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Robert Burns Lives!
The Robert Burns World Federation Newsletter March 2015 edited by Mike Duguid

Edited by Frank R. Shaw, FSA Scot, Greater Atlanta, GA, USA

For those of you who have not seen the newsletter below, you will find it a small but true representation of how our Scottish Bard is celebrated in different places around the globe. It was thrilling to me to read the accounts and view the pictures. I am grateful to Mike Duguid for sharing the newsletter he is editor of and for his willingness to help shed more light on what the Burns Federation is about. Mike is a great guy and an excellent speaker on behalf of Burns and it is an honor to call him my friend. Thanks Mike and as I address the University of Glasgow graduates who are meeting in Washungton, D C tonight and who have made this part of America their home, I will speak highly of you, which is not hard to do! FRS:3.5.15)

You can download this Burns Federation newsletter here in pdf format

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