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Trail / Traill Family

Thanks to Elsie Ritchie for this information
The Covenanting Traills

The best known senior cadet line of the Traills, beginning with their ancestor Colonel Andrew Traill (1534 –1586)

Andrew was one of the younger sons of the Laird of Blebo, John Trail (born 1502) and his wife Agnes Bruce, daughter of Alexander Bruce of Earls Hall and his wife Janet Stewart. Blebo is in the county of Fife on the river,.

Andrew joined the army about 1550 ( He was born in 1534) Till the 1570's he lived in Scotland and fought for the Scottish King. We have his payroll details during the 1570s as a captain. Serving under the Earl of Moray. Mary Queen of Scots half brother.

Payit siclike to capitaine Traill and his company for his mone this pay fra the vim day of Marche 1571 to the viij day of Aprile 1572 conforme to my lord regentis grace precept and the said capitanis acquittance producit upoun comptvc|xxxiiij li.

Payit siclike to capitane Traill and his cumpany for his monethis pay of Aprile 1572..

Payit siclike be my lord regentis grace speciale command to Robert Portarfeild to gif xxiij men of weir quhilk wer directit to pas to Dundie with capitane Halyburton threttie pund, as his acquittance producit upoun compt beiris, quhilk wes all payit agane to the comptar accept samekill awand be capitane Traillvj li.

Payit siclike to capitane Traill and his cumpany for his monethis pay of Maii 1572..

Item the xij day of Aprile be my lord regentis grace speciall command to the werkmen for thair laubouris of the work preceded with at capitane Traill’s blokhouse li.

The ordinar gunnaris, wrychtis and smythis in the moneth of December the yeir of God jmvc|xxij yeiris.

Item to capitane Andro Traill haifing jc futemen for thair pay of this moneth as his acquittance schawin upoun compt berisvc|xxxiiij

October 1573
Item to the provest and baillies of Jedburgh [in Roxburghshire] for all debts outstanding to the inhabitants thairof by capitaine Andro Traill and his soldiers.

At the end of this stretch he went to the continent which afforded many opportunities for a career soldier, joining the Army of the Confederate States in the Low Countries(Holland to you and I) in the war for independence against Spain. Led by William the Silent Prince of Orange and Nassau

Some records on Captain Trail (as he was before he left Scotland at this time) are available

The Scots Brigade in Holland Vol I 1572-1697 published 1899
Paid out to Captain Traill £3427-0/0d First of June 1573 to last of July 1574.

Paid out to bring the soldiers from England to Scotland including for the soldiers of Captian Traill (1/1/157 to 31/5/1577)

Date of licence of Andrew Traill as captain 26/10/1577.

But during the 1580s Spain was also involved in trying to influence the French succession. This was called the War of the Three Henries, beginning in March of 1585. When Andrew died in Flanders in 1586 he is said to have been in the Protestant army fighting for Henry of Navarre, by which time he was a Colonel and in his 52nd year. When he died he was owed the sum of £2,700 English by the Confederation, as well as £1440 by the city of Bruges. It is probable that he had changed to Henry of Navarre’s protestant army because the Dutch had failed to pay him.

In a M.S. written about 1753 by Rev. Dr. Robert Trail. Professor of Divinity at Glasgow, and Col. Andrew’s grt. grandson of Rev. Robert Trail of Greyfriers, he gives a short account of his ancestors life.

Andrew Trail brother germain to the Laird of Blebo, was a Colonel, and for sometime in the service of the City of Bruges, in Flanders against the King of Spain. He served also under the King of Navarre, afterwards King Henry IV of France in the civil wars of that Kingdom. He had the address to gain a town by the following stratagem. He disguised himself in the habit of a woman, with a basket on her arm, and getting admission at the gate, he stabbed the sentinel, and gave a signal to a party in ambush, who rushed in immediately and took the place. He expressed regret ever after for having killed a man in cold blood.

