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Travels and Adventures of an Officer's Wife
In India, China, and New Zealand by Mrs. Muter, wife of Lieut.-Colonel D. D. Muter. Thirteenth (Prince Albert's) Light Infantry in two volumes (1864)


The composition of this hook occupied a voyage from China to England. Notes from my journal furnished the matter, my husband dictating while I wrote. Thus the contents came to be coloured by the peculiar character of his mind, and this preface was rendered necessary; for I cannot allow the work to go forth without this explanation. Professional subjects are touched on, which many of my readers will see could not have emanated from me. Lieutenant-Colonel Douglas Muter used the opportunity of stating opinions he strongly held, and which he thought might be useful; but he would be sorry they should be published under the shelter of a lady’s name.

The original MS. was rambling and diffuse, having been commenced in the middle, and continued towards either end. Indeed it was in a very crude and incomplete state on our arrival in England. During our voyage to New Zealand it assumed its present form; and the chapters on that colony were added on the way from Dunedin to Calcutta.

At first the work was a subject of amusement, and furnished pleasant occupation for our time at sea. It was not, however, till it assumed some shape and consistency, that I entertained even the idea of publishing it; though my friends urged me to do so, on the plea that I had ample material, and that the adventures would be of interest to my countrywomen, as they portrayed the experiences of an officer’s wife in the various countries visited by her.

Volume 1  |  Volume 2

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