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Scottish History
This is where we will show you some of our major resources on Scottish History

History Forum
We now have a Scottish History Forum in our Electric Scotland Community.
Suggested Reading
I'm often asked what would be useful to read to get an overview of Scotland and Scottish history so here are my suggestions.
Books and Articles about Scotland
This is where we've sourced antiquarian books about Scotland that give a more detailed look at areas and aspects of Scotland and have transcribed them onto the site for you to enjoy. Full books in here include History of Stirlingshire, History of Leith and A Summer in Skye, to name but a few.

Scotland - A Concise History
This is an excellent concise history of Scotland coming from one of Scotland's most respected historians, James Halliday. 'A masterly summary of our national story by an impeccable authority', The Scots Magazine.
A video history of Scotland
Produced by the BBC in 5 parts.
Formation of the kingdom of Alba
These videos are part of the Advanced Higher History course on Northern Britain, from the Iron Age to 1034. Part of a unit on Kingdom of Alba, it covers the factors behind the formation of Alba and its rise as a 'new' kingdom in Northern Britain by 900AD.

The Journal of Scottish Historical Studies
(formerly Scottish Economic and Social History) is published by Edinburgh University Press on behalf of the Economic and Social History Society of Scotland. It is a fully double-blind peer-reviewed outlet for the best research in social, economic and cultural history, in historical geography and anthropology, and in historical theory. It includes regular research and review articles, news and book reviews, and also has occasional interviews, symposia on key books, and appreciations of incidents, sources and ideas in the writing of Scotland’s history.
A Short History of the Scottish People
By Donald MacMillan, M.A., D.D. (pdf)
The History of Scotland
In 9 volumes + Index By Patrick Fraser Tytler (1828)
The History of Scotland
From Agricola's Invasion to the Extinction of the Last Jacobite Insurrection by John Hill Burton, D.C.L., Historiographer-Royal for Scotland in 8 volumes and one Index volume (1873)

Scotland's Story
A History of Scotland for Boys and Girls By H. E. Marshall
A History of the Scottish People
By The Rev. Thomas Thomson with Introduction by Charles Annandale, M.A., LL.D. (1895)
When Scotland Was Jewish
DNA Evidence, Archeology, Analysis of Migrations, and Public and Family Records Show Twelfth Century Semitic Roots by Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman and Donald N. Yates (2006) (pdf)

Gordon Researching the Early Kingdoms of Scotland
Professor Noble outlines recent work, part of the Leverhulme funded Comparative Kingship project, looking at the shadowy period between the Roman Iron Age and the early medieval period when the first kingdoms of what we now know as Scotland began to form. The project combines the limited literary sources with large-scale fieldwork projects and is shedding new light on our traditional Dark Ages.

The Highlands of Scotland in 1750
From Manuscript 104 in the King's Library, British Museum with an Introduction by Andrew Lang (pdf)
Scotland's Work and Worth
An Epitome of Scotland's Story from Early Times to the Twentieth Century, with a Survey of the Contributions of Scotsmen in Peace and in War to the Growth of the British Empire and the Progress of the World by Charles W. Thomson in two volumes (1909)
Collectanea de Rebus Albanicis
Consisting of Original Papers and Documents relating to the History of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland edited by the Iona Club communicated by Donald Gregory, Esq. (pdf) For list of Contents see a small pdf file here
Pickle the Spy
By Andrew Lang (third edition) (1897) (pdf)
Domestic Scenes
Sketches of Noted Characters and of Fortunate and Unfortunate Families in Different Shires of Scotland edited by J. Smith, M.A. (1847) (pdf)
A Short History of the British Commonwealth
By Ramsay Muir in two volumes.
The Antiquary
A Magazine devoted to the study of the Past.
Leven and Melville Papers
Letters and State Papers chiefly addressed to George Earl of Melville, Secretary of State for Scotland 1689 - 1691. THE Revolution of 1688 is the most important event in the Civil History of Great Britain. (1843) (pdf)
Early Travellers in Scotland
By P Hume Brown (1891) (pdf)
Scottish Kings
A Revised Chronology of Scottish History 1005 - 1625 by Sir Archibald H. Dunbar, Bart. (1906)
Domestic Annals of Scotland
From the Reformation to the Revolution by Robert Chambers 1874
Scott and Scotland
By Leitch Ritchie (1835) (pdf)

The Scottish Nation
Or the Surnames, Families, Literature, Honours and Biographical History of The People of Scotland By William Anderson, published 1863. 3 volumes of 750 pages each.

