IN the last chapter we saw
how Leith at last freed herself from the shackles by which Edinburgh had
for so many long centuries restricted her from almost any share in the
shipping trade of her own harbour. But Edinburgh, in another way, still
continued to hamper Leith’s activities, for, from the closing years of
the fourteenth century, she began to have another hold on Leith which
tightened more and more as the years passed, and held her in an even more
galling bondage than that of being excluded from any share in the foreign
trade of her own harbour.
In being shut out from
engaging in the overseas trade of their own port Leithers were no worse
off than the inhabitants of other unfree ports throughout the land. The
Clyde burghs of Rutherglen, Renfrew, and Dumbarton did all they could to
hamper and impede the trade of the unfree town of Glasgow. But there the
jurisdiction of these royal burghs over Glasgow ended. They had no other
rights over the good folk of this unfree port, who in all other matters
were under the authority of their own overlord, the archbishop of the
The lot of those unfree
towns was happy compared with that of Leith. For not only did Edinburgh
own the harbour, and possess the sole right of carrying on all the
overseas trade of the port of Leith, but by purchasing the feudal rights
of the Logans and other superiors she gradually became overlord of nearly
the whole town as well, and thus exercised complete authority over its
inhabitants, and regulated all their doings. Leith was in the position of
a serf of which Edinburgh was the owner. Serfs had really no individual
rights, and therefore Leith as a town had none. Its inhabitants were for
this reason looked on as unfree. No other town in Scotland had the freedom
of its inhabitants so hampered and obstructed, or had its affairs so
completely subjected to the selfish interests of its overlord, as were
those of Leith.
From 1398 down to 1833,
when Leith was made a separate burgh by Act of Parliament, the
relationship between the two towns may be described as, on the one hand,
the most constant and jealous interference and control on the part of
Edinburgh to further what she considered her undoubted rights, and, on the
other hand, an equally constant evasion of this control on every possible
opportunity on the part of Leith. The Merchant Guild of Edinburgh, who
alone at this time, and for the next two hundred years, monopolized the
right to membership of the Town Council, thought, and no doubt rightly,
that they could enforce and maintain their trade privileges in Leith all
the more strongly if they, instead of the Logans, were the feudal
superiors of the town.
Gradually, therefore, the
whole of South Leith held by the Logans passed from the possession of the
barons of Restalrig into that of the wealthy and, if truth must be told,
somewhat proud and overbearing merchant burgesses of Edinburgh, who proved
very exacting overlords to the Leithers, just as they were somewhat
tyrannous and oppressive in their rule of all the inhabitants of Edinburgh
itself who were not fortunate enough to be members of the Merchant Guild,
and whom they jealously excluded from all share in the municipal
government of the city.
To the many restrictions
and prohibitions upon her freedom to trade abroad, dating from the
earliest years of her history—for Bruce’s famous charter only
confirmed what former kings had granted—we owe the origin of the
unfriendly feeling between the two towns. But to the irritating and
humiliating state of vassalage just described, much more than to Edinburgh’s
trading privileges as a royal burgh, is due that feeling of suspicion and
unfriendliness that still, to some extent, exists between the two towns.
The prolongation of this state of vassalage for so many years after the
growing commerce of the country had rendered the trading restrictions no
longer possible, added to and greatly intensified this unfriendly feeling.
The Town Council of
Edinburgh, then, gradually acquired complete control of Leith and all its
affairs. For this reason Leith never had a provost, magistrates, or town
council of her own until she became a parliamentary burgh under the Burgh
Reform Act in 1833. The records of the Town Council of Edinburgh form a
rich storehouse of the city’s history, and are valuable for the
information they give regarding the customs and social life of its
inhabitants in mediaeval times. Leith, on the other hand, having been an
unfree town right down to the early decades of the nineteenth century,
has, of course Town Council records from that time only, and thus what
would have proved a valuable source of her early history was never
written, and so we must look for it elsewhere. The loss from 1589 is
partially replaced by the records of the Sessions of South and North Leith
Parish Churches Of the former body, the two Edinburgh bailies—the Water
Bailie and his Deputy—charged with the control and supervision of South
Leith affairs, were members by virtue of their office.
The Session of the Parish
Church, aided by the two Edinburgh bailies, strange as it may seem to us
in our more democratic days, discharged many of the duties of a town
council, and for over two hundred years had a considerable share in the
management and direction of the public affairs of the town. Their records
have been published for the period 1588—1700, and are not surpassed in
the interest of their details by any similar publication for the same
period. Yet few Leithers have taken the trouble to read them, and still
fewer have thought them worthy of purchase. That seems altogether strange
in a town that has never lacked a vigorous spirit of local patriotism.
We have learned that from
the earliest days of their history, towns, like baronies, had their
overlords, who held absolute sway over them and their inhabitants. As they
grew in size towns became impatient of this rule, and wished to govern
themselves through their corporations, as our towns do today. Where the
king or some noble was overlord this freedom of self-government was not
very difficult to obtain, for kings and nobles were often in need of
money, and this need the towns under their rule were ever ready to supply
in return for a larger freedom. They would advance a goodly sum to a needy
king or baron in return for a document called a charter, in which the
privileges to be granted them were fully detailed. Step by step in this
way towns were constantly obtaining a larger measure of freedom until, as
in the case of royal burghs like Edinburgh, they finally obtained
In many cases, as in that
of Edinburgh, this privilege of self-government was acquired at so early a
period that the charter by which it was granted has long ago disappeared.
