O’ Gillie Buidhe". The constable of Eilean—Donan in 1570, was Murdoch Buidhe, also considered the progenitor of the Matheson Clan. Some scholars contend that the McEachans descended from Eachuinn Bhuidhe. Neill Buie McNeill, originally of Colonsay, settled in Antrim in the late 1700’s, but none of his children used the name Buie.

In Ireland, the name in Irish Gaelic was MacFhiodhbhuidhe which anglicized is McEvoy. The family of this name originated in West Meath and later became lords in the parish of Mountrath in Leix County, where the surname McEvoy is common today. In the counties of Donegal and Derry, there were several families named Mac a’bhuidhe which was shortened to McElwee or McGilloway. One member of this group was Conn Mac Giolla Bhuidhe, the Abbot of Mungret in 1100.

There was one locale on the mainland of Scotland where the name was perpetuated. In 1200 the cathedral at Stirling was erected, and one chapel in the edifice was named for a prominent family of the area and called "Bowyes iyle" or aisle. The parish register at Stirling mentions a John Bowye in 1553 and soon after. a James Bowie and William Buie are recorded. Many of the Stirlingshire residents immigrated to the American Colonies especially Maryland beginning in 1705, and the Bowies became one of the most respected families of that area. One of the most famous Americans who wore the name was James Bowie who died at the Alamo in 1836 in the War for Texas Independence.

The name "Bowie" most commonly appeared in the parish records of Lowland Scotland near the English border and thus in the southern counties of Stirling, Renfrew, Lanark, Ayr, and Midlothian, and represented an attempt to phonetically Spell in English the original Gaelic "Buidhe". Conversely, although occasionally found in the Lowlands, the surname "Buie" was almost exclusively encountered in the Highlands and, in particular, Argyll. "Bole" was more closely related to the Pure Gaelic language. In many instances, however, "Bowie" and "Buie were used interchangeably along with various other spellings.

the Fifteenth Century much of the Scottish western islands called the Inner Hebrides were controlled by the Clan Donald. The supreme ruler was the Lord of the Isles. So powerful was the clan that the King of Scotland could not exercise auhority in their lands. Among the Lord’s subjects were the Gaelic—Nordic people living on the rugged island of Jura.

Chapter II

The inhabitants of Jura during the lordship of the McDonalds lived by agriculture and fishing. The land they cultivated and on which their simple stone homes stood was granted to them by McDonald of Islay in return for their service as stewards of hunting or foresters. On a small island, Fraoch Eilean, located in the sound, the McDonalds had Clag Castle which was also used as a prison. Occasionally, Lord McDonald would boat over from Islay to hunt the red deer which flourished on the moors and the slopes of the Paps. This mutual relationship worked well for both parties and the people of Jura felt secure and contented.

Most of the persons of Jura at this time went by given names. The men’s most popular names were Donald, Daniel, Gillour, and Ian; for the women, Catherine, Mary, Christine, and Margaret were the most preferred. Several persons claimed blood relationship to the McDonalds. Others were connected to the McDonalds by marriage or by manrent bonds and pacts. Thus, frequently, when a last name was needed many conveniently used "McDonald". When the common names became so numerous that there was trouble identifying a particular person, then the adoptions of nicknames became practical. On Jura the second name was usually of the descriptive class. For example, Ian, who might have been a forrester for the McDonalds, used the name Ian McDonald. Later, because of his blond hair and fair complexion and since there were so many lans in the neighborhood, he used Ian Buie McDonald or Ian Buie which after a time became John Buie. Historical data indicates that family name Buie originated about 1475—1500 on Jura and was initially used more or less informally for a few generations.

It is not known if the Buies of Jura were actual blood descendents of the mighty Somerled. A progenitor of the Buie family has not been identified in the genealogy of the branches of Clan Donald. The name was not uncommon among the McDonald chiefs, however. Sorley Buidhe, brother of James McDonald of Dunnyveg, fought to retain the lands of his family Clan Ian Mor. The defense of these properties, some located in Antrim, cost Sorley his life in 1565. Old sallow Alexander McDonald, also known as Alasdair Buidhe, was the McDonald chief at Keppoch. Alexander ruthlessly murdered his own two nephews in 1663 to solidify his position as chief, but, alas, the deceased nephew’s revengeful friends succeeded in beheading the old man after a fiery attack upon his castle. Allan Og, 14th Chief of Clan Ranald, brought home a Moorish servant from the Spanish wars, and local tradition in South Uist states that this secretary was the progenitor of the Bowie families in this sector. One scholar believes that the McDonald Bowies or Buies were descended from Hector Buidhe McDonald, the ancestor of the McEachen and McGeachey septs, and that the Buies were a branch of this family. About 1700 a certain Walter Bowie was sent to Holland as a minister to the Scots and was patronymically described as a "son of Mr. James Bowie, the third son of Mr. James McDonald of Slate, in the Isle of Skye". The name in Skye has now disappeared. Some of the older Buies on Colonsay contended that the Jura branch was more closely related to the McDonalds of Keppoch, but this assertion is not proven.

