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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Mo Hawg - Week 15

Day 1.

   Mo’s friend, Jim Walters from Texas, sent along some wonderful quotes by the late Will Rogers for us to enjoy again.
   Mr. Rogers said, “Never slap a man who’s chewing tobacco.”

   Marge and Jim Ellison from Arizona (where all of these things occurred) are big fans and friends of Mo Hawg’s!  Marge and Jim sent along some wonderful church bulletin “bloopers” to share with our Moultrie readers.
   These actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services.  Honest.
   “The church will host an evening of fine dining, superb entertainment and gracious hostility.”

   Susan Partyka from Lebanon, Tennessee enjoys Mo Hawg on The Internet.  She sent along some things that you don’t need to know…but are interesting if you DO know them!
   Susan sent, “Our eyes are always the same size from birth, but our nose and ears never stop growing.”

Day 2.

   Mo’s friend, Jim Walters from Texas, sent along some wonderful quotes by the late Will Rogers for us to enjoy again.
   Mr. Rogers said, “There are two theories to arguing with a woman…neither works.”

   Marge and Jim Ellison from Arizona (where all of these things occurred) are big fans and friends of Mo Hawg’s!  Marge and Jim sent along some wonderful church bulletin “bloopers” to share with our Moultrie readers.
   These actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services.  Honest.
   “Potluck supper Sunday at 5:00 PM – prayer and medication to follow.”

   Susan Partyka from Lebanon, Tennessee enjoys Mo Hawg on The Internet.  She sent along some things that you don’t need to know…but are interesting if you DO know them!
   Susan sent, “Dynamite contains peanuts.”

Day 3.

   Mo’s friend, Jim Walters from Texas, sent along some wonderful quotes by the late Will Rogers for us to enjoy again.
   Mr. Rogers said, “Never miss a good chance to shut up.”

   Marge and Jim Ellison from Arizona (where all of these things occurred) are big fans and friends of Mo Hawg’s!  Marge and Jim sent along some wonderful church bulletin “bloopers” to share with our Moultrie readers.
   These actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services.  Honest.
   “The ladies of the Church have cast off clothing of every kind.  They may be seen in the basement on Friday afternoon.”

   Susan Partyka from Lebanon, Tennessee enjoys Mo Hawg on The Internet.  She sent along some things that you don’t need to know…but are interesting if you DO know them!
   Susan sent, “What is the longest English word you can type with your left hand?  ‘Stewardesses’ is typed with the left hand only.

Day 4.

   Mo’s friend, Jim Walters from Texas, sent along some wonderful quotes by the late Will Rogers for us to enjoy again.
   Mr. Rogers said, “Always drink upstream from the herd.”

   Marge and Jim Ellison from Arizona (where all of these things occurred) are big fans and friends of Mo Hawg’s!  Marge and Jim sent along some wonderful church bulletin “bloopers” to share with our Moultrie readers.
   These actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services.  Honest.
   “The pastor would appreciate it if the ladies of the congregation would lend him their electric girdles for the pancake breakfast next Saturday.”

   Susan Partyka from Lebanon, Tennessee enjoys Mo Hawg on The Internet.  She sent along some things that you don’t need to know…but are interesting if you DO know them!
   Susan sent, “What is the longest word you can type with your right hand only?  ‘Lollipop’ is the longest English word you can type with your right hand.”
Day 5.

   Mo’s friend, Jim Walters from Texas, sent along some wonderful quotes by the late Will Rogers for us to enjoy again.
   Mr. Rogers said, “If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.”

   Marge and Jim Ellison from Arizona (where all of these things occurred) are big fans and friends of Mo Hawg’s!  Marge and Jim sent along some wonderful church bulletin “bloopers” to share with our Moultrie readers.
   These actually appeared in church bulletins or were announced in church services.  Honest.
   “Low Self Esteem Support Group will meet Thursday at 7 PM.  Please use the back door.”

   Susan Partyka from Lebanon, Tennessee enjoys Mo Hawg on The Internet.  She sent along some things that you don’t need to know…but are interesting if you DO know them!
   Susan sent, “Next time you worry about your gas mileage, think about the fact that the AE2 moves only six inches for each gallon of diesel fuel it burns.”

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