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The Complaynt of Scotland

Aut ridenda omnia, aut flenda sunt.

THYR exemplis of thir tua philosophours makkis manifest that al our varldly byssynes is bot vane & detestabil, there for it is na meruel thocht heralites regrettit and vepit our folyful conuersatione and that democrites leucht and scornit our solist abusione, considerand that quhen baytht thir philosophours past throucht the varld tha culd persaue nay thing bot vanite. the prudent Saloman confermis this sammyn in the sycond cheptor of his ecclesiastes sayand, that quhen he hed socht and gottyn al the varldly feliciteis that culd be deuisit al vas bot vanite and afflictione of the spreit. Therfor o ze my thre sonnis nobilis, clerge, and lauberaris i exort zou to retere fra vanite & til adhere to vertu & ony of zou that thynkis zou of maist reputation throucht zour superfle veltht ze suld be solist to ken zour selfis, & to be humil to zour nychtbours or ellis al zour gloire veltht and dignite sal <f 135r>change in vilite. ze haue grit occasione to fle thir varldly caduc honouris, the quhilkis can nocht be possest vitht out vice, and alse as vincentius says in his 34 beuk, the mair eleuat that ane person be in superfleu digniteis his fal & ruuyn sal be the hauyar. quanto gradus altior, tanto casus grauior. for the gritest green tre that standis hiest on the montane is haistyar blauen doune vitht the vynd, nor is the smallest treis that grouis in the valeyse. summa petit liuor perfluant altissima venti. i haue rehersit thir vordis be cause of the vane arrogance that ringis in the hartis of my tua eldest sonnis nobillis and clergie, quhilk vil be occasione of there ruuyne bot gif thai mittygat and mortife there detestabil pride, inuy, and auereis. i meruel that thai considir nocht that god behaldis al there obhominatioun it aperis that thai beleue that god sleipis and seis them nocht, for there conuersation is, as ther var nocht ane detht to sla ther bodeis nor ane hel to puneis ther saulis. Iam viuunt homines tanquam mors nulla sequatur, Et velud infernus fabula ficta foret. God seis al thing & there is nay thing obscure fra hym as is vrityn in Mathou Marc, and Luc. Nihil enem est tectum quod <f 135v>non sit retegendum & nihil occultum, quum futurum sit vt sciatur there for it is grit folye to my thre sonnis to couuer there vice vitht dissymilit vertu, for ther is na thing that is hid or sylit, bot the tyme sal mak it manifest for euerye thing is subieckit to the proces of the tyme, and the tyme consumis al thing, as it consumis the quhyt fleureis of green treis except the verite and vertu quhilk sal neuyr consume bot rather augmentis in euerye tyme. It vas sperit at the philosophour tales, gyf that the goddis kneu the verkis that men dois in this varld, he ansuert, quod he the goddis knauis nocht alanerly the verkis of men, bot as veil thai ken the thochtis and intentions of men. Thir exemplis suld be applyit to the pepil that ar dissymilit in ther conuersations, and that cullurs and couuers ther false hartis vitht verkis aperand to be verteous & faythtful. bot there is na dissymilation. O ze my thre sounis amang zou considerand that zour hartis & zour verkis condiscendis on ane purpos bot rather til euil nor to gude. O my thre sonnis sen god kennis that zour hartis ar euil, and that men kennis that zour verkis ar euyl i exort zou that ze gar zour hartis consaue the comandis <f 136r>of god and that zour verkis be conformand to the sammyn & than doutles god sal schau his mercy and sal releue zou of the grit afflictione of the thre plagis that hes almaist succumbit zour cuntre in extreme ruuyne that is to saye fra veyr fra pest and fra hungir. and sic gude pollice sal neuyr cum til effect quhil that ze haue treittit pace and concord amang zour selfis, the quhilk concord amang zour selfis vil be ane mair auful scurge til ingland nor that the realme of France and the empire hed tane querrel contra ingland, zour croniklis makkis manifest that the inglis men van neuyr na thing at zour handis bot rather lossit quhen thai intendit veyr contrar zou, ze beand of ane accord. there is ane exempil of cirillus qukilk vas ane nobil prince, in his grit aige he be cam seik to the detht he hed iiij scoir of sonnis the quhilkis he gart compeir in his presens, than he delyurit to them ane certan of smal green treis bundyn to giddir extendand to the numer of iiij scoir. fyrst he ordand his eldest soune to brak that bunche of treis at ane tyme the quhilk he culd nocht, than he gart al the remanent of his sonnis ilk ane be them self tak the said bunche of green treis and to <f 136v>brak them al to giddir, the quhilk nane of them culd do it than he lousit the bunche of green treis and gaue til euerye and of his sonnis ane of the said green treis to brak, the quhilk thai