The completion
of a line of Railway, to which the metropolis of Scotland and
the ancient burgh of Hawick have become respective termini,
with certain advantage to the latter, if not indeed to both
places,—appeared to the compiler a suitable opportunity for
stringing together such notes connected with the history of the
town, as he had from time to time entered upon his tablets.
Inconsiderate observers may feel disposed to undervalue these "
short and simple annals but when it is remembered how completely
neglected the topography of our country has been, and how
important are the smallest materials which contribute to remedy
the defect, the facts hereinafter recorded may appear to be
neither uninteresting nor entirely devoid of historical value.
To some individuals, the Record of the
Proceedings of the Circuit Court of Justiciary, held at Dumfries
and Jedburgh in the years 1622 and 1623, contained in the
Supplement, may seem to have no special connection with the town
of Hawick; yet it certainly sheds light on the state of society
throughout that part of the Borders with which the town is
usually identified, during a period when history furnishes but
scanty materials for reference; and a collection can hardly be
considered altogether insignificant, containing authentic
reports of our ancient mode of procedure in trials for crime on
the Borders, of a much earlier date than any of a similar
character yet discovered.
The Appendix includes several documents hitherto
unpublished, calculated to convey to the reader an accurate
notion of the municipal constitution of the burgh ; and, with
regard to the Biographical Sketches, although the lives of some
of the persons may be found elsewhere, these, for the most part,
are contained in books not generally accessible to most readers.
The View of Hawick, from a painting by Mi-Andrew
Richardson of Edinburgh, is taken from Easter Martin's Hill, a
point which is considered to afford the most pleasing
representation of the locality.
The Vignette is from a painting, apparently that
executed by L. Clennel for Sir Walter Scott's Border Antiquities
of England and Scotland, published in 1813.
To Alexander M'Donald, Esq., Keeper of the
Register of Deeds in the General Register House, Edinburgh, who,
by revising with remarkable care, the proof sheets of the
Justiciary Record, relieved the Editor from that irksome task,
his thanks are justly due, and gratefully tendered.
Had access to the archives contained in the
charter-rooms of the feudal mansions connected with this part of
the Southern Border been obtained by the compiler, the following
pages might have been rendered more complete and interesting. As
it is, he can only express a hope that some future and more
competent individual may enjoy that fortunate privilege.
While these sheets are passing through the press,
a very interesting work, intituled, " Descriptive Catalogue of
Casts of the Royal, Baronial, and Ecclesiastical Seals of
Scotland," by Mr Henry Laing of Edinburgh, has been announced
for publication. By his permission, the following description of
the seals in the Hawick Charter Chest is extracted from the
"James Douglas of Drumlanrig, 1537.
Quarterly first and fourth, three mullets; second
and third, a mans heart; and on a chief, three crosses pattee.
' S. J. D.
de Drumlanrege."
(that is, Seal of James Douglas.)
Appended to a Charter by James Douglas of
Drumlanrig to the town of Hawick, 11th October 1537.
Mary, a.d. 1545.
The Queen is here seated on a throne of state,
with a sceptre in her right hand, and her left lying on her
breast. The throne is elaborately embellished with carved
ornaments in that mixed Italian style prevailing at the time,
and now called Elizabethan. The inscription is imperfect, but
may be read,
' Maria Dei Gracia Regina Scctorum/
Counter Seal of the last.
The royal arms of Scotland. Supporters, two
unicorns chained, and gorged with a crown. Above the shield, an
arched closed crown of llcur-de-lis and crosses pattee, the
arches meeting and terminating in a ball, surmounted with a
thistle crowned. The inscription is not very distinct, but can
be read,
' Salvum fac Populum tuum Dvne.'
Seal of the Burgh of Hawick, circa 1814.
The common Seal of the burgh of Hawick has
crosses pattee. The shield is surrounded by the collar of the
Thistle, and further embellished by two banners, the dexter
charged with a saltire, and the sinister, another of the same
surmounted with an open crown. Behind each supporter is the arms
of the burgh, viz., argent, an altar, thereon an open book (the
Bible ?) between a pennon waving towards the dexter, inscribed
with the date 1514; and a man's heart imperially crowned, all
proper fesswise ; and on a chief, sable, a lamp with two
branches inflamed, proper. On a garter surrounding the shield is
' slgillum burgi de hawick.'
The charges of the altar and lamp are of course
allusive to the religious intentions of the donor of the charter
to the town, one of the conditions of which is, that the good
town should bear the expense of burning a lamp on certain
festivals, for the health of the soul of himself and his
successors. The pennon commemorates the event of the capture of
such a trophy by the burghers of Hawick from the English, at a
skirmish in the neighbourhood of the town in a.
d. 1514.
The heart is too well known to require any explanation.'',
Hawick, January 1
Annals of Hawick,
from 1214 to 1814
Commissionaris Court Buik of the Sherifdomes of Bervick,
Selkirk, Peiblis, Jedbrugh, Dumfreis, and stewartries of
klrkcudbrycht and Annandaill, quhairintill Gilbert Watt, notar,
is clerk, begunne the xxi of Maij 1622, at Dumfreis. (8.S.) Gilb.
Watt, Clk."
I. Gavin Douglas
II. Douglas of Drumlanrig
III. Observations on the Charter of 1537
IV. Charter of Confirmation by Mary Queen of Scots, under the
Great Seal, in favour of the Town of Hawick, 1545
V. Instrument of Sasine in favour of James Scott alias Bailzie,
VI. Rev. William Fowler
VII. Act in favour of William Lord Drumlanrig, for two Yeirlie
Faires at the Toun of Hawick, 1669
VIII. Ratification by the Scottish Parliament in favour of Anna,
Duchess of Buccleuch, of the Lands and Barony of Hawick, &c.,
IX. Ratification by the Scottish Parliament in favour of Anna,
Duchess of Buccleuch, of the Earldom and Lordship of Buccleuch,
X. Rev. Alexander Orrok
XI. Rev. Robert Cunningham
XII. Rev. William Crawford
XIII. Rev. Thomas Somerville, D.D.
XIV. Remarks on the Tenure of the Burgh of Hawick
XV. Observations on the Division of Hawick Common, in 1777
XVI. Rev. Samuel Charters, D.D.
XVII. Set of the Burgh
XVIII. Rev. John Young, D.D.
XIX. Judgment of the Court of Session in the Cattle Steut Case
XX. Corporation Abstract, 1814 to 1815
XXI. Corporation Abstract, 1846 to 1847
XXII. Comparative View of the Trade of Hawick, 1771-1850
Addendum.—Rev. George Hepburn and the Rev. Thomas Somerville.
You can download this book
in pdf format here!
For those doing
research on Hawick you may also like to download this small
Bibliography of Works
relating to, or published in, Hawick with an Appendix containing
a List of Hawick Newspapers, Local Maps, and Music by James
Sinton (1908).

You can download
this book here
A Hawick Word Book
By Douglas Scott (2018) (pdf) (external link)
O the Border"
1948 Travelogue of Hawick, Scotland, Cashmere & Merino Knit Sweaters |