a surname of great antiquity in Scotland, and of frequent occurrence in
Scottish history. It is stated by Pinkerton to have been derived from a
Norman knight, named de Campo Bello, who came to England with William the
Conqueror. As respects the latter part of the statement, it is to be
observed that in the list of all the knights who composed the army of the
Conqueror on the occasion of his invasion of England, and which is known
by the name of the Roll of Battle-Abbey, the name of Campo Bello is not to
be found. But it does not follow, as recent writers have assumed, that a
knight of that name may not have come over to England at a later period,
either of his reign or of that his successors. Mr. Pinkerton has
associated with this account of the origin of the name a theory that the
Campbells were not only not Celts but Goths, in which, however, he is
assuredly mistaken.

It has been
alleged in opposition to this account that in the oldest form of writing
the name, it is spelled Cambel or Kambel, and it is so found in many
ancient documents; but these were written by parties not acquainted with
the individuals whose name they record, as in the manuscript account of
the battle of Halidon Hill, by an unknown English writer, preserved in the
British museum; in the Ragman Roll, which was compiled by an English
clerk, and in Wyntoun’s Chronicle. There is no evidence, however, that at
any period it was written by any of the family otherwise than as Campbell, notwithstanding the extraordinary diversity that occurs in
the spelling of other names by their holders, as shown by Lord Lindsay in
the account of his clan, and the invariable employment of the letter p
by the Campbells themselves would be of itself a strong argument for the
southern origin of the name, did there not exist, in the record of the
parliament of Robert Bruce held in 1320, the name of the then head of the
family, entered as Sir Nigel de Campo Bello.
The writers,
however, who attempt to sustain the fabulous tales of the sennachies,
assign a very different origin to the name. It is personal, say they,
“like that of some others of the Highland clans, being composed of the
words cam, bent or arched, and beul, mouth; this having been
the most prominent feature o the great ancestor of the clan, Diarmid
O’Dwbin, or O’Dwin, a brave warrior celebrated in traditional story, who
was contemporary with the heroes of Ossian. In the Gaelic language his
descendants are called Siol Diarmid, the offspring or race of Diarmid.”
Besides the
manifest improbability of this origin on other grounds, two considerations
may be adverted to, each of them conclusive.
First, it is
known to all who have examined ancient genealogies, that among the Celtic
races personal distinctives never have become hereditary. Malcolm Canmore,
Donald Bane, Rob Roy, or Even Dhu, were,
with many other names, distinctive of personal qualities, but none of them
descended, or could do so, to the children of those who acquired them.
Secondly, it is
no less clear that, until after what is called the Saxon Conquest had been
completely effected, no hereditary surnames were in use among the Celts of
Scotland, nor by the chiefs of Norwegian descent who governed in Argyle
and the Isles. This circumstance is pointed out by Tytler in his remarks
upon the early population of Scotland, in the chapter in his second volume
of the History of Scotland. The domestic slaves attached to the
possessions of the church and of the barons have their genealogies
engrossed in ancient charters of conveyances and confirmation copied by
him. The names are all Celtic, but in no one instance does the son, even
when bearing a second or distinctive name, follow that of his father.
According to the
genealogists of the family of Argyle, their predecessors, on the female
side, were possessors of Lochow, in Argyleshire, as early as 404. In the
eleventh century, Gillespic (or Archibald) Campbell, a gentleman of
Anglo-Norman lineage, acquired the lordship of Lochow, by marriage with
Eva, daughter and heiress of Paul O’Dwin, lord of Lochow, denominated Paul
Insporran, from his being the king’s treasurer.
Sir Colin
Campbell of Lochow, sixth in descent from this personage, distinguished
himself by his warlike actions, and was knighted by King Alexander the
Third in 1280. In 1291 he was one of the nominees on the part of Robert
Bruce in the contest for the Scottish crown. He added largely to his
estates, and on account of his great prowess he obtained the surname of
More or great; from him the chief of the Argyle family is in Gaelic styled
Mac Chaillan More.
According to the
universally received opinion for several centuries, the distinctive Mac is
understood to imply son, or the son of, and Mac Chaillan would accordingly
imply the son of Chaillan. But it is not anywhere said or supposed that
Sir Colin’s father or any of his immediate ancestors bore the name of
Chaillan. He is described as Dominus Colinus Campbell Miles, filius
Dominus Gileaspec Camp-bel, in an acquisition referred to in a charter
of the monks of Newbattle abbey of the lands of Symontoun in Ayrshire, the
reddendo of which Sir Colin made over to that abbey in 1293. The father of
this Gillespic is said to have been Duncan Campbell, married to a lady of
the name of Sommerville, of the house of Carnwath, and the father of
Duncan, an Archibald Campbell, but there is no authentic instance of their
being styled of Lochow. Other instances occur where the prefix Mac is used
without signifying son, as, for example, in Macbeth, who is not known to
have been the son of Beth, and whose son Madoch did not bear that name;
and also in the genealogies of the Celtic slaves already referred to
quoted by Tytler in his history, where the word Mac occurs in the name of
a son which is not the same as that of his father. It is also found in
compound words, as Macpherson, Macfarquharson, &c., where the English word
son is also incorporated. We are therefore led to look for another
explanation of this frequent prefix. It is not found in Welsh names. In
the few Irish names in which it appears, a Scotch origin can frequently be
traced, and it is often used in the form of Mag, as Maguire, Maginnes, as
it is also along with the C in the Scotch names MacGlashan, MacGillivray,
&c. In the oldest Irish records the word Mic occurs, and is translated
son, and this mic is frequently found combined with Mac, as Mic Mac. There
is a curious instance in Irish history of the prefix Mac being employed to
signify great or big, as in a chief in the reign of Elizabeth, who is said
to have been called Mac Manus, great hand, from the length of his
arms. It is not therefore improbable that the word mac or mag may have
originally been a contraction of Magnus, great or big, employed in the
first instance by the priests, the only chroniclers and namegivers in the
corrupted Latin of those ages, either as an independent personal
distinctive, or to designate, among several of the same name, the
individual of greatest size and strength, and which in later ages, when
surnames came into use, might be continued by their descendants to
distinguish them from the children of others of the same name, on whom
such a personal distinctive had not been bestowed. It may be remarked,
that in this sense it sometimes occurs in British or Welsh, as well as in
Celtic or Irish, topography, as Mackinleith, the great place on the
Leath, a hundred and town of great antiquity in Montgomeryshire;
Maginnis, the great island, the ancient name of the peninsula
between Lough Strangford and Dundrum; also, corrupted into Muck or Mug, as
Mucross, the great cross; and in composition as Carrickmacross, the rock of the great cross.
It is probable that it has been used in
other countries in composition of names, as Magellan, or Magalhaen, the
great stranger, the name of the discoverer of Capt Horn.
On this
supposition also the word Mac Chaillan appears to be the Celtic
orthography, according to their pronunciation of Mag Allan, or Alaine, the
latter a word which is not only a frequent name in the Romance
language (with which the Norman-French, as spoken in Scotland in the
twelfth century is nearly identified), but was also used in that language
to signify what that word actually meant, viz., aleanus, stranger,
or alien, and Mac Caillane would thus imply the tall or large-bodied
stranger. The appellative mor or more, although frequently used in
modern Celtic, in a physical sense, as great, was in earlier times
more properly a distinctive of superior rank, as maormor, the ancient name
for the Pictish chiefs, viz., chief of the heads (maors, or mayors,
a corrupted Gotho-Latin term,) of the tribes. This term mor is
still preserved in the Spanish and Portuguese languages, which are
descended from the Romance, to express such a distinction of rank or
order, as alcayde mor, the head alcade; captain mor, head
captain, an officer equivalent to commander-in-chief of the military force
in Portuguese colonies; thesaureiro mor, head treasurer, &c. The
identity of many of the Romanceiro terms preserved in peninsular
languages, with those occurring in the earliest forms of Celtic words,
presents matter of speculation to the philologist and antiquary, but may
perhaps be accounted for by the earlier prevalence of that tongue and its
larger use also in the north of Scotland than even the Saxon itself, as
the conquerors under Canmore and his descendants were chiefly of that
race, and in mixing with the natives, they may have retained a number of
these Gotho-Latin terms whilst adopting along with them in the course of
that amalgamation, the general idiom of the conquered people.
It is therefore
suggested that the Celtic name Mac Ghaillan Mor, is in reality a compound
of corrupted Latin and Romance words implying the great or tall
stranger chief, a suggestion which singularly aids the opinion which,
after considerable attention to the matter, we have formed, viz. that the
first of the Campbells or Campobellos was a military knight, one of whose
ancestors may have assisted Alexander the Second in his conquest of
Argyle, and received, along with the Steward of Scotland, who obtained all
Bute and Cowal on the same occasion, the adjacent lands of Lochow as his
fee or reward, when these were forfeited by the rebellion or death of the
original possessor, probably receiving the hand of the daughter of the
latter as a further security for his acquisition. Whether this latter
circumstance occurred or not, it was not until a later age, when the
fourth earl of Argyle had acquired the jurisdiction over that region, that
the Norman bearing gyronny of eight for Campbell, came to be quartered in
the armorial bearings of the family, with the galley having furled sails,
oars in action, and flag and pendants flying for the lordship of the
Isles. The surrounding people, compelled to acquiesce in this arrangement,
would naturally describe a knight, or the son of a knight, so injected
into their midst, by the appellation of the great stranger chief.
In the account given of the origin of the name Campbell, by Jacob in his
English peerage, under their English title of Sundridge, vol. ii. p. 698,
London, 1767, there is a statement apparently contradictory of the
foregoing theory, viz., that the name Mac Chaillan, or as rendered by him
Mac Callan, is that of Sir Colin himself, “so called by the Irish.”
Admitting this to be the case, although its similarity is not apparent,
its only effect would be that instead of the great stranger chief, the distinctive Mac Caillan More would mean
Colin the great or tall
Sir Colin
Campbell had a quarrel with a powerful neighbour of his, the Lord of Lorn,
and after he had defeated him, pursuing the victory too eagerly, he was
slain (in 1294, according to Jacob in the account referred to) at a place
called the String of Cowal, where a great obelisk was erected over his
grave. This is said to have occasioned bitter feuds betwixt the houses of
Lochow and Lorn for a long period of years, which were put an end to by
the marriage of the daughter of Ergadia, the Celtic proprietor of Lorn,
with John Stewart of Innermeath about 1386. Sir Colin married a lady of
the name of Sinclair, by whom he had five sons.
Sir Niel
Campbell of Lochow, his eldest son, swore fealty to Edward the First, but
afterwards joined Robert the Bruce, and fought by his side in almost every
encounter, from the defeat at Methven to the victory at Bannockburn. King
Robert rewarded his services by giving him his sister, the Lady Mary
Bruce, in marriage, and conferring on him the lands forfeited by the earl
of Athol. Sir Niel, who was also styled Mac chaillan More, was one of the
commissioners sent to York in 1314, to negotiate a peace with the English.
His next brother Donald was the progenitor of the Campbells of Loudon.
[See LOUDON, earl of.] His three younger brothers, Dugal, Arthur, and
Duncan, all swore fealty to King Edward in 1296, but also became devoted
adherents of Robert the Bruce, and shared his favours. By his wife, the
Lady Mary Bruce, Sir Niel had three sons, Sir Colin; John, created earl of
Athol, upon the forfeiture of David de Strathbogie, the eleventh earl,
[see ATHOL, earl of,] and Dugal.
Sir Colin, the
eldest son, obtained a charter from his uncle, King Robert Bruce, of the
lands of Lochow and Ardscodniche, dated at Arbroath, 10th
February, 1316, in which he is designated Colinus filius Nigelli Cambel,
militis. In 1316, he accompanied King Robert to Ireland to assist in
placing his brother, Edward Bruce, on the throne of that kingdom. Sir
Colin assisted the steward of Scotland in 1334, in the surprise and
recovery of the castle of Dunoon, in Cowall, belonging to the Steward, but
held by the English and the adherents of Edward Baliol, and put all within
it to the sword, a feat which gave the first turn of fortune in favour of
King David Bruce. As a reward Sir Colin was made hereditary governor of
the castle of Dunoon, and had the grant of certain lands for the support
of his dignity. Syntoun states that it was his brother Dugal who did this
service, but Crawford has shown that this is wrong. Sir Colin died about
1340. By his wife, a daughter of the house of Lennox, he had three sons
and a daughter; namely, Sir Gillespic or Archibald; John, from whom the
Campbells of Barbreck and Succoth, and other families of the name, are
said to be descended; Dugal, who joined Edward Baliol, and in consequence
his estates in Cowal were forfeited by King David the Second, and given to
his eldest brother; and Alicia, married to Alan Lauder of Hatton.
The eldest son,
Sir Gillespic or Archibald, who added largely to the family possessions,
was twice married, first to a lady of the family of Menteith, and
secondly, to Mary, daughter of Sir John Lamont, and had a son, Sir Colin
Campbell of Lochow, who married Margaret second daughter of Sir John
Drummond of Stobhall, sister of Annabella, queen of Robert the Third. He
had three sons, Duncan, Colin, and David, and a daughter, married to
Duncan Macfarlane of Arrochar. Colin, the second son, was designed of
Ardkinglass, and of his family the Campbells of Ardentinny, Dunoon,
Carrick, Skipnish, Blythswood, Shawfield, Rachan, Auchwillan, and
Dergachie, are branches.
Sir Duncan
Campbell of Lochow, the eldest son, was one of the hostages in 1424, under
the name of Duncan lord of Argyle, for the payment of the sum of forth
thousand pounds (equivalent to four hundred thousand pounds of our money)
for the expense of King James the First’s maintenance during his long
imprisonment in England, when Sir Duncan was found to be worth fifteen
hundred merks a-year. He was the first of the family to assume the
designation of Argyle. By King James he was appointed one of his privy
council, and constituted his justiciary and lieutenant within the shire of
Argyle. He became a lord of parliament in 1445, under the title of Lord
Campbell. He died in 1453, and was buried at Kilmun. He married, first,
Marjory or Mariota Stewart, daughter of Robert duke of Albany, governor of
Scotland. In Pinkerton’s Scottish Gallery, there are portraits of both the
first Lord Campbell and his wife, of which the following are woodcuts:

[portraits of Lord
Campbell and his wife]
the first wife he had three sons, Celestine, who died before him;
Archibald, who also predeceased him, but left a son; and Colin, who was
the first of Glenorchy, and ancestor of the Breadalbane family, [see
BREADALBANE, earl and marquis of.] sir Duncan married, secondly, Margaret,
daughter of Sir John Stewart of Blackhall and Auchingown, natural son of
Robert the Third, by whom, also, he had three sons, namely, Duncan, who
according to Crawford, was the ancestor of the house of Auchinbreck, of
whom are the Campbells of Glencardel, Glensaddel, Kildurkland, Kilmorie,
Wester Keams, Kilberry, and Dana; Niel, progenitor, according to Crawford,
of the Campbells of Ellengreig and Ormadale; and Arthur or Archibald,
ancestor of the Campbells of Ottar, now extinct. It is said that the
Campbells of Auchinbreck and their cadets, also Ellengreig and Ormadale,
descend from this the youngest son, and not from his brother.
The first Lord Campbell was succeeded by his grandson Colin, the son of
his second son Archibald. He acquired part of the lordship of Campbell in
the parish of Dollar, by marrying the eldest of the three daughters of
John Stewart, third lord of Lorn and Innermeath. He did not, as is
generally stated, acquire by this marriage any part of the lordship of
Lorn (which passed to Walter, brother of John, the fourth Lord Innermeath,
and heir of entail), but obtained that lordship by exchange of the lands
of Baldoning and Innerdoning, &c. in Perthshire, with the said Walter. In
1457 he was created earl of Argyle. He was one of the commissioners for
negotiating a truce with King Edward the Fourth of England, in 1463, and
in 1465 was appointed, with Lord Boyd, justiciary of Scotland, which
office he filled for many years by himself after the fall of his
colleague. In 1470 he was created baron of Lorn, and in the following year
he was appointed one of the commissioners for settling the treaty of
alliance with King Edward the Fourth of England, by which James, prince of
Scotland, was affianced to Cecilia, Edward’s youngest daughter. He was
also one of the commissioners sent to France to renew the treaty with that
crown in 1484, and he eventually became lord-high-chancellor of Scotland.
In 1475 this nobleman was appointed to prosecute a decree of forfeiture
against John, earl of Ross and lord of the Isles, and in 1481 he received
a grant of many lands in Knapdale, along with the keeping of Castle Sweyn,
which had previously been held by the lord of the Isles. He died in 1493.
The manner in which the lordship of Campbell and Castle Campbell in the
parish of Dollar came into the possession of the family of Argyle, is
detailed in the New Statistical Account of Scotland with considerable
research, Isabella Stewart, supposed to be the eldest daughter of John
third Lord Innermeath, and first countess of Argyle, inherited about 1460
one-third of the lands of Dollar and Gloom, supposed to be the unentailed
portion of the estate of Innermeath, as heir-portioner with her two
sisters, – Margaret, married to Sir Colin Campbell of Glenorchie, ancestor
of the marquis of Breadalbane; and Marion, married to Arthur Campbell of
Ottar. The third belonging to Lady Campbell of Glenorchie, was ceded to
the Argyle family by her son Duncan in a deed of renunciation still
extant. How the third portion passed into the Argyle house does not
appear; but it is all included in a charter of confirmation by James the
Fourth of a charter by the bishop of Dunkeld, dated 11th May
1497. Muckartshill, a barony to the east of Dollar, appears about the same
period (1491) to have been feued by Shivaz bishop of St. Andrews to the
earl of Argyle. In 1489, by an act of the Scottish parliament the name of
Castle Gloom, its former designation, was changed to Castle Campbell. It
continued to be the frequent and favourite residence of the family till
1644, when it was burnt down by the Macleans in the army of the marquis of
Montrose, along with every house in Dollar and Muckart, – two houses only,
and these by mistake, escaping their savage fury. It was at Castle
Campbell that Knox tells us in his history he visited Archibald the fourth
earl of Argyle, and preached during successive days, to him and his noble
relatives and friends. Although never repaired, the castle and lordship of
Castle Campbell remained in the possession of the Argyle family till 1808,
when it was sold.

[woodcut of Castle
Isabel Stewart, his wife, eldest daughter of John, lord of lorn, the first
earl of Argyle had two sons and seven daughters. Archibald, his elder son,
became second earl, and Thomas, the younger, was the ancestor of the
Campbells of Lundie in Forfarshire. One of his daughters was married to
Angus the young lord of the Isles, and was believed by the islanders to
have been the mother of Angus’ son, Donald Dubh, who was imprisoned in the
castle of Inchconnell from his infancy. Another daughter was married to
Torquil Macleod of the Lewis. Having acquired the principal part of the
landed property of the two sisters of his wife, the first earl of Argyle
entered into a transaction with Walter Stewart, Lord Lorn, their uncle, on
whom the lordship of Lorn and barony of Innermeath, which stood limited to
heirs-male, had devolved, in consequence of which Walter resigned the
lordship of Lorn in favour of the earl of Argyle, who thereupon added the
style and designation of Lord to his other titles, Walter retaining the
barony of Innermeath, had the title of Lord Innermeath. [See ATHOL, earl
Archibald, second earl of Argyle, succeeded his father in 1493, and is
designed lord-high-chancellor of Scotland, in a charter to him by
Elizabeth Menteith, Lady Rusky, and Archibald Napier of Merchiston, her
son, of half of the lands of Inchirna, Rusky, &c., in the county of
Argyle, 28th June, 1494. The same year he had the office of
master of the household. Crawford, in his Peerage, page 17, says he was
lord-chamberlain in 1495, but his name does not occur as such in
Crawford’s Officers of State, and he is not designed lord-chamberlain in
any of the charters granted to him, which were numerous, under the great
seal, from 1494 to 1512. In 1499 he and others received a commission from
the king to let on lease, for the term of three years, the entire lordship
of the Isles as possessed by the last lord, both in the Isles and on the
mainland, excepting only the island of Isla, and the lands of North and
South Kintyre. He also received a commission of lieutenandry, with the
fullest powers, over the lordship of the Isles; and, some months later,
was appointed keeper of the castle of Tarbert, and bailie and governor of
the king’s lands in Knapdale. In 1504, when the insurrection of the
islanders under Donald Dubh, who had escaped from prison, broke out,
Argyle, with Huntly, Crawford and Marischal, the Lord Lovat, and other
powerful barons, were charged to lead the royal forces against the rebels;
but the insurrection was not finally suppressed till 1506. From this
period the great power formerly enjoyed by the earls of Ross, lords of the
Isles, was transferred to the earls of Argyle and Huntly; the former
having the chief rule in the south isles and adjacent coasts [Gregory’s
Highlands and Isles of Scotland.] At the fatal battle of Flodden, 9th
September 1513, his lordship and his brother-in-law, the earl of Lennox,
commanded the right wing of the royal army, and with King James the
Fourth, were both killed in that sanguinary engagement, so disastrous to
Scotland. By his wife, Lady Elizabeth Stewart, eldest daughter of John,
first earl of Lennox, he had four sons and five daughters. His eldest,
Colin, was the third earl of Argyle. Archibald, his second son, had a
charter of the lands of Skipnish, and the keeping of the castle thereof,
&c., 13th August 1511. His family ended in an heir-female in
the reign of Mary. Sir John Campbell, the third son, at first styled of
Lorn, and afterwards of Calder, married Muriella, daughter and heiress of
Sir John Calder of Calder, now Cawdor, near Nairn, as previously
mentioned. [See CALDER, surname of.]
According to tradition, she was captured in childhood by Sir John Campbell
and a party of the Campbells, while out with her nurse near Calder castle.
Her uncles pursued and overtook the division of the Campbells to whose
care she had been intrusted, and would have rescued her but for the
presence of mind of Campbell of Inverliver who, seeing their approach,
inverted a large camp kettle as if to conceal her, and commanding his
seven sons to defend it to the death, hurried on with his prize. The young
men were all slain, and when the Calders lifted up the kettle, no Muriella
was there. Meanwhile so much time had been gained that farther pursuit was
useless. The nurse, at the moment the child was seized, bit off a joint of
her little finger, in order to mark her identity – a precaution which
seems to have been necessary, from Campbell of Auchinbreck’s reply to one
who, in the midst of their congratulations on arriving safely in Argyle
with their charge, asked what was to be done should the child die before
she was marriageable? “She can never die,” said he, “as long as a
red-haired lassie can be found on either side of Lochawe!” From this it
would appear that the heiress of the Calders had red hair. The earl of
Cawdor is the representative of Sir John Campbell and his wife Muriella,
(see CAWDOR, earl of,) and the Campbells of Ardchattan, Airds, and Cluny
are their collateral descendants. Donald, the fourth son of the second
earl of Argyle, was abbot of Cupar, and ancestor of the Campbells of
Keithock in Forfarshire.
Campbell, the third earl of Argyle, was, immediately after his accession
to the earldom, appointed by the council to assemble an army and proceed
against Lauchlan Maclean of Dowart, and other Highland chieftains, who had
broken out into insurrection and proclaimed Sir Donald of Lochalsh lord of
the Isles. This he was enabled to do the more effectually, as in
anticipation of disturbances among the islanders, he had taken bonds of
fidelity from the vassals and others who had attached themselves to the
late earl his father. Owing to the powerful influence of Argyle, the
insurgents submitted to the regent, after strong measures had been adopted
against them; and, upon assurance of protection, he prevailed upon them to
appear at court, and arrange in person the terms of pardon and restoration
to favour; in consequence of which considerable progress seems to have
been made in the pacification of the Isles. Argyle and his followers took
out a remission for ravages committed by them in the isle of Bute in the
course of the insurrection, and rendered necessary, it may be supposed,
from some of the rebels having there found shelter and protection. In 1517
Sir Donald of Lochalsh again appeared in arms, but being deserted by his
principal leaders, he effected his escape. His two brothers, however, were
made prisoners by Maclean of Dowart and Macleod of Dunvegan, who had
submitted to the government. The services of the earl of Argyle had mainly
contributed to this state of matters in the Isles. He had, early in that
year, presented to the regent and council a petition, requesting “for the
honour of the realm and the commonweal in time coming,” that he should
receive a commission of lieutenandry over all the Isles and adjacent
mainland, on the grounds of the vast expense he had previously incurred,
of his ability to do good service in future, and of his having broken up
the confederacy of the islanders; which commission he obtained with
certain exceptions. He also claimed and obtained authority to receive into
the king’s favour, all the men of the Isles who should make their
submission to him and become bound for future good behaviour, by the
delivery of hostages and otherwise; the last condition being made
imperative, “because the men of the Isles are fickle of mind, and set but
little value upon their oaths and written obligations.” Sir Donald of the
Isles, his brothers, and the Clandonald were, however, specially excepted
from the benefit of this article. The earl likewise demand and received
express power to pursue and follow the rebels with fire and sword, to
expel them from the Isles, and to use his best endeavours to possess
himself of Sir Donald’s castle of Strone in Lochcarron [Gregory’s
Highlands and Isles of Scotland, pages 119, 120.] It would appear,
however, that Argyle’s services were not treated with that consideration
at the capital which he thought they were entitled to receive, as in 1519,
on his advice to the council that Sir Donald should be forfeited for high
treason, meeting with some opposition, he took a solemn protest before
parliament that neither he nor his heirs should be liable for any
mischiefs that might in future arise from rebellions in the Isles; as,
although he held the office of lieutenant, his advice was not taken as to
the management of the districts committed to his charge, neither had he
received certain supplies of men and money, formerly promised him by the
regent for carrying on the king’s service in the Isles.