did eysylye, than he said til his iiij scoir of sonnis, i exort zou that ze remane al to giddir in gude accord amang zour selfis but diuisione and than zour enemeis sal nocht venqueis zou. & in opposit gyf that contentione and diuisione cummis amang zou zour enemeis sal venqueis zou as eysylye as ony of zou hes brokyn ane of the green treis syklyik O ze my thre sonnis gif that ze remane to giddir & beis nocht seperat nor deuidit fra vthirs it sal be as onpossibil to inglis men to venqueis zou as it vas onpossibil til ane of the sonnis of cirillus to brac the hail bunche of green treis at ane tyme ze suld al tak exempil quhou that grit Alexander conqueist mekil of al the varld and he left the gouuernyng of his cuntre on his dede bed to be gouernit eftir his deceis be four of the prencipal barrons of his court bot sune eftir his decese, auareis, inuy, ambitione, and particular proffet seperat and deuidit them fra vthirs quhilk vas occasione that the barbariens the persiens and mediens and the grecians conqueist <f 137r>al the grit empire of Alexander and maid sklauis of his pepil. syklyik the romans that var dominatours of al the varld, fra tyme that discentione and diuisione raise amang the prencipal romans and speciale the discentione that raise betuix Iulius cesar and grit pompeus for Iulius vald nocht hef ane marrou in rome, and pompeus vald nocht hef ane superior the quhilk discentione vas occasione of the ciuil and intestine veyrs that rang vniuersale in ytalie. & for that cause the romans that hed dominion athort al the varld be cam subiect to them quhom thai hed dantit of befor siclyik the triumphand cite of cartage quhilk dantit al affrica, spangze, & cecil and did mony vailzeant actis contrar the romans, it be cam subiect to them that it hed venqueist of befor, fra tyme that discentione and diuisione raise amang the nobillis of that toune.

Quhar for i exort zou my thre sonnis that ze expel discentione discord, and ald fede that ringis amang zou, quhil the veyris be dune, and than zesal triumphe contrar zour enemeis. i vald ze tuke exempil of diuerse nobil romans and grecians, that hed mortal fede <f 137v>contrar vthiris zit nochtheles quhen there enemeis assailzet there natiue cuntre, than al thir nobillis concurrit in ane accord, and set there particular rancor and fede on syde, as did the tua vailzeant consulis of rome, ane vas callit marcus emilius lepedus, the tothir fuluius flaccus, quha hed mortal heytrent & deidly fede contrar vthirs. At that instant tyme Annybal conqueist cannes, at the dolorus battel quhar that the consul emelius Paulus vas slane, quhar that Annibal gat at the spulze of the romans, thre muis ful of gold ringis that var on the fingaris of the romans that var slane. Than eftir this dolorus discumfiture of the romans, diuerse citeis and castellis of Italie randrit them til Annibal, sum be forse, and sum be trason, and in speciale the toune of capes vas randrit be trason, be the prencipal citinaris of the toune. Than thir tua nobil consulis Marcus emilius lepedus, & fuluius flaccus quhilkis hed mortal fede betuix them, for particular occasions, and thai persauand al ther natiue cuntre in dangeir of ruuyne, thai said til vthirs. It is necessair that ve forzet and put on syde the lange dedly fede that hes bean betuix vs for our particular veil, <f 138r>for gyf Annibal conqueis al Italie, our particular veil sal nocht be saue. of this sort thir tua nobil consulis past in ane accord vitht xxxiij legions of men of veyr, and conqueist vailzeantly the toune of capes, & sleu al the chartagien sodiours, that annibal hed left in garnison vitht in the toune of capes, and alse tha gart iustifie to the detht xxv of the prencipal citinaris be cause of there trasonabil seditione committit contrar ther comont veil. There is ane vthir exempil of the grit hatrent & mortal fede that vas betuix tua nobil consulis of rome, ane vas callit Claudius nero, the tothir vas callit liuius salsinator, the senat send claudius contrar Annibal vitht ane grit armye, at that instant tyme the post cam to the senat declarand, that hasdrubal, quha vas the bruther of Annibal, vas cum fra affrica, and past throcht spangze and France and cumand our the alpes of ytalie vitht ane grit armye to succur his brothir Annibal in hope to distroye al ytalie. for that cause the senat send liuius salsinator contrar hasdribal. quha hed nocht ane sufficient nummer of men. of veyr to resist. hym quhar for the consul Claudius nero heffand dreddor that liuius salsinator and his armye <f 138v> suld be deffait be hasdrybal, he forzet the ald fede that vas betuix them, and he send ane roman captan callit emilius hostilius vytht the half of his armye contrar Annibal, quha sleu xxx thousand of Annibal men of veyr and claudius nero past vitht the tothir half of his armye to help and to