Edinburgh, Register of Testaments, 1514-1600; Bristol Wills, 1572-1792

West Lothian, & Midlothian; Gloucestershire: Edinburgh; Bristol- Commissariot Record of publication of Col. Andro's will The Commissarint Record of Edinburgh.

Register of Testaments. First Section--1514-1600. Edited by Francis J. Grant, W.S., Carrick Pursuivant of Arms.

County: Midlothian
Country: Scotland
Traill, Colonel Andro, in Many in Flanders 25 Jul 1586


In or about 1552, when Andrew was serving with the Scots army as an officer, he married Helen Myrton daughter of Thomas Myrton of Cambo and Catherine Lindsay It is known that they had at least two sons James, and David. It seems probable that 4 more children who settled near Andrews property Beley were his, This has yet to be proven. David died in the Netherlands before the 15th March 1589 when his wife is on record as having applied to The Hague for his back pay which was granted to her and his (David’s) heirs. A David Trail married Alison Duncan at Ceres on the 26 May 1577. They had only two daughters Janet (b.23 February 1578) and Margaret Trail (b. 3 July 1580.)

Rendered Nov 28th 1586

Holland Infanterie

Trail £1450

(David), dead before 31st March 1590 when Captain William Brog succeeded him. His widow and heirs were recommended in 1594.

1588 and 1589

Foot soldiers paid by Holland

Trail 130 men (estimated) £1500

The Advocate of Holland decided that no despatch of discharge should be sent regarding the others, those namely like Trail...

Given at the Hague 20 June 1588

similar commissions issued on 27th June to...David Trail.

"On the request of William Hunter de Menhal about preventing him holding transfer from the widow of David Treyl over the service arrears of the same" [Representations to the King made by the Ambassadors] 1/7/1594.

Helen Myrton remarried after Col Andrews death She is commemorated on a monument at St Andrews. It is a memorial to the Trails of Blebo, the Myrtons of Cambo [in Kingsbarns parish, Fife; the surname probably came from the lands of Myrton in Kemback parish; Malcolm de Myrtoun witnessed resignation by Sir David de Wemyss of land in Fife 1373; another 14th century ancestor held office as mair of the barony of Crail] and the Melvilles of Carnbee [probably of Anglo-Norman descent, Galfridus de Malveill was a witness to a grant to the church of St Andrews 1165-71]. At the top is a panel with three shields side by side above a level cornice. The dexter coat of arms is Colonel Andrew Trail of the House of Blebo impaling those of his wife Helen Myrton. The centre coat of arms is Helen Myrton and her 2nd husband Sir Robert Dennistoun. The sinister coat of arms is James Trail and his wife Matilda Melville. The initials of the squires are along the tops of the shields and those of the dames are down the sides. The inscription, now indecipherable but a translation was reproduced in Monteith's Theatre of Mortality, published in 1702- "consecrate to the memory of Helen Myrton, a most deserving matron, first spouse to an excellent man Colonel Andrew Trail; thereafter spouse to Sir Robert Dennistoun, Knight, counsellor and conservator; she died 13th February 1609. As also to the memory of Matilda Melville, a most godly woman and most choice spouse to James Trail; she died 23rd November 1608".

Colonel James Traill of Beley Colonel Andrew Traills heir (1555 – 1635)

James of Beley and later of Killcleary, Fermanagh was 9 years old when James the VI was born. He entered the Scots Army in 1570, When his father and brother David went to Holland in 1577, James Traill appears to have remained at home, where he rose to the rank of Colonel by the time James inherited the English throne in 1603. He appears indeed to have become a soldier attending the court, as all the records we have found of him seem to refer to his service in Court circles.

At sometime before 1612 when Prince Henry (b 1594) died Colonel Traill was made a Gentleman of the Privy Chamber to the young prince. In all likliehood this was probably prior to the settlement of Ulster between 1608–1610. One other Scotsman selected in the list was also like James Trail previously a Gentleman of the Privy chamber.

James was one of the group who were allocated land in County Fermanagh when this area was resettled with Scots between 1608 and 1610 after the flight of the earls in 1607. The portions were given out as follows.

