animals to fatten upon nothing. However, they go about
this in a very economic way, for the same water that grows the fish also
grows the food on which they are fed. This is chiefly the aquadelle, a
tiny little fish which is contained in the lakes in great numbers, and
which, in its turn, finds food in the insect and vegetable world of the
lagoons. Other fish are bred as well as the eel—viz, mullet, plaice, etc.
On the 2d day of February the year of Comacchio may be said to begin, for
at that time the montee commences, when may be seen ascending up
the Reno and Volano mouths of the Po from the Adriatic a great series of
wisps, apparently composed of threads, but in reality young eels; and as
soon as one lot enters, the rest, with a sheeplike instinct, follow their
leaders, and hundreds of thousands pass annually from the sea to the
waters of the lagoon, which can be so regulated as in places to be either
salt or fresh as required. Various operations connected with the working
of the fisheries keep the people in employment from the time the
entrancesluices are closed, at the end of April, till the commencement of
the great harvest of eel-culture, which lasts from the beginning of August
till December. The engraving represents one of the fishing-places of the
No country has, taking into account size and
population, been more industrious on the seas than Scotland-the most
productive fishery of the country having been that for herring. There is
no consecutive historical account of the progress of the herring-fishery.
The first really authentic notice we have of a trade in herrings is nine
hundred years old, when it is recorded that the Scots exported herrings to
the Netherlands, and there are indications that even then a considerable
fishery for herrings existed in Scotland; and prior to that date Boethius
alludes to Inverlochy as an important seat of commerce, and persons of
intelligence consider that town to have been a resort of the French and
Spaniards for the purchase of herring and other fishes. The pickling and
drying of herrings for commerce were first carried on by the Flemings.
This mode of curing fish is said to have been discovered by William
Benkelen of Biervlet, near Sluys, who died in 1397, and whose memory was
held in such veneration for that service that the Emperor Charles V. and
the Queen of Hungary made a pilgrimage to his tomb. Incidental notices of
the herring-fishery are contained in the records of the monastery of
Evesham, so far back as the year 709, and the tax levied on the capture of
herrings is noticed in the annals of the monastery of Barking as
herring-silver. The great fishery for herrings at Yarmouth dates from the
earliest Anglo-Saxon times, and at so early a period as the reign of Henry
I. it paid a tax of 10,000 fish to the king. We are told that the most
ancient records of the French herring fishery are not earlier than the
year 1020, and we know that in 1088 the Duke of Normandy allowed a fair to
be held at Fecamp during the time of this fishery, the right of holding it
being granted to the Abbey of the Holy Trinity. The Yarmouth fishery, even
in these early times, was a great success-as success was then understood.
Edward III, did all he could to encourage the fishery at that place. In
1357 he got his parliament to lay down a body of laws for the better
regulation of the fisheries, and the following year sixty lasts of herring
were shipped at Portsmouth for the use of his army and fleet in France. In
1635 a patent was granted to Mr. Davis for gauging red-herrings, for which
Yarmouth was famed thus early, at a certain price per last ; his duty was,
in fact, to denote the quality of the fish by affixing a certain seal ;
this, so far as we know, is the first indication of
the brand system. His Majesty Charles II., being interested in the
fisheries, visited Yarmouth in company with the Duke of York and others of
the nobility, when lie was handsomely entertained, and presented with four
golden herrings and a chain of considerable value.
Several of the kings of Scotland were zealous in aiding
the fisheries, but the death of James V., and the subsequent religious and
civil commotions, put a stop for a time to the progress of this particular
branch of trade, as well as to every other industrial project of his time.
In 1602 his successor on the throne, James VI., resumed the plans which
had been chalked out by his grandfather. Practical experiments were made
in the art of fishing, fishing towns were built in the different parts of
the Highlands, and persons well versed in the practice were brought to
teach the ignorant natives; but as the Highlanders were jealous of these
"interlopers," very slow progress was made; and again the course of
improvement was interrupted by the king's accession to the throne of
England and the union of the two Crowns. During the remainder of James's
reign little progress was made in the art of fishing, and we have to pass
over the reign of Charles I., and wait through the troublous times of the
Protectorate till we have Charles II, seated on the throne, before much
further encouragement is decreed to the fisheries. Charles II, aided the
advancement of this industrial pursuit by appointing a Royal Council of
Fishery, in order to the establishment of proper laws and regulations for
the encouragement of those engaged in this branch of our commerce.
