- Preface
- List of
- Chapter I - Fish Life and Growth
Classification of Fish - Their Form and Colour - Mode and Means of Life
- Curiously-shaped Fish - Senses of Smell and Hearing in Fish - Fish
nearly Insensible to Pain - The Fecundity of Fish - Sexual Instinct of
Fish - External Impregnation of the Ova - Ripening of a Salmon Egg -
Birth of a Herring - The Rich versus the Poor Man's Fish - Curious
Stories about the Growth of the Eel - All that is known about the
Mackerel-Whitebait-Mysterious Fish: the Vendace and the Powan -Where are
the Haddocks? - The Food of Fish - Fish as a rule not Migratory - The
Growth of Fish Shoals - When Fish are good for Food - The Balancing
Power of Nature.
- Chapter II - Fish Commerce
Early Fish Commerce - Sale of Fresh-water Fish - Cured Fish - Influence
of Rapid Transit on the Fisheries - Fish-ponds - The Logan Pond -
Ancient Fishing Industries - The Dutch Herring Fishing - Zuyder
Zee Herring Fishery - The Fishers of Friesland - The Herring in Holland
- The Dutch Cure - Dutch Salmon - Salmon Fishing in Holland - Law of the
- Chapter III - Italian, Scottish, and
French Fisheries
Comacchio - The Art of breeding Eels - A well-designed Eel Farm -
Profits of Eel-breeding in the 16th century - Progress of Fishing in
Scotland - A Scottish Bus - Newfoundland Fisheries - The Greenland Whale
Fishing - Specialty of different Fishing Towns - The General Sea
Fisheries of France - French Fish Commerce - French Sea Fisheries - The
Basin of Arcachon - French Sardine Fishery - Sardine Curing - Want of
Statistics of the British Fisheries.
- Chapter IV - Fish Culture
Antiquity of Pisciculture - Italian Fish-Culture - Sergius Orata -
Re-discovery of the Art - Shaw versus Gehin and Remy - Jacobi - Shaw of
Drumlanrig - The Ettrick Shepherd - Scientific and Commercial
Pisciculture - A Trip to Huningue - Bale and its Fish-market - Huningue
described -The Water Supply - Modus Operandi at Huningue - Packing
Fish-Eggs - An important Question -Artificial Spawning - Danube Salmon -
Plan of a Suite of Ponds - M. de Galbert's Establishment -Practical
Nature of Pisciculture -Turtle-Culture - Best Kinds of Fish to rear -
Pisciculture in Germany - Stormontfield Salmon - Breeding Ponds - Design
for a Suite of Salmon-Ponds -Statistics of Stormontfield -
Acclimatisation of Fish - The Australian Experiment.
- Chapter V - Anglers' Fishes
Fresh-Water Fish not of much value - The Angler and his Equipment -
Pleasures of the Country in May - Anglers' Fishes - Trout, Pike, Perch,
and Carp - Gipsy Anglers - Angling Localities - Gold Fish - The River
Scenery of England - The Thames - Thames Anglers - Sea Angling - Various
Kinds of Sea-Fish - Proper Kinds of Bait - The Tackle necessary - The
Island of Arran - Corry - Goatfell, etc.
- Chapter VI - Natural History of the
The Salmon our best-known Fish - Controversies and Anomalies - Food of
Salmon - The Parr Controversy - Experiments by Shaw, Young, and Hogg -
Grilse: its Rate of Growth - Do Salmon make Two Voyages to the Sea in
each Year? - The Best Way of Marking Young Salmon.
- Chapter VII - The Economy of a Salmon
The Salmon as an article of Commerce - Fecundity of the Fish - Mr.
Stoddart's Calculations -Dangers of Overfishing - Growth of our
Salmon-Fisheries - The Golden Age of the Fisheries - Grilse-Killing -
The River Tay: Statistics of its Produce - The English Salmon-Fisheries
- Upper and Lower Proprietors.