The Government of James I divided the land into estates of three sizes: 810 hectares, 607 hectares, and 405 hectares. Estates were granted to three kinds of people: English and Scottish settlers, who were not allowed to have Irish tenants; Servitors (men who had served in the English army in Ireland), who might take both British and Irish tenants; and Irishmen, who could have Irish tenants. Rents were low, but settlers were expected to build fortified houses. The relative small size of the estates granted reflected the lower incomes of the Scottish lairds. King James also exercised his influence on allocations and many wealthy towns men were rejected in favour of middle ranking lairds with experience in handling landed estates. The nine chief undertakers were all titled and eleven of the 50 ordinary undertakers were also knights of the realm. In the list of the Undertakers of 1607. I found this on the list

48. TRAIL, James: Dresternan, 1,000 acres, Knockninny barony, Fermanagh.. This is undoubtedly the property he called Killcleary.

This property was quite near Michael Balfour of Garths’larger land grant of 3000 acres. Michael was James second cousin, as their grandmothers had been sisters. The sisters were Agnes Bruce who had married John Traill of Blebo and Janet Bruce who had married Andrew Balfour. Michael’s brother the second Andrew’s wife Mary Melville was a cousin also of Mathilda Melville James Traill’s first wife. In later generations several of the Balfour family were intermarried with the Orkney Traills, thus keeping up the family connection, between the Balfours and the Traills.

It is recorded in the Irish records that James Trayle, 1000 acres; took possession, returned into Scotland.Sent over four persons to make freeholders, &c. Some timber and other materials
provided, and six horses and mares out of Scotland.

The on the 4th August 1618 the property was sold to Sir Stephan Butler .

According to the notes of the Rev.David Bruce Nicholl (whose wife was a granddaughter of Rev. Samuel Traill) James endeavored to recover the sums due to his father by the Flemish cities, and in the year 1625 petitioned the new King Charles 1 for leave to arrest a ship and goods belonging to the City of Bruges in London, but although Sir Henry Martin, the Judge of the Admiralty, gave a favorable report, the petition failed in pursuit, owing, as was, believed, to the influence of the Duke of Buckingham, (George Villiers first became a courtier and the King’s James favourite in 1615). whose favour had been gained by the opposite party: nor could James Trail ever afterwards obtain payment of any part of the debt. By which means together with the expenses of the prosecution, Col Traill was so far reduced as to be obliged to sell the small paternal estate of Beley.( this implies that both Killinchy and his home at Anstruther were better and bigger properties) James whose second marriage to Grizzell Myrton had according to his son Robert numerous children, retired to Anstruther, where he appears to have had a second home as he is referred to as James Traill of Anstruther in documents in 1622. James of Beley died at Anstruther on 26th April 1635, at the age of 80. He was known to have been a godly man according to a biographer of Robert of Greyfriers . Although we do not know all the names of this second family Thomas, and Catherine appear in the records at Anstruther at this time.

Lt Colonel James Traill of Tullochin (1597 – 1663)

His eldest son James became known as James Traill of Tullochin, a strong supporter of the Parliamentary army. Notes taken by Rev. Samuel Trail D.D from a manuscript seen by him give some idea of James life.

Born 10th December 1597, died 18th May 1663. In 1624 he is first recorded as matriculating in theology at Leiden University in the Netherlands, on the 2 May 1624.. He then became employed as tutor to Mr. Greville, heir of Lord Brooke and afterwards traveled with the eldest son of Lord Carlisle, then (1630) Ambassador at Paris. Afterwards perhaps from his connection with Lord Brooke who was a general in the Parliamentary Army and was killed at Lichfield in 1642) he entered the Parliamentary forces, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He was much esteemed by Cromwell as a brave and skilful officer. (Oliver Cromwell said of him "If only I had 10,000 James Traills, I would drive the Pope out of Italy".)