After this period the British trade in fish and
knowledge of the arts of capture expanded rapidly. It is, said, as I have
already stated, that during our early pursuit of the fishery the Dutch
learned much from us, and that, in fact, while we were away founding the
Greenland whale-fishery, the people of Holland came upon our seas and
robbed us of our fish, and so obtained a supremacy in the art that lasted
for many years. At any rate, whatever the Dutch accomplished, we were
particularly industrious in fishing. Our seas were covered with busses of
considerable tonnage-the average being vessels of fifty tons, with a
complement of fourteen men and a master. The mode of fishing then was to
sail with the ship into the deep sea, and. then, leaving the vessel as a
rendezvous, take to the small boats, and fish with them, returning to the
large vessel to carry on the cure. The same mode of fishing, with slight
modifications, is still pursued at Yarmouth and some other places in
Much has been written about the great cod-fishery of
Newfoundland: it has been the subject of innumerable treatises, Acts of
Parliament, and other negotiations, and various travellers have
illustrated the natural products and industrial capabilities of the North
American seas. The cod-fishery of Newfoundland undoubtedly affords one of
the greatest fishing industries the world has ever seen, and has been more
or less worked for three hundred and sixty years. Occasionally there is a
whisper of the cod grounds of Newfoundland being exhausted, and it would
be no wonder if they were, considering the enormous capture of that fish
that has constantly been going on during the period indicated, not only by
means of various shore fisheries, but by the active American and French
crews that are always on the grounds capturing and curing. Since the time
when the Red Indian lay over the rocks and transfixed the codfish with his
spear, till now, when thousands of ships are spreading their sails in the
bays and surrounding seas, taking the fish with ingenious instruments of
capture, myriads upon myriads of valuable cod have been taken from the
waters, although to the ordinary eye the supply seems as abundant as it
was a century ago. When my readers learn that the great bank from whence
is obtained the chief supply of codfish is nearly six hundred miles long
and over two hundred miles in breadth, it will afford a slight index to
the vast total of our sea wealth, and to the enormous numbers of the finny
population of this part of our seas, the population of which, before it
was discovered, must have been growing and gathering for centuries ; but
when it is further stated-and this by way of index to the extent of this
great food-wealth-that Catholic countries alone give something like half a
million sterling every year for the produce of these North American seas,
the enormous money value of a well-regulated fishery must become apparent
even to the most superficial observer of facts and figures. It is much to
be regretted that we are not in possession of reliable annual statistics
of the fisheries of Newfoundland, but there are so many conflicting
interests connected with these fisheries as to render it difficult to
obtain accurate statistics.
It is pleasant to think that the seas of Britain are at
the present time crowded with many thousand boats, all gleaning wealth
from the bosom of the waters. As one particular branch of sea industry
becomes exhausted for the season, another one begins. In spring we have
our white fisheries; in summer we have our mackerel; in autumn we have the
great herring-fishery; then in winter we deal in pilchards and sprats and
oysters; and all the year round we trawl for flat fish or set pots for
lobsters, or do some other work of the fishing in fact, we are
continually, day by day, despoiling the waters of their food
treasures. When we exhaust the inshore fisheries we proceed straightway to
the deep waters. Hale and strong fishermen sail hundreds of miles to the
white-fishing grounds, whilst old men potter about the shore, setting nets
with which to catch crabs, or ploughing the sand for prawns. At different
places we can note the specialties of the British fisheries. In Caithness-shire
we can follow the greatest herring-fleet in the world ; at Cornwall,
again, we can view the pilchard-fishery; at Barking we can see the
cod-fleet; at Hull there is a wealth of trawlers ; at Whitstable we can
make acquaintance with the oyster-dredgers; and at the quaint
fishing-ports on the Moray Firth, we can witness the manufacture of "Finnan
haddies," as at Yarmouth we can take part in the making of bloaters ; and
all round our coasts we can see women and children industriously gathering
shell-fish for bait, or performing other functions connected with the
industry of the sea-repairing nets, baiting the lines, or hawking the
fish, for fisherwomen are true helpmates to their husbands. At certain
seasons everything that can float in the water is called into
requisition-little cobles, gigantic yawls, trig schooners, are all
required to aid in the gathering of the sea harvest. Thousands of people
are employed in this great industry; betokening that a vast population
have chosen to seek bread on the bosom of the great deep.