In the
parliament which met at Edinburgh 25th February 1525, Argyle
was appointed one of the four governors of the kingdom, the duke of
Albany’s regency, from his continued absence in France, having been
declared at an end. In January 1526, he accompanied the young king, James
the Fifth, against the queen-mother and the rebel lords, and was a member
of the new secret council appointed in that year. For some years the Isles
had continued at peace, and Argyle employed this interval in extending his
influence among the chiefs, and in promoting the aggrandisement of his
family and clan, being assisted thereto by his brothers, Sir John Campbell
of Calder, so designed after his marriage with the heiress, and Archibald
Campbell of Skipnish. The former was particularly active. In 1527 an event
occurred which forms the groundwork of Joanna Baillie’s celebrated tragedy
of ‘The Family Legend,’ acted at the Theatre Royal, Edinburgh, with great
success in 1810. It is thus related by Gregory: “Lauchlan Cattanach
Maclean of Dowart had married Lady Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of
Archibald, second earl of Argyle, and either from the circumstance of
their union being unfruitful or more probably owing to some domestic
quarrels, he determined to get rid of his wife. Some accounts say that she
had twice attempted her husband’s life; but, whatever the cause may have
been, Maclean, following the advice of two of his vassals, who exercised a
considerable influence over him from the tie of fosterage, caused his lady
to be exposed on a rock, which was only visible at low water, intending
that she should be swept away by the return of the tide. This rock lies
between the island of Lismore and the coast of Mull, and is still known by
the name of the ‘Lady’s Rock.’ From this perilous situation, the intended
victim was rescued by a boat accidentally passing, and conveyed to her
brother’s house. Her relations, although much exasperated against Maclean,
smothered their resentment for a time, but only to break out afterwards
with greater violence; for the laird of Dowart being in Edinburgh, was
surprised when in bed, and assassinated by Sir John Campbell of Calder,
the lady’s brother. The Macleans instantly took arms to revenge the death
of their chief, and the Campbells were not slow in preparing to follow up
the feud; but the government interfered, and, for the present, an appeal
to arms was avoided.” [Highlands and Isles of Scotland, p 128.]
On the
escape of the king, then in his seventeenth year, from the power of the
Douglases, in May 1528, Argyle was one of the first to join his majesty at
Stirling. He accompanied the king to Edinburgh on the 6th of
the following July, and on the confiscation of the vast estates of the
Douglas family, he obtained, 6th December 1528, a charter of
the barony of Abernethy, in Perthshire, forfeited by Archibald, earl of
Angus. The same year he was appointed lieutenant of the borders and warden
of the marches. On the refusal of the earl of Bothwell to lead the royal
army against the earl of Angus, who had appeared in arms, and repeatedly
defeated the king’s forces, the task of the expulsion of this formidable
rebel from Coldingham, where he had taken up his quarters, was committed
to the earl of Argyle, who, with the assistance of the Homes, compelled
him to fly into England, whence he did not return till after the death of
James. Argyle afterwards received an ample confirmation of the hereditary
sheriffship of Argyleshire and of the offices of justiciary of Scotland
and master of the household, by which these offices became hereditary in
his family. He had the commission of justice-general of Scotland renewed
25th October 1529. He died in 1530. In his last years he was
engaged in endeavouring to suppress a formidable insurrection in the South
Isles, headed by Alexander of Isla and the Macleans, who readily seized
the opportunity to revenge the death of their late chief. The combined
clans made descents upon Roseneath, Craignish, and other lands belonging
to the Campbells, which they ravaged with fire and sword, killing at the
same time many of the inhabitants.. The clan Campbell retaliated, by
laying waste great part of the aisles of Mull and Tiree and the lands of
Morvern. He had demanded extraordinary powers from the king to enable him
to reduce the Isles once more under the dominion of the law, but James
suspecting his motives, resolved upon trying conciliatory measures, and
offered pardon to any of the island chiefs who would submit to the
government, in which he was successful.
By his
countess, Lady Janet Gordon, eldest daughter of Alexander, third earl of
Huntly, the third earl of Argyle had three sons and a daughter, the latter
married, first, to James earl of Moray, natural son of King James the
fourth, and had a daughter; and, secondly, to John, tenth earl of
Sutherland, without issue. His sons were, Archibald, fourth earl of
Argyle; John, ancestor of the Campbells of Lochnell, of which house the
Campbells of Balerno and Stonefield are cadets; and Alexander, dean of
Archibald, the fourth earl of Argyle, was, on his accession to the title
in 1530 (not 1533, as stated by Douglas in his Peerage as the date of his
father’s death) appointed to all the offices held by the two preceding
earls. In 1531 he commanded an expedition against the South Isles, while
the earl of Moray, natural brother of the king, proceeded against the
North Isles; but in both districts order was soon restored by the
voluntary submission of the insurgent chiefs. A suspicion had begun to be
entertained by some of the members of the privy council, which is said to
have been shared in by the king himself, that many of the disturbances in
the Isles were secretly fomented by the Argyle family, that they might
obtain possession of the estates forfeited by the chiefs thus driven into
rebellion, and an opportunity soon presented itself, which the king
eagerly availed himself of, to curb the increasing power of the earl of
Argyle in that remote portion of the kingdom. Finding that the timely
submission of Alexander of Isla, Maclean of Dowart, and the lesser chiefs,
placed them beyond his interference, the earl presented a complaint to the
council against the first of those named, charging him with various
crimes. Alexander being summoned to answer the charges made his appearance
at once; but Argyle absenting himself, the island chief gave in to the
council a written statement, denying the crimes laid to his charge, and
offering, if commission were given to himself or any other chief, for
calling out the array of the Isles, in the event of war with England, or
any part of the realm of Scotland, to bring more fighting men into the
field than Argyle, with all his influence, could levy in the Isles; also,
in case Argyle should be disposed at any time to resist the royal
authority, to cause the earl to quit his own country of Argyle, if he had
the king’s commands to that effect, and compel him to dwell in another
part of Scotland where “the king’s grace might get reason of him,” and
concluding by stating that the disturbed state of the Isles was mainly
caused by the late earl of Argyle and his brothers, Sir John Campbell of
Calder, and Archibald Campbell of Skipnish. In consequence of this appeal
of Alexander of Isla the king made such an examination into the complaints
of the islanders as satisfied him that the family of Argyle had been
acting more for their own benefit than for the welfare of the country, and
the earl was summoned before his sovereign to give an account of the
duties and rental of the Isles received by him, the result of which was
that James committed him to prison soon after his arrival at court. He was
soon liberated, but James was so much displeased with his conduct that he
deprived him of the offices he still held in the Isles, some of which were
bestowed on Alexander of Isla, whom he had accused. [Gregory’s
Highlands and Isles, page 141.] On Marcy 17, 1532, a remission was
granted to the earl and eighty-two others for their treasonable
fire-raising, with his standard unfurled, in the islands of Mull, Tiree,
and Morvern, as already stated in the end of the notice of his father. In
August 1541, five thousand pounds were given to him out of the king’s
treasury, on his resignation of Makane’s lands in the isles to the crown.
In a charter to him of the king’s lands of Cardross in Dumbartonshire,
dated 28th April 1542, he is designed master of the king’s
wine-cellar, “cellae regis vinariae magister.” After the death of James
the Fifth he appears to have regained his authority over the Isles, having
appeared in arms there, at the head of several of the clans, the earl
prepared to defend his insular acquisitions; but in 1543 Donald, with a
force of fifteen hundred men, invaded Argyle’s territories, slew many of
his vassals, and carried off a great quantity of plunder. Argyle was one
of the peers who, in July of that year, entered into an association to
oppose the marriage of the young queen Mary and the youthful prince
Edward, afterwards King Edward the Sixth of England, and the consequent
union of the two crowns, “as tending to the high dishonour, perpetual
skaith, damage and ruin of the liberty and nobleness of the realm.” In
1544 an expedition was sent by Henry the Eighth to aid the earl of Lennox
in his claim to the regency, to harass the coasts of Scotland, and thus
put down the opposition to the proposed royal marriage. An attempt on the
part of the earl of Lennox, who was in the command of the English forces,
with eighteen vessels of war and eight hundred men, to seize the castle of
Dumbarton failed, and on his ships passing down the Clyde they were fired
at by the earl of Argyle, who, with a large body of his vassals, and some
pieces of artillery, had taken post at the castle of Dunoon. On his
arrival at Bute, Lennox determined to attack Argyle in turn. the latter,
with seven hundred men, attempted to oppose the landing of Lennox’s troops
at Dunoon, but was unable to withstand the superior artillery of the
English vessels. After a skirmish in which Argyle lost eighty men, many of
them gentlemen, the village of Dunoon was burnt and plundered by the
invaders, Argyle sustaining further loss in attempting to harass their
retreat. Four or five days thereafter Lennox, with five hundred men,
landed in another part of Argyle, and laid waste the surrounding country.
At the disastrous battle of Pinkie, 10th Sept. 1547, the earl
of Argyle had the command of a large body of Highlanders and Islanders,
and he also distinguished himself at the siege of Haddington in the
following year. In June 1555 a commission was given to the earls of Argyle
and Athole over the Isles, and on the queen regent (Mary of Guise)
proceeding to the north, in July 1556, to hold justice-courts for the
punishment of great offenders, the earl of Argyle was one of those who
accompanied her. He was the first of the Scots nobles who embraced the
principles of the Reformation, and employed as his domestic chaplain, Mr.
John Douglas, a converted Carmelite friar, who preached publicly in his
house. the archbishop of St. Andrews in a letter to the earl, endeavoured
to induce him to dismiss Douglas, and return to the Romish church, but in
vain, and on his death-bed he recommended the support of the new doctrines
and the suppression of Popish superstitions to his son. He died in August
1558. He was twice married. By his first wife, Lady Helen Hamilton, eldest
daughter of James first earl of Arran, he had a son, Archibald, fifth earl
of Argyle. His second wife was Lady Mary Graham, only daughter of William,
third earl of Menteith, by whom he had Colin, sixth earl, and two
daughters. Lady Margaret Campbell, the elder daughter married James Lord
Down, ancestor of the earls of Moray. Lady Janet, the younger, became the
wife of Hector Maclean of Dowart; Gregory says of James Macdonald of Isla,
the great rival of the Argyle family in the Isles.
Archibald, fifth earl of Argyle, was educated under the direction of Mr.
John Douglas, his father’s domestic chaplain and the first protestant
archbishop of St. Andrews, and distinguished himself as one of the most
able among the Lords of the Congregation. In December 1557, when styled
lord of Lorn, with his father and the earls of Glencairn and Morton,
Erskine of Dun, and other leading reformers, he had subscribed at
Edinburgh the first bond entered into in Scotland for the support of the
gospel and the maintenance of faithful ministers, but for some time he
adhered to the party of the queen-mother. In November 1558, soon after his
accession to the title, he and Lord James Stuart, prior of St. Andrews,
afterwards the regent Moray, – the one, as Douglas remarks, the most
powerful, and the other the most popular leader of the protestant party, –
were appointed to go to Paris, with the crown and other ensigns of
royalty, to crown Francis, dauphin of France, as king of Scotland, on his
marriage with the young Queen Mary; “that they, being employed abroad,
matters of greater importance, namely anent religion, might be overturned
at home in their absence. The consideration of the death of Mary, queen of
England, who ended her life the seventeenth day of this same month of
November, stayed them altogether; for it was thought that the queen and
her husband the king, would assume to themselves greater titles.” [Calderwood,
vol. i. page 422.] And indeed Francis and Mary did soon after assume
the title of king and queen of England, as well as of Scotland and France.
On the
occurrence of the memorable riot at Perth, in May 1559, when the “rascal
multitude,” as Knox called them, after destroying the popish altars and
images, proceeded to level with the ground several of the monasteries and
other religious houses, the queen regent, then at Stirling, enraged at the
tumult, hastened to Perth, at the head of seven thousand men, chiefly
French auxiliaries commanded by D’Oysel, with the purpose of inflicting
signal vengeance on the inhabitants. By deceitful promises she had induced
the protestant leaders to dismiss their armed followers, and she hoped to
surprise the town before any new or effective force could be collected to
oppose her; but, on reaching the neighbourhood of Perth, she found that
the Reformers had assembled from all parts to the assistance of their
friends. The gentlemen of Fife, Angus, and Mearns, with their followers,
had formed a camp near Perth, where they were speedily joined by the earl
of Glencairn, with two thousand five hundred men from the west country.
Instead, therefore, of attacking the town, the regent sent the earl of
Argyle and the Lord James Stuart, to enter into a negotiation with the
protestant leaders, having, with her usual duplicity, persuaded these two
noblemen, reformers themselves, that the reformation of religion was a
mere pretence with those who opposed her authority, and that they meant
nothing but rebellion. Ultimately, on the 28th of May, a treaty
was concluded, principally through the means of the earl and the Lord
James Stuart, whereby it was agreed that the two armies should return
peaceably to their homes, that the town of Perth should be evacuated by
the protestant party and the queen regent allowed to enter it; that no
molestation should be given to those in arms, nor to the protestants
generally, that no French garrison should be stationed in Perth, that no
Frenchman should come nearer that city than three miles, and that in the
approaching assembly of the three estates, the work of the reformation
should be finally established. The leaders of the Congregation subscribed
this agreement, but under strong apprehensions that it would not be
adhered to, and before they separated, a new bond was entered into for the
defence of each other and the maintenance of the true religion, which was
signed by Argyle, the Lord James Stuart, the earl of Glencairn, Lords Boyd
and Ochiltree, and Mathew Campbell of Taringhame. As they feared, the
regent very soon violated the treaty. She entered Perth on the 29th,
attended by French soldiers, some of whom, firing their hackbuts on the
stair of Patrick Murray, who was known to be a reformer, killed his son, a
boy about twelve years of age. This being told to the regent, she said in
mockery, “It is pity it chanced on the son, and not on the father; but
seeing it hath so chanced, me cannot be against fortune.” the inhabitants
generally were harassed with every kind of outrage, and not only were the
magistrates dismissed and creatures of her own put in their place, but the
popish service was restored, with all its rites and ceremonies. On being
remonstrated with on this infraction of the treaty, she answered that she
was not bound to keep faith with heretics, and that “princes were not to
be strictly held to their promises;” adding, “I myself would make little
conscience to take from all that sort their lives and inheritances, if I
might do it with as honest an excuse.” Disgusted at her perfidy, and
having no further confidence in her word, the earl of Argyle and the Lord
James Stuart deserted the queen regent, and at once went over to the
Congregation, as the great body of the reformers were called, with whom
their sympathies had been all along. The queen sent a charge to them,
under the pain of her highest displeasure to return, but they answered
that with safe consciences they could not. When she departed from Perth
she left in it a garrison of four hundred soldiers.
In the
meantime the earl of Argyle and the lord James Stuart proceeded to St.
Andrews, and on the way sent missives to Erskine of Dun, the laird of
Pittarrow, Halyburton, provost of Dundee, and other leading reformers, to
meet them in that city, on the 4th of June, to take measures
for the promotion of the Reformation. John Knox, after preaching at Cupar
in Fife, at Crail, and at Anstruther, in all which places, as at Perth,
the people had demolished the altars, the images, and all other monuments
of idolatry, proceeded to St. Andrews, where he had agreed to meet the
earl of Argyle and Lord James Stuart. the popish archbishop came to the
town, accompanied with a hundred soldiers, and sent a message that if Knox
offered to preach in his cathedral church, he would have him shot with a
dozen hackbuts; his friends, anxious for his safety, endeavoured to
dissuade him from preaching, but he would not be prevented. The subject of
his discourse was the ejection of the buyers and sellers from the temple,
which “the provost and bailies with the commonality” of the town applied
to the circumstances of the times, and straightway proceeded to pull down
and destroy their splendid cathedral, with the other churches, razing the
monasteries of the Black and Grey friars to the ground, and destroying all
the monuments of antiquity within the city. The archbishop hastened to
Falkland, where the regent was, with her French troops, and gave her the
first intimation of the outrages that had been committed. The regent
immediately issued a proclamation summoning her troops and adherents to
assemble at Cupar next day. The lords of the Congregation, on their part,
despatched earnest representations to their friends for assistance, and
though only attended by a hundred cavalry and the same number of infantry,
instantly marched for Cupar. Their adherents hastened to their aid, and by
the following morning they were joined by an army of three thousand men.
Lord Ruthven brought some horsemen to them from Perth; the earl of Rothes,
hereditary sheriff of Fife, also came with a goodly company; the towns of
St. Andrews and Dundee sent their most effective men, and Cupar poured
forth its population, to defend itself and aid the general cause. The army
of the regent, on the morning of the 13th June, encamped upon
an eminence in the neighbourhood of Cupar, called the Garliebank. It
consisted of two thousand Frenchmen under General D’Oysel, and about one
thousand Scots under the duke of Chatelherault, (Lord Hamilton, second
earl of Arran.) The troops of the Congregation, the command of which had
been assigned to Halyburton, provost of Dundee, were stationed on the high
ground called Cupar muir, to the west of the town, and their ordnance was
so posted as to command the surrounding country. Astonished both at the
strength of their opponents and the skilfully-selected position which they
occupied, and from which, by twice feigning a retreat, they endeavoured in
vain to draw them, and knowing that they could not depend on the Scots in
their own ranks, should a battle take place, the commanders of the royal
forces recommended to the regent, who had remained at Falkland, to enter
into a negotiation with the lords of the Congregation. Yielding to
necessity, she consented, and a truce for eight days was, after
considerable discussion, agreed upon between the duke of Chatelherault and
D’Oysel, for the regent, and the earl of Argyle and the Lord James Stuart
for the Congregation, on condition that the French troops should
immediately be transported to Lothian, and that the regent should send
certain noblemen to St. Andrews, to adjust finally the articles of an
effectual peace. The lords of the Congregation then dismissed their
troops, and retired to St. Andrews; but though the regent so far kept her
word as to send her French troops and artillery across the Forth, the
reformers waited in vain for the appearance of her commissioners. At this
time, in a letter form the earl of Argyle and the Lord James Stuart, the
regent was respectfully but earnestly entreated to withdraw the garrison
which she had left at Perth, but no attention was paid to their request.
It was, therefore, resolved to expel the garrison by force. The lords of
the Congregation again appeared in arms at the head of their followers,
and on the 24th of June marched upon Perth. The earl of Huntly,
chancellor of the kingdom, with the Lord Erskine, and Mr. John Bannatyne,
justice-clerk, hastened to entreat the lords to delay besieging the town
for a few days. They were told that it would not be delayed even for an
hour, and that if one single protestant should be killed in the assault,
the garrison should be put indiscriminately to the sword. The garrison
were twice summoned to surrender, but as they refused to do so, the
batteries of the Congregation were opened upon the town; and on the 26th
of June, the garrison capitulated. The burning of the royal palace and
abbey of Scoon followed. The earl of Argyle and Lord James Stuart, with
Knox and the provost of Dundee, exerted themselves to save them, but in
vain. Being apprized that the regent intended to seize and garrison
Stirling castle, and to fortify the bridge over the Forth, so as to
prevent their passage, the earl and the lord James Stuart left Perth at
midnight, and appeared at Stirling, with their forces, in the morning. On
this occasion they were accompanied by three hundred inhabitants of Perth,
who had joined the standard of the Congregation, and to indicate their
zeal and resolution they wore ropes about their necks, that they might be
ignominiously hung with them if they deserted their colours. A picture of
the march of this resolute body is still preserved in Perth, and the
circumstance of their substituting ropes for neckerchiefs or ribbons is
the subject of the popular allusion to “St. Johnstone tippets.”
The two
convents of the Black and Grey friars of Stirling and the venerable abbey
at Cambuskenneth in its neighbourhood, were laid in ruins, and after
remaining three days at Stirling, the army of the Congregation on the
fourth proceeded to Linlithgow, where they destroyed the churches and
monastic houses. The earl of Argyle and the lord James Stuart then
directed their march upon Edinburgh, which they entered on the 29th
of June, on which the regent retreated to Dunbar. the force which the
confederates had with them was not very great, but wherever they went they
were joined by the populace, and the popish party were so effectually
daunted that they could make no head against them. The efforts of the
magistrates to preserve the churches and religious houses of the capital
were energetic, but they were in vain. Upon the first rumour of the
approach of the earl of Argyle, the mob attacked both the monasteries of
the Black and Grey friars, and left nothing but the bare walls standing.
when the earl entered the capital they proceeded to still further
“purification.” Trinity college church and its prebendal buildings were
assailed and some parts of them pulled down. The altars in St. Giles’
church and St. Mary’s or the Kirk of Field, were removed, and the images
destroyed or burnt. At Holyrood abbey also the altars were overthrown, and
the church otherwise defaced. Preachers were, at the same time, appointed
to expound to the people the pure gospel. The mint, with the instruments
for coining, was seized, as the stamping of base money had raised the
price of the necessaries of life; but though it was alleged against them
that they had possessed themselves of large sums of money, this does not
appear to have been the case.
these proceedings, the regent issued a proclamation against the
Congregation, declaring that under the pretence of religion they sought to
overturn the government, commanding them to leave Edinburgh in six hours,
and enjoining all good subjects to avoid their society under the pain of
treason. This proclamation had its effect to a certain extent, as many of
the Congregation retired to their homes. The lords, in a letter to the
queen regent, dated 2d July (1559) were careful to exculpate themselves
from the charges brought against them, and offered to explain all their
views and wishes in presence of the regent, if they were permitted free
access to her. After several communings, the regent requested that the
earl of Argyle and the Lord James Stuart might be sent to her; but as some
treachery was suspected, it was deemed expedient that they should not go
near her. The duke of Chatelherault had been persuaded that the object of
the Congregation was to deprive Mary of her crown, and also the duke and
his heirs of their right of succession; but in a proclamation thy showed,
as the preachers did in their sermons, that their real motive was the
reformation of religion and complete liberty of conscience. Recourse was
then had to negotiations, and after a conference at Preston, which led to
no result, the queen dowager left Dunbar, and with her troops took
possession of Leith, and approached within two miles of Edinburgh. On
being informed by the governor of the castle (Lord Erskine) that he would
fire if her entrance was opposed, a treaty was entered into, on the 25th
July, by which the Congregation agreed that the town of Edinburgh should
be open to the regent; that Holyroodhouse, the mint, and the instruments
of coinage should be delivered up to her; and that they should be obedient
to her authority and the laws, and should abstain from injuring the
papists, or employing violence against the churches or religious houses,
till the 10th of the ensuing January, when a parliament was to
meet. The regent, on her part, agreed that the inhabitants of Edinburgh
should adopt what religion they thought proper; that their preachers would
not be molested, nor themselves troubled in their persons or their goods;
that no French garrison or Scottish mercenaries should be stationed within
the city; and that, in other places of the kingdom, similar toleration
should be given to the protestants and their preachers. These conditions
Chatelherault and Huntly, at a subsequent private interview with the lords
of the Congregation, held at the Quarry Holes near Calton Hill, declared
their resolution to see observed, or else to leave the queen dowager’s
party. On the following day the lords of the Congregation left Edinburgh
and proceeded to Stirling, where they held a council, and on the first of
August entered into a third league or bond for mutual defence.
When at
Glasgow, on his return to his own district, Argyle and Stuart received an
invitation from the duke of Chatelherault, to visit him at Hamilton, where
they remained a night, and met the duke’s eldest son, the earl of Arran,
newly arrived from Paris, having escaped death or imprisonment from the
Guises on account of his protestant principles [See HAMILTON, duke of.]
The duke had become dissatisfied with the violent and arbitrary measures
of the queen regent, and convinced of her perfidy, he and Arran, his son,
had now resolved upon joining the lords of the Congregation. Arran
accordingly, on the 10th of September, accompanied Argyle and
Lord James Stuart to a convention of the lords of the Congregation held at
Stirling, which resulted in the principal chiefs accompanying these two
lords in a second visit to the residence of the duke, there to mature
their further proceedings, of which the convention entered into shortly
thereafter, for the entrance of English troops into Scotland, was the most
In the
subsequent transactions the earl of Argyle acted a principal part. When,
at the commencement of the siege of Leith, on the last day of October
1559, the French soldiers, in a sally from the fort, drove the troops of
the Congregation back to Edinburgh, after capturing their ordnance, and
pursued them to the middle of the Canongate and up Leith Wynd, Argyle,
with his Highlanders, was the first to stop the flight, and give a check
to the pursuers. His name appears the fifth of the noblemen who signed the
Contract of Berwick, which led to the introduction of the English army,
under the Lord Grey, to the assistance of the Congregation, and the
expulsion of the French from Scotland. In this Contract occurs the
following clause personal to the earl: “And also, the erle of Argile, lord
justice of Scotland, being presentilie joyned with the said duke (of
Chatelherault) sall imploy his force and good will where he sall be
required by the queen’s majestie (Elizabeth) to reduce the north parts of
Ireland to the perfyte obedience of England, conforme to a mutuall and
reciprock contract to be made betwixt her majestie’s lieutenant or deputie
of Ireland, being for the time, and the said erle, wherin sall be
conteaned what he sall doe for his part, and what the said lieutenant and
deputie sall doe for his support, iom case he sall have to doe with James
Makconneill, or anie other of the iles of Scotland, or realme of Ireland.”