One family legend relates that after the massacre of the Glencoe McDonalds in 1692, a baby boy was found by a shepherd or deerherd, who hid him from the Campbell marauders, and crossed by row boat to Jura. The man reared the child who had flaming yellow hair and was known as "Gillie Buie". They lived in a cave and when the man was out tending the deer, a dog would protect the baby. The boy grew to manhood and his home was at Beinn an oir which means "Hill of Gold", hence his son was called "Mac Gille Buidhe na fhaidh o’sliabh Beinn an oir" or "son of the yellow haired lad of the deer from the side of the Hill of Gold".

Most evidence, however, supports that the Buies of Jura were descended from the native people of the island and not immigrants from elsewhere in Scotland. Other original families of Jura were Darrochs, Shaws, Blacks, Clarks, and McCraines who would share a common history with the Buies and intermarry with them for many generations.

The earliest Buies of Jura owned lands mainly at Largiebreac and also periodically at Sannaig, Knockbreac, Knockchrome, and Damhskir. The ancient Buies were buried at Kilearnadil. Their plots are covered by three recumbent stone slabs dating from the 12th Century that were probably transported from Kintyre. The slabs bear no inscriptions but are decorated with incised Celtic scroll designs around a central sword; also, one contains a motif of a pair of scissors and another a pair of shears. The Buies must have appropriated these slabs and used them for many years, even to the present time.

Since they were closely allied with the McDonalds, the Buies adopted the great clan’s tartan. The badge was heather. According to Burke’s General Armory, the coat of arms resembled closely that of Lord McDonald and bore the symbols of an attacking red lion, a held cross, a galley, and a fish. Some have thought the Buies used the coat of arms of McDonald of Keppoch, but the former seems more accurate. The motto was "Coelestia Sequor" or "O Follow Heavenly Things".

Soon, the Buie family of Jura was well established and stood ready to defend their lands and help their McDonald benefactors. They would get their chance, for historical events would soon throw the islands into an era of bloody chaos, pitting clan against clan and dissolving all semblance of peaceful existence.

The Lords of the Isles eventually fell into the disfavor of the Scottish monarchs mainly because of their quest for additional lands and their alarming growth in power. In 1493, the lordship was dissolved by the King and the branches of the McDonalds were declared independent. As another result, the McLeans acquired North Jura above Tarbert. The McDonalds, nevertheless, held on to the more populated South Jura which was administered by McDonald of Islay. Still, King James, IV aided by the Campbells of Argyll, united to exploit the waning McDonalds and attempted to control Jura from the mainland. The McDonald’s power over their constituents lessened and the individual branches exerted themselves more independently in their various localities.

Although not initially affected by these events, the Buie families soon became involved when, in 1506, the Mclans were granted lands in Jura by King James IV. These properties included some held by the Buies. Even though both groups were branches of the McDonalds, their men met in combat near the sea at Sannaig. History does not record the victor, but after the battle the bodies of the slain were buried together where they fell near the burial mounds at Cladh Chlann Vic Ian. The feud between the Buies and Mclans continued for several years.

There were some attempts to re—establish the old Lordship. Donald Dubh, a legal heir, made an attempt in 1539 and 1543, but was defeated. The leadership of the McDonalds fell to James of Dunnyveg and the Glens who in 1545 received a Charter from Mar  Queen of Scots granting him the lands in South Jura. About this time, an agent for King James VI described the island: "The half part thereof Pertains to the McLeans and the other half to the Clan Donald.. . part of this isle is excellent land and very fertile for crops; but it is for the most part wilderness and woods wherein there are many deer and other wild beasts...there is better hunting on this isle than any of the rest."

In 1585, outright war erupted in Jura between the McLeans and the McDonalds of Dunnyveg over disputed lands, which was followed by such savage clan warfare that one observer wrote ". . . these island men are. . .very proud, suspicious, avaricious, full of deceit and evil intention each against his neighbor... they are so cruel in taking of revenge that neither have they regard to person, age, time or cause• . . so far addicted to their own tyrannical opinions that, in all aspects, they excel in cruelty the most barbarous people that ever has been... ." In 1598, James McDona of Dunnyveg, under threat of impending attack by the McLeans commanded by Lachian McLean of Duart, lit a fiery cross on the hills of Islay which summoned the old McDonald allies to his aid. The Buies of Jura responded and boated over to Islay. One of the Buies was named Dubhsith, a diminutive man but an excellent archer. He was described as "a dwarf hatched by the Devil in Lagg in Jura." Dubhsith apparently had second thoughts about his true allegience and offered his services to Lachian McLean, but the Duart chief only laughed at Dubhsith’s physical shortcoming. Infuriated, Dubhsith returned to the McDonald camp. That afternoon, at Gruainart Bay on Islay, Lachian McLean led his army toward the McDonald position. Lachian himself was at the front of his troops and loudly hurled personal insults at James McDonald. The revengeful Dubhsith took deadly aim with his bow. The arrow struck Lachian McLean’s heart through a small opening in his armor and his lifeless body fell to the ground. Confusion swept the McLean’s ranks and the McDonalds, aided by the Buies, attacked the enemy with their bagpipes screaming the war song "Spaidsearachd Mhic Dhomhnuill". The demoralized McLeans were annihilated.