The royal burghs grew to be the largest and most important towns in the
country, because they were allowed to develop freely without their
industrial activities being fettered in any way by the arbitrary rule of
some overlord. Baronial towns like Dalkeith were not quite so fortunate,
and towns like the Canongate, which belonged to the Church, were still
less so in their struggle for freedom, though continued for centuries, as
rich and powerful bodies like the abbot and monks of some wealthy abbey,
such as Holyrood, could not be induced to part with many of their powers
by offers of money, however large.
But the lot of Church towns
like the Canongate or Musselburgh was fortunate compared with that of
unhappy Leith. While it was not unusual in Italy during the Middle Ages to
find one town subject to another at least for a time, so far as its
outside relations were concerned, as Pisa and Lucca to Florence in the
early fourteenth century, yet such a servitude, except in the case of that
of Leith to Edinburgh, was unknown in Scotland. In being subject to
Edinburgh, Leith was the vassal of a wealthy city corporation, proud of
its possessions and privileges, whom no sum of money could tempt to part
with any one of them in the smallest degree. On the contrary, in order to
obtain more complete control of the harbour and its shipping, and to check
any attempt of the Leithers to evade her statutes and ordinances, or to
infringe her trade monopoly, it was to the interest of Edinburgh to
tighten by every means in her power, rather than to relax, her hold over
her unhappy vassal, and the most effective way of doing this was to obtain
possession of the town as well as of the harbour. This then became the
traditional policy of the Corporation of Edinburgh, and they spent large
sums of money in its pursuit.
The town of Leith in the
far-off times of which we are now speaking—the closing years of the
fourteenth century—was owned by three feudal superiors: the king, the
Laird of Restalrig, and the Abbot of Holyrood. Edinburgh’s first
possessions in Leith were, of course, those of the harbour and mills
gifted to her by royal charter at some period of that golden age of
Scotland’s history extending from the reign of David I. to the death of
Alexander III.—that is, between 1124 and 1286. Mills, owing to the large
revenue derived from them, were among the most valuable of an overlord’s
possessions. They were as prominent a feature in the Leith of the
fourteenth century as they are today, for both the Laird of Restalrig and
the Abbot of Holyrood had mills in Leith as well as the Town Council of
Edinburgh. No barony, indeed, was then without its mill. Though in later
years we find windmills as well, those in Leith at this time were all
driven by water power, and were therefore situated somewhere by the banks
of the Water of Leith; but their exact location, except in the case of one
or two which were owned by the Laird of Restalrig, is unknown today.
Bonnington Mills, which we find a possession of Holyrood from their
earliest record, perhaps supplied the needs of the abbot’s lands of
North Leith as well as those of more outlying parts. The mills of the
Laird of Restalrig, specifically known as Leith Mills, were sold to the
city of Edinburgh in 1722 by Lord Balmerino.
The mills gifted to
Edinburgh along with the harbour, though frequently spoken of in later
years as "Leith Mills," are not so designated in Robert the
Bruce’s charter. Leith Mills belonged, as we have already seen, to the
lairds of Restalrig. Where Edinburgh’s mills were situated is not known.
With the harbour they were the earliest of the city’s possessions in
Leith. This royal grant did not confer any right to the use of the banks
of the river, and disputes arose with Sir Robert Logan, the proprietor
which were only settled by the Edinburgh authorities paying him a large
sum of money for the banks, with liberty to erect wharves and quays
thereon, and to make roads through the lands of Restalrig for the
transport of goods and merchandise to and from the city. Their main
highway became the Easter Road of later days, while the abbot and canons
of Holyrood had their own approach to Leith by way of Broughton Loan and
the Bonnington or Western Road, which passed through their own lands all
the way to the ford and ferry across the water to North Leith.
In 1414 Edinburgh made
another bargain with Sir Robert Logan, and obtained a charter from him by
which he granted to the city all the land along the river bank from the
abbot’s lands of St. Leonards, now the Coalhill, to the mouth of the
river, which was then where the Broad Wynd is now, while the waste land
beyond that point, in some way unknown to us today, belonged to Holyrood
Abbey. Up to this time the only means of access to the harbour which Logan
allowed the Edinburgh burgesses was by the narrow yet quaintly picturesque
Burgess Close, now widened into a street, utterly wanting in the old-world
charm that graced its ancient predecessor.

The old Burgess Close, which ran south-east
to the Rotten Row, now Water Street, was not for Leith folks. It contained
the booths and stores of those Edinburgh burgesses engaged in the commerce
of their port. In an old building which formerly stood here, probably at
one time the booth of one of those Edinburgh merchant burgesses, there was
a beautifully moulded doorway with a finely carved lintel containing the
heraldic motto of the city, Nisi Dominus Frustra, in the
abbreviated form Nisi Dns Frustra, and the date, 1573, with what
looked like a merchant’s mark, but which might have been merely
decoration. This is the oldest carved lintel of Leith of which there is
any record, and, curiously enough, the oldest carved dated lintel in
Edinburgh has a variation of the same heraldic motto. The Edinburgh
burgesses compelled the Laird of Restalrig to give them a wider and more
convenient access to their harbour, and in this further grant we have the
origin of Tolbooth Wynd as a street.
The next superiority the
city acquired was that of Newhaven, founded by James IV. in 1504 on lands
acquired from the Abbey of Holyrood in exchange for part of his own domain
of Linlithgow. Here he erected shipbuilding yards and a naval dockyard for
the construction and accommodation of the navy he was so ambitious to
possess. The city of Edinburgh, we are told, did not look with favour on
this new rival to their own port of Leith. James’s naval schemes had
already exhausted his treasury, and, as the sale of Newhaven was in no way
to interfere with the work of his shipyards there, he readily parted with
it in 1510 to the Edinburgh Council, who were only too eager to possess
it, for frequent injury was done to the trading privileges of the royal
burghs by ports outside their control.