reskeu liuius contrar hasdribal. than thir tua armes past to githir in gude accord nocht rememorant of there deidly ald fede that vas betuix them and thai vailzeantly sleu hasdribal and xlvi thousand of his men, and alse thai tuke viij thousand presoners, and thai cuttit the hede fra hasdribal. & in there returnyng to rome thai keist the heyde befor them on the gait & playt vitht it vitht there feit as it hed been ane fut bal, fra that tyme furtht Annibal tynt curage in sic ane sort that his men of veyr var daly deffait. There is ane vthir exempil of the dedly fede and hatrent that vas betuix Munitius maister of the hors men and the consul fabius, thir tua romans hed the gouernyng of ane grit armye of romans contrar Annibal. Munitius the maister of the hors men vas verra proud in hym self, and alse in his veyrs he vas mair furius nor prudent, bot his collig fabius <f 139r>vas cald graif and pacient in his bissynes Munitius in his furour vald haue oft gyffin battel til Annibal, bot fabius vald neuyr consent be cause he sau the aperand danger that vas to succed throucht the subtilite of Annibal, than Munitius desirit at fabius that he vald thole hym to haue the hail gouuernyng of the armye ane daye, and fabius to hef it ane vthir daye and sa euerye ane of them to haue the gouuernyng of the armye his day about to the quhilk fabius vald nocht consent sayand i vil nocht thole zou til haszard al the grit armie of rome in dangeir throucht zour ignorant furius consait bot i am content that the grit armye be partit in tua partis, and ze to haif the half of the armye, and i sal haue the tothir half in gouernyng than ze maye haszard and fecht quhen that ze think zour comodius tyme. Munitus vas verra glaid of this ansuer, on this accord thai partit and diuidit there legions and campis in tua equal partis. this debait and discention vas reportit til Annibal be his spyis and his exploratours, quhilk vas til hym doubil ioye, and cause of his ioye vas be cause he thocht to venqueis the furius <f 139v>fule hardynes of munitius, euyn as he vald hym self, the tothir cause of his ioye vas, be raison that the half of the stryntht of fabius vas dymynischid, be cause of the parting of the tua hostis in tua partis. ther vas ane hil betuix Anniballis hoste and the hoste of munitius quhilk hil, quha euyr hed gottyn it, he suld haue been able to do mekil displeseir til his enemeis, bot zit Annibal desyrit it to mak occasione of battel to munitius, quhome he kneu veil that throucht his furor and fule hardines, vald gane stand and stop hym fra the takkyng of the said hil. than Annibal persauit and spyit at the fut of the said hil quhair ther vas diuerse cauis and cauernis and grit holis, vitht in the rocche craggis, vitht in the quhilk he pat fiue thousand fut men and horse men, nocht persauit be the romans. on the morne Annibal send ane feu nummir of men to tak the forsaid hil. Munitius persauand that ane feu nummer of chartagiens var in purpos to tak that hil, than the romans brak there arraye to ryn to impesche the takyng of the said hil, for fyrst Munitius send lycht harnessied zong men, and syne he send ane grit numir of horse men contrar Anniballis men. & <f 140r>  Annibal send syklyik fut men & horse men to reskeu his men that he hed send to the hil than Munitius in grit furor cam vitht the remanent of his armye contrar the hil takkaris than Annibal seand occasion and tyme oportune to gyf battel he past forduart vitht his armye contrar the romans. on the tothir syde al the fiue thousand men that var hid in the cauis and holis of the hil ischit furtht on the bakkis of the romans vitht mony hiddeous cryis. the romans beand in this grit perplexite, beand closit betuix tua armeis, thai be cam discuragit, quhilk gart them fle fra the battel, bot Anniballis armye follouit and sleu mony romans. At this instant tyme fabius the collig of Munitius persauand the grit discumfytur of the romans throucht the misgouuernance and furor of Munitius, he said, fortoune hes schauen hir folie na soner nor i beleuit. Munitius throcht his fule hardines hes lossit the half of the gryt armye of rome he hes euyr been my mortal enemie and nou i haue tyme oportune to reuenge me on hym. bot at this tyme i vil nocht thole the comont veil to perreise for my vendicatyue particular affectione there for i vil conteneu our querrel <f 140v>and ald fede til ane moir oportunite than fabius causit his men to display ther baners and standardis and syne cam forduart in gude arraye contrar Annibal to succur & reskeu munitius and his men that var fled than the romans that var fast fleand persuand fabius armye cummand to help them, thai returnit fra there fleyng and cam and iunit vitht the armye of fabius in Arraye, & rycht vailzeantly thai venqueist and sleu the maist part of Anniballis men and chaissit hym self to tuscan.