It is known that many of the Parliamentary Army were given land grants to make up for arrears in salary. It appears that he may have already been a soldier of the occupation forces when he married Mary Hamilton on 21st March, 1646 being the Sabbath day in Ireland. Mary was the daughter of John Hamilton of Hamilton Bawn or Baune, County Armagh, brother of the Rt. Hon. Viscount Claudeboy

It is also on record that in 1649 James Trail was forced to leave Ireland on account of malignants and that he remained for some time at Robert’s in Edinburgh. The public record describes problems in Ireland at the time

  • 1641 AD The native Irish assisted by the Hiberno-English rose in rebellion and attacked the settlements of Anglicans and Presbyterians. They drowned, murdered, and burned alive, men, women and children. While the stories say that they killed 200,000 people, this is probably grossly overestimated.
  • 1642 AD Owen Roe O'Neill returns from Spain and forms his 'Catholic Army of Ulster'. A battle is fought at Battletown outside Comber, where Viscount Montgomery and his forces repel the rebels. No further action takes place in North Down.
  • 1646 AD The Catholic Army of Ulster defeats the English at Benburb.
  • 1649 AD Oliver Cromwell lands in Dublin. With Irish resistance on the wane he takes Drogheda by storm and then Wexford. He found on entry that the local protestants had been tortured and massacred, not only by the locals but also by the English garrisons. He gave no quarter and put to death 2600 in Drogheda and 2000 in Wexford.

James was in Edinburgh when Cromwell took the castle in 1650, and it was due to Cromwell’s knowledge of James that Robert was treated well. .At Sometime in the 1650s James no doubt as many other volunteer soldiers did who had fought for Cromwell, received land in lieu of his back pay and this land near Killyleagh he named Tullochin.. The last portion of this property was sold in 1770, by his grt gramdson, the Rev. Hamilton Trail, who died in 1795, aged 75.

Thus James Traill of Tullochin finally settled permanently in Ireland where he is buried in the graveyard at Killyleagh. As recorded below.

Killyleagh Church of Ireland Graveyard
O. S. 24 Grid Ref. 528527
County: Down
Country: Ireland

Traille/Trail /M. D., 12, 374. Memorial tablet in south wall of the nave, with arms:- a chevron between two lozenges in chief and a trefoil in base (Traille), impaling three cinquefoils piereced, on a chief a human heart of the field (Hamilton)/. Heere lyeth the body of Lef. Col. Jam(es) Traille who having severall years faithfully served his mast. in ye warr against ye Irish Rebells departed th(is) life at Tollachin 18 May 1663, haveing had issue by his wife Mary Traille als Hamilton, daughter to John Hamilton of Hamiltons Baun in ye county of Ardmagh, Esqr., broth(er) to ye Right Honl. ye Lord Viscount Claneboys; 4 sons & 8 daughters, James, John, Hans, James, Jane, Ann, Mar(y), Mathelda, Sarah, Ellenor, Magdalen, Margaret. Here lieth the body of Elizabeth Trail alias Read of Hollypark who departed this life 10 Jan 1818. And also near to this lies the remains of her husband, the Revd. Archibald Hamilton Trail of Hollypark, Killinchy, who departed this life 16 Apr 1844 in the 89th year of his age.

Rev. Robert Traill (1603 – 1677) of Greyfriars, Edinburgh

Col.Andrew Traill’s second grandson A tough old Covenanter and Robert of Ely’s father

Robert born in 1603 was educated at St Andrews. Here Follows A Summary by the Rev. Samuel Trail from Robert Traill’s memoirs written for his children.

Born in March or April 1603, when King Jqmes VI, went up to London, to receive the crown of England. His father and mother were then living in the village of Bealie or Beley in the parish of Dunino near St Andrews. Mr. William Patterson, Minister of the parish, baptized him. In his 3rd or 4th year his father went to live in St. Andrews, where Robert was put to school under a Mrs. Janet Auchenbeck. He was treated with particular kindness by his grandmother Helen Myrton, who had been the wife of Colonel Andrew Trail. At 5 years of age, in 1608, he was put to the Grammar School under Mr. Henry. At 14 years of age (1617) he entered the college under Mr. Robert Barron, Regent. At the end of his first course his father went to live in Anstruther (1621). About 1623 the service book or English liturgy was brought into the Divinity College by the bishop and Professor Wedderburn for morning and evening prayers. In the 3rd year of his Divinity course (1824) his elder brother James, being in France, with his pupil, the son of Lord Brook, wrote to him to go to France, for which country he sailed in 1625.