During this time, a legend developed about the Buies of Jura. There lived in a cave on one of the Paps a forester of the McDonalds named Ian Buidhe na Faidh or "John Buie of the Deer". John protected a McPhee (McDuffie) child who lived with him in the cave. Also, at the nearby settlement of Largiebreac lived the Witch of Jura called Cailleach a’ Bheinn Mhair. The Cailleach stole the McPhee youth from the cave. When McPhee attempted to escape the witch threw a ball of magic thread at him. The twine ensnared the boy and drew him back into the witch’s lair. Finally, McPhee concealed a hatchet and made a dash for a boat at Knockbreac. From the Pap ot Beinn a’ Chaolais the Cailleach hurled the ball of thread at McPhee, but he cut the twine as it wrapped around him and made good his escape to Kintyre. The loss of the boy angered the witch and in her madness she began killing the agents of McDonald of Islay as they crossed over by ferry. In desperation, someone approached a Buie of Largiebreac and promised him a nearby farm if he would kill her. The Buie’s son stepped forward and presently he was locked in mortal combat with the Cailleach. With her supernatural powers, the witch brought the son to his knees and triumphantly exclaimed "Thou art in extremity, a’ Mhic Mheadh Buidhe". Yet, the youth, gathering strength from his ancestors, returned "My grandmother, who is on the hither side of Alba, is here and will come to help me if I be." With these words, young Buie raised his dirk and plunged it into the Cailleach’s evil heart killing her instantly. The farm at Largiebreac was handed over and the Buies lived there for many generations.

At last, in 1607, the McDonalds jurisdiction over the southern part of Jura came to an end when the Earl of Argyll was granted a charter. In the ensuing years there were various attempts by the McDonalds to regain control, but all ended in defeat. The Earl sent Campbells to Jura as his bailies who were later granted vast acreages. The old McDonald septs were required to abandon their long—held lands to the Campbells and recognize these strangers as their landlords. These times were most unhappy for the Buies.

One group of Buies did not submit to the new order. Several families, known only as "McDonald Buies", migrated to northeastern Scotland. Their struggles were described: "Portion of the obstinate Clan of Macdonald, refusing to surrender to the agents of the Crown, removed to Forchabers in Banff, and settled on the river Spey at a place called Slach Bowie" These Buies defended their new lands in the Spey Valley successfully, even though there was a bounty for them set by the government. Their main positions were the passes of the Burn of Aldargh and the Muckle Dramlech. At an early date, a complaint was registered against John Buie and others for raiding the lands of the sheriff of Moray. Evidently, they later became allied with the Grants in the area. Numerous listings of Buies appear in county and parish records of northern Moray and Banff particularly the towns of Elgin, Dallas, Keith, and Ruthven. In one of the earliest registers, James Buie married Isobel Russell on June 28, 1667, at Alves in Moray. A lykewake was held for Alexander Buie in Elgin in 1737.

In the 17th century, the Buies lived essentially as resident prisoners in their own land. They had no rights since the Campbell lords dictated everything. One promising developement was the re—establishment of religion on the Island which had previously lost strength during the terrible clan wars. There was a brief Franciscan effort from Ireland, but by 1640 the Catholic influence had vanished. Essentially, thereafter, Jura was solidly Presbyterian. From 1632 to 1641, John Darroch, Glasgow—educated but apparently a native, was minister on Jura. In 1653, it was written "some people.. .hath been married and received baptism." The church was located at Kilearnadil. Also, the ministers made efforts to conduct schools for the Jura children. Despite such noble advances, the McLeans of North Jura and the Campbells raided each others territories. In 1620, the McLeans reportedly used mad dogs to demolish the Campbell’s cattle. No doubt the Buies, tired of destructive clan fueds, remained neutral during these altercations.

One of the best first—hand accounts of Jura and its people was recorded by Martin Martin in 1695: ".. .The isle is mountainous along the middle, where there are four hills of a considerable height...The paps of Jura. They are very conspicuous from all quarters of sea and land in those parts. . .The mold is brown and greyish on the coast and black in the hills which are covered with heath and some grass that proves good pasturage for their cattle, which are horses, cows, sheep, and goats. There’s a variety of land and water—fowl here. The hills ordinarily have about three hundred deer grazing on them. . . This isle is perhaps the wholesomest plot of ground either in the isles or the continent of Scotland, as appears by the long life of the natives. . . There is no epidemical disease that prevails here. . .none of them are at any time observed to become mad.. .there was not one woman died of child—bearing there these 34 years past.. .The inhabitants for their diet make use of beef and mutton in the winter and spring as also of fish, butter, cheese, and milk. . . Salmons here are in goodness and taste far above those of any other river whatever. . . There is a church here called Killearn. The inhabitants are all Protestants and observe the festivals of Christmas, Easter, and Michaelmas.. .The natives are very well proportioned, being generally dark of complexion, and free from bodily imperfections. They speak the Irish language and wear the plaid, bonnet, etc. as other Islanders."