O my thre sonnis nobilis clergie and lauberaris, thir exemplis of thir nobil romans that hed mortal fede betuix them, quhilkis concurrit to giddir in accord for defens of there natyue cuntre suld prouoke zou to forzet the hatrent and rancour that mony of zou hes contrar vthirs, and to gar zou tak curage til accord vitht ane consent to resist zour ald enemeis of ingland. for doutles ze heffand as mekil gold as cresus or medas possest, and beand in as grit numir of men as exerxes of perse quhen he cam to conqueis greice vitht sex hundretht thousand men of veyr, and ze heffand as gude captans as grit alexander or Iudas Machebeus, and ze heffand al the munitions for <f 141r>veyr that is in europa al thir thingis be for rehersit sal be confusione to zou, rather nor supple, as lang as ze haue hatrent and secret fede amang zour seluis quhar for i exort zou to concur to giddir in vnite for the deffens of zour cuntre as did thir romans befoir rehersit and in apposit gyf zour particular fede contrar vthirs remanis in zour hartis than doutles tuenty thousand of zour enemeis sal venqueis ane hundretht thousand of zou, & thai sal put zour generatione and ther posterite furtht of rememorance, and zour mortal enemeis sal inhabit and ocupe zour placis.

O my thre sonnis, i hef oft tymis rehersit of befor of the trason that occurris in scotland. and quhou beit that ther be mony trasonabil actis manifest in scotland, zit nochtheles i can nocht condiscend in special on na man that hes committit ony trason, and alse i vait for certan that there is mony nobil men in scotland that ar suspekkit of trason and ar sklandrit for the samyn be the vulgar pepil quhou beit that thai be innocent of that foule cryme. the occasione of the samyn suspitione hes procedit of the subtilite of zour ald enemeis, for ane dispyt that tha haue ymaginet contrar <f 141v>zou, be cause that thai dreid zour vailzeantnes, and for that cause thai haue gart ane secret brute pas in scotland that sum of zou hes intelligens vitht them, and to gar ther inuentit subtil cauteil contrar zou entir mair large in the vulgaris hartis, thai haue gart ther borderaris mak incursions and forrais far vitht in scotland quhar thai haue spulzeit and reft grit multiplie of mouiabil gudis, as scheip nolt, and horse and thai haue dune na domage nor hayrschipis to sum of zour stedingis and takkis, the quhilk thing thai haue dune to that effect that ze maye be haldin odius and suspetius be zour prince, throucht the quhilk suspitione zour prince maye gar preson zour bodeis, than ze beand in varde or in preson, ze can nothir resist nor deffend zour cuntre fra the onmerciful inuasions of zour ald enemeis. Quhair for it is necessair for zour veilfayr that ze commit sum vailzeant act contrar zour enemeis, to that effect that the prince and superioris, and alse the comont pepil of the realme maye knau zour innocens.