The Makconnel here referred to is supposed to be a miswriting for James
Macdonald of Isla, who had been stirred up by the queen regent to attack
the lands of Argyle. For performance of his part of this contract Argyle
gave as a hostage his cousin Colin Campbell. On the 27th of
April, the lords of the Congregation entered into a fourth bond, for their
mutual protection and assistance, and in this they were joined by the earl
of Huntly, who had hitherto opposed their proceedings.
On the
10th of June 1560, the queen regent died in the castle of
Edinburgh, which put an end to hostilities for the time. Before her death
she expressed to Argyle and other lords, in an interview she asked with
them, her deep regret for her conduct, which she attributed to the
counsels of her relatives on the continent. The earl of Argyle’s name
appears the third of the nobility who subscribed the First Book of
Discipline; and soon after, when the lords passed an act that all
remaining monuments of idolatry should be destroyed, he was ordered with
the earl of Glencairn to assist the earl of Arran in the west in seeing
this done in that district.
The earl
of Argyle was of the cortege that received Queen Mary on her landing at
Leith 19th August 1561. He was immediately thereafter sworn a
privy councillor. Early in 1562 he was one of the lords engaged in making
provision for the ministers, against the inadequacy of which Knox
appealed. On the 13th of September, the queen went to Stirling,
and on the Sabbath a riot took place in that town, in consequence of an
attempt being made to perform mass. “The earl of Argyle,” says Randolph,
the English ambassador, in a letter to Cecil, “and the lord James Stuart
so disturbed the quire that some, both priests and clerks, left their
places with broken heads and bloody ears.” On the 26th May
1563, the queen opened parliament with extraordinary splendour. On this
occasion the duke of Chatelherault carried the crown, Argyle the sceptre,
and Moray the sword.
The earl
had married Jean, natural daughter of King James the Fifth by Elizabeth
daughter of John Lord Carmichael, but he does not seem to have lived on
very happy terms with her, as we find that John Knox had been employed, on
more occasions than one, to reconcile them after some domestic quarrels.
In 1563, at the third conference between Queen Mary and Knox, her majesty
requested him again to use his good offices on behalf of her sister, the
Lady Argyle, who, she confessed, was not so circumspect in everything as
she could wish; “yet,” she added, “her husband faileth in many things.” “I
brought them to concord,” said Knox, “that her friends were fully content;
and she promised before them she should never complain to any creature,
till I should first be made acquainted with the quarrel, either out of her
own mouth, or by an assured messenger.” “Well,” said the queen, “it is
worse than your believe. Do this much for my sake, as once again to
reconcile them, and if she behave not herself as becometh, she shall find
no favour of me; but in no case let my lord know that I employed you.”
Knox, in consequence, wrote to the earl on the countess’s behalf,
exhorting him “to bear with the imperfections of his wife, seeing that he
was not able to convince her of any crime since the last reconciliation,
but his letter was not well received.” [Calderwood, vol. ii. p.
215.] Her majesty passed the summer of the same year at the earl’s house
in Argyleshire, in the amusement of deer-hunting.
lordship was against the marriage of the queen with Lord Darnley, and in
the midst of the preparations for that ill-fated union, he and the earl of
Moray appeared at Edinburgh with a body of five thousand horsemen,
ostensibly for the purpose of attending a court to which the earl of
Bothwell had been cited, but really, as the queen considered, more to
overawe herself than to frighten that nobleman. She, therefore, ordered
the justice-clerk to adjourn the court. Two months previous to the
marriage, she created Darnley earl of Ross, when the duke of Chatelherault,
and the earls of Argyle, Moray, and Glencairn, immediately retired from
the court, and began to concert measures for opposing the match by force
of arms. After the marriage, when the discontented lords took refuge in
England, the earl retired to Argyle, but after the murder of Rizzio, on
the 9th of March 1566 (the countess of Argyle being then with
the queen at supper), the banished lords were received into favour, and
the processes of treason against them discharged. In the ensuing April the
queen sent for the earls of Argyle and Moray, and reconciled them to the
earls of Huntly, Bothwell, and Athole; and in June, when her majesty went
to the castle of Edinburgh to be confined of James the Sixth, she ordered
lodgings to be provided for the earl next her own, probably that her
sister the countess might be near her. His lordship, however, was not
present at the baptism of the young prince in Stirling castle, on account
of the popish ceremonies, but his countess stood sponsor for Queen
Elizabeth, and held the child at the font.
The earl
of Argyle’s name appears second on the famous bond subscribed by some of
the nobility in favour of the queen’s marriage with Bothwell, and the
ratification of it afterwards signed by the queen was committed to his
care, in case her majesty should repent of the match. At this time he
seems to have played a double part. On the marriage taking place, he was
one of the noblemen who entered into the bond of association for the
defence of the young prince, but the day after he revealed all their
designs to the queen. He carried the sword of state at the coronation of
James the Sixth, 29th July 1567, and attended the convention at
Edinburgh the 15th August, at which the regency of the earl of
Moray was confirmed. In the General Assembly which met in the following
December the earl and his countess were censured, he for separation from
his wife, although he alleged that the blame was not in him, and she for
assisting at the baptism of the king “in papistical manner.” Afterwards,
deeming the queen very ill used in being kept a prisoner, he entered into
the association for procuring her liberty on reasonable conditions, and
signed the bond to that effect 8th May 1568. He was created her
lieutenant, and was chief commander of her forces at Langside on the 13th
of the same month; but just as the hostile armies were about to take their
ground, he was seized with an apoplectic fit, which delayed the advance of
Mary’s troops and contributed not a little to her defeat. After this he
retired to Dunoon, and refused to submit to the regency of his old friend
and confederate the earl of Moray, but twice appeared in arms at Glasgow,
to concert measures with the Hamiltons for the restoration of Mary. He was
in consequence summoned to St. Andrews in the following April, when he
took an oath to remain quiet, and made his peace on easy terms.
On the
assassination of the regent Moray, Argyle and other noblemen of the
queen’s party assembled at Linlithgow, 10th April 1570, and
with the duke of Chatelherault and the earl of Huntly, was constituted her
majesty’s lieutenant in Scotland. In 1571 he was prevailed on by the
regent Lennox to submit to the king’s authority, and to appear in the
parliament at Stirling in September of that year. Lennox being murdered on
the 4th of that month, Argyle was a candidate for the regency,
but the choice fell on the earl of Mar, and Argyle was sworn a privy
councillor. On Morton becoming regent in November 1572, Argyle was
appointed lord-high-chancellor, and on the 17th January 1573 he
obtained a charter under the great seal of that office for life. That same
day he carried the sceptre, on the regent going in state to the low
council house of Edinburgh, to choose the Lords of the Articles. He died
of the stone, 12th September 1575, aged about 43, and is
celebrated by Johnston in his Heroes. His countess, Queen Mary’s half
sister, having died without issue, was buried in the royal vault in the
abbey of Holyroodhouse; and he married, a second time, Lady Johanna or
Joneta Cunningham, second daughter of Alexander fifth earl of Glencairn,
but as she also had no children, he was succeeded in his estates and
titles by his brother.
sixth earl of Argyle, previous to succeeding to the earldom was styled Sir
Colin Campbell of Boquhan. He early engaged in the quarrel against the
regent Morton, arising out of the following circumstances: In 1576, as
hereditary justice-general of Scotland he claimed that a commission of
justiciary, formerly given by Queen Mary to the earl of Athole over the
territory of the latter, should be annulled. This Athole resisted, and not
only refused to surrender for trial two of the Athole Stewarts against
whom Argyle alleged various crimes, but seized two of the Camerons charged
with the murder of the late chief of that clan, whom he detained in
prison, although claimed by Argyle as his vassals. The two earls collected
their retainers in arms, to settle the dispute between them in the field,
when the regent interposed, and obliged them to disband their forces.
Having obtained secret information that Morton intended to prosecute them
for treason, they agreed to forget their private quarrels, and unite for
mutual defence. They disregarded the citation of the regent to appear
before a court of justice, and as he dreaded their joint power, he was
forced unwillingly to abandon his project. In the end of the following
year the earl of Argyle was still farther incensed against Morton, by his
sending for the jewel called the H, because the precious stones were set
in the form of that letter, signifying Henrie, and which it was supposed
had been given by Queen Mary to her sister the late countess of Argyle. He
was not inclined to comply with the request, but on being charged by an
officer to deliver it up, as it belonged to the king, he at once resigned
it. About this time the laird of Glengarry presented a petition to the
privy council, complaining that the earl of Argyle, who, since his rupture
with Morton, had been living in his own country, was collecting a large
force, ostensibly with the view of punishing some disturbers of the public
peace, but really, as he alleged, to attack and harass him, the said
laird, on which proclamation was made, prohibiting the earl from
assembling any of the lieges in arms, and from troubling Glengarry, under
the pain of treason. Various other complaints were made against Argyle for
oppressive and illegal conduct; particularly by John, the son and heir of
James Macdonald of Castle Camus in Skye, and John Maclean, the uncle of
Lauchlan Maclean of Dowart, who were both kept prisoners in Argyle’s
castle of Inchconnell in Lochow, without warrant; and by Lauchlan Maclean,
the young chief of Dowart, whose isle of Loyng was invaded and plundered
by a party of Campbells sent by Argyle. [Gregory’s Highlands and Isles
of Scotland, p. 216.]
On 4th
March 1578, the earls of Argyle and Athole, with other noblemen, assembled
at Stirling, and advised the king to deprive Morton of the regency, and to
take the government into his own hands, which was accordingly done. On
this occasion Argyle was made a member of the new council chosen to direct
the king, who was then only twelve years of age. A few weeks thereafter,
however, Morton again got possession of the king’s person, when Argyle and
Athole took up arms to rescue his majesty, and issued a proclamation
against the late regent. The forces on both sides gathered at Stirling,
the earl of Argyle alone bringing two thousand five hundred Highlanders to
the assistance of those who opposed Morton’s return to power. By the
mediation, chiefly, of Bowes, the English ambassador, an accommodation was
brought about between the hostile factions, and on the 10th
August 1579, Argyle was appointed lord-high-chancellor of the kingdom.
After this he was apparently reconciled to Morton’s administration. On the
28th of January 1581, with the king and many of the nobility,
he subscribed the second Confession of Faith. He was one of the jury on
the trial of Morton, 1st June of that year. At the opening of
the parliament held the following October, he bore the sword, and on the
last day of November, when the king went again in state to the Tolbooth,
he carried the sceptre. He died in October 1584, after a long illness. He
married, first, Janet, eldest daughter of Henry, first Lord Methven,
without issue; secondly, Lady Agnes Keith, eldest daughter of William,
fourth earl Marischal, widow of the regent Moray, by whom he had two sons,
Archibald, seventh earl of Argyle, and the Hon. Sir Colin Campbell of
Lundie, created a baronet in 1627.
Archibald, seventh earl of Argyle, was under age when he succeeded his
father. The dissensions among his guardians, and the assassination of
Campbell of Calder, one of them, have been already related [ante,
ART. BREADALBANE, earl and marquis of.] The conspiracy among the chiefs of
the western Highlands, having for its object the death of the young earl
of Argyle, as well as that of the “bonnie earl of Murray,” is likewise
there alluded to. The principal person interested in his death was his
kinsman Archibald Campbell of Lochnell, one of his guardians, and the next
heir to the earldom; a dark and ambitious spirit, who never relinquished
his designs against the lives of the earl and his brother, that he might
succeed to the title and estates. In 1592, when little more than sixteen
years of age, the earl married Lady Anne Douglas, fifth daughter of
William first earl of Morton of the house of Lochleven. “There is reason
to believe,” says Gregory, “that the conspirators, notwithstanding the
refusal of Ardkinglass (Sir James Campbell, another of the young earl’s
guardians) to join them, continued for some time their machinations for
the murder of the earl; and that, during a severe illness with which he
was attacked at Stirling, soon after his marriage, in the year 1594, some
of his household were bribed to poison him; if indeed, the disease itself
was not caused in the first instance by poison. Argyle, however, escaped
all the attempts of his enemies, and lived to exercise, for many years, an
overpowering influence in the affairs of the Highlands and Isles.” [Gregory’s
Highlands and Isles of Scotland, p. 251.] At the ‘riding of the
parliament,’ 29th May 1592, he bore the sword. In the same year
he and the earl of Athole, and the laird of Grant, plundered and laid
waste the earl of Huntly’s lands, for the slaughter of the earl of Murray,
till the earl of Angus was sent by the king, as lieutenant to the north,
for the purpose of preventing farther spoliation. At the ‘riding of the
parliament,’ 16th July 1593, he carried the sceptre.
1594, although then only eighteen, Argyle was appointed king’s lieutenant
against the popish earls of Huntly and Errol, who had raised a rebellion.
With Argyle were associated the earl of Athole and Lord Forbes. Having
raised an army of six thousand men – some accounts say twelve thousand –
partly among his own vassals, and partly among other clans, particularly
the Macleans, Macneills, Macgregors, Macintoshes, and Grants, Argyle
marched into Badenoch, and thence towards Strathbogie, after having in
vain attempted, in his way, to reduce the castle of Ruthven, which was
gallantly held out for Huntly by the Macphersons. On his arrival near
Glenlivet, he found that Huntly and Errol were in the vicinity, with about
fifteen hundred men, principally cavalry; and, in consequence, he took up
a strong position on the declivity of a hill, betwixt Glenlivet and
Glenrinnes, in two parallel divisions, until he could be joined by Lord
Forbes, who was at no great distance with eleven hundred men. His
opponents, however, had in their ranks a number of brave gentlemen, well
mounted and armed, who were anxious to be led to the attack, and a
communication from a traitor in Argyle’s camp, Archibald Campbell of
Lochnell, already mentioned, commander of one of the divisions of his
army, encouraged them to attempt it. By a private message which he sent to
Huntly he promised to go over to him, with his division, as soon as the
battle commenced, and suggested that some pieces of artillery possessed by
Huntly, should be fired at Argyle’s banner, hoping thus both to get rid of
that nobleman by an apparent chance shot, and to discourage the
Highlanders, who were unacquainted with the use of artillery. The advice
of Lochnell was followed. The assault was made on Argyle’s forces while
they were at prayers, but, – just reward of treachery, – with fatal effect
on Lochnell himself. As Huntly approached, the guns were fired at the
yellow standard of Argyle, who escaped unhurt, whilst his treacherous
kinsman Lochnell, a brother of the latter, and the son of Macneill of
Barra, were slain on the spot. After a severe conflict, both parties
fighting with great bravery, the one, says Sir Robert Gordon, “for glorie,
the other for necessitie,” Huntly succeeded in routing Argyle’s forces,
who, from the mountainous nature of the country, which impeded pursuit,
escaped with a loss comparatively trifling. The success of Huntly was
mainly owing to the treachery of Lochnell, and of John Grant of Gartinbeg,
one of Huntly’s vassals, who retreated with his men as soon as the action
began, by which act the centre and the left wing of Argyle’s army were
completely broken. Among the trophies found on the field was the ensign
belonging to Argyle, which was carried with other spoils to Strathbogie,
and placed on the top of the great tower. The conduct of Lachlan Maclean
of Dowart, one of Argyle’s officers, was worthy of all praise. It was his
division which inflicted the principal loss on the rebels, and, at the
close of the battle, he retired in good order with them. It is said that
after the battle, he offered, if Argyle would give him five hundred men in
addition to his own followers, to bring the earl of Huntly prisoner into
Argyle’s camp. The proposal was rejected, but having come to the ears of
Huntly, incensed him greatly against Maclean, whose son afterwards,
according to tradition, lost a large estate in Lochaber, through the
animosity of that powerful nobleman. [Gregory’s Highlands and Isles,
p. 259.[
This battle was fought, 3d October 1594. Weeping with indignation at his
defeat, the young but high-spirited earl of Argyle was carried out of the
field by his friends, and hastened to inform the king at Dundee of his
discomfiture. His majesty immediately marched against the rebels, who
dispersed at his approach. In the Scottish poems of the sixteenth century,
edited by Dalzel, Edinburgh 1801, there is, at page 136 of vol. i. ‘A
faithful narrative of the great and miraculous victory obtained by George
Gordon, earl of Huntly, and Francis Hay, earl of Errol, catholic noblemen,
over Archibald Campbell, earl of Argyll, lieutenant, at Strathaven, 3d
Oct. 1594.’ – the battle being sometimes called the battle of Glenrinnes,
Strathaven, or Altconlachan, as well as of Glenlivet. Early in the
following year, for oppression alleged to be committed by his clan, the
earl was put in ward in the castle of Edinburgh. “This,” says Calderwood,
“was the rewaird he gott for his good service in the North.” [Church
History, vol. v. page 361.] He was soon, however, liberated, and in
the summer of the same year he and the duke of Lennox were employed to
reduce Huntly’s vassals to obedience. After “killing and burning in the
north,” as Calderwood phrases it, Argyle sent deputies to Huntly’s lands
to obtain their submission. On November 14, 1598, Argyle with some others
was charged to produce certain persons of the name of Campbell and
Macgregor, for whom he was responsible, as the king’s lieutenant of the
bounds or district within which these Campbells and Macgregors resided; in
which capacity he had found security for the lawless tribes over whom he
had command; they in their turn becoming liable to him in relief, under
separate bonds. In 1599, when measures were in progress for bringing the
chiefs of the Isles under subjection to the king, the earl of Argyle and
his kinsman, John Campbell of Calder, were accused of having secretly used
their influence to prevent Sir James Macdonald of Dunyveg and his clan
from being reconciled to the government. The frequent insurrections which
occurred in the South Isles in the first fifteen years of the seventeenth
century have also been imputed by Mr. Gregory, with what degree of truth
cannot now be ascertained, to Argyle and the Campbells, for their own
purposes. It seems difficult, however, to understand what means could be
employed by them to influence their inveterate and hereditary enemies to
adopt such a course of conduct. The proceedings of these clans were,
however, so violent and illegal, that the king became highly incensed
against the Clandonald, and finding he had a right to dispose of their
possessions both in Kintyre and Islay, he made a grant of them to the earl
of Argyle and the Campbells. This gave rise to a number of bloody
conflicts between the Campbells and the Clandonald, in the years 1614,
1615, and 1616, which ended in the ruin of the latter, and for the details
of which, and the intrigues and proceedings of the earl of Argyle to
possess himself of the lands of that clan, reference may be made to
Gregory’s ‘History of the Highlands and Isles of Scotland,’ chapters seven
and eight.
the meantime, on the 23d February, 1603, the king, previous to his
departure for England, succeeded in reconciling the earls of Argyle and
Moray to the earl of Hunty, an object which he had long laboured to
effect. In that same month the Macgregors, who were already under the ban
of the law, made an irruption into the Lennox, and after defeating the
Colquhouns and their adherents at Glenfruin, with great slaughter,
plundered and ravaged the whole district, and threatened to burn the town
of Dumbarton. For some years previously, the charge of keeping this
powerful and warlike tribe in order had been committed to the earl of
Argyle, as the king’s lieutenant in the “bounds of the clan Gregor,” and
he was answerable for all their excesses. Instead of keeping them under
due restraint, Argyle has been accused by various writers of having from
the very first made use of his influence to stir them up to acts of
violence and aggression against his own personal enemies, of whom the
chief of the Colquhouns was one; and it is further said that he had all
along mediated the destruction of both the Macgregors and the Colquhouns,
by his crafty and perfidious policy. The only evidence on which these
heavy charges rests is the dying declaration of Allester Macgregor of
Glenstrae, the chief of the clan, to the effect that he was deceived by
the earl of Argyle’s “falsete and inventiouns,” and that he had been often
incited by that nobleman to “weir and truble the laird of Luss,” and
others; but as these charges were not believed at the time, they ought to
be received with some hesitation by the impartial historian now. Indeed,
it is difficult to believe that the earl of Argyle would, for his own
sake, have counselled the perpetration of such outrages as the Macgregors
committed, and still less that the Macgregors, who detested his authority,
would have carried them into effect to please him. The enmity alleged to
have existed between the Colquhouns and Argyle is assumed without proof of
any sort, and is not supported by any probability, whereas the hatred
between the Macgregors and Colquhouns was an hereditary feud, and a war of
races. However this may be, the execution of the severe statutes which
were passed against the Macgregors after the conflict at Glenfruin, was
intrusted to the earls of Argyle and Athole, and their chief, with some of
his principal followers, was enticed by Argyle to surrender to him, on
condition that they would be allowed to leave the country. Argyle received
them kindly, and assured them that though he was commanded by the king to
apprehend them, he had little doubt he would be able to procure a pardon,
and, in the meantime, he would send them to England under an escort, which
would convey them off Scottish ground. It was Macgregor’s intention, if
taken to London, to procure if possible an interview with the king; but
Argyle prevented this; yet, that he might fulfil his promise, he sent them
under a strong guard beyond the Tweed at Berwick, and instantly compelled
them to retrace their steps to Edinburgh, where they were executed 18th
January 1604. How far there may have been deceit used in this matter,
whether, according to Birrel, Argyle “keipit ane Hielandman’s promise; in
respect he sent the gaird to convey him out of Scottis grund, but thai
were not directit to pairt with him, but to fetch him bak agane;” or
whether their return was by orders from the king, cannot at the present
time be ascertained. This at least is certain, that so many families were
bereaved of their sons by the atrocities of the Macgregors that there was
no probability of a pardon having been obtained from James.
the decreet of ranking of the Scots nobility, 5th March 1606,
the earl of Argyle was placed second in the list of earls. In 1608 he and
the Marquis of Huntly were sent against the proscribed Macgregors, and
almost totally extirpated that persecuted and unfortunate clan. In 1617,
after the suppression by him of the Clandonald, Argyle obtained from the
king a grant of the whole county of Kintyre, which grant was ratified by a
special act of parliament the same year. At this time he seems to have
been in high favour at court, and on the visit of King James to Scotland
in that year, he was one of those who, at the command of the king,
repaired to Holyroodhouse on Whitsunday the 8th of June, and
partook of the communion, then and there celebrated after the English
form; he and those with him, says Calderwood, “communicated kneeling, not
regarding either Christ’s institution or the ordour of our kirk.” But this
need not have surprised the worthy chronicler had he known that for some
years Argyle had been a concealed papist. His first countess, to whom Sir
William Alexander, afterwards earl of Stirling, inscribed his ‘Aurora’ in
1604, having died, his lordship had in November 1610, married, a second
time, Anne, daughter of Sir William Cornwall of Brome, ancestor of the
Marquis Cornwallis. This lady was a Catholic, and although the earl was a
warm and zealous protestant when he married her, she gradually drew him
over to profess the same faith with herself. After the year 1615, as
Gregory remarks, his personal history presents a striking instance of the
mutability of human affairs. In that year, being deep in debt, he went to
England, but as he was the only chief that could keep the Macdonalds in
order, the Privy Council wrote to the king urging him to send him home;
and in his expedition against the clan Donald, he was accompanied by his
son, Lord Lorn. On the 17th of June 1617, he carried the crown,
at the opening of the parliament, and this seems to have been his last
public appearance in his native country. In 1618, on pretence of going to
the Spa for the benefit of his health, he received from the king
permission to go abroad; and the news soon arrived that the earl, instead
of going to the Spa, had gone to Spain; that he had there made open
defection from the protestant religion, and that he had entered into very
suspicious dealings with the banished rebels, Sir James Macdonald and
Allaster MacRanald of Keppoch, who had taken refuge in that country. The
king, upon this, wrote to the privy council at Edinburgh, recalling the
license given to Argyle to go abroad, and directing that nobleman to be
summoned to appear before the council in the following February under the
pain of treason. In the meantime, various efforts were made to make the
barons and gentlemen of Argyle answerable for the good rule of that
extensive earldom. The result was that in December 1618, twenty of these
barons and gentlemen appeared in presence of the council and made an
arrangement for effecting the desired object, Campbell of Lundy
undertaking the principal charge. On the 16th of February, the
earl of Argyle having failed to make his appearance, he was, with sound of
trumpets, and two or three heralds at arms, openly declared rebel and
traitor, at the market cross of Edinburgh, and he remained under this ban
until the 22d of November 1621, when, by open proclamation at the same
place, with sound of trumpet and Lyon heralds, he was declared the king’s
free liege. Nevertheless, he did not venture to return to Britain during
the reign of James the Sixth, nor, indeed, till 1638; and he died in
London soon after his return, in that year, aged 62. While on the
continent he distinguished himself in the military service of Philip the
Second of Spain, against the states of Holland. From the time of his
leaving Scotland, he never exercised any influence over his great estates;
the fee of which had, indeed, been previously conveyed by him to his
eldest son, Archibald, Lord Lorn, afterwards eighth earl or Argyle. By his
first wife he had a son, Archibald, eighth earl, and four daughters,
namely, 1st, Lady Anne, married in 1607, to George, second
marquis of Huntly; 2d, Lady Annabella, married to Robert, second earl of
Lothian, of the house of Cessford; her eldest daughter, Lady Anne,
inherited the title of Lothian, and carried it into the house of
Fernyhirst; 3d, Lady Jane, married first to the first Viscount Kenmure,
and, secondly, to the Hon. Sir Henry Montgomery, of Giffen, second son of
the sixth earl of Eglinton; and 4th, Lady Mary, who became the
wife of Sir Robert Montgomery of Skelmorly. By his second wife, the earl
had a son and a daughter, viz., James, earl of Irvine, [see IRVINE, earl
of,] and Lady Mary, married to James, second Lord Rollo [See ROLLO, lord.]
