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Electric Scotland's Weekly Newsletter

We have now changed the way we deliver our newsletter. We still compile it each week and it goes out usually around 4pm EST each Thursday but now it is added to our special forum in our Electric Scotland Community.

You can view the newsletter as a guest in our Community by going to and there you will find the current newsletter as well as older issues.

PDF versions of the newsletter are available on this page.

Below you will find old copies of our newsletter prior to us making them available within our Electric Scotland Community.  However on 6th April 2012 we are now also offering the newsletters in pdf format and so we're now adding these to this page so you can also download them here as well without needing to go to our Community.

The newsletter also includes a selection of news items from our ScotNews feed.

You can subscribe to our newsletter list here!

PDF Versions of our Newsletter

6th Apr 2012 13th Apr 2012 20th Apr 2012 27th Apr 2012
4th May 2012 11th May 2012 18th May 2012 25th May 2012
1st Jun 2012 8th Jun 2012 15th Jun 2012 22nd Jun 2012
29th Jun 2012 6th Jul 2012 13th Jul 2012 20th Jul 2012
27th Jul 2012 3rd Aug 2012 10th Aug 2012 17th Aug 2012
24th Aug 2012 31st Aug 2012 7th Sep 2012 14th Sep 2012
21st Sep 2012 28th Sep 2012 5th Oct 2012 12th Oct 2012
19th Oct 2012 26th Oct 2012 2nd Nov 2012 9th Nov 2012
16th Nov 2012 23rd Nov 2012 30th Nov 2012 7th Dec 2012
14th Dec 2012 21st Dec 2012 28th Dec 2012 4th Jan 2013
11th Jan 2013 18th Jan 2013 25th Jan 2013 1st Feb 2013
8th Feb 2013 15th Feb 2013 22nd Feb 2013 1st Mar 2013
8th Mar 2013 15th Mar 2013 22nd Mar 2013 29th Mar 2013
5th Apr 2013 12th Apr 2013 19th Apr 2013 26th Apr 2013
3rd May 2013 10th May 2013 17th May 2013 24th May 2013
31 May 2013 7th Jun 2013 14th Jun 2013 21st Jun 2013
28th Jun 2013 5th Jul 2013 12th Jul 2013 19th Jul 2013
26th Jul 2013 2nd Aug 2013 9th Aug 2013 16th Aug 2013
23rd Aug 2013 30th Aug 2013 6th Sep 2013 13th Sep 2013
20th Sep 2013 27th Sep 2013 4th Oct 2013 11th Oct 2013
18th Oct 2013 25th Oct 2013 1st Nov 2013 8th Nov 2013
15th Nov 2013 22nd Nov 2013 29th Nov 2013 6th Dec 2013
13th Dec 2013 20th Dec 2013 3rd Jan 2014 10th Jan 2014
17th Jan 2014 24th Jan 2014 31st Jan 2014 7th Feb 2014
14th Feb 2014 21st Feb 2014 28th Feb 2014 7th Mar 2014
14th Mar 2014 21st Mar 2014 28th Mar 2014 4th Apr 2014
11th Apr 2014 18th Apr 2014 25th Apr 2014 2nd May 2014
9th May 2014 16th May 2014 23rd May 2014 30th May 2014
6th Jun 2014 13th Jun 2014 20th Jun 2014 27th Jun 2014
4th Jul 2014 11th Jul 2014 18th Jul 2014 25th Jul 2014
1st Aug 2014 8th Aug 2014 15th Aug 2014 22nd Aug 2014
29th Aug 2014 5th Sep 2014 12th Sep 2014 26th Sep 2014
3rd Oct 2014 10th Oct 2014 17th Oct 2014 24th Oct 2014
31st Oct 2014 7th Nov 2014 14th Nov 2014 21st Nov 2014
28th Nov 2014 5th Dec 2014 12th Dec 2014 19th Dec 2014
26th Dec 2014 2nd Jan 2015 9th Jan 2015 16th Jan 2015
23rd Jan 2015 30th Jan 2015 6th Feb 2015 13th Feb 2015
20th Feb 2015 27th Feb 2015 6th Mar 2015 13th Mar 2015
20th Mar 2015 27th Mar 2015 3rd Apr 2015 10th Apr 2015
17th Apr 2015 24th Apr 2015 1st May 2015 8th May 2015
15th May 2015 22nd May 2015 29th May 2015 5th Jun 2015
12th Jun 2015 19th Jun 2015 26th Jun 2015 3rd Jul 2015
