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Robert Burns Lives!
Immortal Memory by Kevin Hague

Edited by Frank R. Shaw, FSA Scot, Greater Atlanta, GA, USA

This is a copy of the Immortal Memory given by Kevin Hague of the Chokka Blog fame in Scotland. His blog is by far the best in the business when examining the finances of Scotland and he's often been quoted in the largest newspapers in the UK. 

I told Frank about this and while he indicated he'd like to use this he has said that he's not too well and so it has yet to appear.  I have emailed Frank to see how he's doing but still to hear back from him and so thought I'd add this myself on his behalf.

Kevin did add my two comments to his posting where I was highlighting Frank's Robert Burns Lives! pages.

Alastair McIntyre (4/29/19)

As an introduction Kevin said...

Monday, 28 January 2019
Robert Burns: An Immortal Memory

It was my privilege to deliver the Immortal Memory at the Gifford Village Burns' supper on Saturday and some people enjoyed it enough (or were at least polite enough) to ask me to share a written version. So here goes.

The hugely talented Aileen Watson and her brother Neil provided musical contributions / interludes and - so as not to test the patience of the audience - I broke my contribution into three distinct sections with the aim of providing a narrative structure to the evening.

There is much fun that can be had with Burns' bawdier works - I chose not to given the rather genteel audience I was addressing.

A final note on delivery: personally I never read from a script - I prefer the natural and more engaging cadence that comes from speaking from the briefest of notes - so the prose that follows is a perhaps awkward hybrid of prose and script [complete with asides] and can only represent an approximation of what I might actually have said!

Kevin Hague

Here is a pdf of his Immortal Memory

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