His first countess was introduced by Lord Walpole into his Appendix, for
having collected and published in Spanish, a set of sentences from the
works of St. Augustine. Her portrait will be found in Walpole’s ‘Royal and
Noble Authors,’ Park’s edition, 1806, vol. v. p. 71. Douglas says, and it
seems likely, that the portrait may be that of Lady Anne Douglas, but the
authoress must have been Anne Cornwallis, his second wife, as the latter
was in Spain with him, but the former died many years before he went to
that country. The following cut is taken from that portrait of the
countess of Argyle.

[portrait of the
countess of Argyle]
Of the
more illustrious personages of the family of Argyle, memoirs are
subsequently given in larger type. The conspicuous figure which they made
in the history of their country, and the prominent part which the family
has always acted in Scottish affairs, entitle its more celebrated members
to separate biographies.
eights earl and first marquis or Argyle, an eminent patriot and statesman,
was the son of Archibald, seventh earl, by his first wife Lady Anne
Douglas, daughter of the earl of Morton. He was born in 1598, and educated
in the protestant religion, according to the strict rules of the Church of
Scotland, as it was established at the Reformation. After his father went
to Spain, as already narrated, he managed the affairs of his family and
clan in his absence. In 1626 he was sworn a privy councillor, and in 1634
appointed one of the extraordinary lords of session. On the death of his
father in 1638, he succeeded to his titles. The estates he had held
previously. He attended the General Assembly at Glasgow, that year, at
which presbyterianism was declared to be the established religion of
Scotland. In 1639, when Charles prepared for the invasion of Scotland,
Argyle raised nine hundred men to oppose the Macdonalds of the Isles and
the earl of Antrim, who were to attack the kingdom on the west. In June
1640 he marched to the north against the earl of Athol and the Ogilvys,
who had taken up arms for the king, and forced them to submit.
Argyle’s ascendancy in the senate the marquis of Montrose at this time
became particularly jealous, and he transmitted an accusation against him
to court, of having declared in the presence of Athol and others that the
states intended to depose the king. The fact was denied by all the
witnesses, said to have been present, and Stewart, commissary of Dunkeld,
the informer, who retracted his statement, was convicted and executed;
while Montrose was committed prisoner to the castle of Edinburgh. In 1641,
when Charles the First came to Scotland, his majesty created him marquis
of Argyle.
1644, after the marquis of Huntly, whom the king had appointed his
lieutenant-general in the north of Scotland, had taken Aberdeen, Argyle
was, by the convention at Edinburgh, commissioned to raise an army to
oppose him. He, accordingly, assembled at Perth, a force of five thousand
foot and eight hundred horse, with which he advanced on Aberdeen. Huntly
fled to Banff, where he disbanded his army, and retired to Strathnaver.
Argyle, after taking possession of Aberdeen, proceeded northward and took
the castles of Gight and Kellie. The lairds of Gight and Haddo he made
prisoners and sent to Edinburgh, where the latter was afterwards beheaded.
In July 1644, Alexander Macdonald, who had been despoiled of his patrimony
by Argyle’s father, landed in the west from Ireland, with fifteen hundred
men, with the purpose of joining the marquis of Montrose, on the side of
the king. Argyle collected an army to oppose his progress, and to cut off
his retreat to Ireland he sent some ships of war to Loch Eishord, where
Macdonald’s fleet lay, which captured or destroyed them.
After the battle of Tippermuir, Montrose’s victorious army proceeded
through Angus and the Mearns to Aberdeen, where he again defeated the army
of the Covenanters. On the 4th of September, four days after
the battle of Tippermuir, Argyle, who had been pursuing the Irish forces
under Macdonald, had arrived with his Highlanders at Stirling, where, on
the following day, he was joined by the ear of Lothian and his regiment.
With an increased force, amounting to three thousand foot and two regular
cavalry regiments, besides ten troops of horse, Argyle arrived at Aberdeen
on the 19th, and issued a proclamation, declaring the marquis
of Montrose and his followers traitors to religion, and to their king and
country, and offering a reward of twenty thousand pounds Scots, to any
person who should bring in Montrose dead or alive. Spalding, vol. ii. page
271, laments with great pathos and feeling the severe hardships to which
the citizens of Aberdeen had been subjected by the frequent visitations of
hostile armies at this period, but forgets to add how much the citizens of
Aberdeen had done to bring it on themselves by their sympathy with
Montrose. Three days after his arrival in Aberdeen, Argyle put his army in
motion in the direction of Kintyre. On hearing of his approach, Montrose
concealed his cannon in a bog, and marched his army into the forest of
Abernethy. Argyle proceeded as far as Strathbogie, and allowed his troops
to lose their time in plundering and laying waste the lands of the Gordons
in that district, and in the Enzie. On the 27th of September
Argyle mustered his forces at the Bog of Gight, and found them to amount
to about four thousand men. The army of Montrose did not amount to much
more than a third of that number. At this time the two armies were within
twenty miles of each other; but Montrose passed unscathed through the
forest of Rothiemurchus, and following the course of the Spey, marched
through Badenoch. Argyle, on this, set his army in motion along Spey-side,
and marched through Badenoch in pursuit. On entering Badenoch, having been
delayed by illness, Argyle found Montrose several days’ march in advance
of him, and had crossed the Grampians to Strathbogie, where he arrived on
the 19th of October and remained till the 27th.
Contrary to his expectations, Montrose was joined by but a small party of
the Gordons, the marquis of Huntly keeping aloof altogether, while his
sons were on the side of the parliament.
After spoiling the lands of those in Badenoch and Athole who had joined
Montrose, Argyle followed him across the Dee, and passing through Aberdeen
and Kintyre, he reached Inverury on 25th October, with a force
of about two thousand five hundred foot, and twelve hundred horse, and
suddenly appeared within a very few miles of the camp of Montrose on the
28th of the same month. Montrose’s foot amounted only to
fifteen hundred men, and about fifty horse; yet with this inferior force
he resolved to await Argyle’s attack. He accordingly drew up his little
army on a rugged eminence behind the castle of Fyvie, on the uneven sides
of which several ditches had been cut and dikes built to serve as farm
fences. Here he was attacked by Argyle, whose men, charging with great
impetuosity, drove the forces of Montrose up the eminence, of a
considerable part of which they got possession. The assailed, however,
were soon rallied by Montrose, who directed an attack in turn with
complete success. A subsequent attack of cavalry was resisted by
interlining with his few horse a body of musketeers. In the evening Argyle
drew off his forces and although he returned to the position on the
following and subsequent days, the attack was not renewed.
After nightfall of the second day, Montrose retreated towards Strathbogie,
followed by Argyle, all whose attempts, however, to bring him to action in
the open country proved unavailing against an antagonist of military
genius so much superior to his own. Recourse was then had by Argyle to
negotiation, but to a request for a personal meeting with the view of
arranging a cessation of arms, Montrose, lest Argyle should avail himself
of the occasion to tamper with his men, proposed in a council of war to
retire to the Grampians. the council at once approved of this suggestion,
on which Montrose resolved to march into Badenoch, and afterwards
descended by rapid marches into Athole.
the meantime, Argyle disbanded his Highlanders, and went to Edinburgh,
where, according to Spalding, vol. ii. page 287, he “got but small thanks
for his service against Montrose.” so far from this being the case, the
Committee of Estates passed an act of approbation of his services,
“principally because he had shed no blood.” [Guthry, page 124.] To
retaliate upon Argyle and his clan the miseries which he had occasioned in
Lochaber, Montrose proceeded to ravage the country possessed by the
Campbells, beginning with Glenurchy, on which Argyle hastened to his
castle at Inverary, and gave orders for the assembling of his followers.
He took no precautions, however to guard the passes leading into Argyle,
although so important did he consider them that he had frequently declared
he would rather forfeit a hundred thousand crowns than that an enemy
should know them. While reposing in fancied security, some shepherds from
the hills brought him the alarming intelligence that Montrose’s forces
were within two miles of his castle. He immediately took refuge on board a
fishing-boat in Loch Fyne, in which he sought his way to the Lowlands. For
upwards of six weeks, the district of Argyle, as well as that of Lorn, was
laid waste, so that, before the end of January, 1645, a single male
inhabitant was not to be seen throughout their whole extent. Montrose then
proceeded northwards, with the view of seizing Inverness; but, on his
route, learning that Argyle had entered Lochaber with an army of three
thousand men, and had advanced as far as Inverlochy, burning and laying
waste the country wherever he appeared, he crossed the mountains, and
reached Glennevis before Argyle had the slightest notice of his approach.
Committing his army to the charge of his cousin, Campbell of Auchinbreck,
who had considerable reputation as a military commander, Argyle went on
board a boat on the loch, accompanied by Sir John Wauchope of Niddry, Sir
James Rollock of Duncrub, Archibald Sydserf, one of the bailies of
Edinburgh, and Mungo Law, a minister of the same city. His excuse for
doing so, was some contusions he had received by a fall two or three weeks
before. At sunrise on Sunday, 2d February 1645, Montrose gave orders to
his men to advance, when Argyle’s forces were totally defeated, no less
than fifteen hundred of his family and name being killed, and amongst the
slain was Campbell of Auchinbreck, their commander. After this action,
which was called the battle of Inverlochy, Argyle arrived in Edinburgh,
“having,” says Guthrie,
left arm tied up in a scarf, as if he had been at bones-breaking.” He was
present at the battle of Kilsyth, 15th August 1645, as the head
of a committee of noblemen appointed by the estates to attend General
Baillie, the general of the Covenanters, who sustained a signal defeat
from Montrose. By way of retaliation for the destruction of Castle
Campbell, and the properties of his vassals, by the Macleans, who had
joined Montrose’s army, he had previously caused the house of Menstrie,
the seat of the earl of Stirling, the king’s secretary, and that of
Airthrie, belonging to Sir John Graham of Braco, to be burnt. Just before
the battle he had, with a small body of troops, taken his route over the
hills from Stirling, and crossing the Carron, at a ford still bearing his
name, joined the main body under Baillie. The loss of the battle of
Kilsyth, the most disastrous defeat which the covenanters ever sustained,
is mainly to be attributed to the interference of Argyle and the “field
committee,” with that general’s dispositions and arrangements. All
Baillie’s officers fled in various directions; while Argyle hastened to
the south shore of the Firth of Forth. According to Bishop Guthry, he
“never looked over his shoulder until, after twenty miles riding, he
reached the South Queensferry, where he possessed himself of a boat
again.” [Memoirs, page 154.] Wishart sarcastically observes that
this was the third time that Argyle had “saved himself by means of a boat,
and even then, he did not reckon himself secure till they had weighed
anchor and carried the vessel out to sea.” [Memoirs, page 171.] He
afterwards took refuge in Ireland, until Montrose’s subsequent defeat at
Philiphaugh. Among the prisoners executed by the Covenanters after that
event was Sir William Rollock, one of Montrose’s principal officers, the
chief cause of whose condemnation, Wishart says, (Memoirs, page 223,) was
that he would not consent to assassinate Montrose, at the instigation of
Argyle; a crime which, notwithstanding all the ferocity of the times, and
all the enmity which subsisted between these two rival chiefs, it is
impossible to believe Argyle to have been guilty of.
July 1646, when the king had surrendered to the Scottish army, the marquis
went to Newcastle to pay him his respects. He was afterwards employed at
London in the conference with the parliament of England on the Articles
presented by them to his majesty. He was, besides, charged with a secret
commission from the king, to consult with the duke of Richmond and the
marquis of Hertford, as to the expediency of getting the Scottish
parliament and army to declare for him; but was told that if the Scots
should declare for the king, it might prove his majesty’s ruin, by turning
the affair into a national dispute, in which all parties in England would
unite, to prevent the kingdom from being conquered. Argyle returned to
Scotland to attend parliament, which met 3d November, 1646, and on the 7th
of that month, the convention of estates passed an “act of approbation to
the marquis of Argyle and remanent commissioners at London.” In the same
parliament a sum of money was voted to him for his various services, all
his estates having been plundered by the Irish and other followers of
Montrose. In 1647, also, the parliament voted him an additional sum for
his family’s subsistence, and for paying annual rents to some necessitous
creditors on his estate, and a collection was ordered throughout all the
churches in Scotland, for the relief of the people of Argyle plundered by
The marquis of Huntly, who had appeared in arms for the king, having been
taken prisoner, in December 1647, by Lieutenant-colonel Menzies, in
Strathdon, and carried to Edinburgh, a reward of a thousand pounds
sterling was bestowed on his captor, who, for payment of this sum,
obtained an order, 6th January 1648, from the committee of
estates. It has been made the ground of a charge, by the author of the
history of the family of Gordon, against Hamilton and Argyle, that they
were the first signers of this order; but they merely signed the document
in the order of precedence of rank before the rest of the committee. It is
related by Spalding that, taking advantage of Huntly’s situation, Argyle
bought up all the comprisings on Huntly’s lands, and that he caused summon
at the market cross of Aberdeen, by sound of trumpet, all Huntly’s
wadsetters and creditors, to appear at Edinburgh in the month of March
following, to produce their securities before the lords of session,
otherwise they would be declared null a and void. Some of Huntly’s
creditors sold their claims to him, and having thus bought up all the
rights he could obtain upon Huntly’s estate, he granted bonds for the
amount, which, according to Spalding, he never paid. In this way did
Argyle possess himself of Huntly’s estates which he continued to enjoy
upwards of twelve years, namely, from 1648 till the restoration in 1660.
There can be no doubt, however, that in thus acting it was for the benefit
of his nephew, Lord Gordon, and not for his own aggrandizement, Huntly’s
estates being forfeited by the parliament.
1648, when the duke of Hamilton formed an association to attempt the
rescue of the king, which went under the name of “the Engagement,” Argyle
and his party opposed it. After the defeat of the army led by Hamilton
into England, a new commotion was raised in Scotland by those who had
disapproved of the “Engagement.” The principal authors were the marquis of
Argyle, the earls of Cassillis and Eglinton and the earl of Loudon,
chancellor. To oppose them the committee of estates raised an army and
conferred the command on the earl of Lanark, who was soon joined by Sir
George Monro, with a small body of troops which he had conducted home from
England. Argyle, having collected a small body of Highlanders in his own
country, marched eastward to form a junction with Loudon and Eglinton.
Halting at Stirling, after assigning to his troops their different posts,
he went to dine with the earl of Mar at his residence in that town. But
while the dinner was serving up, the advanced guard of Lanark’s forces,
under Sir George Monro, entered the town, on which, mounting his horse, he
galloped across Stirling bridge, and never looked behind him till he
reached the North Queensferry, where he instantly crossed the Firth in a
small boat. He then proceeded to Edinburgh, and, with Loudon, the
chancellor, and the earls of Cassillis and Eglinton, as committee of
estates, summoned a parliament to meet on the 4th of January.
In the meantime, Cromwell had laid siege to Berwick, and was waited upon
at Mordington, by Argyle, Lord Elcho, and Sir Charles Erskine, and after
the surrender of that town they conducted him and General Lambert to
Edinburgh. Cromwell took up his residence in the house of Lady Home in the
Canongate, where he received frequent visits from Argyle, Loudon, the earl
of Lothian, and others, both peers and ministers. It is said that during
these conferences, Cromwell communicated to his visitors his intentions
with respect to the king, and obtained their consent. It was with
reference to this that Argyle made his celebrated declaration on the
Although Argyle and his friends had now the principal power in Scotland,
he exerted himself in vain to prevent the execution of that eminent
royalist, the marquis of Huntly, his brother-in-law, and when it was
carried against him, 16th March 1649, he withdrew in disgust
from the parliament. But when his great rival, Montrose, was conducted
with every mark of ignominy, in May 1650, up the Canongate to the tolbooth
of Edinburgh, Argyle, surrounded by his family and friends, appeared
publicly on a balcony in front of the earl of Moray’s house in the
Canongate, to gaze at him. He refused, however, to assist at or concur in
the barbarous sentence pronounced against him, declaring that he was too
much a party to be a judge. He was not present at Montrose’s execution,
and is said to have shed tears on hearing of the particulars of his death.
Argyle had the principal hand in bringing over Charles the Second to
Scotland, where he arrived in June 1650. It is mentioned by Lord
Dartmouth, in his MS. notes on Burnet, quoted in Rose’s Observations on
Fox (p. 176), that on his arrival, Argyle informed his majesty that he
could not serve him as he desired, unless he gave some undeniable proof of
a fixed resolution to support the presbyterian party, which he thought
would be best done by marrying into some family of quality and influence
attached to that interest, and thought his own daughter would be the
properest match for him. What truth there may be in this, it is impossible
to say, but certain it is that the presbyterian party, at the head of
which was Argyle, was then the strongest, and it is likely that with a
sincere desire to serve his majesty, the ambition of that nobleman might
have led h im to entertain such a design, with a view of advancing both
his majesty’s interests and his own, as well as the cause of the
presbyterian religion, while the report that the king was to marry his
daughter was prevalent at the time.
After the fatal defeat of the Scots army at Dunbar, 3d September, 1650,
Argyle continued to exert himself for the defence of the country and the
promotion of the cause of the king, who was so sensible of his zeal, and
diligence in his service, that he drew up a paper which he presented to
him with his sign manual, promising, on “the word of king,” to create him
duke of Argyle, knight of the garter, and one of the gentlemen of his
bedchamber, when he (Argyle) should think fit; and whenever it should
please God to restore him to his just rights in England, to see him paid
forty thousand pounds sterling, which was due to him. On the king’s
coronation at Scone, 1st January 1651, Argyle placed the crown
on his Majesty’s head, and was the first to swear allegiance to him. When
Charles, in June of that year, resolved to march into England, Argyle
endeavoured to dissuade him from it; but, nevertheless he would have
accompanied his majesty, had not his countess been then lying at the point
of death, and he took leave of the king at Stirling. After Charles’s
defeat at Worcester, Argyle retired to Inverary, where he continued for a
year to act on the defensive; but, falling sick, he was surprised by
General Dean, who conducted him a prisoner to Edinburgh. Having received
orders from General Monk to attend a privy council, he was thus entrapped
to be present at the ceremony of proclaiming Oliver Cromwell lord
protector. A paper was tendered to him to sign, containing his submission
to the government as settled, which he refused, but afterwards, when he
was in no condition to struggle, he did sign a promise to live peaceably
under the protectorate; and under Richard Cromwell he sat in the
parliament for the county of Aberdeen.
the restoration he went to London to congratulate the king, arriving there
8th July 1660; but, without being allowed to see his majesty,
he was committed to the Tower, and after lying there for five months, he
was sent down to Scotland to be tried for his compliance with the
usurpation. On the voyage down he narrowly escaped shipwreck by a storm.
When he arrived in Edinburgh he was confined in the castle. At his trial,
his inveterate enemy, the earl of Middleton, presided as lord high
commissioner; and, after the evidence had been closed on both sides, an
express arrived from Monk with some private letters from Argyle to him and
others, proving his full compliance with the usurpation. Being condemned
for high treason, he was beheaded with the Maiden at the Cross of
Edinburgh, May 27, 1661. On sentence being pronounced, the marquis,
lifting up his eyes, said, “I had the honour to set the crown upon the
king’s head, and now he hastens me to a better crown than his own.” He
prepared for death with a fortitude not expected from the natural timidity
of his character; wrote a long letter to the king, vindicating his memory,
and imploring protection for his poor wife and family; and on the day of
his execution, dined at noon with his friends, with great cheerfulness,
and was accompanied by several of the nobility to the scaffold, where he
behaved with singular constancy and courage. His last words were, “I
desire all that hear me to take notice and remember, that now, when I am
entering on eternity, and am to appear before my Judge, and as I desire
salvation, I am free from any accession by knowledge, contriving, counsel,
or any other way, to his late majesty’s death.” His head was exposed on
the west end of the tolbooth, on the same spike from which that of
Montrose had recently been removed; while his body was carried to St.
Magdalene’s chapel in the Cowgate, and lay there for some days, until it
was removed by his friends to the family burial-place at Kilmun. The head
remained on the top of the tolbooth till 8th June 1664, when a
warrant was obtained from Charles the Second for taking it down, and
burying it with his body.
Mr. Granger, in his Biographical History of England, observes that “the
marquis of Argyle was in the cabinet what his enemy the marquis of
Montrose was in the field, the first character of his age and country for
political courage and conduct.” – The woodcut below is from an engraving
after the original at Inverary.

[woodcut of the
marquis of Argyle]
marquis of Argyle is inserted in Walpole’s Catalogue of Royal and Noble
Authors, having published his ‘Instructions to his Son,’ 12 mo, Edinburgh,
1661, written during his confinement; on which Walpole remarks, it is
observable that he quarrelled with both his father and his son; and
‘Defences against the grand indictment of high treason,’ 1661. Park, in
his edition of Walpole, (vol. v. p. 115, edition 1806,) says, in 1642 was
printed “the marquis of Argyll’s speech on peace, to be sent to his
Majestie.” By his wife, Lady Margaret Douglas, second daughter of William,
second earl of Morton, he had with three daughter, two sons; namely,
Archibald, ninth earl of Argyle, and Lord Niel Campbell of Ardmaddie, who
was governor of Dumbarton castle, and died in 1693. Lord Niel was twice
married; and Dr. Archibald Campbell, his second son by his first wife,
Lady Vere Ker, third daughter of the third earl of Lothian, was bishop of
Aberdeen. [See a subsequent notice (CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD,) BISHOP OF
Aberdeen.] His second wife was Susan, eldest daughter of Sir Alexander
Menzies of Weem, baronet, sister of Captain James Menzies, who had married
his lordship’s daughter, Anna. Lord Niel’s widow afterwards married
Colonel Alexander Campbell of Finnab, and had two sons, Niel Campbell,
advocate, and Alexander. Her only surviving child, Jean, married Campbell
of Inverawe. Lord Niel Campbell’s descendants have long been extinct in
the male line. Menzies of Castlemenzies, baronet, and the Fergusons of
Pitcullo in Fife descend from him in the female line.
marquis’ eldest daughter, Lady Anne, died unmarried. His second, Lady
Jean, became the wife of the first marquis of Lothian; and Lady Mary, the
third, married first the sixth earl of Caithness, and after his death the
first earl of Breadalbane, and had one son to him.
Editor's Note: The following two
biographies were provided by Diane Snider...
ninth earl of Argyle, eldest son of the preceding, was educated by his
father in the true principles of loyalty and the protestant religion, and
had from his youth distinguished himself by his steady attachment to the
royal cause. After receiving his education he went to travel in France and
Italy in 1647, and remained on the continent till the end of 1649. In
1650, when Charles the Second was invited to Scotland, the commission of
colonel of foot guards was given to him by the convention of estates,
which he declined to accept until it should be ratified by the king. He
served with great bravery against Cromwell at the battle of Dunbar, in
September of that year. After the king’s defeat at Worcester, he kept a
party in arms in the Highlands, ready to act on any favourable
opportunity. In 1654 he joined the earl of Glencairn with nearly a
thousand men, and received the commission of lieutenant-general from
Charles the Second. He was, in consequence, exempted from the general
amnesty published by Cromwell in April of that year. Towards the end of
the same year he was so reduced that h retired to an island with only four
or five persons about him. It was not till 1655, when he received orders
from General Middleton, sanctioned by the king’s authority, that he would
consent to submit to Cromwell. In November of that year hee was compelled
by General Monk to find security for his peaceable behavior, to the amount
of five thousand pounds sterling. In spring 1657 Monk committed him to
prison, where he remained till the Restoration.
In March
1658, while confined in Edinburgh castle, the lieutenant of that garrison,
an Englishman, was one day amusing himself in throwing a bullet, when it
glanced from a stone with so much force on Lord Lorn’s head, that it
fractured his skull. He was obliged to undergo the operation of
trepanning, and recovered with difficulty. [Burnet’s Hist. vol. i.
p. 106.]
On the
restoration, his lordship hastened to London to congratulate his majesty,
being charged with a letter from his father, the marquis of Argyle, to the
king, containing assurances of his duty. His majesty received him in so
gracious a manner as to induce the marquis himself to undertake a journey
to London, when, without being admitted to the king’s presence, he was
committed to the Tower, and subsequently sent down to be tried in Scotland
for treason. During all the time of his trial, Lord Lorn remained at court
and laboured assiduously, but in vain, to save his father’s life. A letter
to Lord Duffus, written after the marquis’ execution, in which he said
that he had convinced the earl of Clarendon of the injustice done to his
father, being intercepted, was carried to the earl of Middleton, who
exhibited it to the parliament, as a libel on their proceedings. That
body, on 24th June 1662, transmitted a representation to the
king that the eldest son of the late marquis of Argyle had both written
and spoken against their authority, and requesting that he might be sent
down to Scotland to stand his trial. By the express command of the king,
Lord Lorn proceeded to Edinburgh, and on the day of his arrival he
appeared in his place in parliament, and made a long speech in his own
justification. He was, nevertheless, committed close prisoner to the
castle, and a process raised against him for the crime of leasing-making,
or creating dissension between the king and his subjects, on which he was
found guilty, and condemned to lose his head, but the day of his execution
was left to his majesty’s pleasure, in consequence of a positive order of
the king to the earl of Middleton. When the news of his condemnation
reached the court at London it struck all there with astonishment, and the
earl of Clarendon declared that if the king suffered such a precedent to
take place, he would get out of his dominions as fast as his gout would
let him. Lord Lorn suffered a long and severe imprisonment in the castle
of Edinburgh, and was only released on 4th June 1663, when
Middleton had lost his power.
of his services and of the injustice with which h e had been treated,
Charles, the same year, restored to him the estates and title of earl of
Argyle, which had been forfeited by his father. His residence while in
Edinburgh, during his attendance on the Scots parliament, was in the Mint
court, High street, as appears from a curious case reported in
Fountainhall’s Decisions, vol. i. page 163 .