10th Jul 2015 17th Jul 2015 24th Jul 2015 31st Jul 2015
7th Aug 2015 14th Aug 2015 21st Aug 2015 28th Aug 2015
4th Sep 2015 11th Sep 2015 18th Sep 2015 25th Sep 2015
2nd Oct 2015 9th Oct 2015 16th Oct 2015 23rd Oct 2015
30th Oct 2015 6th Nov 2015 13th Nov 2015 20th Nov 2015
27th Nov 2015 4th Dec 2015 11th Dec 2015 18th Dec 2015
25th Dec 2015 1st Jan 2016 8th Jan 2016 15th Jan 2016
22nd Jan 2016 29th Jan 2016 5th Feb 2016 12th Feb 2016
19th Feb 2016 26th Feb 2016 4th Mar 2016 11th Mar 2016
18th Mar 2016 25th Mar 2016 1st Apr 2016 8th Apr 2016
15th Apr 2016 22nd Apr 2016 29th Apr 2016 6th May 2016
13th May 2016 20th May 2016 27th May 2016 3rd Jun 2016
10th Jun 2016 17th Jun 2016 24th Jun 2016 1st Jul 2016
8th Jul 2016 15th Jul 2016 22nd Jul 2016 29th Jul 2016
5th Aug 2016 12th Aug 2016 19th Aug 2016 26th Aug 2016
2nd Sep 2016 9th Sep 2016 16th Sep 2016 23rd Sep 2016  
30th Sep 2016 7th Oct 2016 14th Oct 2016 21st Oct 2016
28th Oct 2016 4th Nov 2016 11th Nov 2016 18th Nov 2016
25th Nov 2016 2nd Dec 2016 9th Dec 2016 16th Dec 2016
23rd Dec 2016 30th Dec 2016 6th Jan 2017 13th Jan 2017
20th Jan 2017 27th Jan 2017 3rd Feb 2017 10th Feb 2017
17th Feb 2017 24th Feb 2017 3rd Mar 2017 10th Mar 2017
17th Mar 2017 24th Mar 2017 31st Mar 2017 7th Apr 2017
14th Apr 2017 21st Apr 2017 28th Apr 2017 5th May 2017
12th May 2017 19th May 2017 26th May 2017 2nd Jun 2017
9th Jun 2017 16th Jun 2017 23rd Jun 2017 30th Jun 2017
7th Jul 2017 14th Jul 2017 21st Jul 2017 28th Jul 2017
4th Aug 2017 11th Aug 2017 18th Aug 2017 25th Aug 2017
1st Sep 2017 8th Sep 2017 15th Sep 2017 22nd Sep 2017
29th Sep 2017 6th Oct 2017 13th Oct 2017 20th Oct 2017
27th Oct 2017 3rd Nov 2017 10th Nov 2017 17th Nov 2017
24th Nov 2017 1st Dec 2017 8th Dec 2017 15th Dec 2017
22nd Dec 2017 29th Dec 2017 5th Jan 2018 12th Jan 2018
19th Jan 2018 26th Jan 2018 2nd Feb 2018 9th Feb 2018
16th Feb 2018 23rd Feb 2018 2nd Mar 2018 9th Mar 2018
16th Mar 2018 23rd Mar 2018 30th Mar 2018 6th Apr 2018
13th Apr 2018 20th Apr 2018 27th Apr 2018 4th May 2018
11th May 2018 18th May 2018 25th May 2018 1st Jun 2018
8th Jun 2018 15th Jun 2018 22nd Jun 2018 29th Jun 2018
6th July 2018 13th July 2018 20th July 2018 27th July 2018
3rd Aug 2018 10th Aug 2018 17th Aug 2018 24th Aug 2018
31st Aug 2018 7th Sep 2018 14th Sep 2018 21st Sep 2018
28th Sep 2018 5th Oct 2018 12th Oct 2018 19th Oct 2018
26th Oct 2018 2nd Nov 2018 9th Nov 2018 16th Nov 2018
23rd Nov 2018 30th Nov 2018 7th Dec 2018 14th Dec 2018
21st Dec 2018 28th Dec 2018 4th Jan 2019 11th Jan 2019
18th Jan 2019 25th Jan 2019 1st Feb 2019 8th Feb 2019
15th Feb 2019 22nd Feb 2019 1st Mar 2019 8th Mar 2019
15th Mar 2019 22nd Mar 2019 29th Mar 2019 5th Apr 2019
12th Apr 2019 19th Apr 2019 26th Apr 2019 3rd May 2019
10th May 2019 17th May 2019 24th May 2019 31st May 2019
7th Jun 2019 14th Jun 2019 21st Jun 2019 28th Jun 2019
4th Jul 2019 11th Jul 2019 19th Jul 2019 26th Jul 2019
2nd Aug 2019 9th Aug 2019 16th Aug 2019 23rd Aug 2019
30th Aug 2019 6th Sep 2019 13th Sep 2019 20th Sep 2019
27th Sep 2019 4th Oct 2019 11th Oct 2019 18th Oct 2019
25th Oct 2019 1st Nov 2019 8th Nov 2019 15th Nov 2019
22nd Nov 2019 29th Nov 2019 6th Dec 2019 13th Dec 2019
20th Dec 2019 27th Dec 2019 3rd Jan 2020 6th Mar 2020
13th Mar 2020 20th Mar 2020 27th Mar 2020 3rd Apr 2020