Several Jura Buies relocated in neighboring islands especially Islay and Colonsay. Most of the Islay families resided on the northern shoreline along the Sound in the Bowmore Parish. Mary Mac’Ilbowie was a tenant in Machrie on the western Coast in 1733. Several Buies are listed In the parish records of Kilchoman. The earliest Scottish census in 1841 enumerated Buie families in both Bowrnore and Kilchoman.

According to legend, the first Buie to own land in Colonsay was rewarded these properties when he saved McNeill of Colonsay from drowning. After McNeil]. visited a ladyfriend in Islay, he tried to swim his horse across the sound to Jura, but floundered and Buie of Jura came to his aid. Eachan Buidhe na Faidh, or Hector Buie of the deer, was the earliest known Buie from Jura to live on Colonsay. Numerous Buies are present in the parish records of Colonsay and in the 1841 census. Also the census mentioned several families on the nearby island of Oronsay.

Another wave of desolation struck Jura during the Revolution of 1688 when the Presbyterians suffered religious persecutions. Gilbert Clark, returning to Jura from Ireland after the Battle of the Boyne in 1690, remarked "but three smokes in a Jura could be seen". Clark’s wife had been killed. He resettled in Jura and his grandson, Alexander Clark who married Flora McLean, migrated to North Carolina.

For reasons stated in the next chapter, emigration began in 1736, thus started a steady depopulation of Jura and its neighbor islands which has continued to the present day. It should be noted that the movement to America and, to a lesser extent, Canada, began a full nine years before the 1745 Jacobite Rebellion, therefore in the majority of cases the people left not because of political retribution or military defeat.

In 1745, Charles Edwart Stuart, also known as Bonnie Prince Charlie, landed in Scotland in an effort to regain the British throne for the Stuarts. After gathering recruits from the Highland clans, Prince Charlie invaded England and almost succeeded, however, he eventually was forced to withdraw back to Scotland. On April 16, 1746. the English army under the Duke of Cumberland defeated the Scots at Culloden Moor. Prince Charles fled the country aided by a spirited young lady named Flora McDonali who disguised the prince as her maid. The result of the Jacobite defeat was the official disintegration of the clan system by the British government. All weapons were confiscated. Also, the wearing of the Highland garb was prohibited. The role of the chief changed from land—overseer to landlord and his lieutenants, the tacksmen, were required to now pay full rent. To the poor farmer rents were oppressively high. For the remainder of the Eighteenth Century, depression and far swept Scotland including Jura.

Probably no Jura Buies were present at Culloden. Jura was Campbell territory and the Campbells opposed the Stuart’s attempt. Of the list of prisoners taken at Culloden, no Buies from Jura were present, although several were from Aberdeen and the Buie stronghold at Banff. Perhaps, too, the Jura families had seen too many of their number slaughtered in the clan wars, and decided to avoid the conflict. However, they were affected by the Jacobite defeat since they suffered the economic depression that followed. In 1792, Thomas Pennant toured Jura and wrote "The very old clan names are the Macilvuys and Macraines." The Macilvuys were the Buies in Pennant’s anglicized form.

Further misery was applied during the Clearances. The estate proprietors found it economically advantageous to turn their farms into grazing lands for sheep or stalking fields for the deer. Rents were raised so high that the tenants could not afford them. Or, leases were not renewed. The financial and social gaps between the rich and poor widened. A devastating famine struck the islands in 1836. As a result, and also because of the economic plight, many families left for Canada in the following years. Included in the emigrants were Buies from mainly Colonsay and Islay. Between 1831 and 1951, the population of Jura, Colonsay, and Oronsay dropped from 2213 to 496. Today, there are only about 250 persons living on Jura. The majority are employed on Jura’s four large estates as farm workers, gamekeepers, gardeners, and tradesmen. Rev. Donald Budge wrote in 1950 "The people of Jura including the Buies, are intelligent, healthy and good to look at; they are hospitable and generous, and the greatest pity is that there are so few of them."

At this time, there are no Buies on Colonsay or Islay. The last male representative of the family on Colonsay, Murdoch Buie, died about 1950. The last female Buies were married to MacAllisters; therefore, the name on Colonsay is extinct.

Many of the islanders have gone to mainland Scotland and England. Frequently these Buies visit Jura. Others, being excellent seamen, scattered to the seas and distant lands such as Australia. Alexander Lamont of Edinburgh, Scotland, a sailor and descendent of the Jura Buies, once stated that in travels all over the world, he never met a Buie who did not trace back origins to Islay or Jura.

There are two families presently living on Jura with the name Buie. The minister Rev. Peter Youngson, describes them "Dougald Buie of Craighouse is a man of about 55 and also an elder of the Kirk and my session clerk. He is a joiner to trade and descended from a long line of joiners and boatbuilders. He has a clear connection wIth the Largiebreac families. Dougie has a son, Duncan, aged about 30, living in Jura. Alexander "Sandy" Buie of Knockchrome, aged about 73, is a crofter and elder of the Kirk. Sandy has two daughters, one of whom is married and lives here and is carrying on the croft. Descended from at least six generations of Buies in his own community, Alexander Buie is a wise and deep man with a rich vocabulary in English and Gaelic."