In 1681,
when the duke of York went to Scotland, a parliament was summoned at
Edinburgh, which, besides granting money to the king, and voting the
indefeasible right of succession, passed an act for establishing a test,
obliging all who possessed offices, civil, military, or ecclesiastical, to
take an oath not to attempt any change in the constitution of church and
state as then settled. When Argyle took the test as a privy councillor, he
added, in presence of the duke of York, an explanation which he had before
communicated to that prince, and which he believed to have been approved
of by him, to the effect that he took it as far as it was consistent with
itself and with the Protestant religion. The explanation was allowed, and
he was admitted to sit that day in council. To his great surprise,
however, he was a few days thereafter committed to prison, and tried for
high treason, leasing-making, and perjury. Of five judges three did not
scruple to find him guilty of the two first charges, and a jury of fifteen
noblemen gave a verdict against him. The king’s permission was obtained
for pronouncing sentence, but the execution of it was ordered to be
delayed. Having no reason to expect either justice or mercy from such
enemies, the earl made his escape from prison in the train of his
step-daughter, Lady Sophia Lindsay, disguised as her page. He made his way
to London, and though the place of his concealment was known at Court, it
i said that the king would not consent to his being arrested. In the
meantime, the privy council of Scotland publicly proclaimed his sentence
at the cross of Edinburgh, and caused his coat of arms to be reversed and
The earl
soon after went over to Holland, where he resided during the remainder of
Charles’ reign. On his death in 1685, deeming it his duty, before the
coronation of James the Second, to do his best to restore the
constitution, and preserve the civil and religious liberties of his native
country, he concerted measures with the duke of Monmouth, and, at the head
of a considerable force, made a descent upon Argyle; but, disappointed in
his expectations of support, he was taken prisoner, and being carried to
Edinburgh, was beheaded upon his former unjust sentence, June 30, 1685.
Previous to his execution he was brought directly from the castle to the
Laigh council room in the Tolbooth, and thence his farewell letter to his
wife is dated. Fountainhall tells us, “Argile came in coach to the Toune
Counsell, and from that on foot to the scaffold, with his hat on, betwixt
Mr. Annand, dean of Edinburgh, on his right hand – to whom he gave his
paper on the scaffold – and Mr. Lawrence Charteris, late professor of
divinity in the college of Edinburgh. He was somewhat appalled at the
sight of the Maiden – present death will danton the most resolute courage
– therefor he caused bind the napkin upon his face ere he approached, and
then was led it.” Under his misfortunes he evinced great firmness and
self-possession. He ate his dinner cheerfully on the day of his death,
and, according to his usual custom, slept after it for a quarter of an
hour or more very soundly. At the place of execution he made a short,
grave, and religious speech; and such was the calmness of his spirit that
he took out of his pocket a little ruler, and measured the block.
Perceiving that it did not lie even, he pointed out the defect to a
carpenter, and had it rectified. After a solemn declaration that he
forgave all his enemies, he submitted to death with extraordinary
resolution and composure. His body was interred in the Greyfriers
churchyard, Edinburgh, under a monument, with a poetical inscription
composed by himself in prison the day before his execution; on account of
which he has been admitted into Walpole’s Royal and Noble Authors, vol. v.
edition 1806. He was twice married; first, to Lady Mary Stuart, eldest
daughter of James, fifth earl of Moray; and, secondly, to :Lady Anne
Mackenzie, second daughter of Colin, first earl of Seaforth (dowager of
Alexander, first earl of Balcarres). By the latter he had no issue; but by
the former he had four sons and three daughters.
tenth earl, and first duke of Argyle, son of the preceding, was an active
promoter of the Revolution, and accompanied the prince of Orange to
England. In 1689 he was admitted into the Convention as earl of Argyle,
though his father’s attainder was not reversed. He was one of the
commissioners deputed from the Scots parliament to offer the crown of
Scotland to the prince of Orange, and to tender him the coronation oath.
For this and other eminent services the family estates which had been
forfeited were restored to him; he was admitted a member of the privy
council, and in 1690 made one of the lords of the treasury. In 1694 he was
appointed one of the extraordinary lords of session, and, in 1696, colonel
of the Scots horse guards. He afterwards raised a regiment of his own
clan, which greatly distinguished itself in Flanders. On the 23d June 1701
he was created, by letters patent, duke of Argyle, marquis of Lorn and
Kintyre, earl of Campbell and Cowal, viscount of Lochow and Glenila, baron
Inverary, Mull, Morvern, and Tiry. He died 28th September 1703.
Though undoubtedly a man of ability, he was too dissipated to be a great
statesman. The scandal of the time alleged that his death was caused by a
wound received in a brothel. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Lionel
Talmash, by whom he had two sons, the elder being John, the celebrated
duke of Argyle and Greenwich.
Teignmouth, in his ‘Sketches of the Coasts and Islands of Scotland,’ [vol.
ii. pp. 380-382,] gives the following interesting anecdote of the second
duchess of Argyle: “The trees which adorn the shore of the bay were
planted about a hundred and fifty years ago by a duchess of Argyle, who
was extremely partial to Kintyre, fixed her residence chiefly at
Campbellton, and inhabited a house on a site now occupied by a small
farm-house to which, however, it was much inferior. This lady was the
mother of the great duke John; and she is said to have adopted the
following singular method of acquiring, for the duke, possession of the
estates of the different proprietors, Campbells, to whom Argyle, after his
conquest of Kintyre, had granted them. On pretence of revising, as the
tradition goes, she got into her hands and destroyed the charters of these
unsuspecting people. Thus the Argyle family revoked their original grants.
Campbell of Kildalloig, ancestor of the present proprietor of this estate,
pleasantly situated on the outside of the bay, owed the preservation of it
to the shrewdness of a servant, who suspecting the intentions of the
duchess, ran off, carrying away his master’s charter, and restored it not
to him, till the fraud became apparent. The family of this man were, till
within few years, employed, in grateful recollection of his services, by
the family at Kildalloig. The duchess is said to have associated with
herself, in her retreat, several young ladies of rank, whom she watched
with Argus-eyed vigilance, lest they should stoop to alliance with the
lairds of Kintyre. Impatient of restraint, they eluded her observation,
and are said to have preferred humble freedom to splendid chains.”
second duke of Argyle, and also duke of Greenwich, a steady patriot and
celebrated general, the eldest son of the preceding, was born October 10,
1678. On the very day on which his grandfather suffered at Edinburgh, in
June 1685, he fell from a window on the third floor of Donibristle castle
in Fife, then possessed by his aunt, the countess of Moray, without
receiving any injury. His father, anxious to put him in the way of
advancement, introduced him to King William, who, in 1694, when not full
seventeen years of age, gave him the command of a regiment. On the death
of his father in 1703, he became duke of Argyle, and was soon after sworn
of the privy council, made captain of the Scots horse guards, and
appointed one of the extraordinary lords of session.
In 1704,
on the revival of the order of the Thistle, he was installed one of the
knights of that order. He was soon after sent down as high commissioner to
the Scots parliament, where, being of great service in promoting the
projected Union, for which he became very unpopular in Scotland, he was,
on his return to London, created a peer of England by the titles of baron
of Chatham, and earl of Greenwich.
In 1706
he Grace made a campaign in Flanders, under the duke of Marlborough, and
distinguished himself at the battle of Ramillies, in which he acted as a
brigadier-general; and also at the siege of Ostend, and in the attack of
Meenen, of which he took possession on the 25th of August.
After that event he returned to Scotland, in order to be present in the
Scots parliament when the treaty of Union was agitated. In 1708 he
commanded twenty battalions at the battle of Oudenarde. He likewise
assisted at the siege of Lisle, and commanded as major-general at the
siege of Ghent, taking possession of the town and citadel, January 3,
1709. He was afterwards raised to the rank of lieutenant-general, and
commanded in chief at the attack of Tournay. He had also a considerable
share, September 11, 1709, in the victory at Malplaquet. On December 20,
1710, he was installed a knight of th Garter.
January 1711 he was sent to Spain as ambassador, and at the same time
appointed commander-in-chief of the English forces in that kingdom. On the
peace of Utrecht he returned home. Having changed his views regarding the
Union, in June 1713 he supported an unsuccessful motion in the House of
Lords for its repeal, occasioned by a malt bill being brought into the
House for Scotland, on the ground that the Union had disappointed his
expectations. In the spring of 1714 he was deprived of all the offices he
held under the crown. On the accession of George the First he was made
groom of the stole, and was one of the nineteen members of the regency
nominated by his majesty. On the king’s arrival in England he was
appointed general and commander-in-chief of the king’s forces in Scotland.
At the
breaking out of the Rebellion in 1715, his grace, as commander-in-chief in
Scotland, defeated the earl of Mar’s army at Sheriffmuir, and forced the
Pretender to retire from the kingdom. In March 1716, after putting the
army into winter quarters, he returned to London, but was in a few months,
to the surprise of all, divested of all his employments. In the beginning
of 1718 he was again restored to favour, created duke of Greenwich, and
made lord steward of the household; on resigning which, he was appointed
master-general of the ordnance. In 1722 the duke of Argyle distinguished
himself in the House of Lords in a very interesting debate on the bill for
banishing Dr. Atterbury, bishop of Rochester. It was chiefly owing to his
grace’s persuasive eloquence that this bill passed. In 1726 he was
appointed colonel of the prince of Wales’ regiment of horse. Such was his
zeal for his native country that he warmly opposed the extension of the
malt-tax to Scotland. In Jan. 1735-36 he was created field-marshal. In
1737, when the affair of Captain Porteous came before parliament, his
grace exerted himself vigorously and eloquently in behalf of the city of
Edinburgh; a bill having been brought in for punishing the lord provost of
that city, for abolishing the city guard, and for depriving the
corporation of several ancient privileges; and when the queen regent
threatened, on that occasion, to convert Scotland into a hunting park,
replied, then it was time that he should be down to gather his beagles. In
1739, when the convention with Spain was brought before the house, he
spoke with warmth against it; and, in the same session, his grace opposed
a vote of credit, as there was no sum limited in the message sent by his
April 1740 he delivered a speech with such warmth against the
administration that he was again deprived of all his offices. To these,
however, on the resignation of Sir Robert Walpole, he was soon restored,
but not approving of the measures of the new ministry, he gave up all his
posts for the last time, and never afterwards engaged in affairs of state.
This amiable and most accomplished nobleman has been immortalized by Pope
in the lines,
“Argyle, the state’s whole thunder burn to wield, And shake alike the senate and the field.”
in his poem of Autumn, also introduces an encomium on his grace, and he is
mentioned by Tickell, Broome, and other poets of his time. He was twice
married. By his first wife, Mary, daughter of John Brown, Esq., (and niece
of Sir Charles Duncombe, Lord Mayor of London in 1708), he had no issue.
By his second wife, Jane, daughter of Thomas Warburton of Winnington in
Cheshire, one of the maids of honour to Queen Anne, he had five daughters.
His eldest daughter, Caroline, was created, in 1767, baroness Greenwich,
but the title became extinct on her death in 1794. To his fifth daughter,
Lady Mary Campbell, widow of Edward Viscount Coke, the son of the earl of
Leicester, Lord Oxford dedicated his celebrated romance of the ‘Castle of
Otranto.’ As the duke died without male issue, his English titles of duke
and earl of Greenwich and baron of Chatham became extinct, while his
Scotch titles and patrimonial estate devolved on his brother. He died of a
paralytic disorder October 4, 1743; and a beautiful marble monument, was
erected to his memory in Westminster Abbey. There is an engraving of John
duke of Argyle and Greenwich in Birch’s Lives, from a portrait by Aikman,
of which the following is a woodcut:

[woodcut of duke of
Argyle and Greenwich]
CAMPBELL, ARCHIBALD, third duke of Argyle, the brother of the
preceding, was born at Ham, Surrey, in June 1682, and educated at the
university of Glasgow. He afterwards studied the law at Utrecht, but
entering the army, he served under the duke of Marlborough, was colonel of
the 36th foot, and governor of Dumbarton castle. He soon
abandoned a military life, and employed himself in acquiring the
qualifications necessary for a statesman. In 1705 he was constituted lord
high treasurer of Scotland; in 1706 one of the commissioners for treating
of the Union between Scotland and England; and 19th October of
the same year, for his services in that matter, was created viscount and
earl of Ilay, and baron Oransay, Dunoon, and Arrase. In 1708 hee was made
an extraordinary lord of session, and after the Union, was chosen one of
the sixteen representative peers of Scotland. In 1710 he was appointed
justice-general of Scotland, and the following year was called to the
privy council. Upon the accession of George the First, he was nominated
lord register of Scotland, and when the rebellion broke out in 1715, he
took up arms for the defence of the house of Hanover. By his prudent
conduct in the West Highlands, he prevented General Gordon, at the head of
three thousand men, from penetrating into the country and raising levies.
He afterwards joined his brother, the duke of Argyle and Greenwich, at
Stirling, and was wounded at the battle of Sheriffmuir. In 1725 he was
appointed keeper of the privy seal, and in 1734 of the great seal, which
office he enjoyed till his death. Upon the decease of his brother, in
September 1743, he succeeded to the dukedom.
chancellor of the university of Aberdeen, he showed himself anxious to
promote the interest of that as well as of the other universities of
Scotland, and he particularly encouraged the school of medicine at
Edinburgh. He was the confident of Walpole, and as he had the chief
management of Scots affairs, he was very attentive in advancing the trade
and manufactures and internal improvement of his native country. He
excelled in conversation, and besides building a very magnificent seat at
Inverary, he collected one of the most valuable private libraries in Great
Britain. He died suddenly, while sitting in his chair at dinner, April 15,
1761. He married the daughter of Mr. Whitfield, paymaster of marines, but
had no issue by her grace. On his death the title of earl of Ilay became
extinct. By Mrs. Anne Williams or Shireburn, to whom he left his whole
real and personal property in England, he had a son, William Williams,
otherwise Campbell, who was appointed auditor of excise in Scotland 4th
January 1739, and was a lieutenant-colonel in the army. To the son of the
latter, Archibald Campbell, Mr. Coxe expresses his acknowledgments for the
papers of his grandfather, Archibald, duke of Argyle, among which he found
several original letters of Sir Robert Walpole.
the third duke of Argyle was succeeded by his cousin, John, fourth duke,
son of the Hon. John Campbell; of Mamore, second son of Archibald, the
ninth earl of Argyle, (who was beheaded in 1685), by Elizabeth, daughter
of John, eighth lord Elphinstone. The fourth duke was born about 1693.
Before he succeeded to the honours of his family, he was an officer in the
army, and saw some service in France and Holland. During the rebellion of
1715, he acted as aide-de-camp to his chief, John duke of Argyle and
Greenwich. He was at the battle of Dettingen in 1741, as a
brigadier-general. He had the rank of major-general 24th
February 1744, and served a campaign in Germany in that capacity. When the
rebellion of 1745 broke out, he was appointed to the command of all the
troops and garrisons in the west of Scotland, and arrived at Inverary, 21st
December of that year, and, with his eldest son, joined the duke of
Cumberland at Perth, on the 9th of the following February. He
had the rank of lieutenant-general 27th April 1747, and was
appointed, in 1761, governor of Limerick. He was one of the grooms of the
bedchamber both to George the Second and George the Third, and on
succeeding as duke, he was chosen one of the sixteen representatives of
the Scottish peerage. He was a privy councillor, a knight of the Thistle,
and became general 22d February 1765. He died 9th November
1770, in the 77th year of his age. He married in 1720 the Hon.
Mary Bellenden, third daughter of the second Lord Bellenden, and had four
sons and a daughter, Lady Caroline, married, first, to the third earl of
Aylesbury, and secondly to Field-marshal Conway, brother of the marquis of
Hertford. Their only daughter, Anne Seymour, born 8th November
1748, married, 14th June 1767, the Hon. George Damer, (eldest
son of Joseph, Lord Milton, afterwards earl of Dorchester,) was a
celebrated female sculptor. She took lessons in the art from Ceracci and
Bacon, and afterwards studied in Italy. The colossal statue of George the
Third, which adorns the interior of the Register House, Edinburgh, was
executed by her, and presented to her uncle, Lord Frederick Campbell, Lord
Clerk Register. She also cut the figure of the eagle in the gallery at
Strawberry Hill, thus inscribed, “Non me Praxiteles fecit, sed Anna Damer,”
by the earl of Oxford, who bequeathed that beautiful Gothic villa and the
principal part of his fortune to her. Her husband died without issue in
1776, and she herself in 1808. Her uncle, Lord Frederick above mentioned,
was the third of the sons of the third duke of Argyle. He was appointed
lord clerk register in November 1768, and laid the foundation stone of the
General Register House at Edinburgh 27th June 1774. In January
1792 he obtained from the king a permanent sum of five hundred pounds
a-year for the support of the fabric, and for defraying the various
contingent expenses connected with it. Observing the perishing condition
of the parliamentary records of Scotland, he formed the design of getting
them printed for the public benefit, as the journals of both houses and
the parliamentary rolls had been done in England. In 1793 he obtained from
his majesty an order for the removal to the General Register House at
Edinburgh of a manuscript which, besides transcripts of many deeds
relative to Scottish affairs, contained minutes of several parliaments of
Scotland, antecedent to the earliest parliaments mentioned in the statute
book, that had been discovered in the state paper office at London. For
this service he received the thanks of the court of session.
John, fifth duke of Argyle, born in 1723, eldest son of the fourth duke,
was also in the army, and attained the rank of general in March 1778, and
of field-marshal in 1796. He was created a British peer, in the lifetime
of his father, as Baron Sundridge of Coomb-bank in Kent, 19th
December 1766, with remainder to his heirs male, and failing them to his
brothers, Frederick and William, and their heirs male successively. He was
chosen the first president of the Highland Society of Scotland, to which
society, in 1806, he made a munificent gift of one thousand pounds, as the
beginning of a fund for educating young men of the West Highlands for the
navy. He died 24th May 1806, in the 83d year of his age. He
married at London, 3d March 1759, Elizabeth, widow of James, sixth duke of
Hamilton, the second of the three beautiful Miss Gunnings, daughters of
John Gunning, Esq. of Castle Coote, county Roscommon, Ireland. Her grace
was created a peeress of Great Britain, as Baroness Hamilton of Hameldon,
Leicestershire, 4th May 1776, and died 20th December
1790. By this lady the duke had three sons and two daughters, namely,
George John, earl of Campbell and Cowal, born in 1763, died in infancy;
George William, marquis of Lorn, and sixth duke; John Douglas Edward
Henry, seventh duke; Lady Augusta, married to General Clavering; and Lady
Charlotte Susan Maria, born in 1775, married, first, in 1796, Colonel John
Campbell, son of Walter Campbell, Esq. of Shawfield, by whom (he died in
1809) she had a large family; and secondly, in 1818, the Rev. Edward John
Bury, who died in 1832. Lady Charlotte Bury was the authoress of several
novels and other contributions to light literature.
George William, sixth duke of Argyle, born 22d September 1768, succeeded
on the death of his uterine brother, Douglas, duke of Hamilton, in 1799,
to his mother’s baronage of Hamilton, and took his seat in the house of
lords, as Baron Hamilton, 11th February, 1800. He was appointed
his majesty’s vice-admiral over the western coasts and islands of
Scotland, excepting the shires of Bute and the islands of Orkney and
Shetland, 9th February 1807. He married, 28th
November, 1810, Caroline Elizabeth, daughter of the fourth earl of Jersey,
whose previous marriage with the marquis of Anglesea had been dissolved in
Scotland, at her ladyship’s suit, but had no issue. His grace died 22d
October 1839.
His brother, John Douglas Edward Henry, (Lord John Campbell of Ardincaple,
M.P.) Succeeded as seventh duke. He was born 21st December
1777, and was thrice married; first, in August 1802, to Elizabeth, eldest
daughter of William Campbell, Esq. of Fairfield, who died in 1818;
secondly, 17th April 1820, to Joan, daughter and heiress of
John Glassel, Esq. of Long Niddry; and thirdly, in January 1831, to Anne
Colquhoun, eldest daughter of John Cunningham, Esq., of Craigends. By his
second wife he had two sons and a daughter, namely, John Henry, born in
January 1821, died in May 1837; George Douglas, marquis of Lorn, who
succeeded as eighth duke; and Lady Emma Augusta, burn in 1825. His grace
died 26th April 1847.
George John Douglas, the eighth duke, born in 1823, married in 1844, Lady
Elizabeth Georgina (born in 1824), eldest daughter of the second duke of
Sutherland; issue, John Douglas Sutherland, marquis of Lorn, born in 1845,
and other children. Author of ‘An Essay on the Ecclesiastical History of
Scotland since the Reformation.’ Chancellor of University of St. Andrews,
1851; Lord Privy Seal, 1853; Postmaster-general, 1855-8; Knight of the
Thistle, 1856.
The duke of Argyle is hereditary master of the queen’s household in
Scotland, keeper of the castles of Dunoon, Dunstaffnage, and Carrick, and
heritable sheriff of Argyleshire.
bishop of Aberdeen, and a religious writer of some note in his day, was
the son of Lord Niel Campbell, and Lady Vere Ker, the former the second
son of the great marquis of Argyle, and the latter the third daughter of
the third earl of Lothian. The date of his birth is uncertain. He was
educated for the episcopalian ministry, and after being long in priest’s
orders, he was, on the death of Bishop Sage, consecrated a bishop at
Dundee, in the year 1711, by Bishops Rose, Douglas, and Falconar, but
without any particular diocese. On the 10th of May 1721, he was
elected, by the clergy of Aberdeen, to be their ordinary, but never
visited his diocese, residing chiefly in London; and finding that his
views with regard to certain usages were not approved by the greater
number of his brethren, he resigned his new office in 1724. [Keith’s
Scottish Bishops, App. page 530.] skinner says of Bishop Campbell,
that “He was highly commendable for his learning and other valuable
accomplishments, which his curious writings, though out of the common line
in some things, abundantly testify. His affairs led him to reside mostly
at London, where he long acted as a Scottish bishop, and in that character
was of great service to our church [the Scots episcopal communion]; having
been among the first projectors, and, by his activity and connexions, a
constant promoter of that charitable fund which was a great support to the
poorer clergy in their straitened circumstances. He had got into his hands
the original registers of the General Assemblies produced by [Johnston of]
Warriston in the rebellious Assembly of Glasgow in the year 1638, [in Mr.
Skinner’s view that famous Assembly was ‘rebellious,’] which he generously
communicated to such of his brethren as had any use to make of them; and
at last, in 1737, made a gift of them to Sion college for preservation. In
his latter days, he carried his singularities to such a length as to form
a separate nonjuring communion in England, distinct from the Sancroftian
line; and even ventured, in contradiction to the advice and opinion of his
brethren in Scotland, upon the extraordinary step of a single consecration
by himself, without any assistant, for keeping up the separation which,
through Mr. Laurence, Mr. Deacon, and some others, subsists in some of the
western parts of England to this day.” [Skinner’s Ecclesiastical
History, vol. ii. p. 608.] the records of the General Assemblies above
referred to, were borrowed by the House of Commons, and the librarian of
Sion’s College holds the speaker, Mr. Manners Sutton’s receipt for them.
They were burnt in the great fire which destroyed the two houses of
parliament in 1834. In 1717 Bishop Campbell became acquainted with
Arsenius, the metropolitan of Thebais, who was then in London, and with
others of his nonjuring brethren, made a proposition to that prelate,
towards a union with the Eastern church, which Arsenius, on his going to
Russia, communicated to the emperor Peter the Great. His majesty not only
approved of the design, but directed one of his clergy, of the order of
Archimandrites, or chiefs of monasteries, from amongst whom the bishops of
the Greek church are always chosen, to assure Bishop Campbell and his
associates of his readiness to promote so good a work by all the means in
his power. A letter of thanks was returned to the emperor, but as there
were five points, assimilating to the superstitious observances of the
church of Rome, in which Campbell and his coadjutors could not agree with
the Eastern church, the union never took effect. Bishop Campbell died in
His works are: –
Queries to the Presbyterians of Scotland. Lond. 1702, 8vo.
query turned into an Argument in favour of Episcopacy. 1703, 8vo.
Life of the Reverend Mr. John Sage. Lond. 1714, 8vo.
The Doctrines of a Middle State, between Death and the Resurrection.
London, 1731, fol. A very scarce and curious work.
Remarks on some Books published by him, with his Explications. Edin. 1735,
Further Explications with respect to some Articles of the former Charge;
wherein the R. Committee, for Purity of Doctrine, have declared themselves
not satisfied. Edin. 1736, 8vo.