Ther is ane exempil conformand to this samyn purpos in the feyrd cheptor of the sycond beuk of tucidides quhou that pericles of athenes <f 142r> knauand that the armye of the lacedemoniens vas to cum contrar athenes and that archidamas vas captan to the said armye quha at vthir tymis of befor the begyning of the veyr vas verra familiar vitht perecles, than perecles heffand suspitione that archedamas vald do na domage til his villagis, and steydingis to that effect that the atheniens suld suspect hym of trason, he past to the senat of athenes, sayand, i suspect that the lacedemonyens vil reserue my villagis and steydingis fra birnyng and fra domage and that thai vil be cruel contrar my nythtbours to that effect that ze maye suspect that i haue intelligens vitht archedamas, throucht the ald familiarite that vas betuix vs: therfor to purge me of sic suspetione heir i renunce ouer my takkis and steydingis and resingis them to be in proprite to the comont veil of athenes and alse i sal be the fyrst person that sal entir in plane battel contrar the lacedemoniens to that effect that the pepil maye knau my innocens. there is ane vthir exempil of Annibal that vrocht ane grit subtilite to cause the romans to haue ane euil consait contrar the nobil fabius. <f 142v> Annibal send ane grit nummer of lycht horse men to spulze the territoris and villagis pertenand to rome, resaruand the villagis and stedingis pertenand to fabius quha vas captan of the romans armye. this crafty subtel act of Annibal causit the romans to consaue ane vehement suspetione of trason contrar fabius. Than fabius beand aduerteist of this byssynes and desyrand til haue his innocens knauen, he send his sone to rome to sel al his villages and stedingis for reddy monye and alse vrit ane lettir to the senat of rome of this effect. fathers conscript i am suspekkit of trason throucht the machinatione of Annibal bot doutles my innocens sal be haistyly manifest to zou al for as sone as i see oportunite and conuenient tyme & place i sal gif hym battel. on the feyrd daye there eftir fabius gef battel til Annibal quhen he reskeuit. Munitius the master of the horse men as is befor rehersit. this vailzeant act pat hym nocht alanerly furtht of suspetione, bot as veil it augmentit his honour and gloir. (O ze my thre sonnis) ony of zou that is suspekkit of trason suld do sum vailzeant act contrar zour enemeis as did perecles <f 143r>and fabius befor rehersit, to that effect that the remanent of the pepil maye gyf confidens to zou, quhilk vil be occasione that the hail body of the realme vil haszard there lyuis and there gudis in zour companye for the iust defens of zour comont veil and zour natyue cuntre Allace the suspetione that the pepil hes contrar sum of zou is nocht causles for men of smal experiens maye persaue that ther is diuerse men of scotland, that ar be cum neutral that is to say, thai vil nothir tak ane plane part vitht ingland nor vitht scotland, for quhen thir neutral men speikis vitht inglis men thai lament hauyly the inconstance of the lordis of scotland that hes brokyn ther promit & band the quhilk vas honestly contrakkit to compleit ane mariage betuix our nobil princes heretour of scotland and eduard the zong kyng of ingland, the quhilk contract beand fulfillit, vald hef beene the cause of ane perpetual vnite betuix the tua said realmis, and quhen thir said neutral men speikis vitht scottis men thai regret and lamentis hauylye the discentione and diuisione that ringis amang the nobilis of scotland quhilk is occasione that the <f 143v> inglis men be ther falsed and subtilite persecutis our realme vith out ony iust titil. Of this sort the neutral scottis men entretenis baytht the realmis quhil on to the tyme that ane of the realmis conqueis the tothir. and than thai vil adhere til his opinione that conquesis the victore. bot sic dissymilit and subtyl neutral men at the end of the veyrs vil be reuardit as the cordinar of rome vas reuardit be augustus cesar as i sal rehers. The beuk of the annales of rome rehersis, that in the tyme of the ciuil veyris that vas betuix Augustus Cesar, and Anthonius, quhilkis tua contendit for the empire. the iugement of the victore that vas aperand to be betuix them, vas verray incertan to teh vniuersal pepil of ytalie, be rason that thai var profond hie spretit vailzeant men anndd verray opulent in reches & of grit allya, quhilk vas occasione that the romans var deuidit in tua aduerse parteis. at that tyme ther vas ane cordinar of rome ane verray subtil riche villane, quha be cam neutral, induring the tyme of the veyris betuix Augustus and Anthonius, tariand quhil on to the tyme that ane of them var superior <f 144r> of the tothir, zit he nocht beand certan quha suld be superior of rome, and alse beand desirus to haue the grace and fauouris of hym that hapnit to be imperiour, he be grit subtilite neurissit tua zong corbeis in tua cagis, in tua syndry housis, and he leyrnit them baytht to speik. he leyrnit ane of them to saye, god saue thy grace nobil victoreus augustus cesar. and he leyrnit the tothir to saye god saue thy grace nobil victoreus empriour anthonius, than this subtel cordinar set ane of his corbeis that gef louyng til augustus furtht at his vindo on the plane reu, quhen he beheld ony gentil men of augustus allya pas or repas befor his house. and siklyik he set furtht his tothir corbe at his vindo quhen he beheld ony of the allya of Anthonius pas or repas befor his house. the quhilk thing he did to that effect that he mycht vyn the fauoir of augustus & nocht to tyne the fauoir of anthonius. of this sort he vas lyik to the sourd vitht the tua edgis than quhen Augustus cesar venquest anthonius, & vas pacebil empriour, this subtel cordonar presentit the corbe til Augustus quhilk gef hym louyng in hyr artificial speche, of <f 144v>the quhilk cesar vas verray glaid, quhar for he gef to the cordonar fyftene hundretht peces of gold, bot sune there eftir it vas reportit to augustus cesar, that the said subtel cordonar hed and corbe that gaue as grit louyng til anthonius, than augustus causit the said corbe and the cordonar to be brotht in his presens and quhen he persauit that the cordonar vas ane astuce subtel falou & dissmymilit, he gart hang hym on ane potent befor the capitol & his tua corbeis be syde hym.