Crossing the Channel, we may note that the general sea
fisheries of France are also being prosecuted with great vigour, and at
those places which have railways to bear away the produce with
considerable profit. All kinds of fish are caught on the French coasts
with much assiduity, and the coast-line of that country being enormous-in
length, reaching from Dunkirk to Bayonne, including sinuosities, it will
be considerably over 2000 kilometres - there is a great abundance of fish,
the only regret in connection with the food fisheries being that at those
places where the yield could be best obtained the fishing is but lazily
prosecuted, in consequence of the want of inland conveyance. From many of
the fishing villages there is no path to the populous inland cities, and
the fish is sold, as it used to be sold in Scotland before the days of
railways and other quick conveyances, by the wives of the fishermen, who
hawk the produce of the sea through the country. In such towns as Boulogne,
where there is a large resident population, and a constant accession of
English visitors as well, the demand for fish is constant and
considerable, and well supplied. In the department of the Pas de Calais
there are over 600 fishing-boats. In Boulogne harbour, which is the chief
port of the district, the English visitors will see a large number of
boats, chiefly trawls, and all who visit Boulogne have seen the fishwives,
if not dressed en fete, then in their work-a-day habits, doing hard
labour for their husbands or the tourists. Sea fish is scarce and dear
over most of inland France ; the prices in the market at Paris rule very
high for premier qualities, but in that gay capital there is apparently no
scarcity. Fish must be had, and fish can always be obtained, whenever
there is money to pay the price demanded. In fact, a glance at the fish
department of the grand marche would lead one to suppose that, next
to growing fruit and vegetables, catching fish was the great industry of
the country.
The modes of sea-fishing are so much alike in every
country that it is unnecessary to do more than just mention that the
French method of trawling is very similar to our own. But there are
details of fishing industry connected with that pursuit on the French
coasts that we are not familiar with in Britain. The neighbouring
peasantry, for instance, come to the seaside and fish with nets which are
called bas parc; and these are spread out before the tide is full,
in order to retain all the fish which are brought within their meshes. The
children of these land-fishers also work, although with smaller nets, at
these foreshore fisheries, while the wives poke about the sand for shrimps
and the smaller crustacea. These people thus not only ensure a supply of
food for themselves during winter, but also contrive during summer to take
as much fish as brings them in a little store of money.
By far the best place to study the economy of the
French fisheries is at the basin of Arcachon, 34 miles from Bordeaux.
There may be seen the small boat as well as the trawl fishery ; and, above
all, in the placid waters of the basin may be seen the model oyster-beds
of France-beds that rarely languish for lack of spat, which has seldom
been known to fail ; beds which produce a nice, fat, tasteful oyster,
placed in an inland sea that is prolific of many of the best food fishes,
and contains the finest grey mullet in the world. To those who are anxious
thoroughly to study the French mode of fishing, Arcachon has this
advantage, that it has a day as well as a night fishery, and is also one
of the most unique bathing-places in the whole of France. From the
balconies of one's hotel, or from the windows of the houses, the whole
industry of the basin may be observed daily and nightly ; but the best
plan for seeing a fishery is to take a part in it, to sail out in the
boats, and handle the trawl or other nets. The chief fishing quarter is at
the extreme east end of Arcachon, consisting of a cluster of wooden
houses, easily known as those of the fishermen, from the various apparatus
and articles of dress which are depending about, and from the "ancient and
fish-like smell" which prevails in their neighbourhood. No less than
thirteen hundred sailors find employment in and about the basin ; and
there are close on five hundred boats of all kinds, a number of them being
steam trawlers. The value of the fishery of which Arcachon is the
head-quarters is estimated at over 1,500,000f., exclusive of the revenue
derived from the oyster-beds. In the basin there are lots of fish of all
kinds, both round and flat, capital soles in tolerable abundance, and very
excellent mullet, both red and grey ; there are also occasional takes of
sardines, which fish is locally known as the royan. The steamboats
referred to go out into the Bay of Biscay to trawl, and carry also an
immense net, which the men call a trammel ; it is cumbrous and heavy, and
can only be drawn in by using the steam-engine of the ship. Great "takes"
of mullet are occasionally got at Arcachon by watching and hemming in
shoals which get lost in the numerous creeks that indent the shores of the
basin. There is a ready market for all the fish that can be taken in
Bordeaux, Poitiers, Tours, and neighbourhood, and it is because of this
market that there has grown up at Arcachon such a considerable fishing
industry. The most picturesque part of the fishing industry carried on at
Arcachon is the night fishery. Whenever it becomes dark enough the
fishermen go out with the leister, and fish, as they used to do long ago
in the Tweed, from an illuminated boat. Three men are required for each
boat for the night fishing, two to row and one to hurl the spear. As many
as a dozen boats may be seen nightly at this work, each with a brilliant
flame of light flashing from its prow; the fish speared are mullet, and
they are mostly used for local consumption, the accession of visitors in
summer rendering a large supply of fish necessary. There are illuminated
fisheries in some other parts of France, but that of Arcachon is the most
prominent. The yield of fish, however, is not large-indeed it could not
be, when it is taken into account that each individual fish has to be
speared. Some more economical mode of night fishing, if night fishing be
necessary, ought to be invented. A few scores of mullet are a poor reward
for three or four hours' labour of three men.