Remarks on the Report of the Committee for Purity of Doctrine. Edin. 1736,
The Necessity of Revelation; or an Inquiry into the Extent of Human Powers
with respect to matters of Religion, especially the Being of God, and the
Immortality of the Soul. Lond. 1739, 8vo.
Donald Campbell, abbot of Cupar, elected bishop of Brechin in 1558, and
lord privy seal to Queen Mary, was a son of the family of Argyle. He never
assumed the title of bishop, the election not being approved of by the
The first protestant bishop of Brechin was Alexander Campbell, a son of
Campbell of Ardkinglass. In 1566, while yet a mere boy, he got a grant of
the bishopric, by the recommendation of the earl of Argyle, and he
afterwards alienated most part of the lands and tithes of that see to his
chief and patron, retaining, says Keith, for his successors scarce so much
as would be a moderate competency for a minister in Brechin. It may be
some set off against the displeasure of the worth bishop, that this
alienation was not a private arrangement, but done with the consent of the
heads of the state, and confirmed by parliament. It is not for after-ages
to judge of these matters by ex parte or partial views alone. The
Lords of the Congregation, as they were called, maintained large bodies of
armed men at their own expense, for the defence of the state and of
religion, and the crown had frequently no other mode of giving them
compensation for such disbursements than by doing what it hade to do for
its own support, viz. availing itself of the wealth of the now overturned
Romish church. On 7th May 1567 the bishop got a license from
Queen Mary to depart and continue forth from the realm for the space of
seven years, but it would appear that he did not leave Scotland for more
than two years thereafter. In the books of Assumptions there is particular
instruction that this bishop was abroad at Geneva, “at the schools,” on
the 28th January 1573-4. After his return to Scotland, he
sometimes exercised the office of particular pastor at Brechin, though he
still retained the designation of bishop. He died in 1696.
Four families of the name of Campbell enjoy the dignity and title of a
baronet of Scotland and Nova Scotia, namely, Campbell of Aberuchill and
Kilbryde, created in 1627; Campbell of Ardnamurchan; Campbell of
Auchinbreck; these two baronetcies being created in 1628; and Campbell of
Marchmont, in 1665. Six are baronets of the United Kingdom, namely,
Campbell of Succoth (1808), Fitzgerald Campbell (1815) Cockburn-Campbell
of Gartsford, Ross-shire (1821), Campbell of Barcaldine and Glenure
(1831), Campbell of Burman (1831), (see SUPPLEMENT), and Campbell of
Dunstaffnage (1836)
The founder of the Aberuchill family was Colin Campbell, second son of Sir
John Campbell of Lawers, and uncle of the first earl of Loudoun, who got a
charter from the Crown, in 1596, of the lands of Aberuchill, Perthshire.
His son, Sir James Campbell of Aberuchill, a devoted royalist, was created
a baronet of Nova Scotia by Charles I. 13th Dec. 1627. His
representative, Sir James Campbell of Aberuchill, was born in 1818.
The first baronet of the Ardnamurchan family was Sir Donald Campbell,
natural son of Sir John Campbell of Calder, who was killed in 1592, by an
assassin employed by Campbell of Ardkinglass, and others of the name of
Campbell [See ante BREADALBANE..] He was originally educated for
the church, and became dean of Lismore; but he was of too restless a
disposition to confine himself to his ecclesiastical duties. His talents
and activity recommended him to Argyle, by whom he was, in 1612,
commissioned to reduce the district of Ardnamurchan to obedience. He
afterwards received from the earl a lease of Ardnamurchan, and made
himself very obnoxious to the natives by his severities. In May 1618, John
Macdonald, captain of the Clanranald, united with the clan Ian, who
acknowledged him as their chief, and expelled Xampbell and his adherents
from Ardnamurchan. He was, however, afterwards repossessed in the disputed
lands, and in 1625 he became heritable proprietor under Lord Lorn of the
district of Ardnamurchan and Sunart, for which he paid an annual feu duty
of two thousand merks. He was created a baronet on 14th June
1628, with remainder to his heirs male whatsoever, which, in 1634, was
changed to remainder to his nephew and his heirs male. He was succeeded by
his nephew, George Campbell, who inherited the estate of Airds in
Argyleshire, but not that of Ardnamurchan, which, owing to Sir Donald’s
having no male issue, reverted to the family of Argyle. Neither this
gentleman, however, nor any of his three successors, assumed the title. It
was taken up by the sixth baronet, Sir John Campbell, born 15th
March, 1767, only son of Alexander Campbell of Airds, on being served heir
male to Sir Donald Campbell, the first baronet. The seventh baronet, Sir
John Campbell, born in 1807, admitted advocate in 1831, succeeded his
father in 1834. He was lieutenant-governor of St. Vincent’s, and died
there in 1853. His eldest son, Sir John William Campbell, born in 1836,
succeeded as eighth baronet. He served as an officer in the artillery in
the campaign in the Crimea in 1854-5, in the trenches with the siege train
before Sebastopol.
The first baronet of the Auchinbreck family was Sir Dugald Campbell of
Auchinbreck, knight, the baronetcy being conferred on him 21st
March 1628, with remainder to his heirs male whatsoever. Sir Louis Henry
Dugald Campbell, the eighth baronet, born march 2d, 1844, succeeded his
father 9th December 1853.
The first of the Campbells of Marchmont, Berwickshire, was Sir William
Purves, knight, grandson of William Purves of Abbey Hill, an eminent
lawyer and staunch loyalist, who was appointed by Charles the Second
solicitor-general for Scotland, and created a baronet of Nova Scotia, 6th
July 1665. He died in 1685, and his eldest son, Sir Alexander Purves, was
nominated by patent his successor in the solicitor-generalship. He married
a daughter of Hume of Ninewells, and died in 1701.. His eldest son, Sir
William Purves, was succeeded in 1730 by his eldest son Sir William, who
married Lady Anne Hume Campbell, eldest daughter of Alexander, second earl
of Marchmont, by whom he had three daughters and a son, Sir Alexander, who
married four times, and died in 1813. His eldest son, Sir William, born 4th
October 1767, assumed, on inheriting the estates of his maternal family,
the additional surname of Hume-Campbell. His uncle, the Hon Alexander Hume
Campbell, lord registrar of Scotland, died without surviving male issue in
1760, and his cousin, Alexander, fourth earl of Marchmont, in 1781, when
that title became dormant [see MARCHMONT, earl of]. Sir William died 9th
April 1833, leaving an only child, Sir Hugh Hume Campbell. of Purves Hall,
the seventh baronet, born in 1812: M.P. for Berwickshire from 1834-1847.
The Ardkinglass family was an old branch of the house of Argyle. Sir Colin
Campbell, the son and heir of James Campbell of Ardkinglass, descended
from the Campbells of Lorn, by Mary his wife the daughter of Sir Robert
Campbell of Glenorchy was created a baronet in 1679. The family ended in
an heiress, who married into the Livingstone family, and was the mother of
Sir James Livingstone, baronet, whose son, Sir James Livingstone Campbell
of Ardkinglass, was for some time governor of Stirling castle. He entered
the army early in life; fought under the duke of Cumberland in the
Netherlands; and at the battle of Lafeldt commanded the 25th
regiment of foot. He subsequently served in America during the Canadian
war, and was wounded in the leg, which rendered him lame for life. In
1778, when the Western Fencible regiment was raised by the duke of Argyle
and the earl of Eglinton, Sir James was appointed lieutenant-colonel. He
was small in stature, but of a military appearance. He died at Gargunnock
in 1788, and was succeeded by his son, Sir Alexander, on whose death, in
1810, the title and estate descended to the next heir of entail, colonel
James Callander, his cousin, son of Sir James’s sister, Mary Livingstone,
and Sir John Callander of Craigforth the celebrated antiquary. Of Colonel
James Callander, afterwards Sir James Campbell, [see CALLANDER.] At his
death, without legitimate issue, the title became extinct.
the baronetcy was conferred on the Succoth family on the retirement of Sir
Hay Campbell from the president’s chair of the court of session in 1808.
That eminent judge was the eldest son of Archibald Campbell, Esq. of
Succoth, writer to the signet, and one of the principal clerks of session,
descended from a branch of the ducal house of Argyle. His mother, Helen
Wallace, was the daughter and representative of Wallace of Ellerslie. He
was born at Edinburgh in 1734, and admitted advocate in 1757. His practice
soon became extensive, and he was one of the counsel for the defender in
the great Douglas cause, which excited so much public interest at the
time. Immediately after the decision in the House of Lords, he posted
without delay to Edinburgh and was the first to announce the intelligence
there. In 1783 he was appointed Solicitor General, and in 1784 Lord
Advocate. In the latter year he was returned member of parliament for the
Glasgow district of burghs. The university of that city at the same time
conferred on him the degree of doctor of laws, and he was elected by the
students to the office of Lord Rector. In November 1789, on the death of
Sir Thomas Miller, he was appointed President of the court of session, and
in 1794, was placed at the head of the commission of Oyer and Terminer,
issued for the trial fo those accused of high treason. In 1808 he resigned
his high office of Lord President, and on the 17th September
following he was created a baronet. After his retirement from the bench he
resided chiefly on his paternal estate of Garscube. He died 28th
March 1823. He hd six daughters and two sons. One of his sons, Sir
Archibald Campbell, who succeeded him in the baronetcy, born in 1769, was
from 1809 to 1825 a judge in the court of session with the title of Lord
Succoth. He retired on a pension and died in 1846. His grandson, Sir
Archibald Islay Campbell, succeeded as third baronet. The son of John
Campbell, Esq., eldest son of the second baronet, Sir Archibald, was born
at Garscube, Dumbartonshire, in 1825, and was educated at Oxford, where he
was 2d class in classics in 1847; was M.P. for Argyleshire from 1851 to
1857, and again in 1859.
Another eminent judge, John Campbell, Lord Stonefield, was the son of
Archibald Campbell, Esq. of Stonefield, many years sheriff-depute of the
counties of Argyle and Bute. Admitted advocate in 1748, he was elevated to
the bench of the court of session in 1762 In 1787 he succeeded Lord
Gardenstone as a lord of justiciary, which appointment, however, he
resigned in 1792, retaining his seat in the court of session till his
death, 19th June 1801, having been thirty-nine years a judge of
the supreme court. By his wife, Lady Grace Stuart, daughter of James,
second earl of Bute, and sister of the prime minister, John, third earl,
Lord Stonefield had seven sons, all of whom predeceased him. Of his second
son, Lieutenant-colonel John Campbell, whose memorable defence of
Mangalore, from May 1783 to January 1784, arrested the victorious career
of Tippoo sultan, a notice will be found below, in larger type.
THE FAMILY OF Campbell of Barcaldine and Glenure, in Argyleshire, (whose
baronetcy was conferred in 1831), is descended from a younger son of Sir
Duncan Campbell of Glenurchy, ancestor of the marquis of Breadalbane. The
second baronet, Sir Alexander Campbell, son of Sir Duncan, the first
baronet, was born in 1819; married, with issue.
The Campbells of Dunstaffnage descent from Colin, first earl of Argyle.
Sir Donald, the first baronet, so created in 1836, was appointed
lieutenant-governor of Prince Edward’s Island in 1847, and died in 1850.
His son, Sir Angus, born in 1827, became a lieutenant, R. N., in 1849.
Appointed to the Eurydice, 26 guns, in 1854. Is hereditary captain of the
royal castle of Dunstaffnage.
The ancient family of Campbell of Monzie, in Perthshire, descend from a
third son of the family of Glenurchy.
For CAMPBELL of ARDEONAIG, see supplement.
the title of Lord Campbell in the peerage of the United Kingdom was, in
1841, conferred on Sir John Campbell, second son of the Rev. Dr. George
Campbell, minister of Cupar, Fifeshire, from 1771 to 1825, by the only
daughter of John Halyburton, Esq. He was born in 1781, and after being
educated at St. Andrews, he went to London, and studied the law at
Lincoln’s Inn. Called to the bar in 1806i, he gradually rose to eminence
in his profession. In 1821 he married Mary Elizabeth, eldest daughter of
the first Lord Abinger, who was created by King William the Fourth in
1836, Baroness Stratheden in the county of Fife. There are therefore two
peerages in the family. In 1827 he became a bencher of Lincoln’s Inn. He
was M.P. for Stafford in 1830 and 1831, and was elected for Dudley in
1832, in which year he was appointed solicitor-general for England, which
office he held till February 1834, when he was appointed attorney-general,
but he resigned in November of the same year when the Whigs went out of
office. In April 1835 he was again appointed attorney-general, and
represented Edinburgh from June 1834 to June 1841, when he was appointed
lord-chancellor of Ireland, and elevated to the peerage. He resigned the
chancellorship in September of the same year, and in July 1846 was
appointed chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster. In 1850, on the retirement
of Lord Denman, he was appointed lord-chief-justice of the Court of
Queen’s Bench. In June 1859, his lordship was created lord-high-chancellor
of the kingdom. He is author of the ‘Lives of the Chancellors of England;’
‘Lives of the Chief Justices of England,’ &c. lord Campbell’s elder
brother, Sir George Campbell of Edenwood, died in 1854.
The family were originally from Argyleshire. George Campbell, a steady
adherent of the first marquis of Argyle, settled in 1662 at St. Andrews,
Fifeshire, and became proprietor of the estate of Baltulla, parish of
Ceres. His eldest son, John, took the degree of M.A. in 1687. John’s
grandson, the Rev. Dr. George Campbell, minister of Cupar, was father of
Lord Campbell.
a moral and religious writer, born in Argyleshire in 1696, was educated in
St. Salvator’s college, St. Andrews, where he took his degrees. He
afterwards obtained a living in the Highlands of Scotland. In 1718 he was
appointed professor of church history in the new college of St. Andrews.
Certain of his publications, entitled ‘Oratio de vanitate luminis naturae;’
‘The Aposbles no Enthusiasts,’ and ‘An Inquiry into the original of Moral
Virtue,’ having been submitted for examination to a committee appointed by
the commission of the General Assembly of 1735, were found to contain
various unsound and objectionable passages, of an Armenian and Pelagian
nature; similar to those taught by Professor Simson, professor of divinity
in the university of Glasgow, and for which the latter had been twice
called to the bar of the General Assembly; and in the Assembly of 1736,
Dr. Campbell was allowed to give in an explanation and defence, the
substance of which was that his meaning was quite different fro what his
words expressed, and that he did not hold the sentiments which were
attempted to be drawn from them. The Assembly, without passing any
censure, agreed to a recommendation to Dr. Campbell, and all ministers and
teachers of divinity within the national church, to be cautious not to use
doubtful expressions of propositions which might lead their hearers or
readers into error, however sound such words or propositions might be in
themselves, but “to hold fast the form of sound words.” In the same year
he published a Vindication of the Christian Religion. He died in 1767,
aged 61.
an architect of reputation in the early part of last century, was born in
Scotland, but the year of his birth is uncertain. The best of his designs
are Wanstead House, since pulled down, the Rolls, and Merworth in Kent,
the latter avowedly copied from Andrea Palladio. He distinguished himself
by publishing a collection of architectural designs in folio, entltled
‘Vitruvius Britannicus;’ the first volume of which appeared in 1715, the
second in 1717, and the third in 1725. Many of these were his own, but
plans of other architects were also introduced. Two supplementary volumes
by Woolfe and Gandon, both classical architects, appeared in 1767 and
1771. Campbell was surveyor of the works at Greenwich Hospital, and died
about 1734. – Walpole’s Anecdotes of Painters, &c.
author of the Lives of the Admirals, a miscellaneous writer of
considerable merit, was born at Edinburgh March 8, 1708; and when five
years old his mother removed with him to England. Being intended for the
law, he was articled to an attorney; but his taste leading him to
literature, he did not pursue the legal profession. His early productions
are not known. In 1736 he published, in 2 vols. folio, ‘The Military
History of Prince Eugene and the Duke of Marlborough.’ The reputation he
acquired by this work led to his being engaged to assist in writing the
ancient part of the ‘Universal History,’ which extended to sixty vols.
8vo. The first two volumes of his ‘Lives of the English Admirals and other
eminent Seamen,’ the work by which he is best known, he published in 1742,
and the two remaining volumes appeared in 1744. He wrote many of the
articles in the ‘Biographia Britannica,’ which was commenced in 1745; his
contributions to which work, extending through four volumes, and marked by
a strain of almost unvarying panegyric, and distinguished by the initials
E and X.
For the ‘Preceptor,’ published by Dodsley in 1748, Mr. Campbell wrote the
Introduction to Chronology, and the Discourse on Trade and Commerce. He
was next employed on the modern part of the ‘Universal History.’ In 1756
he had the degree of LL.D. bestowed on him by the university of Glasgow.
After the peace of Paris in 1763, he wrote, at the request of Lord Bute, a
pamphlet in defence of it, pointing out the value of the West India
Islands which had been ceded to this country. For this service he was, in
March 1765, appointed his majesty’s agent for the province of Georgia in
North America. He was the author of many other publications, a list of
which is subjoined. Dr. Campbell died at London, December 18, 1776. His
works, so far as can be ascertained, are: –
The Military History of the Prince Eugene, and the Duke of Marlborough;
comprehending the History of both those illustrious persons to the time of
their decease. Lond. 1736, 2 vols. fol. anon.
The Trials and Adventures of Edward Brown. Lond. 1739, 8vo.
Memoirs of the Basha Duke de Riperda. Lond. 1839, 8vo.
Concise History of Spanish America. Lond. 1741, 1747, 8vo. anon.
Letter to a Friend in the Country on the Publication of Thurlow’s State
Papers. 1742.
The Case of the Opposition impartially stated. 1742, 8vo.
Lives of British Admirals, and other eminent Seamen. Lond. 1742-4, 4 vols.
8vo. Lond. 1750, 4 vols. 8vo. This work passed through three editions in
the author’s life-time, and a fourth, with a continuation to the year
1779, was given by Dr. Berkenhout. Lond. 1761-1779, 5 vols, 8vo. a new
edit. by R. H. Yorke.
Hermippus Revived. Lond. 1743. A 2d edition much improved and enlarged
came out, under the title, Hermippus Redivivus, or the Sage’s Triumph over
old age and the grave; wherein a method is laid down for prolonging the
life and vigour of Man; including a Commentary upon an ancient
inscription, in which the great secret is revealed, supported by numerous
authorities. The whole interspersed with a great variety of remarkable and
well-attested Relations. Lond. 1749, 8vo. also, Lond. 1771, 8vo.
Voyages and Travels, containing all the Circumnavigators, from the time of
Columbus to Lord Anson; a compete History of the East Indies; Historical
details of the several attempts made for the discovery of the north-east
and north-west passages; the Commercial History of Chroea and Japan; the
Russian Discoveries by land and by sea; a distinct Account of the Spanish,
Portuguese, British, French, Dutch, and Danish settlements in America, &c.
Lond. 1744, 2 vols. fol.
The Sentiments of a Dutch Patriot; being the Speech of V.H. – n, in an
August assembly, on the present state of affairs, and the resolution
necessary at this juncture to be taken for the safety of the republic.
1746, 8vo.
Discourse on Providence. 8vo. 3d edition, 1748.
Occasional Thoughts on Moral, Serious, and Religious Subjects. 1749.
The Present State of Europe. Lond. 1750, 1753, 8vo. This Work was
originally begun in 1746, and some part of it published in Dodsley’s
Museum. It has now passed through six editions. 1757.
Exact Account of the greatest White Herring Fishery in Scotland, carried
on yearly in the island of Zetland, by the Dutch only. Lond. 1750, 8vo.
The Modern Universal History. this extensive Work was published in
detached parts till it amounted to 16 vols. folio, and a second edition of
it in 8vo began to make its appearance in 1739. A very large share of this
immense undertaking fell on Dr. Campbell.
The Highland Gentleman’s Magazine for January 1751. 8vo.
Letter from the Prince of the Infernal Legions to a Spiritual Lord on this
side of the great gulph, in Answer to a late invective Epistle levelled at
his Highness. 1751, 8vo.
The Naturalization Bill Confuted, as most pernicious to these United
Kingdoms. 1751, 8vo.
His Royal Highness Frederick late Prince of Wales Decyphered; or a full
and particular description of his Character, from his juvenile years until
his death. 1751, 8vo.
Vade Mecum; or Companion for the Unmarried Ladies; wherein are laid down
some examples whereby to direct them in the choice of husbands. 1752, 8vo.
Particular but Melancholy Account of the great hardships, difficulties,
and miseries that those unhappy and much to be pitied creatures, the
Common Women of the town, are plunged into at this juncture. 1752, 8vo.
The Shepherd of Ranbury’s Rules. A small work of great popularity among
the lower orders of the people.
Full Description of the Highlands of Scotland; with a scheme for making
the most disaffected among them become zealously affected to his reigning
Majesty. 1751. 8vo.
Full and Particular Description of the Highlands of Scotland. Lond. 1752,
The Case of the Publicans, both in town and country, laid open. 1752, 8vo.
The Rational Amusement; comprehending a Collection of Letters on a great
variety of subjects, interspersed with Essays, and some little Pieces of
humour. 1754, 8vo.
Description and History of the New Sugar Islands in the West Indies. Lond.
Treatise on the Trade of Great Britain to America. Lond.; 1772, 4to.
Political Survey of Great Britain; being a series of Reflections on the
situation, lands, inhabitants, revenues, colonies, and commerce of this
island. Intended to point out further improvements. Lond. 1774, 2 vols,
royal 4to.
an eminent divine and theological writer, the youngest son of the Rev.
Colin Campbell, one of the ministers of Aberdeen, was born there December
25, 1719. Being at first intended for the law, he was apprenticed to a
writer to the signet in Edinburgh, but afterwards studied divinity in the
Marischal college of his native city. He was licensed June 11, 1746, and
in 1747 was an unsuccessful candidate for the living of Fordoun in
Kincardineshire. In 1748 he was presented by Sir Thomas Burnett of Leys,
Bart., to the church of Banchory-Ternan, about twenty miles west from
Aberdeen. From this he was in 1756 translated to Aberdeen, and on the
decease of Principal Pollock in 1759, was chosen principal of the
Marischal college. Soon after he obtained the degree of D.D. from King’s
college, Old Aberdeen. In 1763 he published his celebrated ‘Dissertation
on Miracles,’ in answer to the views on the subject advanced by Mr. Hume.
This work procured him no small share of reputation, and was speedily
translated into the Dutch, French, and German languages. In 1771 he
succeeded Dr. Gerard in the divinity chair at Marischal college. His
‘Philosophy of Rhetoric’ appeared in 1776, in 2 vols. 8vo, and at once
established his fame as an accurate grammarian, a judicious critic, and a
profound scholar. His great work, ‘The Translation of the Gospels, with
Preliminary Dissertations,’ was published in 1793 in two vols. 4to.
Some time before his death, he resigned his offices of principal,
professor of divinity, and one of the city ministers, on which occasion
the king granted him a pension of three hundred pounds a-year. Dr.
Campbell died April 6, 1796, in the seventy-seventh year of his age.
His works are:
The Character of a Minister of the Gospel, as a Teacher and Pattern; a
Sermon on Matt. v. 13, 14. Aberd. 1752, 8vo.
Dissertation on Miracles; containing an Examination of the principles
advanced by David Hume, with a correspondence on the subject by Mr. Hume,
Dr. Campbell, and Dr. Blair, to which are added, Sermons and Treacts. Edin.
1762, 8vo. 3d edit. Edin. 1797, 2 vols. 8vo.
The Spirit of the Gospel neither a Spirit of Superstition nor of
Enthusiasm; a Sermon on 2 Tim. i. 7. 1771, 8vo.
Occasional Sermons. One of these “On the Duty of Allegiance,” preached on
the Fast day, was published in 4to in 1771, and, afterwards, at the
expense of government, six thousand copies were printed in 12mo, enlarged
with notes, and circulated widely in America, but too late to do any good
Philosophy of Rhetoric. Lond. 1776, 2 vols. 8vo.
The Success of the First Publishers of the Gospel a proof of its Truth; a
Sermon preached before the Society in Scotland for propagating Christian
Knowledge. Edin. 1777, 8vo.
Address to the Public, when the great Riots were in Scotland on account of
the Bill for the Relief of the Roman Catholics. 1779, 12mo.
Sermon on the happy Influence of Religion on Civil Society. 1779.
The Four Gospels; translated from the Greek. With preliminary
Dissertations, and Notes critical and explanatory. Lond. 1790, 2 vols.
4to. Edin. 1807, 2 vols, 8vo. 3d edit. Lond. 3 vols, 8vo.
Lectures on Ecclesiastical History. To which is added, An Essay on
Christian Temperance and Self-denial; with the Life of the Author, by the
Rev. Dr. George Skene Keith. Lond. 1800, 2 vols. 8vo.
Lectures on Systematic Theology, and Pulpit Eloquence. Lond. 1807, 8vo.
Lectures on the Pastoral Character. Editied by J. Fraser. 1811, 8vo.
These three last works were posthumous.
Colonel of the 29th regiment of infantry, and a
brigadier-general on the West India staff, was the younger son of an
ancient family in Argyleshire, and related to the noble house of Argyle.