When Rochelle was taken by king Louis XIII in 1628, the old Duchess de Rohan, mother of the famous Duc. De Rohan and of the Duc de Soubize, came to a house of her own in the parish in which Robert Trail was teaching. He became acquainted with the Duchess and taught English to her daughter Mademoiselle Anne de Rohan

He did enter his training for the ministry and in 1630 took a position as chaplain to the Marquis of Argyll.

Robert Trail of Greyfriers from his own memoirs.

He resolved to return to Scotland

On his arrival in London he met his brother James, who had been travelling with the son of Lord Carlisle, and who advised him without delay to enter the ministry. Robert arrived in August in Kirkcaldy and went to Anstruther Easter to see his father whom he found greatly reduced in circumstances by the loss of the lawsuit to recover arrears due to Col. Andrew Trail and by the burden of a numerous family by his second wife. Robert assisted his father with the money he brought from France.

In 1637 he expressed great satisfaction with the resistance to the service book and the downfall of the Prelates.

In 1639 he was called to the Parish of Ely, which by Mr. Arthur Auchinbeck. In the same year on December 23rd he married Janet Annand (called has been newly erected out of the Parish of Kilconquer. He was inducted on July 17th 1639, Jean in M.S.Folio) Daughter of the Laird of Auchterellon, in the county of Aberdeen, and by her had 3 sons and three daughters, all living in 1669, when he wrote the memoir of his life. William, who died minister of Borthwick; Robert, the author of the following sermons had no children; James, lieutenant of the garrison in Stirling castle; Helen, married to Mr. Thomas Paterson, minister of Borthwick; Agnes, married to Sir James Stewart of Goodtrees, Lord Advocate of Scotland, and Margaret, married to James Scot of Bristow, writer in Edinburgh.

Extract from the session Minutes or Parish registry of Ely in Fifshire, relative to the Reverend Robert Traill, copied from the original Papers in the hands of Dr. William Trail, Chancellor of Connor.

Mr. Robert

Trail was ordained the first Minister of the gospel at Ely, having been presented thereto upon the 17th July 1639.

He was indefatigable in his labours in this newly erected parish. The town’s people, who at that time carried on a considerable trade, had been in the use of wandering into the country on the Lord’s day, to visit friends and transact business; others who remained at home were so eager in gaining the worlds good opinion that they bleached their linen on that day. To put a stop to these gross profanities, diverse very proper laws were made and publicly intimated. Amongst others it was enacted that those who do not keep the Kirk when they conveniently can, be fined 40pence Scots for the first fault, 6 shillings and 8 pence for the second and so on toties quoties. To the end that all people might be effectively engaged to their own parish church, and the poor duly taken care of, as if they were obliged to bury their dead in their own church yard.

The elders were very punctual in their visitations, both before and after noon, in the time of public worship, and in making their reports to the session, which was held weekly, commonly on the Sabbath evening, sometimes in the middle of winter on a Monday, which was the day they had constantly a weekly sermon upon so that no delinquency of any sort was overlooked.

There was an order for catechizing in summer every Thursday; beside every Lord’s Day, between five and six in the evening.

When the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper, intimation was made on the Sabbath immediately preceding, and the congregation exhorted to attend on the Doctrine of preparation the Saturday following. In less than ten years it was dispensed 14 several times, and for six of these for two Lord’s days running. These solemnities were always concluded by a sermon of Thanksgiving on Sabbath evening. As these times were full of trouble and danger numbers of humiliation days, both public and private were kept, no fewer than sixty four in aforesaid space, including Thanksgiving Days, two whereof were celebrated on account of victories, and a third for the taking of Newcastle.

