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The Glengarry McDonalds of Virginia
Chapter 3 - Angus McDonald (2d)

Angus McDonald (2nd) was born at Glengarry, near Winchester, Virginia, the 30th day of Dec., 1769, being the third child of Angus McDonald and Anna (Thompson), his wife.

He grew up in that neighborhood and lived on his farm, though he seems to have had a diversity of interests. On the 11th of Jan., 1798, he was married to Mary McGuire,

[Mary McGuire's father. Edward, was a son of Constantino McGuire and Julia McEllenget (his wife), of County Kerry, Ireland. On his way to Austria in 1701, to join the staff of his relative, General McGuire, he was ship-wrecked off the coast of Portugal and there. stricken with yellow fever. After his recovery he returned to Ireland, sold his patrimony and invested it in wines, which he brought to Philadelphia and sold.

He went first to Alexandria, where he stayed only a short time and from there to Winchester in 1753. He was a man of considerable learning, and it is said that he always conversed with his friend, Bishop Carroll, of Maryland, in the Latin language. He was a Roman Catholic and gave the ground, besides contributing largely to the building of the old Catholic Church in Winchester.

His first wife was Miss Wheeler, of Maryland. They had two daughters, Nancy and Betsey, and three sons, John, William and Edward. John moved to Kentucky. William was pay-master at the Arsenal at Harper's Ferry for some time. He had two sons. John and David, both of whom were clergymen. His only daughter, Emily, married John Evelyn Page of Clarke County. Virginia.

The third son, Edward, named for his father, married Betsey Holmes and they had seven children. Rebecca, who married Dr. Mackay. Millicent (named for his step-mother), who married Alex Tidball of Winchester. Hugh Holmes, Edward, William, David and John.

Edward (son of Constantine) married the second time, Milicent D'Obee. the daughter of a French architect. He (Edward) had gone back to his home in Ireland on a visit to his relatives, and among the passengers he met on board ship returning to America, were Samuel D'Obee and his young daughter. Millicent. D'Obee had been sent over to Virginia. through the instrurnentalitv of Jefferson. to supervise the building of the State House at Richmond. which was modelled after the Capitol of Scamozzi, and the little marble model is still preserved at the State House.

The. acquaintance begun on the passage to America resulted finally in the marriage of Edward and Millicent and the children of this marriage were Samuel. who married Miss Woodrow. Susan. who married William Naylor, and Mary, who married Angus McDonald (2nd).

Edward died in 1806 and Is buried under the church which he built.]

a daughter of Edward McGuire and Millicent D'Obee (his wife) . They had three children, Angus, named for his grand-father, Angus McDonald, and his uncle, William McGuire; one daughter, Millicent, named for her grandmother, and Edward Charles, named for the unfortunate "Prince Charlie."

He lost his wife in March, 1809, and she was buried beside her father, Edward McGuire, in the old Catholic Churchyard in Winchester. She had also been baptized in this Church.

When war with England was again declared, true to his inherent soldierly instincts, Angus at once offered his services in his country's defense and received a commission from President Madison as Captain in the regular army, a copy of which follows:

"The President of the United States of America.

To all who shall see these presents, greeting!

Know ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the patriotism, valor, fidelity and abilities of Angus McDonald, I have nominated and by and with the consent of the Senate, do appoint him a Captain in the Twelfth Regiment of Infantry, in the service of the United States, to rank as such from the 24th day of June, 1814.

He is therefore, carefully and diligently to discharge the duties of Captain, by doing and performing all manner of things thereunto belonging. And I do strictly require and charge all officers and soldiers under his command to be obedient to his orders as Captain. And he is to observe and follow such orders and. directions from time to time, as he shall receive from me or the future President of the United States of America, or the General, or other superior officers set over him, according to the rules or discipline of war.

This commission to continue in force during the Pleasure of the President of the United States, for the time being.

Given under my hand at the City of Washington, this 1st day of February, in the year of our Lord 1814, and in the thirty-ninth year of the Independence of the United States.

By the President,
JAMES MONROE, Secretary of War.

His term of service was short, however, as he died after a very long and trying march, at Batavia, New York, on October 14th, 1814, holding the rank of Major. His sword, sash and other belongings, with his last messages, were sent to his family by his brother-officer and friend, Col. John Strother, and for this loving service he was ever held in the highest esteem and affection by Major McDonald's family.

His three little children had been taken by his mother at the death of his wife in 1809, and continued to live with her at Glengarry during their childhood.

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