Chapter III
Migration to America

Conditions had grown nearly miserable for the Buies of Jura as the fourth decade of the Eighteenth Century closed. Essentially, the clan system on the western islands of Scotland was finished, since the Earl of Argyll and his Campbell baillies controlled the local governments. The Campbell lairds had no use for the tenant—farmer and could make more profit by leasing the land for pasture or create large deer hunting estates. Consequently the rents soared to unpayable levels. Also, the tacksman, a form of sub—leaser in some areas, was eliminated so the landlord could exploit the tenants to whatever degree he desired. As a result of these economic perils, crime became prevalent. Thievery and vandalism wem common. The Buies had no means of protection except through their despised landlords. moreover, another factor was overpopulation. One person noted "a half—starved ilighiand woman frequently bears more than twenty children."

Reports from America, especially North Carolina, told of fertile land which an individual could actually own. Donald Campbell of Jura wrote to his friend Collin Shaw in North Carolina, "I find by your letter to Neill McArthur that you are in a good way of living." Mary Clark of Islay begged her father in North Carolina,"... now if you could write me and send me some way or another what would help me go over myself, my husband, and five children, as I would fain wish to go where you are if I could, and if you are so well off as what I am informed you would not miss much would you take us there." Alexander Brown of Islay wrote his cousin, Neill Brown the son of Hugh Brown and Mary Buie, "... when people come to age in this country (they) always come to poverty, which makes me willing to leave it because of my children ... we are under bondage in this part of the world." An anonyomous pamphlet circulated in Islay voiced, .. ." the Highlander should seek help for refuge in some happier land, on some more hospitable shore, where freedom reigns and where, unmolested by taskmasters, they may reap the produce of their own labor and industry."

One of the first to leave Jura for North Carolina was Alexander Clark in 1736. He paid the passage of many poor immigrants, and provided them employment until the debt was repaid. A large group left the Hebrides in 1739 carrying many emigrant from Jura including Archibald Buie and also probably Daniel Buie and others. Betwe 1747 and 1750 Baliol of Jura ran a vessel regularly from there to Wilmington, each ship packed with Highlanders filled with hope. A ship from Jura landed in Brunswick in 1767 with fifty Scotch settlers. In 1771 a magazine reported, "upwards of 500 souls from Islay and the adjacent islands, prepare to migrate next year to Arnerica. Another boat left Jura in 1774. The exodus halted during the American Revolution, but resumed at the restoration of peace. In 1792 Rev. Francis Stewart of Jura stated "Emigrations to America have proved once and again a drain to this island."

The earlier emigrant groups were organized by tacksmen. The Highlanders sold their stock and farm implements for funds some of which was paid to the tacksman as a down payment. The tacksman then contracted a shipowner to provide the vessel, food, water, and accomodations. After the Revolution commercial ship companies arranged for transportation.

As the Scots left Jura, they took one last look at the Paps. Each would pick up a stone and collectively erect a mound known as a cairn. The pile of stones was a monument to their homeland signifying that the memory of their island friends and relatives would never fade. And, as they boarded the waiting ship, the emigrants would turn tearfully and bid farewell to their relatives and friends, "Cuiridh mi clach ‘nad charn" meaning that upon arrival in North Carolina "I will add a stone to your cairn."

Conditions on the trip were terrible. The Scots were placed in filthy, unventilated, crowded compartments below deck. Meals were composed of spoiled pork, mouldy bread or raw oatmeal. The water was often brackish. Death, particularly among the children, was common. The ships captains and crews were mostly indifferent to the sufferings of the passengers.

One traditional story handed down by several generations of Buies states that their forefathers were part of a large group of about 300 Scots who either purchased an old ship or used a tacksman to contract one. The overcrowded vessel stopped briefly on the coast of Northern Ireland for supplies then launched for America. The trip was long and difficult. Food and water became scarce. Several of the people went mad and jumped overboard. Finally, the ship arrived in North Carolina but during a storm the vessel wrecked or ran aground at the mouth of the Cape Fear. The starved survivors of  the voyage disembarked to begin their new life. This story may be a personal account of the 1739 crossing.

Scots remaining in Jura watched sorrowfully as ship after ship left the island’s shores carrying old friends and beloved kinfolk to America. One who stayed, Duncan Campbell of Ardmenish, wrote Collin Shaw in North Carolina in 1764, "I desire that you mind me kindlt to the Jura people who were my good neighbors. My wife and I join in our compliments to you and your sister, to Hugh McLean and his family, Malcolm Buie and his family, Archibald Buie/Smith and his family, Alexander Clark and his family, Donald Peterson, and all the McCrains and tell them I am very well and want to hear the same account of them." Then, in a nostalgic tone, perhaps fondly remembering old friendships, he closed, "And tell them I have killed a deer this same year on the moors of Tarbert."