The perpetual industry carried on by the coast people
on the French foreshores is quite a sight, although it is fish commerce of
a humble and primitive kind. Even the little children contrive to make
money by building fish-ponds, or erecting trenches, in which to gather
salt, or in some other little industry incidental to sea-shore life. One
occasionally encounters some abject creature groping about the rocks to
obtain the wherewithal to sustain existence. To these people all is fish
that comes to hand; no creature, however slimy, that creeps about is
allowed to escape, so long as it can be disguised by cookery into any kind
of food for human beings. Some of the people have old rickety boats
patched up with still older pieces of wood or leather, sails mended here
and there, till it is difficult to distinguish the original portion from
those that have been added to it; nets torn and darned till they are
scarce able to hold a fish; and yet that boat and that crippled machinery
are the stock in trade of perhaps two or three generations of a framily,
and the concern may have been founded half a century ago
by the grandfather, who now sees around him a legion of hungry
gamins that it would take a fleet of boats to keep in food and raiment.
The moment the tide flows back, the foreshore is at once overrun with an
army of hungry people, who are eager to clutch whatever fishy debris
the receding water may have left; the little pools are eagerly, nay
hungrily, explored, and their contents grabbed with that anxiety which
pertains only to poverty.
On some parts of the French coasts, and it is proper to
mention this, the fishery is not of importance, although fish are
plentiful enough. At Cancale, for instance, the fishermen have imposed on
themselves the restriction of only fishing twice a week. In Brittany, at
some of the fishing places, the people seem very poor and miserable, and
their boats look to be almost valueless, reminding one of the state of
matters at Fittie in the outskirts of Aberdeen. At the isle of Croix,
however, there is to be found a tolerably well-off maritime and fishing
community; at this place, where the men take to the sea at an early age,
there are about one hundred and thirty fishing boats of from twenty to
thirty tons each, of which the people - i.e. the practical fishermen-are
themselves the owners. At the Sands of Olonne there is a most extensive
sardine-fishery-the capture of sprats, young herrings, and young
pilchards, for curing as sardines, yielding a considerable share of
wealth, as a large number of boats follow this branch of business all the
year round. Experiments in artificial breeding are constantly being made
both with white fish and crustaceans, and sanguine hope,-, are entertained
that in a short time a plentiful supply of all kinds of shell and white
fish will reward the speculators, and as regards those parts of the French
coast which are at present destitute of the power of conveyance, the
apparition of a few locomotives will no doubt work wonders in instigating
a hearty fishing enterprise.
In fact the industry of the French as regards the
fisheries has become of late years quite wonderful, and there is evidently
more in their eager pursuit of sea wealth than all at once meets the eye.