7th May 1643. The Rev. Robert Trail gave his own oath for publicly de fideli administration officii sui" he took the oaths of the elders to the same effect. The solemn League of the covenant were twice publicly sworn to and once subscribed.

(Then follow two receipts from Samuel Rutherford, Moderator of the Presbytery of St. Andrew to Robert trail for a contribution from Ely parish to the common cause, consisting of 5 pieces of Gold of Queen Mary, each worth £4, and other money amounting in all to 600 Merk or £400, date 26 June 1640, the second receipt for £100 from Ely parish for the distressed poor of Argyll and a third collection of £60 for relief of some persons of quality from Ireland.)

The Rev. Robert Trail during his incumbency was necessarily absent from his parish at different times upwards of 12 months, once at Aberdeen, twice at the general Assembly, and twice with the army in England, where he continued six months at one time.

He married Jean Annand, December 20th 1639 and while in this parish had children by her two sons and three daughters. (the youngest James, later of Stirling Castle was born in Edinburgh 10th March 1651)

William baptized Sept. 28th 1640
Robert ditto May 9, 1642
Helen ditto March 14, 1644
Agnes ditto Feb. 6, 1646
Margaret ditto Jan 31, 1648

He preached his farewell sermon before his move to Edinburgh upon 11th March 1649

The above particulars were extracted from the register belonging to the Parish of Ely 25 April 1650, by (signed) John Reid, Sessions Clerk.

In 1640 Robert was appointed to attend the army for three months. In 1644 he attended Erskines, called "The Ministers' Regiment. In 1647 he was sent to the army in England to attend General Lord Leslie for 4 months

In 1649 he became minister of the Greyfriers Church in Edinburgh, as Colleague to Mr. Mungo Law.

In the same year the Edinburgh records show

Midlothian: Edinburgh - Roll of Burgesses, 1406-1700

Roll of Edinburgh Burgesses, 1406-1700.

County: Midlothia; Country: Scotland

Traill, Mr. Robert, B. and G., "ane of the ordinarie pastors of this Brugh," by act of C. of 21 Mar 1649 inst. 14 Mar 1649

Montrose, who had refused to have any part in the Solemn League, accepted the King's commission as Lieutenant General, commanding the Royalist Army in Scotland. After defeat at Marston Moor, he returned to Scotland in disguise and raised a small force including some 1,000 wild Irishmen and Islemen commanded by Alistair MacDonald. Montrose led his small force to victory in six battles against the odds and carried fire and sword into the lands of the Campbells. Just when the Lowlands lay before him, Montrose was defeated by Leslie at Philliphaugh. But the Covenanting victory was stained by a horrible massacre of Royalist prisoners, echoing that which has occurred after the Battle of Naseby.

After Montrose was condemned in 1645, Mr. Robert Trail and some others attended him in prison and were authorized to take off the sentence of excommunication, which had been pronounced against him by the Church, but Montrose did not desire this. On 21st May 1650 Mr. Robert Trail and Mr. Mungo Law attended the Marquis on the scaffold for the same purpose, but he did not apply to them. Mr. Trail wrote a short account of the Marquis' behavior. ( See the Edinburgh Magazine. Part of the sentence against Montrose was, that in case he should not repent, whereby the sentence of excommunication might be taken off by the Church, his body should be buried in the Greyfriers, of which the said Robert Trail was Minister, on which account he was chosen to attend him.

In 1647 the Rev. Robert Traill was sent to the army in England to attend General Lord Leslie for 4 months,

In 1650 he was described as one of the "Grim Geneva Ministers in the poem on the Execution of Montrose by W.E. Ayton

The grim Geneva ministers
With anxious scowl drew near,
As you have seen the ravens flock
Around the dying deer.

In 1651) 1st January Mr Trail assisted the Coronation of Charles II at Scone. After Charles II came to Scone Mr. Traill was employed to carry to him a declaration for a fast on account of the sins of the King's House. The King with a slight alteration, assented. Mr. Trail preached before him.