Of this sort (O ze my thre sonnis) ony of zou that is be cum neutral to scotland and ingland and is tariand quhil there be ane prince superior to baytht the realmis, doutles ze sal be recompensit be that prince for zour astuce dissymilitnes as the cordinar vas recompensit be augustus cesar. Ther for i exort zou to reuoke zour neutralite and that ze be cum special vailzeant deffendours of zour natyue cuntre. it vas sperit at cicero in the tyme of the ciuil veyris betuix Iulius Cesar & pompeus quhais querrel and part that he vald tak. cicero ansuerit, quem fugiam scio, quem sequar nescio, this is to say i vait quhais part i sal refuse, bot, vait nocht quhais part i sal tak. this <f 145r>ansueir of ambiguite declarit that cicero vas be cum neutral in the ciuil and intestine veyris, that vas betuix iulius Cesar and grit pompeus, zit nochtheles the romans murmerit his ansueir of ambiguite to the vrang part allegend that he hed mair fauoir to pompeus querrel nor to Iulius Cesar bot it is the natur of inciuil comont pepil to iuge euirye purpos to the vrang face. Ane propositione or ane responce of ambiguite suld be ay interpreit and exponit to the best sens conformand til ane reul of the lau de vsu L creditor, cum ibi no C & L fi vsuras. the quhilkis cheptours sais. Ambigua solutio pro meliori & certiori parte est interpretunda et intelligenda. bot nou to proceid in my purpose Cicero hed ane honest cause to refuse baytht ther querellis and to be neutral be rason that thai contendit baytht to be superiours and kyngis of rome, quhilk vas expresse contrar the antiant lauis of the romans The sophist logicinaris per chance may argou that tua contrareis can nocht be baytht false and be this mutulat freuole reul of logic thai vald infer and allegie that Iulius and pompeus culd nocht baytht hef ane vrangus titil in ther debait considerand that the comont prouerb <f 145v>sais that in euyrie tua contrar opinions ther is ane rycht and ane vrang thir freuole sophistaris that marthirs and sklandirs the text of aristotel deseruis punitione for quhou beit that ther be comparison of greis in euyrie thyng, that follouis nocht that the positiue gre and the comparatiue gre ar contrar tyl vthir, for gude and bettir ar defferent in greis & zit thai ar nocht contrar til vthirs siklyik euyl and var ar of defferent greis bot zit thai ar nocht contrar til vthirs. zit nochtheles ther is tua reulis in the lau that sais. Aliquid est iustum cuius contrarium est iustius. L exigendi C. de procu, per glo. the tothir reul sais. Aliquid est malum cuius contrarium est deterius. ff. de re in L. quotiens bot thir tua reulis of the lau makkis no iust titil nothir to iulius nor to pompeus quhou be it that ther querellis var baytht contrar til vthirs considerand that baytht there querellis tendit to the demolitione of the antiant public veil of the romans ther for ther vas na greis of comparison in ther debait there for nocht ane of them hed ane iust titil in ther contrare querellis nor zit the opinion of Iulius vas na var nor the querrel of pompeus considerand that ther contraire debait var baytht <f 146r> of ane euyl equal qualite Nou to mak ane end of this degressione i vil conclude that the neutralite of cicero deseruis recommendatione quhen Iulius and pompeus contendit quhilk of them suld be kyngis of rome. Bot it is nocht siclyik betuix ingland and scotland. for quhou be it that forane princis that ar indefferent til ingland and scotland and al se ther subiectis vil remane neutral in our veyris contrar inglis men that follouis nocht that scottis men can hef ony iust titil to remane neutral quhen our cuntre is inuadit be our dissaitful ald enemeis.     