No finer naval men need be wished for any country than those that are to
be found in the French fishing luggers, and there can be no doubt but that
they are being trained with a view to the more perfect manning of the
French navy. At any rate the French people (? government) have discovered
the art of growing sailors, and doubtless they will make the most of it,
being able apparently to grow them at a greatly cheaper rate than we can
The commercial system established in France for
bringing the produce of the sea into the market is of a highly elaborate
and intricate character. The direct consequence of this system is, that
the price of fish goes on increasing from its first removal from the shore
until it reaches the market. This fact cannot be better illustrated than
by tracing the fish from the moment they are landed oil the quay by the
fishermen, through various intermediate transactions, until they reach the
hands of the fishmonger of Paris. The first agent into whose hands they
come is the ecoreur. The
ecoreur is
usually a qualified man appointed by the owners of the vessels, the
municipality, or by an association termed the Societe
d'Ecorage. He performs the functions of a wholesale agent
between the fishermen and the public. He is ready to take the fish out of
the fisherman's hands as soon as they are landed. He buys the fish from
the fisherman, and pays him at once, deducting a percentage for his own
services. This percentage is sometimes 5, 4, or even as low as 3 1/2 per
cent. He undertakes the whole risk of selling the fish, and suffers any
loss that may be incurred by bad debts or bad sale, for which he can make
no claim whatever upon the owner of the boat. The system of
ecorage is universally adopted, as the fisherman prefers
ready money with a deduction of 5 per cent rather than trouble himself
with any repayment or run the risk of bad debts. Passing from the
ecoreur we come to the
mareyeur -
that is, the merchant who buys the fish from the wholesale agent. He
provides baskets to hold the fish, packs them, and despatches them by
railway. He pays the carriage, the towndues or duties, and the fees to the
market-crier. Should the fish not keep, and arrive in Paris in bad
condition, and be complained of by the police, he sustains the loss. As
regards the transport arrangements, the fish are usually forwarded by the
fast trains, and the rates are invariable, whatever may be the quality of
the fish. Thus, turbot and salmon are carried at the same rate as monk
fish, oysters, and crabs. On the northern lines the rate is 37 cents per
ton per kilometre ; upon the Dieppe and Nantes lines, 25 or 26 cents ;
which gives 85 or 96 francs as the carriage of a ton of fish despatched
from the principal ports of the north-such as St. Valery-sur-Somme,
Boulogne, Calais, and Dunkerque - and 130 francs per ton on fish
despatched from Nantes.
The fish, on their arrival in Paris, are subjected to a
duty. For the collection of this duty the fish are divided into two
classes - viz, fine fresh fish and ordinary fresh fish. The fine
fish-which class includes salmon, trout, turbot, sturgeon, tunny, brill,
shad, mullet, roach, sole, lobster, shrimp, and oyster-pay a duty of 10
per cent of the market value. The duty upon the common fresh fish is 5 per
cent. This duty is paid after the sale, and is then of course duly entered
in the official register.
All fish sent to Paris are sold through the agency of
auctioneers (facteurs a la criee) appointed
by the town, who receive a commission of 2 or 3 per cent. The auctioneer
either sells to the fishmonger or to the consumer.
It will be seen from the above statement that between
the landing of the fish by the fisherman and the purchase of it by the
salesman at Paris there is added to the price paid to the fisherman 5 per
cent for the ecorage; 90, 100, or 130 francs
per ton for carriage ; 10 or 5 per cent, with a double tithe of war, for
town-dues ; and 3 per cent taken by the auctioneer-or, altogether, 18 or
13 per cent, besides the war -tithe and the cost of transport. This is an
estimate of the indispensable expenses only, and does not include a number
of items-such as the profit which the mareyeur
ought to make, the cost of the baskets, carriage from the market to
the railway, and from the custom-house to the market in Paris ; besides
presuming that the merchant who buys in the market is the consumer, which
is seldom the case.
