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Mini Bios of People of Scots Descent
Biography of Herbert Dewitt McCLINTOCK

This file was submitted by Valerie Crook, E-mail address: <>

The submitter does not have a connection to the subject of this sketch.

The History of West Virginia, Old and New
Published 1923, The American Historical Society, Inc.,
Chicago and New York, Volume III, pg. 217-218

HERBERT DEWITT McCLINTOCK, a popular citizen and representative business man of the City of Huntington, has developed an important industrial enterprise in the manufacturing of lumber and cooperage stock, and conducts the thriving business under the title of the H. D. MeClintock Lumber Company, with offices at 420 Tenth Street. In addition to being sole proprietor of this business he is also president of the Tri-State Lumber & Stave Company.

Mr. McClintock was born at Dempseytown, Venango County, Pennsylvania, on the 16th of June, 1873. His paternal grandfather, Gen. James R. McClintock, was a successful farmer in the vicinity of Dempseytown and served as a brigadier general in the Pennsylvania State Militia. He was beyond the age limit for service in the Civil war, but he recruited and trained companies that went to the front and made gallant records in defense of the Union. He married Jerusha Tennant, of New London, Connecticut, a member of a family that was founded in New England in the Colonial days. The original American progenitors of the McClintock family came from Scotland to this country in the early Colonial period of our national history.

Charles A. McClintock, father of the subject of this review, was born on the old homestead near Dempseytown, Pennsylvania, December 7, 1846, and died at Huntington, West Virginia, August 19, 1914. He was reared in his native county, and there his initial enterprise of independent order was in connection with farm industry. Later he engaged in the manufacturing of lumber and barrel staves, and in 1889 he engaged in this line of manufacturing enterprise at Huntington, where he passed the remainder of his life, a successful business man and highly esteemed citizen. He was a democrat in politics, was affiliated with the Masonic fraternity and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and both he and his wife were zealous members of the Presbyterian Church. In his native county he married on October 6, 1870, Miss Adeline Richey, who was the daughter of William and Angeline Givon Richey. She was born in the year 1847, and died in the same year as did her husband, on July 21, 1914. James Pliny, eldest of their children, is living retired at Los Angeles, California, he being a veteran of the Spanish-American war; the subject of this sketch was next in order of birth; William R., who likewise served in the Spanish-American war, resides at Arcola, Mississippi, and is the manager of a plantation near that place; Miss Emma is a popular teacher in the public schools of Huntington; Mabel is the wife of C. Lloyd Ritter, a prominent lumber manufacturer and financier, and they reside at Huntington; Laura is the wife of Henry C. Walburn, of this city, he being state agent for the Bankers Life Insurance Company of Lincoln, Nebraska, and president of the Huntington Board of Education.

Among the teachers who gave effective instruction to Herbert D. McClintock in the public schools at Dempseytown, Pennsylvania, were Martin Carey, who is now vice president of the Standard Oil Company, and P. M. Spears, who is now chief counsel for that great corporation. After the family removal to Huntington Mr. McClintock here attended the high school until he had partially completed the work of his senior year. Thereafter he was for somewhat more than three years a student in Central University at Richmond, Kentucky, from which he withdrew in his senior year to become instructor in Greek and military tactics and science in Jackson College, in Breathitt County, that state, where he remained one year. Within this period in that tempestuous county he had for a time active charge of county affairs, in command of a force of 100 men for one week, and the aggressive work which he thus accomplished resulted in the hanging of Tom Smith, a leader in the French-Eversole feud.

In 1896 Mr. McClintock returned to Huntington, and shortly afterward assumed active management of his father's lumber mill in Mingo County. In April, 1898, he entered the nation's service, at the inception of the Spanish-American war, and was sent to Chattanooga, Tennessee, where he was made a sergeant, his honorable discharge having been given on the 4th of February, 1899. He had previously gained wide experience in military affairs. In 1889 he was captain of the Huntington High School Cadets; while attending Central University he was senior captain of its Cadet Corps; in 1895 he was promoted to the rank of major, and his name was placed on the honor roll of the war department of the United States. On the 11th of November, 1889, he enlisted in the West Virginia National Guard, in which he served thirteen consecutive years and was a member of the staff of every colonel that has commanded the Second Regiment. In the World war period he was commanding officer of the Hnntington Militia Reserves.

From the spring of 1899 until 1910 Mr. Clintock [sic] was actively identified with lumbering operations in the State of Mississippi, and he then returned to Huntington, where he has since been successfully engaged in the manufacturing of lumber and cooperage stock, under the title of the H. D. McClintock Lumber Company.

Mr. McClintock is a democrat, is a member of the Huntington Chamber of Commerce, the West Side Country Club and the local lodge of Elks, and he and his wife hold membership in the Presbyterian Church.

The year 1900 recorded the marriage of Mr. McClintock and Miss Ada Stewart, who was born in Huntington, and in their home resides her father, Isaac Foster Stewart, a retired brick manufacturer, his wife being deceased. Mrs. McClintock graduated from the Wesleyan Female Institute at Staunton, Virginia, this being one of the patrician educational institutions of Virginia. Of the four children born
to Mr. and Mrs. McClintock the first, Mary, died at the age of nine years; Mabel is, in 1922, a student in the Enslow School at Huntington; Grace died in early childhood; and Charles is attending the Guyandotte school. These children are the sixth generation of an early settler of Huntington on the Stewart side.

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