In December 1650 the Castle of Edinburgh surrendered to Cromwell. Robert Trail who was inside the castle when it surrendered was spoken for by his brother James, who was with Cromwell's army beseiging the castle. Cromwell who had a very high opinion of James Trail agreed to let Robert go free, after an interview held with Robert while he was severely wounded. While inside the castle R.T. had found the original M.S. of Melvilles Memoirs, which he delivered to the Melville Family. from it the Memoirs were afterwards printed.

A record of the interview between Oliver Cromwell as handed down in the family is recorded in his grt grandson Dr. Robert Trails Brief Account

When Cromwell came to Edinburgh, he showed kindness to Robert who was in the castle, when it was taken, on his brother’s account, and told him that he would be glad of an opportunity of serving him, to which the Rev. Robert replied that Oliver Cromwell had been persecuting the people of God in Ireland and was now come to do so in Scotland, and that he (Robert) desired none of his favours. Cromwell said "God forbid that he should ever persecute the people of God anywhere and ordered Robert Trails effects to be brought carefully out of the castle and carried to his own house

Robert of Greyfriars although much appreciated by his congregation fell out of favour with Charles II in 1661.

When Charles the second returned some of the Presbyterian ministers were disappointed by his failure to keep some of his promises.

Woodrow says (Vol.1 73) "Mr Trail was brought before the Parliament towards the end of March 1661" and gives his speech at full length.

On Aug.23,1660 the Protectors met near to the place where the Committee of Estates was sitting. They drew up a Petition to the King, putting him in mind of his Oath of the Covenant. The committee sent to them three times, ordering them to disperse and disown their petition and tear it. This offer being refused, The committee sent three of their number to apprehend them and commit them as prisoners in the Castle of Edinburgh.

Those imprisoned were Messrs James Guthrie, Robert Traill of Edinburgh, John Stirling, the Marquis of Argyll was beheaded.

"They were charged in a proclamation with intending to rekindle a civil war, and embroil the kingdom in new trouble, The King was most jealous of them, neither were they less jealous of the King. The chancellor told them that the King would not meddle with their lives, but would not suffer any man who would own the Remonstrance of 1650 to live in Scotland, but would send them to Barbados.

Mr. Traill, was imprisoned seven months in Edinburgh, and banished from the realm. His answers to his libel do him much honour, as a man and a Christian. From these, and some of his private letters still extant, he appears to have been a judicious and holy servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. He afterward returned to Scotland, and died during the time of the persecution; we have seen nothing of his in print, but a letter to his wife and children, from Holland.

Robert Traill was sentenced to banishment 9th December 1662 and had to sign a declaration as follows:-

"I , Robert Traill, Minister at Edinburgh, bind and oblige me to remove forth of the Kings Dominions within a month after the date hereof, and not to remain within the same thereafter under pain of death. For witness whereof I have subscribed there presents at Edinburgh Dec.11, 1662

signed Robert Traill

Robert Trail then left and went to Holland in `1663; returned to Edinburgh sickly in 1674; and died of palsy 10th July 1676 being 74 years of age. Dr. Robert Trail records that after his grt grandfather’s return to Scotland in 1674 he was still obliged to hide.

The Greyfriars kirk committee took the risk of sending the stipend to Robert of Greyfriars in Holland in case he needed it.

The record reads

24th July 1663- The Bailyie Johne Lawder having reported that Jean Annan spous to Mr Robert Traill late minister of this burgh is necessitate to goe beyond sea to waite upon her husband [Mr Robert Traill, having refused the oath of allegiance, was banished] and thairfor humblie desyris that the Lord Proveist Baillies and Counsale wold be pleased to advance unto her so mutch of the money addebted to hir husband be act of they may with convenience And the Counsale finding that be the said act...there is resting to the said Mr Robert of principall and annuelrent the sowme of ane thousand seven hundreth and sevintie pund Thairfor they ordaine Johne Fullertoun late collector of the merk on the tun to content and pay to the said Jean Anane or to Johne Lawder in hir name the sowme of seven houndreth and sevintie poundis...

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