10th Apr 2020 17th Apr 2020 24th Apr 2020 1st May 2020
8th May 2020 15th May 2020 22nd May 2020 29th May 2020
5th Jun 2020 12th Jun 2020 19th Jun 2020 26th Jun 2020
3rd Jul 2020 10th Jul 2020 17th Jul 2020 24th Jul 2020
31st Jul 2020 7th Aug 2020 14th Aug 2020 21st Aug 2020
28th Aug 2020 4th Sep 2020 11th Sep 2020 18th Sep 2020
25th Sep 2020 2nd Oct 2020 9th Oct 2020 16th Oct 2020
23rd Oct 2020 30th Oct 2020 6th Nov 2020 13th Nov 2020
20th Nov 2020 27th Nov 2020 4th Dec 2020 11th Dec 2020
18th Dec 2020 25th Dec 2020 1st Jan 2021 8th Jan 2021
15th Jan 2021 22nd Jan 2021 29th Jan 2021 5th Feb 2021
12th Feb 2021 19th Feb 2021 26th Feb 2021 5th Mar 2021
12th Mar 2021 19th Mar 2021 26th Mar 2021 2nd Apr 2021
9th Apr 2021 16th Apr 2021 23rd Apr 2021 30th Apr 2021
7th May 2021 14th May 2021 21st May 2021 28th May 2021
4th Jun 2021 11th Jun 2021 18th Jun 2021 25th Jun 2021
2nd Jul 2021 9th Jul 2021 16th Jul 2021 23rd Jul 2021
30th Jul 2021 6th Aug 2021 13th Aug 2021 20th Aug 2021
27th Aug 2021 3rd Sep 2021 10th Sep 2021 17th Sep 2021
24th Sep 2021 1st Oct 2021 8th Oct 2021 15th Oct 2021
22nd Oct 2021 29th Oct 2021 5th Nov 2021 12th Nov 2021
19th Nov 2021 26th Nov 2021 3rd Dec 2021 10th Dec 2021
17th Dec 2021 24th Dec 2021 31st Dec 2021 7th Jan 2022
14th Jan 2022 21st Jan 2022 28th Jan 2022 4th Feb 2022
11th Feb 2022 18th Feb 2022 25th Feb 2022 4th Mar 2022
11th Mar 2022 18th Mar 2022 25th Mar 2022 1st Apr 2022
8th Apr 2022 15th Apr 2022 22nd Apr 2022 29th Apr 2022
6th May 2022 13th May 2022 20th May 2022 27th May 2022
3rd Jun 2022 10th Jun 2022 17th Jun 2022 24th Jun 2022
1st Jul 2022 8th Jul 2022 15th Jul 2022 22nd Jul 2022
5th Aug 2022 12th Aug 2022 19th Aug 2022 26th Aug 2022
2nd Sep 2022 9th Sep 2022 16th Sep 2022 23rd Sep 2022
30th Sep 2022 7th Oct 2022 14th Oct 2022 21st Oct 2022
28th Oct 2022 4th Nov 2022 11th Nov 2022 18th Nov 2022
25th Nov 2022 2nd Dec 2022 9th Dec 2022 16th Dec 2022
23rd Dec 2022 30th Dec 2022 6th Jan 2023 13th Jan 2023
20th Jan 2023 27th Jan 2023 3rd Feb 2023 10th Feb 2023
17th Feb 2023 24th Feb 2023 3rd Mar 2023 10th Mar 2023
17th Mar 2023 24th Mar 2023 31st Mar 2023 7th Apr 2023
14th Apr 2023 21st Apr 2023 28th Apr 2023 5th May 2023
12th May 2023 19th May 2023 26th May 2023 2nd Jun 2023
9th Jun 2023 16th Jun 2023 23rd Jun 2023 30th Jun 2023
7th Jul 2023 14th Jul 2023 21st Jul 2023 28th Jul 2023
4th Aug 2023 11th Aug 2023 18th Aug 2023 25th Aug 2023
1st Sep 2023 8th Sep 2023 15th Sep 2023 22nd Sep 2023
29th Sep 2023 6th Oct 2023 13th Oct 2023 20th Oct 2023
27th Oct 2023 3rd Nov 2023 10th Nov 2023 17th Nov 2023
24th Nov 2023 1st Dec 2923 8th Dec 2023 15th Dec 2023
22nd Dec 2023 29th Dec 2023 5th Jan 2024 12th Jan 2024
19th Jan 2024 26th Jan 2024 2nd Feb 2024 9th Feb 2024
16th Feb 2024 23rd Feb 2024 1st Mar 2024 8th Mar 2024
15th Mar 2024 22nd Mar 2024 29th Mar 2024 5th Apr 2024
12th Apr 2024 19th Apr 2024 26th Apr 2024 3rd May 2024
10th May 2024 17th May 2024 24th May 2024 31st May 2024
7th Jun 2024 14th Jun 2024 21st Jun 2024 28th Jun 2024
5th Jul 2024 12th Jul 2024 19th Jul 2024 26th Jul 2024
2nd Aug 2024 9th Aug 2024 16th Aug 2024 23rd Aug 2024
30th Aug 2024 6th Sep 2024 13th Sep 2024 20th Sep 2024
27th Sep 2024 4th Oct 2024 11th Oct 2024 18th Oct 2024

Older copies of our newsletters


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