Chapter IV
Life in North Carolina

In September of 1739, a large group of 350 Highland Scots arrived in Wilmington, North Caolina, under the leadership of Duncan Campbell, Dugald MeNeill, Coil McAllister, Daniel McNeill, and Neill McNeill. Among the colonists was the family of Archibald Buie, the first documented Buies to set foot in the New World. In June, 1740, Archibald was granted 320 acres on the southwest side of the northwest branch of the Cape Fear River opposite the mouth of a stream which would soon be named Buies Creek. Malcolm Fowler contended that Daniel Buie was also a member of this group. Buies Creek branches into three streams coursing northward with the left, center, and right forks known as Archibald Buies Creek, Daniel Buies Creek and Hugh McCranies Creek.

Very few records of Buies’ arrivals in North Carolina survive resulting in dependence upon sometimes unreliable family tradition. As mentioned, Archibald and Daniel Buie were the first settlers in 1739. There were probably more Buies in this group since only 22 of the 350 persons received land grants. Angus Wilton McLean stated that Neill McNeill of Jura disembarked at Wilmington with 1500 settlers in 1746 among whom were McNeills, McMillans, Clarks, Kellys, Ballentines, Buies, and others. Some of these families followed Neill McNeill into the Brown Marsh area of Bladen County. In November of 1767, a ship from Argylishire landed at Brunswick with 50 people from Jura including McDougalds, McLeans, Buies, Campbeils, Clarks, Sinclairs, and Darrochs. Some of the Buie families relate that their ancestors arrived from Scotland with Buies, but by mistake landed in Virginia and had to travel to North Carolina. Indeed, there is record of a shipload of Scots being left in Virginia in 1769 and the Virginia legislature had to provide food and transportation to North Carolina. In 1775 a Mary "Bowie" arrived in North Carolina from Scotland. Miss Kate Power, in her discussion of the Smylie family, asserted that James Smylie and Jane (Watson) Smylie left Argylishire, Scotland and reached North Carolina in early 1776 along with families of McNairs, Buies, Watsons, and others connected by marriage with the Smylies. Mrs. Kate McGeachey Buie wrote that Malcolm Buie of Robeson County came over with his three brothers, but did not state if any others accompanied them, nor did she mention the date. One can conclude that several families of Buies came over in 1739 and 1767 and a few others probably migrated in other years.

When Archibald Buie set foot on colonial North Carolina soil at Wilmington in 1739, he faced numerous challenges. His only possessions were the clothes on his back and the small articles he and his family could carry. Although he had a limited knowledge of the English language, the Scot felt definitely more comfortable conversing in his native Gaelic. The land and the climate were different and he knew that adaptation would be necessary in order to make a living and provid for his family. But not everything was an adversity. His friends from Jura the McCraines, the Clarks, the McDougalds, and the rest were with him and would endure the same hardships. And the government was with him, for in February, 1740, "as an encouragtnent to Protestants to remove from Europe to this Province", the Colonial Council exempted persons arriving in groups of’ forty or more from paying any public or county tax for ten years.

After the landing, Archibald and his family boarded small pole boats or long boats and made their way up the Cape Fear River for about 100 miles. The journey lasted over a week. Archibald finally found the place he wanted where bottom land faced the Cape Fear near the mouth of a small stream. Archibald returned to Wilmington with his family in early June, 1740, and presented his petition for land grant to the Colonial Council, and after payment of fees, he received the title to 320 acres on the southwest side of the Cape Fear in the vacinity of what would be later called Buies Creek.

The same procedure would be followed by the other Buies who later came to the Cape Fear region; however, for convenience, they would be allowed to deliver their requests for grants at County courts rather than be compelled to travel to the council. Archibald was granted 200 more acres on the north side of the Cape Fear in 1746. Duncan and Gilbert Bule received their grants in 1750. Archibald Buie, Jr. was presented 200 acres on the Cape Fear in 1754. By 1755 Archibald Buie, Duncan Buie, Gilbert Buie, Daniel Buie, and Archibald Bule, Jr. were all labdowners and listed on the Cumberland County tax list. In 1755, Archibald Buie the Piper bought 91 acres on the northeast side of the Cape Fear from Archibald McDonald. The Buies continued to acquire land by grant and purchase and in 1767 the tax rolls of Cumberland included Archibald Buie, Malcolm Buie, Archibald Buie, Junior, Daniel Buie, Gilbert Buie, John Buie, Duncan Buie, and Archibald Buie the Piper.

Not all of the early Scots owned land. Some could not pay the land grant fees. Many were indentured servants and spent years paying back others for financing their voyage. The poor frequently became tenant farmers and paid their landlords portions of their yearly crop and stock increases. Still others, not wanting to pay taxes, simply became squatters and did not bother to apply for grants or register their lands.