- Chapter VIII - The Natural History of
the Herring
Overfishing of the Herring - The Old Theory of Migration - Geographical
Distribution of the Herring - Mr. John Cleghorn's Ideas of the Natural
History of the Herring - Mr. Mitchell on the National Importance of that
Fish - Commission of Inquiry into the Herring Fishery - Growth of the
Herring -The Sprat - Should there be a Close-time? - Caprice of the
- Chapter IX - The Herring Fishery
The Herring Fisheries - The Lochfyne Fishery - The Pilchard - Herring
Commerce - Mr. Methuen -The Brand - The Herring Harvest - A Night at the
Fishing - The Cure - The Curers - Herring Boats -Increase of Netting -
Are we Overfishing? - Proposal for more Statistics.
- Chapter X - Our White-Fish Fisheries
Difficulty of obtaining Statistics of our White-Fish Fisheries -
Ignorance of the Natural History of the White Fish - "Finnan Haddies" -
The Gadidae Family: the Cod, Whiting, etc. - The Turbot and other Flat
Fish - When Fish are in Season - How the White-Fish Fisheries are
carried on - The Cod and Haddock Fishery - Line-Fishing - The Scottish
Fishing Boats - Loss of Boats on the Scottish Coasts - Storms in
Scotland - Trawl-Net Fishing - Description of a Trawler - Evidence on
the Trawl Question.
- Chapter XI - Natural History of the
Description of the Oyster - Controversies about Oyster-Life - Do Oysters
live upside down? - The Spawning of Oysters - Oyster-Growth - When do
Oysters become reproductive for Dredging? - Sergins Orata - Lake Fusaro
- Oyster-Fascines - Ile de Re, and Growth of the Park System - Economy
of the Parks - Greening the Oyster - Oyster-Growth - Spat Collectors -
Miscellaneous Facts.
- Chapter XII - Economy of an Oyster-Farm
English Oyster-Farms - Whitstable - Pout Oyster-Grounds - Price of Brood
- "Natives" - Colne Oyster-Beds - Cost of Working the Beds - Increase of
the Oyster - Demand for the Bivalve -Collecting for the Beds - Newhaven
Oyster-Beds - The "Whisker'd Pandora" - Song of the Dredger - Oysters in
- Chapter XIII - Our Shell-Fish Fisheries
Productive Power of Shell-Fish - Varieties of the Crustacean Family -
Study of the Minor Shell-Fishes - Demand for Shell-Fish - Lobsters - A
Lobster Store-Pond described - Natural History of the Lobster and other
Crustacea - March of the Land-Crabs - Prawns and Shrimps, how they are
caught and cured - A Mussel-Farm - How to grow bait.
- Chapter XIV - Foreign Fishery
Exhibitions and Home Aquariums
Amsterdam Fishery Exhibition - The Variety of Exhibits at a Fishery
Exhibition - The Dutch Cure - Exhibition at Arcachon - The higher
aspects of a Fishery Exhibition - Questions for Solution - The great
question, How to Capture! - Mr. Buckland's Museum of Economic Fish
Culture - The Brighton and Crystal Palace Aquaria and the Lessons which
may be derived from them.
- Chapter XV - The Fisher-Folk
The Fisher-People the same everywhere - Growth of a Fishing Village -
Marrying and giving in Marriage - Newhaven, near Edinburgh - Newhaven
Fishwives - A Fishwife's mode of doing Superstitions - Dunbar -
Buckhaven - Scene - Superstitions - Dunbar - Buckhaven - Scene of the
Antiquary: Auchmithie - Smoking Haddocks - The Round of Fisher Life -
Fittie and its quaint Inhabitants.
- Chapter XVI - Stories of Fisher Life
Signs and Tokens - A French Fishwoman - The Fishwives of Paris - The
Story of a Prestonpans Widow - Psalm John of Whelkholes - Jean Cowie's
Story - Fisher Names - Dramatic Sketch -Growth of a Storm - "The Last
Scene of All."
A National Fisheries Society
By Charles Edward Fryer (1883) (pdf) |