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Other Pages of Historical Interest

  • Act against the Highland Dress
    Parliament, in 1746 and 1747, passed various Acts, by which it was ordained that the Highlanders should be disarmed, their peculiar dress laid aside, and the heritable jurisdictions and wardholding abolished.
  • The Act of Proscription 1747
    An act for the more effectual disarming the highlands in Scotland; and for the more effectual securing the peace of the said highlands; and for restraining the use of the highland dress; and for further indemnifying such persons as have acted in the defence of His Majesty's person and government, during the unnatural rebellion; and for indemnifying the judges and other officers of the court of judiciary in Scotland, for not performing the northern circuit in May, one thousand seven hundred and forty six; and for obliging the masters and teachers of private schools in Scotland, and chaplains, tutors and governors of children or youth, to take the oaths to his Majesty, his heirs and successors, and to register the same.
  • Significant dates in Scottish history
    A time line of significant dates in Scottish history.
  • Interesting dates
    Scottish dates - special events, birthdays and deaths.
  • Scots Independent Newspaper's "Dates in History"
    This is updated each week with three new dates per week.
  • This Month in Scottish History
    Each month brings you interesting accounts of people, places and events in Scottish history.
  • Declaration of Arbroath 1320
    The Declaration of Arbroath was and has been unequalled in its eloquent plea for the liberty of man. From the darkness of medieval minds it shone a torch upon future struggles which its signatories could not have foreseen or understood.
  • History of Falkirk and its Villages
    Where we tell you all about Falkirk, Grangemouth, Camelon, Larbert, Stenhousemuir and Polmont.
  • The Oliver Brown Award
    This award is given each year to a Scot that is considered to have done much for his country and it's strive for independence.
  • The North British Hotel (Balmoral)
    The history of this famous hotel that stands in Princess Street, Edinburgh. One of the worlds top hotels.
  • Friends of Grampian Stones
    Aberdeenshire, Banffshire, Kincardinshire & Moray - four counties in Northeast Scotland with boundaries created in Norman times based on earlier Pictish land divisions - have the world's greatest configuration of prehistoric and early-historic stones, carved art and clusters of ancient settlements, in an area roughly half the size of Switzerland.
  • Strathalmond
    A Scottish saga of the Lothians - a story for Scots [and all those of Scottish intent] wherever they may be. The first novel of the West Lothian shale field.
  • Battle of Pinkie Cleugh
    Pinkie Cleugh was the first "modern" battle on British soil--featuring combined arms, cooperation between infantry, artillery and cavalry and, most remarkably, a naval bombardment in support of land forces. Such an interpretation places Britain in the mainstream of military development 100 years earlier than is generally accepted.
  • Highland Pibroch
    Composed by one of the MacCrummens in the midst of the Battle of Inverlochy, 1427,
    wherein Donald Balloch of the Isles was victorious over the Royal Force.
  • The North British Railway
    Here is an account of the North British Railway written some time ago which shows the part the railway played in Scotland.
  • Greyfriars Bobby
    As a testament to Bobby's devotion, the people of Edinburgh, erected a memorial to Bobby. In most of the Encyclopedias, under famous dogs, Bobby's story can be found.
  • Border Reivers
    The dull thundering of hooves in the distance would send fear into the hearts of families gathered around the fire. The firelight would reflect the fear in the eyes of women and children as the galloping horses came closer.
  • Colin Campbell of Glenure
    Colin Campbell of Glenure, also known as "Red Colin", was not present at Culloden although he held a commission in Lord Loudens regiment during the uprising. After resigning his commission, Glenure became one of these factors, having sway over the Cameron lands of Lochaber and Stewart lands in Appin.
  • S.S. Sir Walter Scott
    Celebrating it's 100 years of sailing on Loch Katrine.
  • Willison’s Testimony
    Fair and Impartial Testimony of the events that took place in the history of the Church of Scotland. This is a large e-text book but relates happenings in the Church of Scotland from around AD 200 onwards.
  • FSA Scot
    Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
  • The Golden Age
    The reign of Alexander III, King of Scots (1249-1286)
  • White Slavery, What the Scots already know
    This story will offer evidence that the Alba, Scots, Irish and Pics have been the longest race held in slavery.
  • Why Scots cursed the damn Yankees
    How intimidation of Loyalist ex-pats led to American Revolution
  • The Gathering Stone
    The stone was erected in the wake of Kenneth McAlpine's defeat of the Picts in 834 AD which led to the unification of the Scottish nation.
  • Inverness Kirk-Session Records
    Extracts from Inverness Kirk-Session Records 1661-1800.
  • David Loch's Tour of Scotland in 1778
    In 1778, that is, 119 years ago, David Loch wrote a book entitled— A Tour through most of the Trading Towns and Villages of Scotland; containing Notes and Observations concerning the Trade, Manufactures, Improvements, &c., of these Towns and Villages.
  • Scots of the Antarctic
    A story of a Scots expedition to the Antarctic.
  • Historic Archives from the Scottish Parliament
    This is a collection of great video archives from the Scottish Parliament.
  • Scottish Weaponry
    From the SCRAN Archives
  • John Laurie
    An Eccentric Sutherland Dominie by Daniel William Kemp (1892) (pdf)

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