History of the Scottish Nation

A very large account by the Rev. J. A. Wylie of the history of the Scottish Nation. This is an old historical text on Scotland in 3 volumes.
The History of the Western Highlands and Isles of Scotland
From A.D. 1493 to A.D. 1625, with a brief introductory sketch From A.D. 80 to A.D. 1493 By Donald Gregory, Joint Secretary to the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland; Secretary to the Iona Club; Honorary Member of the Ossianic Society of Glasgow; Honorary Member of the Society of Antiquarist, Newcastle-on-Tyne; and Member of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of the North at Copenhagen. (Second Edition) (1881)
The History and Chronicles of Scotland
Written in Latin by Hector Boece, Canon of Aberdeen and Translated by John Bellenden, Archdean of Moray, and Canon of Ross in two volumes (1821)

General History of the Highlands
This is a huge and very detailed history of the Highlands (not all of Scotland), researched in the 1830's and updated in the 1870's.
Social History of the Highlands
From the same source as above this is a compilation of information on weddings, second site, and also takes you through the period of the infamous Highland clearances.
Gaelic Literature & Music
Again from the same source as above this gives you information on significant Scottish literature, poetry and music.
The Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland
Containing Descriptions of their Scenery and Antiquities with an Account of the Political History and Ancient Manners and of the Origin, Language, Agriculture, Economy, Music, Present Condition of the People, &c. Founded on a series of Annual Journeys between the years 1811 and 1821 and forming an Universal Guide to that Country in Letters to Sir Walter Scott, Bart., by John MacCulloch, M.D., F.R.S., L.S., G.S. &c in Four Volumes (1824)
Time Team Videos
The Vikings
Information on the Vikings.
Snippets from the Glasgow Herald
A variety of articles taken from the Glasgow Herald archives from 1800 to 1990.
Our attempt to provide information on Heraldry.
Historical Articles
This section holds a variety of articles of various lengths on historical topics which have been either sent in by visitors to the site or culled from antiquarian texts. 
Clans and Families of Ireland and Scotland!
This is a significant book by C. Thomas Cairney detailing where the Gaels came from and how clans and families of Ireland and Scotland fit into the overall picture. 
The Ulster-Scots Society of America
Information on the Society and articles about the Ulster-Scots.

Castles of Scotland
This is where we provide information on traditions and stories on Scottish Castles.
The Picts
Two articles about the Picts.

A Discourse containing a Summary of the Proceedings of the Directors of the Society
For extending the Fisheries and improving the Sea Coasts of Great Britain since 25th March, 1788 and some thoughts on the present Emigations from the Highlands by George Dempster, Esq., one of the Directors, together with some Reflections intended to promote the Success of the said Society by John Gray, Esq. (1800) (pdf)

Prince Charles Edward Stuart
A very detailed account of Bonnie Prince Charlie's attempt at getting his father back onto the throne of Great Britain. The 1745 Rebellion.
Historic Places to go in Scotland
Gives you a listing of places and castles of historic interest by region along with small descriptions and quite a few pictures as well as links to places where you'll find further information.
Significant and Famous Scots
This is a big menu of Scots that made a difference. Most of the people listed have an individual web pages about them.
Scottish Regiments
Accounts of some of our famous Scottish regiments and their formation during the late 1700's which includes various battles in America and Canada as well as in the West Indies and Europe.
Scottish Freemasonry
Information on the Scottish Freemasons.
Law in Scotland
Legal texts and the Poor Law and other matters
The History of the Royal Company of Archers
The Queens Body-Guard for Scotland by James Balfour Paul (1875) (pdf)

Strange Tales from Scotland
Ghosties and Goullies and Long Legged Beasties. In other words some ghost stories, fairy tales and other strange tales.
Famous Battles
Accounts of some famous Scottish battles.
Sir William Wallace
The film Braveheart made him rather famous so here is a new account of this famous person.
Highland Clearances
Here we try to group articles and other material about the Highland Clearances. 
History of Sports in Scotland
Curling, Golf, Shinty, etc.
The Other 70%
This is a series of articles from Judith Lloyd about the 70% of Scots that are not members of a clan.
Edinburgh's Pioneer Photographers
A video presentation.

Knights Templar
We've all heard of them and this is our attempt to tell you a bit about them. Our thanks to Kelly d. for the research.
World History of Scottish Connections
This is where we store information on Scottish links with the USA, Canada, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Russia and Iceland. Lots of history and biographies of Scots descendant.
The Working Life of an MSP
Read a weekly digest of the work of Linda Fabiani, MSP for Central Scotland.
Baronets of Nova Scotia
Who are the Baronets of Nova Scotia and how important are they.
Scottish Heritage
This is where we highlight Scottish societies and organisations around the world.
Tartan Day
Tells you all about Tartan day and how it came about.
Stories from the Scotsman
From time to time I find a grand wee story on the Scotsman newspaper and add them in here.
Historic Picture Gallery
Here we provide pictures of scenes and items from Old Scotland. 
Banffshire Maritime Heritage Association
Learning of the Maritime history of Banffshire