Quhar for i exort zou (o ze my thre sonnis) that gyf ony of zou be suspekkit that ze hef bene neutral in tymis by past that nou ze purge zou vitht sum vailzeantnes contrar zour enemeis, to that effect that ze maye reuenge the extreme violent domage that ze hef sustenit be the oniust veyris of ingland. And qu hou be it that zour ald enemeis vald decist fra ther oniust veyris and that thai vald treit pace vitht zou zit nochtheles ze suld nocht condiscend to sic pace, bot gyf the kyng of ingland vald restoir ande reforme the domage & violens that ze haue indurit. And alse doutles the inglis men vil offir zou no pace, bot ane dissymilit <f 146v>pace for ther auen auantage ande to disaue zou eftiruart be ane mair cruel veyr it is knauen throucht al cristianite that inglis men socht neuyr pace at scotland and France at ane instant tyme bot rather quhen thai socht pace at scotland there purpos vas to mak veyr on France and quhen thai socht pace of France, ther purpos vas to mak veyr on scotland ther for sic dissimilit pace fra the quhilk may succeid veyr, suld nocht be resauit bot rather veyris suld be maid, in hope that sure pace maye succeid conformand til ane cheptour in the xxiij distincione in the fyrst question quhilk sais. Non pax queritur vt bellum exerceatur, sed bellum geritur vt pax acquiratur. ther for quhen the legatis of ingland offris to zou ane dishonest pace fra the quhilk maye succeid ane mair cruel veyr, ze suld refuse it, conformand to the vordis of Cicero in his inuectyue philipiques contrar anthonius, sayand pax est repudianda, si sub eius nomine latitet bellum. There for (o ze my thre sunnis) ze haue ane iust titil, to refuse pace and til intend cruel veyr contrar zour enemeis. for as tucidides sais in the thretten cheptour of his fyrst beuk, quod he, as it is conuenient tyl honest & <f 147r>prudent men to lyue in pace, quhen there nychtbours dois them na oultraige nor violens: Siklyike it is honest and conuenient, to verteous men to change there pace and rest in cruel veyr fra tyme that thai haue resauit oultrage and violens fra there nychtbours, for the changeyng of ane dissymilit pace, in ane cruel veyr, sal be occasione of ane ferme and faythtful pace. Cicero confermis this sammyn purpose in the fyrst beuk of his officis. Suscipienda bella sunt, vt in pace sine iniuria viuatur. Ande quhou be it that there is diuers parsons in scotland that sais, that rest and pace var verray necessair for vs. i confesse that honest pace suld preffer oniust veyris. for that cause the empriour traian said, that it var les skaytht to mak ane iust veyr nor to lyue in dreddour vndir ane dissymilit pace. Euerie man is oblist to deffend the gudis heretages and possessions that his antecestres and forbearis hes left to them. for as tucidides hes said in his sycond beuk. quod he it is mair dishonour tyl ane person to tyne the thyng, that his antecestres and forbearis hes conqueist be grite laubours, nor it is dishonour quhen he failzeis in the conquessing of ane thing that be intendit <f 147v>tyl haue conquesit fra his mortal enemye. Be this rason, euyrie nobil man suld be verray solist to deffend his iust querrel, for siklyik as ane man offendis his consciens quhen he dois violens extorsions and domage tyl his nychtbour siklyik ane honest man offendis & hurtis his consciens, quhen he deffendis hym nocht in his iust querrel contrar his enemeis & alse reuengis hym nocht of the violens and domage that his enemeis hes perpetrat contrar hym. Quhar for i exort zou my thre sonnis, that ze condiscend in ane faythful accord than doutles god sal releue zou of the grit afflictione that ze haue indurit be the incredule seid of ingland, & alse i beleue that he sal mak zou ane instrament til extinct that false generatione furtht of rememorance, & sa fayr veil.

Heir endis the complaynt of scotland.

Nichil est turpius, quam sapientis vitam, ex insipientium sermone pendere. Cice. de fini.

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