The capture and cure of the sardine is a great business
in France, and especially at Concarneau, where as many as 13,000 men aid
in the fishery. It is not easy to obtain accurate statistics of the
business done in sardines. In the first place there is a large quantity
sold fresh-that is, packed in dry salt, in little baskets made of rushes,
and sent wherever there is a mode of outlet, Then there is an enormous
number sold in those familiar tins. It is said that besides the quantity
exported, which is large, there are as many as 4,000,000 boxes cured in
oil and prepared for the home market ; then, besides these, a large number
are sold in barrels, and also pressed in barrels. It is an interesting
sight to witness the arrival of the boats, and to see the rush to the
curing establishments of the men, women, and children interested in the
sales. How their sabots do clatter as they
prance over the stones ! The curers just buy from day to day what sardines
they require, and no more ; generally speaking, they do not, as in the
Scottish herring fishery, make contracts with boats, and only one or two
firms have boats of their own. When the curers are in want of a supply of
fish they put up a flag at their curing establishment, and the fishermen
hurry to supply them, the price varying from day to day according as the
fishery has been abundant or the reverse. As soon as the boats arrive the
fish are put in train for the cure, by being gutted, beheaded, sorted into
sizes, and washed in sea water, chiefly by women, who can earn from 12
francs to 20 francs a week at these curing establishments. The cure is
begun by drying the fish on nets or willows, generally in the open air,
but sometimes, from stress of weather it must be done under cover. After
being dried they are ready for the process of the pan, which is kept over
a furnace, and is filled with boiling oil. Into the cauldron the fish are
plunged, two rows deep, arranged on wire gratings. In this pan of oil (the
very finest olive oil) they remain for a brief period, till, in the
judgment of the cook, they are done sufficiently. Then they are placed to
drip, the drippings of oil being, of course, carefully collected ; after
which they are packed by women and girls into the nice little clean boxes
in which they are sold. Again they are allowed to drip by the boxes being
sloped ; then each box, by means of a tap, is filled carefully up to its
lip with pure olive oil, when it is ready for the next operation, which is
the soldering on of the lids, or, as it may be called, the hermetical
sealing up of the box, a most particular part of the process, at which the
men can earn very large wages, with this drawback, that they have to buy
all the fish that are spoilt. After the soldering has been accomplished
the boxes have to be boiled in a steam chest. Those that do not bulge out
after the boiling are condemned as " dead ;" for when the process is
thoroughly gone through the perfection of the cure is known by the bulging
out of the boxes, which are of various sizes, according to the purpose for
which they are designed. There are boxes of 6 lbs. weight and 21 lbs.
weight, as also half and quarter boxes, with from 24 to 12 fish in them,
according to size. Little kegs are also filled with sardines cured as
anchovies. The finishing process of the sardine cure is to stamp the boxes
and affix the thin brass labels which are always found upon them. There
are little incidental industries connected with the cure which may be
noticed. The debris is sold for agricultural purposes, as is the
case at home here, where the curers get a few pounds annually for their
offal ; then a large quantity of oil is exuded from the sprat during the
process of the cure, and on the total fishery this oil is of considerable
value. The " dead " fish, as we have said, are sold to the men, but the
success of the cure is usually so great that the "dead" form but a very
small percentage of the total number of boxes submitted to the test.
But allowing the French people to cultivate to the very
utmost-as they especially do as regards the oyster-it is impossible they
can ever exceed, either in productive power or money value, the fisheries
of our own coasts. If, without the trouble of taking a long journey, we
desire to witness the results of the British fisheries, we have only to
repair to Billingsgate to find this particular industry brought to a
focus. At that

piscatorial bourse we can see in the early morning the
produce of our most distant seas brought to our greatest seat of
population, sure of finding a ready and a profitable market. The
aldermanic turbot, the tempting sole, the gigantic codfish, the valuable
salmon, the cheap sprat, and the universal herring, are all to be found
during their different seasons in great plenty at Billingsgate; and in the
lower depths of the market buildings countless quantities of shell-fish of
all kinds, stored in immense tubs, may be seen; while away in the adjacent
lanes there are to be found gigantic boilers erected for the purpose of
crab and lobster boiling. Some of the shops in the neighbourhood have
always on hand large stocks of all kinds of dried fish,
which are carried away in great waggons to
the railway stations for country distribution. About four o’clock on a
summer morning this grand piscatorial mart may be seen in its full
excitement—the auctioneers bawling, the porters rushing madly about, the
hawkers also rushing madly about seeking persons to join them in buying a
lot, so as to divide their speculations; and all over is sprinkled the
dripping sea-water, and all around we feel that peculiar perfume which is
the concomitant of such a place. No statistics of a reliable kind are
published as to the value of the British fisheries. An annual account of
the Scottish herring-fishery is taken by commissioners and officers
appointed for that purpose; which, along with a yearly report of the Irish
fisheries, are the only reliable annual documents on the subject that we
possess, and the latest official report of the commissioners
will be found analysed in another part of this
volume. For any statistics of our white-fish fisheries we are compelled to
resort to second-hand sources of information; and, as is likely enough in
the circumstances, we do not, after all, get our curiosity properly
gratified on these important topics—the progress and produce of the
British fisheries.