Scottish History from the BBC
An interesting site which is certainly worth a visit.
Comparing the purchasing power of money in Great Britain from 1264 to 2002
A site that gives you the opportunity of comparing prices.
The History of Northumberland
The country just beneath Scotland
Scottish Records Society
Many volumes of old Scottish records
History and community of Lossiemouth
Videos by Tom Devine
Scottish Historian

Other Pages of Historical Interest
Loads more great historical information here.
The History of Ancient Caledonia
From the Time of Saint Caldea, the Founder of Christianity giving an Account of the first discoveries of Iron and Steel, the two sons of "Mackay of the Law", the Building and Destruction of Troy, the Returning pf the Royal Salves from the Eiege of Jerusalem, their departure from Trials, Hardships, and Endurances till their Landing at Montrose. By John MacLaren, Dunning (Second Edition) (1879) (pdf)
Scotland in Pagan Times
Electric Scotland's Community Pages
Where we provide information on some of our visitors work.
Scotland as it was and as it is
By the Duke of Argyll (second edition) (1887) (pdf)
The Phoenician Origin Of Britons, Scots & Anglo-Saxons
by Laurence Austine Waddell (1924)
A Political Survey of Britain
Being a series of Reflections on the Situation, Lands, Inhabitants, Revenues, Colonies, and Commerce of this island and intended to show that we have not as yet approached near the Summit of Improvement, but that it will afford Employment to many Generations before they push to their utmost Extent the natural Advantages of Great Britain. In two volumes by John Campbell LL.D. (1774)
Calendar of the Stuart Papers
Belonging to His Majesty the King, preserved at Windsor Castle in seven volumes.
A History of the Highlands and the Highland Clans
With an extensive selection from the hitherto inedited Stuart Papers by James Browne, LL.D., Advocate, a new edition with Numerous Illustrative engravings in 4 volumes (1850)
Great Landowners of Great Britain and Ireland
A list of all owners of three thousand acres and upwards worth £3,000 a year, also one thousand three hundred of two thousand acres and upwards in England, Scotland, Ireland & Wales culled from the modern Domesday book also their colleges, clubs and services by John Bateman, F.R.G.S. (4th edition) (1883) (pdf)
Works of James Houstoun, M.D.
Containing Memoirs of his Life and Travels in Asia, Africa, America, and most parts of Europe, from the Year 1690, to the present Time (1753) (pdf)
The Union of 1707
Survey of Events by various writers with an introduction by P. Hume Brown, M.A., LL.D. and the text of the Articles of Union (1907) (pdf)
The Whigs of Scotland or, the Last of the Stuarts
An historical romance of the Scottish Persecution in two volumes by William Craig Brownlee (1833)
Other Pages of Historical Interest
Loads more great historical information here.
History and community of Lossiemouth
Greek Secrets Revealed
Hidden Scottish History Uncovered. Greek inscriptions in Scotland, with a translation into English and some explanation of the background, Book 1, Edinburgh by Ian McHaffie (2022) (pdf)
A Vindication of the Government in Scotland during the Reign of King Charels II
Against Mis-Representations made in several Scandalous Pamphlets to which is added the method of Proceeding against Criminals, as also some of the Phanaticl Convents as they were printed and published by themselves in that Reign by Sir George MacKenzie, Late Lord Advocate, there (1691) (pdf)
A Guide to Prehistoric Scotland
By Richard Feachem (1963) (pdf)
Outline of Scottish History
A.D. 81 to 1843 From Roman Times to the Disruption by W. M. MacKenzie, M.A., FSA Scot (1916) (pdf)
Britain and the British Seas
By H. J. Mackinder, M.A. (1902) (pdf)
The Historie of Scotland
Wrytten first in Latin by the most reverend and worthy Jhone Leslie, Bishop of Rosse and translated in Scottish by Father James Dalrymple, edited by the Rev. Father E. G. Cody, O.S.B. (1596) in two volumes.
The History of Scotland
During the Reigns of Queen Mary and of King James VI till the accession to the Crown of England with a review of the Scottish History previous to that period; by William Robertson, D. D. (1804) in three volumes.
Charters of the Abbey of Crosraguel
By F. C. Hunter Blair in two volumes (1886).
Constant instances occur in these papers of the care which they devoted to farming, to the working of the coal-heughes, to the cultivation of woods, orchards, gardens; to the development of the fine arts, such as music and architecture; to philosophy, science, theology, and other literary pursuits. Without doubt they did much to keep alive in the hearts of the country people a knowledge of right and wrong in very stormy times.
Banff and MacDuff History
By Stanley Bruce