Neill Buie was one of the unfortunates who did not have enough money to purchase land or pay the grant fee. He farmed as a tenant. When Neill died in 1761, he could give his children only a small modicum of money and a few cows and hogs. His personal possessions included a pair of stockings and garters, a jacket, gloves, blankets, a razor and a knife, and a few other items of bare necessity. Old Daniel Buie, a man of slightly better means, owned a plaid cloak in 1764 which represents the last known article of Highland garb worn by an early Buie in North Carolina. The Scots seemed eager to break with their unfortunate past. There is no documented proof that the Buies of North Carolina expressed any allegiance to the McDonalds or tried to preserve the clan system. A landowner, Archibald Buie, Jr., in 1775 owned several slaves in addition to horses, cattle, hogs, and sheep.

Several Buies turned to other occupations to supplement their income from agriculture and animal husbandry. John Buie, a weaver, bought land on the Cape Fear in 1763 near Archibald Buie, a blacksmith. Malcolm Buie was liscenced to keep a tavern near Cross Creek in 1775. The 1777 Cumberland County tax list included Archibald Buie, shoemaker, and Duncan Buie, tailor. Another Buie used a talent learned in his youth on Jura. He played the bagpipes for his Highlander friends at their ceremonies and social gatherings and was appropriately known as Archibald Buie the Piper.

"Piper Archie" first lived on the Cape Fear and later in the Barbeque area. Piper Archie never married and went blind in his old age. When he became lost in woods and swamps he just sat down on a log and wailed away on his pipes until someone found him and led the aged, bow—legged fellow to his destination. In 1759, Archie’s neighbor Niall Ruadh or Big Red Neill McNeill fell ill with swamp fever at Smylie’s Falls on the Cape Fear. Archie visited his old friend and droned on the pipes hoping their tones would perk old Niall Ruadh up, but after awhile, Red asked Archie to fell a tree for him. While Archie played on, the giant Scotchman took the log and carved himself a coffin while uttering ancient prayers in Gaelic, "Is a Dia fein a’s buachaill dhamh cho bhi ml ann an dith..." As he weakened and the end drew near, Red motioned to Piper Archie and told him "Bury me across the river on the brow of Smylie’s Hill where it faces west. When ye ha’e buried me, speed me on my way wi’ a skirlin’ o’ the pipes." In a few moments, Niall Ruadh had passed on to join his ancestors in the New Caledonia. Piper Archie placed his friends body in the coffin, but the river was swelling from rains and he couldn’t get it across, so he dug a shallow grave, lowered his friend below, covered the hole with dirt and played the McNeill lament. Years later during the Civil War, decades after Piper Archie’s death, a rain deluge hit the Cape Fear Valley while Sherman’s Yankees marched and fought at Averasboro. After the waters receded, a gum log coffin was found containing the red—bearded skeleton of a huge man. The news reached Alexander "Sandy" Buie up the river and he rushed to the scene with his coon dog Beauregard. Sandy had heard the story of Red’s desire to be buried across the river and now he obliged the wish. The body was buried on the brow of Smylie’s Hill. The story didn’t end here, though, for even today when the mists rise from the river and the cypress swamps near Smylie’s Hill, one can hear the low moan of bagpipes and barely see the ghostly spectre of bow—legged, little Archie Buie playing for a dancing giant apparition with curly red hair and beard.

Beginning in 1755, when Duncan Buie was granted 100 acres of land on the "forks of Barbeque", there was a movement of Buies from the Cape Fear westward along Upper Little River to the Barbeque Creek and Cranes Creek area. Gilbert Buie moved to Barbeque in 1763 and Malcolm and Daniel Buie settled on Upper Little River in 1765. Ultimately, by 1777, the vast majority of the Buies were on Barbequ Upper Little River, Cranes Creek, or Jumping Run. Jurisdictional boundaries had changed also. Cumberland County was formed from Bladen in 1754 and the new county seat was at Cross Creek. In 1784, Moore County would be carved from western Cumberland and changed the county residencies of several of the Buie families.

Since 1741, the Presbytery of Inverary had been interested in establishing the church among the North Carolina "Argyll Colony". Finally in 1755 the Synod of Philadelphia sent Rev. Hugh McAden, who could not speak Gaelic, to North Carolina on horseback to the Scots. After preaching to a group of Highianders at "Bluff" Hector McNeill’s home he wrote "the people understood scarcely a word I said the poorest singers I ever heard in all my life." A few days later McAden held a service at Alexander McKay’s home on the western frontier of the Scotch settlements and preached "to a small congregation mostly of Highianders, who were very much obliged to me for coming, and highly pleased with my discourse. Though alas, I am afraid it was all feigned and hypocritical". After the service the Scots remained around the house all night, drinking and cursing, and kept poor McAden awake. Maybe Archie Buie was there spurring on the festivities with his shrieking bagpipes.

The language barrier was real. As early as 1739 some of the "Argyll Colony" leaders had requested "a clergyman who can speak the Highland language since... many cannot speak any other language". A well—to—do Scotswoman disembarked from a ship in Wilmington and overheard two men conversing in Gaelic. Turning around, she was horrified to discover they were negroes. Another friendly black lady greet her with "Ceud mile failte" meaning "one hundred—thousand welcomes". The Scotswoman initally reeled in horror because she concluded that her predecessor Highlanders had turned dark—skinned because of the Carolina climate. Apparently, however, even the slaves spoke Gaelic.