He served in the American war with great gallantry. On his regiment coming
to England, the majority being vacant a commission was made out at the war
office appointing another gentleman major. On hit being laid before the
king for the royal signature, his majesty threw it aside, and ordered
another to be drawn up for Major Campbell, saying, “A good and deserving
officer must not be passed over.” In 1792 he was promoted to the rank of
lieutenant-colonel of the 21st, and afterwards to that of the
29th. He was with his regiment on board the fleet in the
glorious action of the 21st of June 1794. In 1795 he was sent
with the troops to the West Indies where, on his arrival, he was appointed
brigadier-general. His merits in this service were conspicuous, but
unfortunately he was seized with a fever of which he died, August 15,
viscountess Glenorchy, a lady of great piety and usefulness, the daughter
of William Maxwell, Esq. of Preston, in the stewartry of Kirkendbright, a
branch of the Nithsdale family, was born, after her father’s death,
September 2, 1741. Her education, and that of her sister, devolved upon
her mother, a lady of a proud and ambitious spirit, who strove to instil
the same character of mind into her daughters. The two sisters were
married about the same time, Mary, the eldest, to the earl of Sutherland,
premier earl of Scotland, and Willielma to John, Viscount Glenorchy, the
second son and heir of John, the third earl of Breadalbane. Highly
accomplished and beautiful, she was well fitted to adorn her high station,
and for some time after her marriage she spent her time in the usual
gaieties and pleasures of fashionable life, in the course of which she
resided for two years on the continent. Her attention was first awakened
to the subject of religion, through an intimacy which she contracted with
the pious family of Sir Rowland Hill at Hawkstone, in the neighbourhood of
her occasional residence, Great Sugnal, in Staffordshire. Early in the
summer of 1765, while residing at Taymouth castle, Perthshire, she was
seized with a dangerous fever, in recovering from which her thoughts were
more particularly directed to religious matters; and from a correspondence
which she carried on with Mill Hill, a member of the Hawkestone family,
and a relative of the celebrated Lord Hill, she derived much spiritual
instruction and consolation. Her husband having sold his estate of Sugnal
in Staffordshire, purchased that of Barnton near Edinburgh, and the change
of residence was particularly pleasing to her ladyship.
With Lady Maxwell, who, like herself, was zealous in the cause of
religion, she joined in the plan of having a place of worship in which
ministers of every orthodox denomination should preach. With this design,
Lady Glenorchy hired St. Mary’s chapel in Niddry’s Wynd, Edinburgh, which
was opened for the purpose on Wednesday, March 7, 1770, by the Rev. Mr.
Middleton, then minister of a small episcopal chapel at Dalkeith. The
countenance which she gave to the Methodist preachers led to her
acquaintance with Mr. Wesley, and caused the ministers of the
establishment to decline officiating in the chapel. Her ladyship,
therefore, resolved to select a pious clergymen, who, besides acting as
her domestic chaplain, should regularly preach there. On the
recommendation of Miss Hill, the Rev. Richard de Courcy, an episcopalian
minister, was appointed to that office. A private chapel had been erected
at Barnton; but in little more than a month after Lord and Lady
Glenorchy’s arrival there his lordship died, 14th November
1771, bequeathing to her his whole disposable property; and her
father-in-law, Lord Breadalbane, having paid the balance of the
purchase-money of that estate, presented it to her. After her husband’s
death, Lady Glenorchy took up her residence at Holyroodhouse, spending the
summer usually at Taymouth castle. Being now possessed of considerable
wealth, she formed the design of erecting a chapel in Edinburgh, in
communion with the Church of Scotland, which was speedily built at the old
Physic Gardens, in the park of the Orphans’ Hospital, and opened for
divine worship on Sabbath, May 8, 1774. Shortly after this, at the request
of Mr. Stuart, minister of Killin, she built and endowed a chapel at
Strathfillan, placing it under the direction and patronage of the Society
in Scotland for Propagating Christian knowledge. She also employed, at her
own expense, two licensed preachers as missionaries in the Highlands,
under the sanction and countenance of the same society. In the Synod of
Lothian and Tweeddale, in 1775, a strong attempt was made, which for the
time was successful, to prevent the chapel of Lady Glenorchy fro being
admitted into the communion of the church. The unfavourable decision of
the Synod however, was reversed by the General Assembly in the following
After repeated disappointments in the choice of a minister for her chapel
in Edinburgh, Lady Glenorchy fixed upon the Rev. Francis Sheriff, chaplain
in one of the Scots regiments in Holland, who soon died. The Rev Mr.
afterwards Dr. Jones, assistant minister at Plymouth Dock was next
appointed, and having been duly ordained by the Scots presbytery in
London, he officiated as minister of Lady Glenorchy’s chapel for upwards
of half a century. Her ladyship also purchased Presbyterian chapels in
Exmouth, Carlisle, and Matlock, and built one at Workington in Cumberland,
and another in Bristol, in the latter of which she was aided by a bequest
of two thousand five hundred pounds, from her friend and companion in her
latter years, Lady Henrietta Hope , daughter of the earl of Hopetoun, Lady
Glenorchy died about 1786. Previous to her death she wold the Barnton
estate to William Ramsay, Esq., then an eminent banker in Edinburgh. Lady
Glenorchy’s chapel in the Orphan Park was taken down in 1845, with other
buildings there, for the formation of the North British Railway. a Life of
her ladyship was published by the Rev. Dr. Jones, after her death, which
is much esteemed.
a naval officer of merit, of whose origin and early history nothing is
known, accompanied Lord Anson in his voyage round the world. He was then a
petty officer on board the Centurion. Soon after his return he was
promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and in 1747 was appointed captain of
the Bellona. In 1755 he was promoted to the Prince, of 90 guns. In 1759 we
find him under Sir Edward Hawke, as captain on board the Royal George. His
valour was conspicuous in the battle which ended in the total defeat of
the marquis de Conflans, off Belleisle, and he was despatched to England
with intelligence of the victory; when the offer of knighthood was made to
him, but he declined it. In 1778 he was promoted to the rank of
rear-admiral, and afterwards became progressively vice-admiral of the Blue
and of the White. He died December 16, 1790.
a lieutenant-colonel in the army, who, during his too brief career,
greatly distinguished himself by his valour and merit, and gave promise of
rendering important services to his country, was the second son fo John
Campbell, Lord Stonefield, a judge of the court of session, descended from
the Campbells of Lochnell, and Lady Grace Stewart, sister of John earl of
Bute, and was born at Edinburgh, December 7, 1753. He received his
education at the high school of his native city, and at the age of
eighteen became an ensign in the 57th regiment. three years
afterwards he was appointed lieutenant of the 7th foot, or
Royal Fusileers, with which regiment he served in Canada, where he was
made prisoner. In 1775 he was promoted to a captaincy in the 71st
foot, and some time after was appointed major of the 74th, or
Argyleshire Highlanders. In Feb. 1781 he exchanged into the 100th
regiment, and with this corps he served with distinction in the East
Indies, against the troops of Hyder Ali, during which period he was
appointed to the majority of the second battalion of the 42d regiment. In
one engagement with Tippoo Sultan, when the latter was repulsed with great
loss, Major Campbell was wounded, but did not quit the field till the
enemy was defeated. He was afterwards engaged in the siege of Annantpore
which he reduced and took from the enemy. In May 1783 he was appointed to
the provisional command of the army in the Bidnure country. His defence of
the important fortress of Mangalore, where he was stationed, against the
prodigious force of Tippoo, amounting to about one hundred and forth
thousand men, with a hundred pieces of artillery, is justly accounted one
of the most remarkable achievements that ever signalised the British arms
in India. The garrison, under Major Campbell’s command, consisted only of
one thousand eight hundred and eighty-three men, of whom not more than two
ro three hundred were British soldiers, the remainder being Seapoys, or
native infantry. This little garrison, however, resisted for two months
and a half all the efforts of Tippoo, after which, a cessation of
hostilities taking place, the siege was turned, for a time, into a
blockade. The bravery and resolution displayed by Major Campbell on this
occasion, were so much admired by Tippoo, who commanded his army in
person, that he expressed a wish to see him. The major, accompanied by
several of his officers, accordingly waited on Tippoo, who presented to
each of them a handsome shawl; and after their return to the fort, he sent
Major Campbell an additional present of a very fine horse, which the
famishing garrison afterwards killed and ate. After sustaining a siege of
eight months, during which they were reduced to the greatest extremities
by disease and famine, the garrison at length capitulated, January 24,
1784; and on the 30th they evacuated the fort, and embarked for
Tillicherry, one of the British settlements on the coast of Malabar. He
had now attained the rank of lieutenant-colonel; but the fatigue which he
endured during this memorable siege had undermined his constitution, and,
in the following month, he was obliged, by ill health, to quit the army
and retire to Bombay, where he died, March 23, 1784, in the 31st
year of his age. A monument was erected to his memory in the church at
Bombay, by order of the East India Company.
a minor poet, was born in Kilmarnock in 1761. His father died when he was
very young. Who he was, or what trade or profession he followed, is not
known. His mother, whose maiden name was Janet Parker, earned a scanty
subsistence by winding yarn for the carpet works. His education was very
limited, and he was bred a shoemaker. Being of a religious case of mind,
he formed the resolution of studying for the ministry, and to procure the
means necessary for prosecuting his studies at college, he laboured at his
trade not only very hard during the day, but frequently during the night,
with others were asleep; and by thus working industriously, he raised
himself above the occupation of shoemaking, and became teacher of a small
school in Kilmarnock. In his efforts he was greatly befriended by the late
Rev. Dr. Mackinlay of Kilmarnock, who assisted him by lending him books,
and otherwise placing within his reach the means of intellectual
improvement. To aid in defraying his expenses at college, he collected and
published his poetical pieces, in the year 1787. They were printed in
Kilmarnock at the press of John Wilson, from which had been issued in the
preceding year, the first edition of the poems of Robert Burns. The book
was of a 12mo. size, containing 132 pages, and was entitled ‘Poems on
Several Occasions, by George Campbell.’ In the preface the author states
“that it is the production of a tradesman, obliged at the time it was
composed to labour for his daily maintenance,” and that his sole intention
in writing the various pieces in the volume was “to celebrate virtue, to
ridicule vice, and to paint the works of nature and the manners of
mankind.” Though displaying neither richness of imagination nor depth or
originality of thought, and not remarkable for elegance of diction, his
poems are not deficient in merit, and exhibit in numerous instances much
plain good sense, with a shrewdness of observation and a chasteness of
expression which few minor poets possess. The longest poem in the volume
is founded on the Book of Esther and bears that name; but, with the
exception of a few passages, it is inferior ad poetry, to some of his
other productions. The best of the pieces are, ‘A Morning contemplation;’
‘Ossian’s Address to the Sun;’ and ‘A Winter Evening – Scene, A Farm-House
in the Country’ which are all in the heroic verse.
After attending the ordinary period at college, Mr. Campbell was licensed
to preach the gospel by the Burgher Associate Synod, and was appointed
pastor to a congregation in that connection at Stockbridge, near Dunbar.
As a preacher he is said to have displayed considerable ability and zeal.
In 1816 he published at Edinburgh a collection of Sermons, in an octavo
volume of 479 pages more with the desire, as he hints in his preface, of
being useful as a teacher of Christianity than distinguished as an author.
In appearance Mr. Campbell was somewhat slender. He died of consumption,
at Stockbridge, the place of his ministry, about the year 1818. – Contemporaries of Burns.
a miscellaneous writer, born in 1764, at Tombea, Loch Lubnaig, Perthshire,
was the son of a country wright or carpenter, who, by perseverance and
economy, had saved five hundred pounds, which, with thee exception of a
trifling dividend, he lost by lending to his landlord, who became
bankrupt. Old Campbell then removed to Edinburgh, where he soon after
died, leaving a widow, two sons and three daughters. Alexander, the
youngest son, who was only eleven years old when this event occurred, had
received some education at the grammar-school of Callander, and with his
elder brother, John (for twenty year a teacher in Edinburgh, and leader of
psalmody in the parish church of Canongate), became a pupil of Tenducci,
an accomplished musician who had fixed his residence in Edinburgh about
this period.
Alexander was first known as a teacher of the harpsichord and of singing,
officiating at the same time as organist to an episcopal chapel in the
neighbourhood of Nicolson street, Edinburgh. Amongst his pupils was Sir
Walter Scott, who describes him as “a warm-hearted man and an enthusiast
in Scotch music, which he sang most beautifully.” Of Scott, however, he
could make nothing, as the great novelist had no ear for music. His first
publication was a volume of ‘Odes and Miscellaneous Poems.’ His
‘Introduction to the History of Poetry in Scotland,’ of which only ninety
copies were printed, appeared in 1798. After publishing four years later
‘A tour through North Britain,’ which obtained him some reputation, he
signally failed in a volume of poetry brought out in 1804. The object of
this publication was to expose the depopulation policy of the Highland
proprietors, and to direct the attention of the legislature to some remedy
for it. But the poetry was not of a very superior order, and the work
‘fell dead from the press.’ One incident, however, related in a note, led
to the institution of the Edinburgh “Destitute Sick Society,” which still
exists. By this time he had been twice married; the second time to the
widow of Ranald Macdonald, Esq. of Keppoch. On marrying this lady he
relinquished the profession of teacher of music, and studied medicine, in
the hope of obtaining an appointment through the influence of his friends;
but in this he was disappointed. In order to encourage him, however, a sum
of money was voted by the Highland Society of Scotland to enable him to
make a collection of Gaelic melodies and vocal poetry. He forthwith set
out on a rout through the Highlands and Western Islands. Having performed
a journey of between eleven and twelve hundred miles, in which he
collected one hundred and ninety-one specimens of melodies and Gaelic
vocal poetry, he returned to Edinburgh, and laid the fruits of his
gleanings before the Society, who expressed their approbation of them. The
result of these labours appeared in his ‘Albyn’s Anthology,’ a compilation
published some time afterward. Among those who furnished pieces for this
publication were Sir Walter Scott; Mr., afterwards Sir Alexander Boswell;
Hogg; Maturin; Mrs. Grant of Laggan, and other eminent song writers of the
day In this work he claims authorship of the air to Tannahill’s beautiful
song of “Gloomy winter’s now awa’.” The question has been discussed by Mr.
Stenhouse (Musical Museum, vol. vi. p. 508,) but is not important;
and it does not appear that Campbell made out his claim, as an air time
out of mind known as “The Cordwainer’s march” was the basis of Smith’s
set. During the latter years of his life Campbell was employed by Sir
Walter Scott in the transcription of manuscripts, which, indeed, formed
his chief mode of subsistence. Although a man of many accomplishments,
they were, says Sir Walter, dashed with a bizarrerie of temper
which made them useless to their proprietor.
Mr. Campbell died of apoplexy, May 15, 1824, in the sixty-first year of
his age, and an obituary notice of him, from the pen of Sir Walter Scott,
appeared in the Edinburgh Weekly Journal.
After Mr. Campbell’s death, his books, manuscripts, and other effects,
were sold under judicial authority; and amongst other manuscripts was a
tragedy, which was purchased by the late Mr. William Stewart, bookseller.
Both he and his brother, Mr. John Campbell, were caricatured by Kay, and
biographical sketches of them are inserted in ‘Kay’s Edinburgh Portraits.’
The following is a list of his works:
Odes and Miscellaneous Poems.
Twelve Songs, set to music by Alexander Campbell.
Introduction to the History of Poetry in Scotland, quarto, including The
Songs of the Lowlands, with illustrative Engravings by David Allan, and
dedicated to Fuseli. Edinburgh, 1798. A dialogue on Scottish Music,
prefixed to this work, is said to have first conveyed to foreigners a
correct idea of the Scottish scale.
Journey from Edinburgh through various parts of North Britain, &c., in 2
vols. quarto, with aquatint drawings by himself, 1802. This is considered
his best work.
The Grampians Desolate, a poem in six books, in 2 vol. 8vo, with Notes,
History of the Rebellion in Scotland, in 1745-46. 1804, 12mo.
Beauties of Literature, or Cabinet of Genius; containing the complete
Beauties of the most distinguished Authors of the present Age. 1804, vol.
Albyn’s Anthology; or, a Select Collection of the melodies and local
poetry peculiar to Scotland and the Isles; volume first 1816, volume
second 1818.
a zealous missionary and African traveller, was born at Edinburgh in March
1877. His father died when he was not more than two years old, and his
mother when he was only six. a maternal uncle, of the name of Bowers, a
sincere Christian, who was an elder or deacon of the Relief church,
received him and his two brothers under his roof, and attended strictly to
their religious training, as well as to their domestic comfort. With his
brothers he was educated at the High School of his native place, then
under the rectorship of Dr. Adams, after leaving which he was apprenticed
to a respectable goldsmith and jeweller in Edinburgh. About 1789, when on
a journey to London, he became acquainted with the Rev. John Newton, with
whom he regularly corresponded for a long period. In the same year he
began to publish and circulate religious tracts, at first privately, and
that chiefly among his friends and their families. In afterwards occurred
to some of his friends that a plan might be formed to print small
pamphlets on religious subjects, to be distributed gratis, or sold at a
cheap rate, and Mr. Campbell, in July 1793 , was one of about a dozen who
formed themselves into a Religious Tract Society, in Edinburgh, the first
society of the kind that ever existed in the world. His name, therefore,
deserves to be recorded, as one of the founders, if not the originator, of
Tract Societies. His next scheme for the advancement of religion was the
establishment of Sabbath evening schools, of which very few then existed
in Scotland. In 1795, he established Sabbath evening schools at the
Archer’s Hall, and in the hall of the Edinburgh Dispensary, and engaged
teachers, at a small salary, to instruct the children in the essential
truths of the gospel. At Loanhead, then a colliery village, about five
miles south of Edinburgh, he himself taught, for two years, a Sabbath
evening school, which he had also commenced there. The success that
followed his efforts in and around Edinburgh induced him, in connexion
with Mr. J. A. Haldane, to visit Glasgow, Paisley, Greenock, and other
paces in the west, to urge the formation of similar institutions, and the
result was that sixty Sabbath schools were formed in those places within
three months.
1796 Mr. Campbell’s attention was directed to the degraded condition of
the female streetwalkers of Edinburgh, and with a view to their
reformation, he was mainly instrumental in forming the Philanthropic
Society, which was the commencement of the institution known as the
Magdalene Asylum, and was its secretary till he left Edinburgh for
Glasgow, where he was one of the first originators of a similar
institution in that city. towards the end of the same year Mr. Haldane
applied to Mr. Campbell to accompany him and his associates, Dr. Bogue,
and Messrs. Ewing and Innes, on their intended mission to Bengal. At first
he as willing to go, but the arguments of his friends, Mr. Newton, and the
pious countess of Leven, were effectual in leading him to abandon the
design. He now commenced a system of village preaching, and at Gilmerton,
in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, he succeeded in establishing a regular
Sabbath evening service, which was supplied by students of divinity and
lay-preachers. Mrssrs. Aikman and Haldane, as well as Mr. Campbell,
commenced their exertions as lay-preachers in Gilmerton. He afterwards
frequently preached also at Lasswade, Dalkeith, Musselburgh, and
Linlithgow, and other places near Edinburgh. On the formation of the
Edinburgh Missionary Society he was chosen one of the Directors. In 1798
he suggested the establishment of the Tabernacle in Edinburgh, which was
so long presided over by Mr. J. A. Haldane. Early in 1799 he gave up his
business of a hardware merchant, went to Dundee, and joined a class under
Mr. (afterwards Dr.) Innes, preparatory to his entering on the regular
ministry; and in 1800, he, with the other students, removed to Glasgow,
under Mr. Greville Ewing, who had shortly before left the Established
Church and joined the Independents. At this time he occasionally preached
in the suburbs, particularly at Rutherglen. In June of that year Mr.
Campbell and Mr. Haldane itinerated in the south of Scotland, and in the
autumn they preached through Kintyre. After leaving the class Mr. Campbell
returned to Edinburgh, and assisted Mr. Haldane in the Tabernacle for
sometime, and aided in the instruction of the students; the academy being
then removed from Glasgow. In April 1803, he again visited Kintyre, and in
the following month he accompanied Mrssrs. Haldane and Innes on a tour to
the counties of Perth, Inverness, Ross, and Caithness, and to the islands
of Orkney. Subsequently he and Mr. Haldane went on an itinerating tour \to
the southern counties of Scotland and the northern counties of England.
Mr. Campbell afterwards accepted a call to take the pastoral office at
Kingsland chapel, London, [being ordained in the beginning of 1804,] the
duties of which he discharged for thirty-seven years, with credit to
himself, and great usefulness to others. For the instruction of the young,
he set on foot ‘The Youth’s Magazine,’ of the first ten volumes of which
he was editor. He was one of the founders of the British and Foreign Bible
Society, of the London Hibernian Society, and of the Female Penitentiary.
As his income was small, he had to take up a school at Kingsland to add to
it. In 1812, at the request of the Directors of the London Missionary
Society, he visited their stations in South Africa, and again in 1818. On
his return from each of his voyages to Africa, he travelled through most
of the counties of England and Scotland, and also visited Ireland, to
plead in behalf of the Missionary Society. He died April 4, 1840, aged 74.
His works are:
Alfred and Galba, or the History of the Two Brothers; supposed to be
written by themselves. Lond. 1807, 8vo.
Remarkable Particulars in the Life of Moses. Lond. 1808, 12mo.
Voyages and Travels of a Bible, 1808.
Travels in South Africa, undertaken at the request of the Missionary
Society. London, 1814, 8vo. 2d edit. 1815, 8vo.
Second Journey in South Africa, 1818. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1822.
also prepared an abridgment of his African Travels, in two small volumes,
for the Religious Tract Society, and added to them a similar volume,
giving an account of his voyages.
was also the author of a small unpretending but useful little book,
entitled ‘African Light,’ the object of which was to illustrate passages
of Scripture by a reference to his own observations in South Africa.
Walks of Usefulness.
CAMPBELL, THOMAS, a distinguished poet, the most perfect lyrical
writer of his time, was born at Glasgow on the 27rh of July, 1777.
Alexander Campbell, the father of the poet, was the youngest of the three
sons of the laird of Kirnan, and was born in 1710. He was educated for the
mercantile profession, and early in life went to America, where he entered
into business, and resided many years at Falmouth, in Virginia. There he
had the pleasure of receiving his brother Archibald, on his first quitting
Jamaica to settle in the United States, and there also, about ten years
afterwards, he formed an intimate acquaintance with Daniel Campbell, a
clansman, but no relation, with whom he returned to Glasgow, and there
entered into partnership with him as Virginian traders, under the firm of
Alexander and Daniel Campbell. For some years their business prospered,
and both partners were highly esteemed as men of probity and experience.
Daniel, the junior partner, had a sister named Margaret, whom Alexander
took to be his wife, and she became the mother of the poet. They were
married in the cathedral church of Glasgow on the 12th of
January 1756. At this time Mrs. Campbell was about twenty, while her
husband had reached the mature age of forty-five. They had eight sons and
three daughters, and the poet, who was the youngest of the family, was
born when his father had reached his 67th year, the age at
which he himself died.
The outbreak of the war with America in 1775, two years before the poet’s
birth, ruined the Virginia trade, and many of the Glasgow merchants
suffered severely in their business and fortunes. Amongst others, the old
and respectable firm of Alexander and Daniel Campbell sustained losses
from which they never recovered, and saw very nearly the whole amount of
forty years’ successful industry swept away at once, frm the failure of
other houses with which they were connected. The poet’s father is stated
by his biographer to have lost at this disastrous time a sum of not less
than twenty thousand pounds, while his uncle, Daniel Campbell, always
estimated his own individual loss at eleven or twelve thousand pounds.
The poet’s father died at the age of 91, in the spring of 1801, and his
death is recorded in the ‘Edinburgh Magazine,’ with high encomiums on his
moral and religious character. He is mentioned as a gentleman of
unblemished integrity and amiable manners, who united the scholar and the
man of business, and amidst the corroding cares of trade, cherished a
liberal and enthusiastic love of literature. His mother was a person of
much taste and refinement, and well educated for the age and the sphere in
which she moved. She is described as being passionately fond of music,
particularly sacred music, and she sang many of the popular melodies of
Scotland with taste and effect. She knew many of the traditional songs of
the Highlands, especially those of Argyleshire, and from her it seems
probable that the love of song was early imbibed and cultivated by her
The poet was born in his father’s house in the High street of Glasgow,
which stood nearly opposite the university, but has long since been taken
down. He was baptized by Dr. Thomas Reid, professor of moral philosophy in
the university of Glasgow, who preached in the college-hall on Sabbaths,
and after whom he was named. He received the rudiments of his education at
the grammar school, now called the high school, of his native city. At the
age of seven he commenced the study of the Latin language under the Rev.
David Alison, a teacher of much reputation. At this time he possessed a
vivacity of imagination and a vigour of mind surprising in a boy so young.
A strong inclination for poetry was already discernible in him, and at an
early age he began to write verses. At the grammar school he became an
enthusiastic admirer of Greek; and a passion for the Greek poets and
orators distinguished him during life. In October 1791, when in t\his
thirteenth year, he entered Glasgow university. At this period he is
described as having, with uncommon personal beauty, possessed a winning
gentleness and modesty of manners, a cheerful and happy disposition, and a
generous sensibility of heart, which made him the object of universal
favour and admiration.