A Selection of Scottish Forfeited Estate Papers 1715; 1745
Edited from the Original Documents with Introduction and Appendices by A. H. Millar, LL.D., FSA Scot. (1909)
Reports of the Manuscripts
Of the Earl of Eglinton, Sir J. Stirling Maxwell, Bart., C. S. H. Drummond Moray, Esq., C.E. Weston Underwood, Esq., and G. Wingfield Digby, Esq. (1885) (pdf)
A Catalogue of the Publications of Scottish Historical and Kindred Clubs and Societies
And of the volumes relative to Scottish History issued by His Majesties Stationery Office 1780–1908 Ву Charles Sanford Terry, M.A., Burnett-Fletcher Professor of History in the University of Aberdeen (1909) (pdf)
A History of Scotland
From the Roman Evacuation to the Disruption, 1843 by Charles Sanford Terry, Litt.D. Cantab. (1920) (pdf)
The Early Races of Scotland and their Monuments
By Lieut.-Col. Forbes Leslie in two volumes (1866)
Prehistoric Britain
By Robert Munro, M.A., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S.E. (1923) (pdf)
The Gaelic Kingdom in Scotland
Its origin and church with Sketches of notable Breadalbane and Glenlyon Saints by Charles Stewart (1880) (pdf)
Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale-Fishery
Including researches and discoveries on the Eastern Coast of West Greenland made in the Summer of 1822, in the ship Baffin of Liverpool by William Scoresby Junior, F.R.S.E., M.W.S. &c, &c, Commander (1823) (pdf)
Annals of the Caledonians, Picts, and Scots and of Strathclyde, Cumberland, Galloway, and Murray
By Joseph Ritson, Esq. in two volumes (1828)
Life of The Princess Margaret Queen of Scotland 1070-1093
By Samuel Cowan, J.P. (1911) (pdf)
The Scottish Census
Of 1851 and 1911
By Sir Walter Scott, Bart. with a supplementary chapter of recent events by Mayp W. Hazeltine in two volumes
A Celtic Dirk at Scotland’s Back?
The Lordship of the Isles in Mainstream Scottish Historiography since 1828 by Richard Oram (pdf)
The Battlefields of Scotland
Their Legend and Story by Theodore Charles Ferdimand Brotchie, FSAScot., Author of Rambles in Arran, etc. (1913) (pdf)
Chronicles of the Picts, Chronicles of the Scots
Early memorials of Scottish History edited by William F. Skene, LL.D. published by the authority of the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, under the direction of The Lord Clerk Register of Scotland (1867) (pdf)
Scotland's Work and Worth
An Epitome of Scotland's Story from Early Times to the Twentieth Century, with a Survey of the Contributions of Scotsmen in Peace and in War to the Growth of the British Empire and the Progress of the World by Charles W. Thomson, M.A., F.E.I.S. in two volumes
In Roman Scotland
By Jessie Mothersole (1927)
His Majesties Proclamation in Scotland
With an explanation of the meaning of the oath and covenant by the Lord Marquesse, his Majesties High Commissioner (1639) (pdf)
Historic Haunts of Scotland
Containing a popular account of over seventy places famous in the history of Scotland by Alexander Maclehose (1936) (pdf)
Tracts Illustrative of the Traditionary & Historical Antiquities of Scotland
Including A Vindication of Elizabeth More From the Imutation of being a concubinel and her children from the tache of bastardy confuting the critical observations of the publisher of the carta autheentica, and of some other late writers by Richard Hay, of Drumboote, C. R. In the body of this Book, and the Appendix subjoined, there are several ancient and valuable Charters, which serve to illustrate the Origin and Descent of the most considerable Families in Scotland (1836) (pdf)
Archeological Sketches in Scotland
by Captain T. P. White, R.E., F.R.S. Edin., F.S.A. Scot. of the Ordnance Survey (1872)
The Archeological Review
By George Laurence Gomme in 4 volumes from 1888
Controversial Issues in Scottish History
A Contrast of the Early Chronicles with the Works of Modern Historians by William H. Gregg (1910) (pdf)
A Century of Scottish History
From the days before the '45 to those within living memory by Sir Henry Craik, K.C.B., M.A. (Oxon.), Hon. LL.D. (Glasgow) (1901)
The Dissertation on the Origin and Antiquity of the Scottish Nation
By James Tytler (1795) (pdf)
Observations Relative Chiefly to Picturesque Beauty
Made in the Year 1776, on Several Parts of Great Britain; Particularly the Highlands of Scotland in 2 volumes (second edition) by William Gilpin, A. M. (1792)
Rethinking Scottish origins
Inaugural Lecture as Professor of Scottish History, 12 November 2013 by Dauvit Broun (pdf)
A Prosopographical Analysis of Society in East Central Scotland, circa 1100 to 1260, with special reference to ethnicity
By Matthew H. Hammond (2005) (pdf)
An Account of the Proceedings of the Estates in Scotland 1689-1690
In two volumes Edited by E. W. M. Balfour-Melville, D.Litt. (1954)

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