In 1756, Rev. James Campbell, a Gaelic—speaking Presbyterian minister, settle on the Cape Fear opposite "the Bluff". On October 18, 1758, several men, includin Archibald Buie, contracted Rev. Campbell to preach to the Scotch settlers. He dutifully ministered for many years at first in the homes of Roger McNeill and Alexander McKay on alternate Sundays. In 1758 he began preaching at John Dobbin’s house on Barbeque Creek. Finally, in 1765, a log church was built near the Dobbin’s house known as Barbeque Church and the first elders were Gilbert Clark, Duncan Buie, Archibald Buie of Gum Swamp, and Daniel Cameron. These men, nourished by the Sermons at the old Jura church at Kilearnadil, were so knowledgeable of doctrine that they were known as "the Little Ministers of Barbeque". The church historian Rev. James D. MacKenzie described the worship at Barbeque: "The building had no chimney, for the worshippers inside did not believe in being comfortable in church. There was no piano or organ there, for they did not believe in using instrumental music in the worship of God. Nor were there hymnbooks. They didn’t believe in hymns either. Their hymnbook was the Bible, and they sang the Psalms of David which had long before been rendered in verse form and set to music. There was no carpet down the center aisle and no upholstered pulpit furniture. But the love of God was there, and this was sufficient for them." And, of course, much to the satisfaction of the members, Rev. Campbell would fill their hearts with sermons preached in their beloved Gaelic tongue.

The Presbyterian Church was the central axis for the early Buies of North Carolina around which all facets of life revolved. The highlight of a parent’s life was when a son or daughter was baptized. All marriages were performed by Presbyterian ministers mostly in homes. Frequently, the Scots willed considerable amounts of money to the church. One person left $300 to a church the interest of which would be paid annually to the pastor so long as "Sound old Presbyterian doctrine is there preached". The Scots, especiallyat Barbeque, knew the scriptures thoroughly. When Rev. John McLeod, a noted minister educated in Scotland, attempted to deliver an eloquent sermon, several of the members interrupted his delivery to argue with him about several points of doctrine, prompting him to say, "I would rather preach to the most fashionable congregation in Edinburgh than to the little critical carls (or boors) of Barbeque."

William Buie was a charter elder of the Buffalo Church in Moore County in 1797, and Neill Buie, Sr. was a charter elder of the MacPherson Presbyterian ‘Church west of Fayetteville in 1802. Rev. Archibald Buie, son of Archibald Buie of Gum Swamp, was licensed to preach by the Orange Presbytery in 1811 and served many congregations in Cumberland County including Barbeque, and helped organize the Antioch Church in Robeson County in 1833. The descendents of Malcolm Buie were leaders at the Philadeiphus Church in Robeson. Conclusively, the Buies were devoted and active members of the Presbyterian Church of North Carolina.

Unfortunately, many of the early Buies of North Carolina were illiterate. Poor Neil Buie could only sign his name with an "X" in 1761. To help alleviate the problem, the ministers conducted classes for the children. Later, private Schools were introduced. Duncan Buie of Robeson County specified in his will that some land should be rented out and the income applied to the education of his daughter. After a few years, as a result of these efforts, nearly all of the Buies could read and write.

When the large group of Buies landed at Brunswick in 1767, they first took up land on Upper Little River. However, beginning in 1771, most of these Buies eventually moved to the Beaver Creek and Rockfish Creek areas west of Fayetteville. Also, Malcolm Buie and his wife Ann moved from the Upper Cape Fear area to Robeson County as early as 1767 and settled near Richland Swamp. Nevertheless, in the 1770’s, the rnajority of the Buies still lived along Barbeque and Crane’s Creeks and Upper Little River.

The first recorded participation by a Buie in military service was in 1771 when Neil Buie of Cumberland County enlisted in the militia under Captain Farquard Campbell. This call to arms was in response to the menace of the Regulators, Piedmont farmers who revolted against the colonial government. At the Battle of the Alamance in May, 1771, the Regulators were defeated and peace was restored. The battle was fought only a week after Neil enlisted and it is not known whetherhe saw action in the conflict.

The famous Flora McDonald arrived at the Barbeque area in 1775 along with her husband Allan and their children. Flora had helped Prince Charles escape from capture after Culloden in 1746. For her part in the event, Flora was arrested and taken to London to be tried for treason, but through the influence of several frie she was released. Flora returned to Skye where she married Allan McDonald. Later in 1775, because of high rents, the McDonalds emigrated.

Duncan Buie sold 100 acres on the south prong of Barbeque to Alexander McDonald in 1772. Alexander was the husband of Annabella, a half—sister of Flora McDonald. This land, later to be known as Camerons Hill, was attractive to Allan and Flora, they lived nearby for a time. They attended Barbeque Church where they became acquainted with the Buies. Already, however, there were political storm clouds gathering which would eventuate in the disintegration of this brief friendship and the chaotic division of the Barbeque area by community civil war. In April of 1777 the American Revolution, also known as the War for Independence, began.

More can be read of the Buie's at the Odom Library.

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