[portrait of Thomas
His biographer says that even while a student, he was not characterized by
the virtue of close application. “While a mere boy,” he states, “Campbell
appears to have had the enviable tact of looking into a book, and
extracting from it whatever was valuable. He took the cream, and left what
remained for the perusal of less fastidious readers.” In his first year at
college he gained three prizes. He also, after a formidable competition
with a student nearly twice his own age, who was considered one of the
best scholars in the university, gained the exhibition, called in Scotland
a bursary, on Archbishop Leighton’s foundation, for a translation of one
of the comedies of Aristophanes, which he executed in verse. He continued
seven years at the university, and his proficiency was each year rewarded
by an academical prize being conferred on him. In translations from the
Greek he was so successful that his fellow-students at last declined to
compete with him. His poetical version of several entire plays of
Aristophanes, Æschylus, and others obtained the high praise of his
professor, who, in awarding him the prize for a translation of ‘The
Clouds’ of Aristophanes, accompanied it with the flattering and unusual
compliment, publicly expressed, “that, in his opinion, it was the best
performance which had even been given in within the walls of the
university.” Some of these translations he afterwards published among his
poems. By Professor Young, who then filled the Greek chair in the
university of Glasgow, he was encouraged to cultivate that love for the
language and literature of Greece, which he had already so successfully
displayed. On one occasion he gained the professor’s favour, and a holiday
for the students, by a Greek poem, in the form of a petition, which he had
slipt into the professor’s Greek text book. One of his early poetical
attempts at this period he got printed, in the ballad form, on slips of
paper, and distributed among his fellow-students.
While at college he was obliged by his necessities to give elementary
instruction to younger lads; but while thus prosecuting vigorously his
classical studies, he continued to pursue his poetical fancies and work
his upward way int the path that was to lead him to lasting fame. In 1793,
while yet only in his fifteenth year, during the college vacation, he
attended for several weeks in the office of Mr. Alexander Campbell, a
writer in Glasgow, author of several pamphlets on the bankruptcy laws, a
relation by his mother’s side, but he went there only on trial, and
disliking the business, he soon left it. During his third session at
college, according to the late Dr. Duncan of Ruthwell, who was his
fellow-student, he made several enemies by the severity of his satirical
effusions, particularly on the Irish students; but many of them were the
cause of amusement, rather than of anger. In the logic class he was
commended for his exercises by Professor Jardine, although not in the
warmest terms, for, at this period, it would appear that although an
excellent Latin and Greek scholar, he could not spell or write the English
language with propriety. Before leaving college he also attended the
lectures of Professor Millar, who then filled, with much distinction, the
chair of civil law. He seems at one period to have had an intention of
studying for the church of Scotland, but the want of any hope of efficient
patronage caused him to change his purpose. He next thought of studying
for the medical profession, but this required a greater outlay than his
circumstances permitted, and after attending some preliminary lectures
this idea was also abandoned. He then entered the counting house of a
merchant, where he remained for some time, still hankering after the
church, studying Hebrew in his leisure hours, and writing religious
Undecided as to his future pursuits, he went in the summer of 1795 to the
island of Mull, to act as tutor in the family of Mrs. Campbell of Sunipol.
there he remained for five months, and returned to Glasgow for his fifth
session. During the winter he supported himself by private tuition. Among
other scholars, he had a youth named Cunninghame, who became an advocate,
and was afterwards made a lord of session under the title of Lord
After leaving college he passed some time as a tutor in the family of
General Napier, who was then residing at Downie, on the romantic banks of
loch Goil, among the mountains of Argyleshire. He disliked, however, the
profession of a tutor, and on leaving Downie he went to Edinburgh, where
the reputation he had acquired at the university gained him a favourable
reception into the distinguished circle of science and literature for
which that city was then renowned. At this time the poet proposed to
establish a magazine, but funds were wanting. through the recommendation
of Mr. Cunninghame he found employment in the Register House. He was
subsequently engaged in the office of a Mr. Whytt, and being introduced to
Dr. Robert Anderson, the biographer of the poets, received through him an
engagement for an abridged edition of ‘Bryan Edward’s West Indies,’ for
which he was paid £20. He returned to Glasgow to meet a brother whom he
had never seen, and to finish his abridgment. At that time he wrote ‘The
Wounded Hussar,’ and ‘The Dirge of Wallace,’ two of his most popular
the age of nineteen he was again in Edinburgh, fagging for Messrs. Mundell
and Son, the publishers, at a very limited rate of remuneration. About
this period he formed arrangements to proceed to Virginia, in North
America, but the state of his health set them aside. He commenced to write
‘the Pleasures of Hope,’ about 1797. He resided at this time in a small
house on St. John’s Hill, and of the young men then resident in Edinburgh,
with whom he associated, several raised themselves to eminence and
consideration. Amongst them were the two lawyers who subsequently became
Lords Cockburn and Brougham. He published ‘the Pleasures of Hope’ in 1799,
when he was scarcely twenty-two, the volume being dedicated to Dr. Robert
Anderson. It was sold to the Mundells for £60 in cash and books, but for
two or three years the publishers gave him fifty pounds on every new
edition, besides allowing him to print a splendid edition of the work for
himself. The success of this work was such as it once to place the young
author in the foremost rank of the poets of the time. In planning the poem
he seems to have taken Pope and Goldsmith as his models, and to have
caught something of the spirit of Gray; but in harmony of versification,
and elegance, and above all genuine fervour of style, he far exceeds them
all, as well as every other poet that had gone before him. In these and
other essential qualities, indeed, this exquisite production is not
surpassed by anything in British poetry. In the original manuscript the
different sections of the poem had separate distinctive titles, but by the
advice of Dr. Anderson these were dispensed with, and ‘the Pleasures of
Hope’ came before the world as a complete poem. Some lines at the
beginning were also omitted. Soon after its publication, Mr. Campbell
entered into an engagement with Mr. Mundell for another poem, descriptive
of Scottish history, to be called, ‘The Queen of the North,’ of which the
prospectus was published, and arrangements for its illustration were made
with Mr. Williams, a landscape painter, but the work was never completed.
Anxious to become acquainted with German literature at its fountainhead,
as well as to visit foreign parts, in the summer of 1800 he left for
Hamburgh. This he was enabled to do by the profits arising from the sale
of his ‘Pleasures of Hope.’ He had originally fixed on the university of
Jena for his first place of residence, but on his arrival at Hamburgh, he
found by the public prints that a victory had been gained by the French
near Ulm, and that Munich and the heart of Bavaria were the theatre of
war. From the walls of the monastery of St. Jacob, he witnessed the
memorable battle of Hohenlinden, fought on the 3d December 1800, between
the french under General Moreau, and the Austrians under the Archduke
John, when the latter were signally defeated. “One moment’s sensation,” he
observes in a letter to a relation in this country, “the single hope of
seeing human nature exhibited in its most dreadful attitude, overturned my
past decisions. I got down to the seat of war some weeks before the summer
armistice of 1800, and indulged in, what you will call, the criminal
curiosity of witnessing blood and desolation. Never shall time efface from
my memory the recollection of that hour of astonishment and suspended
breath, when I stood with the monks of St. Jacob to overlook a charge of
Klenan’s cavalry upon the French under Grennier, encamped below us. We saw
the fire given and returned, and heard distinctly the sound of the French
pas de charge, collecting the lines to attack in close column.
After three hours waiting the issue of a severe action, a park of
artillery was opened just beneath the walls of the monastery, and several
waggoners, that were stationed to convey the wounded in spring waggons,
were killed in our sight.” His spirit-stirring lyric of ‘The Battle of
Hohenlinden’ was written on this event – a poem which, perhaps, contains
more grandeur and martial sublimity than is to be found anywhere else, in
the same compass of English poetry. He afterwards proceeded to Ratisbon,
where he was at the time it was taken possession of by the French, and
expected, as a British subject, to be made prisoner; but, he observes,
“Moreau’s army was under such excellent discipline, and the behaviour both
of officers and men so civil, that I soon mixed among them without
hesitation, and formed many agreeable acquaintances at the messes of their
brigade stationed in town, to which their chef-de-brigade often
invited me. this worthy man, Colonel Le Fort, whose kindness I shall ever
remember with gratitude, gave me a protection to pass through the whole
army of Moreau.”
After this Mr. Campbell visited different parts of Germany, and had the
misfortune to be plundered amongst the Tyrolese mountains, by a Croat, of
his clothes, his books, and thirty ducats in gold. About mid-winter he
returned to Altona, where he remained four months. While in Germany, he
made the friendship of the two Schlegels, and passed an entire day with
Klopstock. At Altona he casually became acquainted with some refugee
Irishmen, who had been engaged in the rebellion of 1798, and their story
suggested to him his beautiful ballad of The Exile of Erin.’ The hero of
the poem was an Irish exile, named Anthony M’Cann, whom he had met at
Hamburgh. A claim was subsequently got up by the editor of an Irish
provincial paper, on the part of an Irishman of the name of Nugent, to the
authorship of this song, professing to have drawn his information from
Nugent’s sister; but the question was conclusively settled by the
certificate of the late Lord Nugent, a relative of the person by whom the
song is said to have been composed, which stated that for a considerable
period, Mr. Nugent, the supposed author, was quite familiar with the song,
knew it in Campbell’s works, and never personally claimed the authorship.
The circumstances connected with the song were all well known to the party
of Irish exiles whom Campbell met at Altona; by whom it was first sung,
and on whose account it had been written. His beautiful verses addressed
to Judith, the Jewess, were also written in Altona. About this tie also,
he wrote ‘Ye Mariners of England,’ after the model of an old song ‘Ye
Gentlemen of England.’ A war with Denmark was at that time expected, and
seems to have suggested to the poet the idea of this noble lyric. The
fifth line of the second stanza was originally different, but after the
battle of Trafalgar, Mr. Campbell introduced the name of Nelson, making it
“Where Blake and
mighty Nelson fell.”
Early in the spring of 1801 war was declared against Danmark, when the
English residents were obliged to leave Altona, and Campbell sailed for
England on the 6th of March. They were allowed to pass the
English batteries without molestation, and sailed under convoy to England.
There were only two Scottish vessels in convoy, and they were carried to
Yarmouth along with the English fleet. Mr. Campbell arrived in London with
only a few shillings in his pocket, for all his resources had been
expended in assisting a friend at Altona. Though unprovided with a single
letter of introduction, the fame of his poetry procured him immediate
admission into the best literary society. While on the continent it would
appear that Mr. Perry of the Morning Chronicle was paying him for
poems contributed to that journal from the seat of war. Although he had
never seen Mr. Perry, he was obliged to call upon him and explain his
situation to him, and he had no cause to repent of it. Writing to one of
his Scotch correspondents the poet says, “I have found Perry. His
reception was warm and cordial, beyond what I had any right to expect. ‘I
will be your friend,’ said the good man. ‘I will be all that you could
wish me to be.’” In reference to this his first visit to London, he says,
in his own notes, “Calling on Perry one day, he showed me a letter from
Lord Holland, asking about me, and expressing a wish to have me to dine at
the King of Clubs. Thither with his lordship I accordingly repaired, and
it was an era in my life. There I met in all their glory and feather,
Mackintosh, Rogers, the Smiths, Sidney, and others.” After a short stay in
London he returned to Edinburgh, for the purpose of visiting his mother.
On the voyage to Leith, a lady, a passenger on board, who had read his
poems, without knowing him, surprised him by expressing her regret that
the poet Campbell had been arrested in London on a charge of high treason,
was confined in the Tower, and would probably be executed. On his arrival
at Edinburgh he took up his residence with his mother and sisters in
Alison square. He found his mother greatly troubled by the rumour of his
apprehension, which she had heard previous to his coming. It was a period
of high political excitement, and he at once determined to wait on the
sheriff Mr. Clerk, and report his position. That functionary frankly told
him that they were aware of his guilt; but they did not want to see him.
He asked the grounds of the charge against him, and was told that “it
seems you have been conspiring with General Moreau, in Austria, and with
the Irish at Hamburgh, to get a French army landed in Ireland. You
attended Jacobin clubs at Hamburgh, and you came over from thence in the
same vessel with Donovan, who commanded a regiment of the rebels at
Vinegar-hill.” A box, with a number of the poet’s papers, had been seized
at Leith, in the expectation of finding treasonable documents among his
manuscripts. ‘The Exile of Erin’ was somewhat suspicious, but ‘Ye Mariners
of England,’ found in his box, was in his favour. “The sheriff,” he says,
“began to smoke the whole bubble, and said, ‘This comes of trusting a
Hamburgh spy. Mr. Campbell,’ he added, ‘this is a cold wet evening – what
do you say to our having a bottle of wine during the examination of your
democratic papers?’”
While in Edinburgh his mother and sisters were dependent on him solely for
support. During the food riots in Edinburgh, in the year 1801, he began
part of a poem, entitled ‘The Mobiade,’ in a style altogether different
from his other works, which was never printed till it appeared in Dr.
Beattie’s ‘Life and Letters of Thomas Campbell.’ From Lord Minto, whom he
met, at his lordship’s own desire, at the house of the late Dugald
Stewart, he received great kindness, and was invited to Minto House,
Roxburghshire. While there he wrote ‘Lochiel’s Warning,’ during the night.
His evening thoughts had been turned to the wizard’s warning, and in the
course of the night he awoke, repeating the idea for which he had been
searching for days, rang for the servant, had a cup of tea, and produced
‘Lochiel’s Warning’ before day-dawn.
Early in 1803, Mr. Campbell repaired to London, to settle, as the only
field that promised any permanent and profitable exercise of his talents.
On his arrival there he resided for some time in the house of his friend
and brother poet, Mr. Telford, the celebrated engineer. On the 10th
of September of that year he married his cousin, Miss Matilda Sinclair, of
Greenock, a lady who was surpassingly beautiful. After residing a year in
London, he took and furnished a house in the village of Sydenham, in Kent,
about seven miles from London. He now devoted himself, most industriously,
to writing and compiling for the booksellers, and furnishing occasional
articles to the daily press, and other periodical publications. He wrote
on all subjects, even including agriculture, for the most part
anonymously, and by writing on the latter subject he acquired so much
information, as to have been more than once complimented, as he states
himself, on that knowledge by practical farmers. Soon after his marriage
he wrote a work, entitled ‘Annals of Great Britain, fro the accession of
George III.,’ to the Peace of Amiens, which was published in 1808, in
three volumes 8vo, without his name. Besides his other literary work, he
accepted an engagement to write and translate foreign correspondence for
the ‘Star’ newspaper, and the ‘Philosophical Magazine’ conducted by Mr.
Tulloch, the editor of ‘The Star,’ for which he received at the rate of
two hundred pounds a-year. He also contributed several papers to
‘Brewster’s Edinburgh Encyclopedia,’ especially biographies, an account of
the drama, and an extended historical notice of Great Britain, which were
all marked with the taste and judgment that invariably distinguished his
During the first year of his residence at Sydenham, among other poetical
pieces which he elaborately polished were ‘Lord Ullin’s Daughter,’ ‘The
Soldier’s Dream,’ and ‘The Turkish Lady;’ the first of which, we are told
by his biographer, had been sketched in the island of Mull, and the two
latter in Bavaria, – but were not revised and finished until this period.
‘The Battle of the Baltic’ was composed at short intervals during the
winter, and, as soon as it came before the public, “was set to music and
sung with applause by the great vocalists of the day.” Through the
influence principally of Charles James Fox, a pension of £200 a-year was,
in 1806, conferred on him by his majesty George III.
1809 appeared his second volume of poems, containing ‘Gertrude of
Wyoming,’ a simple Indian tale, in the Spenserian stanza, the scene of
which is laid among the woods of Pennsylvania; ‘Glenara;’ ‘Lochiel’s
Warning;’ ‘Lord Ullin’s Daughter;’ and ‘The Battle of the Baltic,’ the
noblest of his lyrics. To a subsequent edition was added the touching
ballad of ‘O’Connor’s Child.’ This volume greatly increased his
popularity. In the same year he delivered a course of lectures on poetry,
at the Royal Institution, which excited much attention at the time, and
were afterwards published. He was also employed by Mr. John Murray, the
publisher, to edit selections from the British poets, intended as
specimens of each, with biographical and critical essays, and this work
appeared in 1819, in seven volumes.
the beginning of 1821, in which year, owing to his literary engagements,
he left Sydenham to reside in London, he became editor of a new series of
the ‘New Monthly Magazine,’ for Mr. Colburn, the publisher, to which,
however, at that time, he contributed little besides a few of his minor
poems, and a series of lectures on Greek dramatic literature. His
connexion with this magazine ceased in 1831, when he was engaged for a
brief period as editor of the ‘Metropolitan’ magazine. He had even been
assisted by Mr. Samuel Rogers, the poet, with five hundred pounds, to
purchase a third share of the ‘Metropolitan,’ but finding the concern, as
he styled it, at that time “a bubble,” he got back the money, and
immediately repaid it to Mr. Rogers. That periodical was afterwards
conducted with great spirit and talent, under different auspices. In 1824
appeared his “Theodric,’ a brief poetical tale of modern life; but the
fire of his genius was beginning to burn low, and the poem disappointed
public expectation. The volume, however, had, for the time, an extensive
sale, and was declared by an anonymous punster of that day, to have been
“the odd trick”: of the season.
November 1826, Mr. Campbell was elected by the students Lord Rector of the
university of Glasgow, after a severe opposition on the part of the
professors. He went down to his native city, delivered an inaugural
address, which he got printed, and sent a copy of it to each of the
students, the presentation inscription being in his own hand, which
greatly enhanced the value of such a gift. No event in his life seems to
have gratified his feelings so highly, and he always spoke of his election
with honest pride. The honour was enhanced by his being three times chosen
Lord Rector successively. On his re-election, the students presented him
with a silver bowl, which, in his will, he styled one of “the jewels of
his property.” At the same time, a literary club was formed in Glasgow,
and named after him, ‘The Campbell Club,’ which still exists, and
possesses an excellent library, many of the books having been donations
from the poet, who also presented the club with an elegant silver cup. The
students of Glasgow university he addressed in a series of articles
inserted in the ‘New Monthly Magazine.’ The senatus academicus conferred
on him the degree of Doctor of Laws, but he never assumed the title of
Doctor before his name. He contributed in no small degree to the
establishment of the London university, in which project Lord Brougham was
an active coadjutor, but Campbell might, with some propriety, be
considered its founder.
During the struggle for independence in Greece, Mr. Campbell took an
active interest in the cause of that country, as he subsequently, and
indeed all his life did in that of Poland. In 1832, in conjunction with
the Polish poet Niemcewicz, Prince Czartoryski, and others, he founded the
society styled the “Literary Association of the friends of Poland,” for
collecting, publishing, and diffusing information relative to that unhappy
country, and for the aid and support of the Polish exiles in England.
the month of September 1828, Mrs. Campbell died. He had lost his youngest
sister and his mother some time previously. In 1830 he went into chambers;
and for some years he resided, in a state of comparative loneliness, at
No. 61 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London. Two sons were the fruit of his
marriage, one of whom, a youth of great promise, died early. The other,
having shown symptoms of insanity, was for years in a private asylum, but
soon after the poet’s death, he was restored to society, by the verdict of
a jury de lunatico inquirendo, which declared him to be of
perfectly sound mind.
1832, Mr. Campbell visited Algiers, and on his return he furnished an
account of his journey to the ‘New Monthly Magazine,’ which he afterwards
published, in a collected form, under the name of ‘Letters from the
South,’ in two volumes. In 1834 he published his ‘Life of Mrs. Siddons.’
On the death that year of his friend, Mr. Telford, the engineer, after
whom he had named his surviving son, he, as well as Mr. Southey, received
a legacy of £500.
The first time that I saw Mr. Campbell was in the year 1838. It was in the
studio of an eminent sculptor in London, to whom the poet was at that time
sitting for his bust. On being introduced to him, he received me with an
affability and kindness of manner which put me at once at my ease. He was
about the middle size, and remarkably well made. In his younger days he
was considered particularly handsome, but at this period time, and care,
and thought, had begun to make visible inroads on his frame. He never had
a robust constitution, and his domestic calamities had fallen heavily on
his nervous and sensitive mind. I shall never forget the quiet beauty of
his eyes, which were large and of a deep blue colour, and when he became
animated there was a sparkling poetical expression in them peculiarly
striking.. He wore a wig of chestnut brown. His manner was frank and
unreserved, and his conversation agreeable and instructive. He was fond of
discoursing about poetry, and his criticisms were at all times marked by
good taste and correct appreciation. When he descanted on the beauties of
the Greek and English poets, he occasionally enriched his remarks by
quotations, which he had by heart, and recited with the greatest
enthusiasm. Often have I, while sitting in his company, been electrified
by the beauty and power with which he recited favourite passages from the
Greek poets, with whose writings his mind was richly stored, and which he
appreciated and praised with the characteristic warmth of one who was
himself a master in their divine art. the following incident, to which I
myself was a witness, shows the genuine benevolence and kindness of his
heart. Calling one forenoon, in the year 1839, on the poet at his Chambers
61 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, I found him busily engaged looking over his
books, on the shelves around the room; while near the fireplace, was
seated an elderly gentlewoman in widow’s weeks. I was desired to take a
chair for a few minutes. Presently the poet disappeared into his bedroom,
and returned with an armful of books, which he placed among a heap of
others that he had collected on the floor. “There now,” he said,
addressing the widow, “these will help you a little, and I shall see what
more I can do for you by the time you call again. I shall get them sent to
you in the course of the day.” The widow thanked him with tears in her
eyes, and, shaking her cordially by the hand, he wished her a good
morning. On her departure, he said to me, with great feeling, – “That lady
whom you saw just now is the widow of an early friend of mine, and as she
is now in somewhat reduced circumstances, she wishes to open a little book
and stationery shop, and I have been busy looking out all the books for
which I have no use, but which will be of use to her, to add to her stock.
She has taken a small shop in the neighbourhood of town, and I shall do
all I can to serve her, and forward her prospects, as far as my assistance
and influence extend; old times should not be forgotten.’ On another
occasion, soon after this, on introducing to him, in that same room, a
friend of mine from Edinburgh of the name of Sinclair, he said, while he
shook him by the hand, “I am glad to see you, Sir, your name recommends
you to me,” adding, with much tenderness, “my wife’s name was Sinclair.”
1842, Mr. Campbell published his ‘Pilgrim of Glencoe,’ and other poems,
which he dedicated to his friend and physician, Dr. William Beattie whom
in his will he named one of his executors, and who became his biographer.
Mr. William Moxon, of the Middle Temple, barrister, the brother of the
publisher, was also named an executor. among Mr. Campbell’s other works
are a ‘Life of Petrarch,’ and ‘Memoirs of Frederick the Great.’ In the
year last mentioned Mr. Campbell again visited Germany, and, on his return
to London, he took a house at No. 8, Victoria Square, Pimlico, his niece
Miss Mary Campbell, daughter of his deceased brother, Mr. Alexander
Campbell, formerly of Glasgow, having gone to London, to reside with him.
But his health had long been declining, and for change of air, in the
summer of 1843, he retired to Boulogne, in France, where he died on
Saturday afternoon, 15th June 1844, aged 67 years. His niece,
his friend Dr. Beattie, Mr. Moxon, the publisher, and his medical
attendants were with him when he breathed his last; as was also the Rev.
Mr. Hassell, a clergyman of the church of England. His last hours were
marked by calmness and resignation. His body was brought to England, and
buried in the Poets’ Corner of Westminster Abbey, on Wednesday, July 3d;
the funeral being attended by a great number of noblemen and gentlemen,
and by several of the most eminent authors of the day.
Mr. Campbell was extremely studious, but at the same time social in his
disposition, and gentle and endearing in his manners. With a delicate and
even nervous sensibility, frequently allied to real genius, he was yet
eminently domestic in his disposition and habits, and admirably fitted to
shine in society. To his niece, Mary Campbell, afterwards Mrs. W. Alfred
Hill, whose kindness and attention cheered his latter days, he left the
great bulk of his property and effects, his son being otherwise provided
for. Campbell is decidedly the most classical of our modern poets. He
never wearied retouching and polishing what he had written, and yet,
notwithstanding his extreme fastidiousness in this respect, no poet of his
day has exhibited, in his lyrics, so much originality and freedom, or so
much energy of thought and style. His works are:
Pleasures of Hope; a poem. Edinburgh, 1799, 12mo. And other Poems, Edin.
1801, 12mo. 7th edit., Edin. 1804.
Annals of Great Britain, from the accession of George III. to the Peace of
Amiens. London 1808, 3 vols, 8vo. anon.
Gertrude of Wyoming; a Pennsylvanian Tale, and other Poems. London, 1809,
4to, 5th edit. 1814, 12mo.
Specimens of the British Poets, with biographical and critical notices;
and an Essay on English poetry. Lond. 1819, 7vols. small 8vo.
Theodric, a poem, London, 1824. 8vo.
Inaugural Discourse on being installed Lord Rector of the University of
Glasgow. 8vo. Glasgow, 1827.
Poland, a Poem. 12mo. London, 1831.
Life of Mrs. Siddons, London, 2 vols, 1834.
Letters from the South, London, 1837, 2 vols. 8vo.
Pilgrim of Glencoe, and other poems, 8vo. London, 1842.
Life of Petrarch, London.
of Frederick the Great, London.
complete collection of his Poems, of which there are various editions,
appeared after his death. One of them contains a biography of the poet by
the Rev. W. Alfred Hill the husband of his niece, Mary Campbell.
Go to
Second Campbell Page
Private Journal
of Lord George Granville Campbell, H.M.S. CHALLENGER:
From the Cape of Good Hope to Australia (1875)
Campbell from the Dictionary of National Biography |